goddess of revolution

Chapter 1089 Defense of the Heart of Silver Moon, 36 Strategies and Tactician Deckard

Chapter 1089 Defense of the Heart of Silver Moon, 36 Strategies and Tactician Deckard

"The U331 area is damaged!"

On the bridge of the 18309 ship, the head of the mechanical girl quickly refreshed the data on the headband, and at the same time turned the data into an intuitive chart image and projected it on the large screen of the bridge.

"This area is the shield adjustment cabin, which is in an automatic operation state, and there are no casualties."

"Following standard procedures, isolate the area and dispatch a damage control team."

"The safety factor of the magic circuit in the inner layer of this area is reduced. Once damaged, it will cause the failure of Fort B. In-depth inspection is required. I have followed up."

"The prediction accuracy of the curse cannon's drop point is not enough, I'm going to take over the calculation."

"The enemy's firepower threat exceeds expectations, and I will formulate a new maneuver plan."

The battleship Void Spirit reported a number of things it had to do, and each priority was marked as the highest, leaving Dyke and others speechless.

Dyke regained his breath and scolded: "Is the designer of this guy a coward! He panicked after being shot through?"

The political commissar said in a rejoicing tone: "Fortunately, it must follow orders. If you really leave everything to it to make decisions, it will be troublesome."

Void Spirit defended himself: "My default setting is that the safety of the crew of the battleship is the first priority, followed by the battleship itself. The goal of destroying the enemy does not have an absolute priority."

The technical director of Void Spirit also quickly explained: "It still needs to learn, give it some time. And this situation... I mean, it seems that it is not a very common situation to single out a Marquis-class warship just ten days after leaving the factory. "

The chief of staff hurriedly brought the discussion back: "Deck, this Marquis-class ship is a bit unusual, you have to make up your mind to let Void Spirit focus on one thing."

As a former member of the Aviator Commune, he was also the first to try the Navy's portable Void Spirit. He had a deep relationship with the Void Spirit Commune and the Research Institute, and even had some extraordinary expectations for his Void Spirit. Deke Of course, I understand why Void Spirit has the current performance.

The battle in front of him is indeed beyond the ability of this cute little white.

Dyke said in a resolute tone: "18309, use 80.00% of your computing power to attack, and leave other things to the functional Void Spirit. The maneuver plan will not be adjusted, continue to accelerate, and prepare the boarding plan."

Void Spirit was silent, probably still calculating whether this order complied with the rules, Dyke continued: "This is an official order."

At this time, Void Spirit was like an inexperienced and rigid officer, mechanically replied: "It has been recorded, and the order is executed."

The killer whale continued to pour out fierce firepower, and rushed towards the imperial warship a few kilometers away at an increasing speed.

Looking at the enemy ship hovering around the edge of the channel like a huge white swan, Dyke said again: "That guy's firepower exceeded expectations, it's not an ordinary Marquis class, that's why we weren't intimidated by us."

The chief of staff was a little uncertain: "Are you really going to fight on board? Will it be too reckless?"

The political commissar's eyes lit up when he heard the "board battle" just now, and now he is straightening his clothes and hat. Hearing this, he explained for Dyke: "This is not reckless, the captain must have carefully weighed it."

"The opponent's firepower far exceeds that of an ordinary Marquis-class warship. There must be someone of high status on it, at least the commander of the squadron."

"In other words, it is the flagship that is fighting us. Since it is the flagship, the other warships of the squad must be behind."

"I don't know how long the safe passage on their side is. According to our calculations, it is four to five hundred kilometers at most. With the speed of the imperial warships, reinforcements will arrive within two to three hours."

"So we have to kill each other as quickly as possible, but we don't have Hammer of Destruction. It's too slow to use Thor's Hammer and missiles, so we can only rely on torpedoes."

"The torpedo can't be guaranteed to work, so it's better to rush up to meet the board in one breath."

"Boarding battle is our most powerful attack method. Even if there are several legends on it, can they beat us?"

The chief of staff nodded before hearing this, and looked at Dyke with a little more admiration.

Deckard showed a deep and determined smile: "When Lalci pulled me into the navy, he told me that he would definitely be a captain in the future."

"So when I was in the Propaganda Department, I started to read and study. Now, even if I can't be called a master of tactics, I am at least an expert. Believe me, that's right!"

The chief of staff hurriedly asked for advice: "Captain, have you read professional books other than the teaching materials for the command course? I didn't even know that there were such books. Can you tell me so that I can learn it too."

Deke smiled heartily and said, "It's "The 36 Strategies of Godly Warfare" written by His Majesty Xiaohong. It's very inspiring."

The expressions of the chief of staff and political commissar froze at the same time...

The chief of staff asked cautiously: "The trick you are using now is..."

