goddess of revolution

Chapter 1099 We are the brave Wang of the Red Federation, we jumped out of the battleship and hit th

Chapter 1099 We are the brave Wang of the Red Federation, we jumped out of the battleship and hit the enemy on the head
A fleet painted in primary colors of silver-gray metal is cruising at an altitude of thousands of kilometers. In the center is a battleship that looks like a manta ray and looks like a young kun at first glance.

This is a Manta Whale-class mothership, a miniaturized mothership based on the design of the "Test No. [-]" chick.The empty weight is close to [-] tons, and the maximum speed in the atmosphere is [-] kilometers per hour.In addition to carrying [-] fighters of various types, it is also equipped with detection, communication, command, and force field control equipment equivalent to the level of black whales and shadow whales, serving as the core and command center of the Red Federation Navy Squadron.

This Manta Whale also participated in the battle against the Deep Diver yesterday, and the young Kun carrying the Sawtooth Shark was also there. They didn't show up, but flew fighter jets at this altitude to guard against more unexpected enemies.

Young Kun and Arrow Kun, under the command of old Hooker and Karin, took most of the warships from yesterday's fleet to form the "Avebier Sweeping Task Force" and headed northwest.

The manta whale stayed at high altitude for a day. Now it is the ship of the former enemy commander in charge of the defense of the heart of the silver moon. It is escorted by three killer whales and more than a dozen horned whales, and sails eastward.

Looking down through the clouds, the long yellow sand of the Weeping Sand Sea only occupies less than one-third of the field of vision.The original Silver Pine Kingdom is directly below, the plain dotted with sparse dark green vegetation in the south is the Zeta District, the southeast is the Shenyun Plateau of Chilian’s hometown, and the northeast is the Hongshi Mountains with a dark red tone.To the north is the inland sea, and you can still vaguely see Youxiang billowing black air.

"At the beginning, we got together with Teresia and Romulus and seriously discussed how to clean up Youxiang. That was four years ago."

At the stern of the batkun ship, the formation commander lives on the small viewing platform outside the cabin, and Qili looks at the black air from a distance, expressing deep emotion.

Aurora nestled on the recliner, holding a cup of black tea and said, "It's not you, Qili, it's Li Qi."

Qili scratched her head and sighed: "Okay, okay, I will tell Leia. It's just that the situation is so urgent now, I'm a little afraid of accidents."

Ouluo stretched her back, the amorous feelings at this moment vaguely overlapped with the image of the countess seven or eight years ago, which made Qili miss her immensely.

She lazily said: "It's up to you, anyway, it's not me who is flustered. You must know that Leia still has Theresia's memory, this should be the last thing that affects Leia's will. Don't cross this threshold , Leia is still uncertain."

Qili frowned in distress. The "urgent situation" mentioned just now also came from a huge uncertainty.

A red dot lights up in the field of vision, which means that the accompanying Void Spirit has received a message marked as urgent.

"Very well, the latest report from Round Hook..."

Qili read the message eagerly, and muttered in amazement: "Ms. Dark Moon? Isn't that Xiao Hei Ms. Ye?"

Laughing again, Dark Moon... Isn't that poor creature I met in the underworld called the Dark Moon Queen?
The smile disappeared quickly, and Qili's brows furrowed deeper. The situation was more complicated than expected.

Yesterday, she and Romulus returned to the royal palace in Tros, and with Constantine and others, they finalized the terms to promote military and trade cooperation between the two sides overnight.

Just in the middle of the night, she received two urgent reports from Gambit and Round Hook one after another, as well as an urgent communication from a certain professional boy.

Gambit said that the Sky Eye system discovered that the main fleet of the Dawn Empire was moving to Fleet City in Redstone, and other scattered warships were also converging there.

The "Flagship Fort Project" was mentioned in the round hook's report, saying that in the past two days, the Holy See of Order, the Imperial Military Department, and high-level magicians have frequently mentioned this name. They seem to be convinced that this plan can destroy the Heart of Silver Moon and reverse the unfavorable situation of the Empire. .

He also reported that a high-status magician aristocrat sent a message to the Intelligence Bureau's intelligence station in the Adventurer's Commune through an intermediary.

Three things were confirmed in the information. First, the "Flagship Fort Project" does exist. Second, if the plan succeeds, the Red Federation will suffer a heavy blow.In the end, the plans were in the hands of Order, Merchant, and another god, with key details that no mortal knew.

As for the second-five-year-old professional, to be honest, Qili is not sure whose second-five boy that guy is now.He sent a message to find Li Qi, but Li Qi was naturally not there, so he could only vaguely ask if he had received... Greetings.

Qili immediately understood who the "high-status magician nobleman" was, and it was this guy.

Summarizing the information, Qili convened relevant personnel to analyze and draw a preliminary inference.

Judging from the name of this plan, it is naturally based on the small floating city "Flagship Castle" owned by Mosmoot above Fleet City.Coupled with the movement of the imperial fleet, most people believe that the Dawn Empire wants to teleport the entire main fleet to the heart of Silver Moon, and the flagship fort is the teleportation center.

The one who raised a different opinion technically, he thought that even if the goddess of business did it herself, there were still some problems to be solved.

Teleporting a small floating city plus hundreds of warships requires an unimaginably huge force, which has already exceeded the limit that the barrier of the main plane can accommodate.

The Goddess of Commerce can mobilize such power through avatars or saintesses, and the Goddess of Order can also find a carrier capable of carrying these powers through the Dawn Empire, such as the Tektronix Core.But to ensure the success of the teleportation, it is necessary to bypass the restriction of the barrier, and this requires the creation of a very delicate power hedging system.

This kind of system must not only have the computing power equivalent to at least a newborn god, but also have a sufficiently sensitive low-level magic power detection capability, and then also need a super nuclear crystal of at least the level of the Tektronix core to carry the corresponding power.

"The Tek Hub is the highest achievement of the Magic Empire in subspace technology. It is indeed the best choice for this kind of thing. But we are sure that the Dawn Empire does not have enough Tek Hubs on hand, and there is no equivalent specification. Super nuclear crystals are used as a substitute, which is something at the level of gods."

That one said with certainty: "It's equivalent to something dug out from the Benuin gods and the ancestors. Even Leviit, or the core crystals of the Rock Princess and the Fire Demon King will not work. "

The reason why that person is so sure is because he happened to be studying how to transfer the Silver Moon Heart from above the Kukai to the barrier of the main plane.Finding the starport teleportation is only a feasibility, if this feasibility is not available, the Chilian has to rely on itself.

As for the Tektronix core, the Red Federation has been studying the one seized from Siberna.Over the past few years, the Intelligence Agency has been continuously tracking down other Tektronix cores, and has now figured out the whereabouts of each one.

That one didn't say anything to death: "Of course, the