Dyke nodded: "The first strategy is to be reckless when things happen!"

The chief of staff and the political commissar covered their faces at the same time, not knowing what to say.

Dyke said unsatisfactorily: "Don't look at this plan as straightforward as a knee-jerk reaction, but it actually contains profound philosophy and wisdom..."

The chief of staff coughed and said, "I went to the defense department to strengthen my command."

The political commissar also said: "I'm going to organize a boarding commando."

Deckard smacked his lips: "I'm impatient when it comes to philosophy and wisdom, what a brute."

At this time, the figure of the enemy ship had already filled the entire porthole, and Dyke waved: "Torpedo attack!"


Near the B turret at the front of the 18309 ship, the outer layer of lattice armor and magic steel skin broke through a large hole of nearly ten square meters, and the remaining flames were still burning the inner and outer bulkheads.Because the shield adjustment nodes on the surface were destroyed, a round bubble appeared on the shield close to the hull, which was as ugly as the blisters on a human body.

A number of short figures rushed into the cabin that was still smoldering, all of them wearing protective suits with big heads and small bodies, they were the damage control team composed of kobold marines.

The one with the jar on his back sprayed a light green water column towards the remaining flames.When the water column encounters the flames, it will turn into a viscous slurry until it turns into a translucent solid jelly, which will quickly extinguish the fire.

Other kobolds threw balls of light gray jelly towards the breach. These jelly stretched against the wind, intertwined with each other, and turned into steel-like plates, filling the breach.Then use telescopic rods to reinforce the structure, embed pieces of lattice armor bricks in, repair a layer of beam frame, and rivet the magic steel plate to the beam frame with an electric hand drill, and the gap is repaired.

There were also some kobolds who went into the wiring well to check the status of the magic circuit and the circuit. After confirming that there was no problem, the engineers connected the magic circuit in the cabin, replaced the damaged shield adjustment system, and the entire cabin was repaired.

The "bubble" disappeared, and the shield was tightly attached to the surface of the battleship again. The lattice armor and magic steel skin underneath also restored their previous defensive capabilities.Of course, this is only temporary. The glue filled with slime will age and fail within half a month, and the riveted beams do not meet the overall strength requirements of the battleship. Further repairs are required after returning.

At this time, the distance between the two warships was less than five kilometers, and missiles were constantly being fired from the silo of 18309.Following Thor's Hammer's shells, these missiles penetrated through the crystallized area on the enemy ship's shield, blasting out clusters of lavender flames on the enemy ship, engulfing each cabin.

It is a pity that the opponent is a Marquis-class warship, not only is it large in size, but the armor used to protect the core area is not the ordinary enchanting material used by those cheap warships of the Baron-Viscount class.Even if the warhead of the missile is larger than the artillery shell, the core can still cause a secondary explosion, and the damage is still absorbed by the outer cabin. It is difficult to effectively destroy the inner element furnace, flight furnace, command bridge and core magic circuit. .

The white hull of the enemy ship was torn open with large gaps, revealing a grid-like cabin structure. Many cabins were twisted together, debris and human remains were floating and jostling, and then pushed away by the damage control team and the magic puppets, drifting out slowly. The spherical area covered by the battleship's shield fell rapidly towards the floating land and even the storm.

The damage control technology of the Imperial battleship is not inferior to the Chilian in appearance. The magic puppet roughly straightened and twisted the plates and pipes, riveted the pipes together, and then joined them with enchanted armor plates, which can weaken the next attack. Cannonballs or missiles will do.

At this time, the painting was ignored, and the scars on Deckard's body were covered with battleships. From time to time, human bodies and magic puppets could be seen flying in the bursting flames.


On the bridge of the Christian, the staff members exclaimed.

"Beware of the Red Devil's torpedoes!"

"They are going to board!"

"We can't win the boarding battle!"

"Exit the channel immediately!"

The killer whale rushed forward from below, and the missiles fired from the silo could be clearly seen. Phillips subconsciously raised his hand to give the order, but finally looked at the Red Dragon Prince.

Badengaum said in an eager tone: "Rush into the floating land area, use the floating land to get rid of the dock, and continue to deal with the red devil."

This is the best and only option!
When he was speaking, he was still trying to suppress the anger in his heart. If he had listened to his suggestion just now and made up his mind to face the enemy with all his firepower, even if he could not sink the killer whale, he would still be able to defeat it. It's hard to move!

He had a strong feeling that the enemy had absolutely no actual combat experience, and the commander was definitely an idiot.Even if they found that this was not an ordinary Marquis-class battleship, they still charged directly against the gunfire, putting their treasure on the boarding battle like a gamble.

There is still a chance...

As long as the Christian rushes into the floating land area, it can rely on complex terrain to prevent boarding.Moreover, in the floating land area, the opponent's speed advantage cannot be brought into play. On the contrary, relying on the flexibility of the flying furnace, the opponent's side can have a great advantage in maneuvering.

Such a simple truth, the other party has never thought about it!
Hearing what Badengaum said, Phillips' eyes widened, as if he had heard something extraordinary.

The other staff members were not so reserved, and they cursed one after another.

"Have you ever thought about His Highness's safety!?"

"What if the red devil fights with the floating land?"

"Zhou Xuan? What kind of Zhou Xuan? We've been beaten to the brim, and we only managed to penetrate the other side with one shot!"

"Your Highness' goal is not to defeat the enemy ship in front of you!"

The words of a staff member made Baden Gaum completely awake: "This is the battle of His Highness, not yours, Red Dragon!"

He lowered his head, his shoulders trembling slightly, and when he looked up again, his eyes were bloodshot.

I was wrong, the commander of the opponent is not stunned...

He saw that the Christian was a flagship, and in this era, when there are no mortal queens staring directly at their subjects, those who can sit on the flagship and issue orders will never be the kind of Remaco who only thinks about war The guy who wins or loses, let alone himself.

From the full attack from the beginning to the boarding now, that guy didn't want to scare away the Christian, but wanted to catch the big shot on this battleship!

He was a guy with keen eyesight, accurate judgment, firm will, and in short... a very powerful guy.

Badengaum said hoarsely: "Then, it's best to destroy the floating land before leaving..."

Withdrawing now, even if they come back with other warships, they will be blocked in the passage by the other party, and the possibility of seizing this floating land area is very small.

Since it's hard for me to get it, I can't let the Red Devil get it!

Phillips pinched his chin and fell into deep thought, Badengaum continued to urge, the battleship trembled violently, several times in succession, the human body and equipment in the bridge flew together and crashed into a ball.

"Red Devil's torpedo!"

"We blocked it!"

"Two...no, three, all blocked!"

The report from the air defense department filled with joy and excitement resounded across the bridge, causing Phillips to pat his chest and repeat the blessings of Goddess.

With the maturity of the new warship design and the process of enchanting armor plates, the fear of the Imperial officers and soldiers towards Thor's Hammer and missiles has been reduced a lot. Even if they cannot be defended, the damage of these two weapons is limited.

But the Red Devil's torpedo is still extremely terrifying. From the appearance, it is a large missile.But after launching, it is in a hidden state and cannot be detected at all.The concealment is only released when it is close to the shield. At that time, strong magic fluctuations will be exposed, and the reaction time left for the anti-aircraft fire is very short.

This terrifying weapon will first blow a hole in the shield, and a projectile weighing a ton will be injected into it. It will easily penetrate two layers of armor and blow up a large area of ​​the battleship to pieces.

Fortunately, this kind of weapon is too bulky, and if it is fired too far away, it will miss or miss the point. Generally, the red devil warships will only fire when they are very close to each other.Moreover, if the protective personnel are well-trained, they will catch the target the moment the concealment is released, mobilize the shield to enhance protection, and destroy it with anti-aircraft firepower.As for the ship of Prince Phillips, the crew is naturally carefully selected.


Badengaum shouted: "No, there should be one more..."

Although the Red Dragon Prince did not have the opportunity to command the battleship, he had painstakingly studied the battle records of the Battle of the Hunting Reef and mastered a lot of battle rules of the Red Demon. Recruited under his command.

Badengaum wanted to shout, the red devil launches torpedoes, and the numbers are always even!

Before he could finish shouting, the battleship shook again, this time far more than before, and he was so shaken that his head hit the ceiling.

"The front main gun is completely destroyed!"

"Shield output dropped by one-third!"

"The magic furnace and the flying furnace... are intact!"

The reports from various departments made the bridge silent. The bodies of the crew, staff, and commander were all shattered, and a heavy hammer was thrown on their hearts.

The warship, which was originally as elegant as a swan, is now completely broken from the neck of the swan to the head. The broken head and neck protruded from the spherical shield that shrunk due to the decline in output power, and fell into the terrifying storm.

Phillips decisively issued an order: "Turn! Retreat!"

Badengaum fell from the ceiling, standing firmly on the already sloping floor like a tumbler.

He is still making the final effort: "While turning, you can use the rear main gun to bombard the floating land!"

Phillips looked at him with disgust, and his tone became cold: "If the floating land is smashed, do I still have a reason to lead the fleet?"

The battleship vibrated again, much more slightly, this was the attack of Thor's Hammer and ordinary missiles.

Badengaum lost his footing this time and dropped to his knees.

He supported his body with his arms, his head was deeply lowered, and he didn't speak any words.

(End of this chapter)

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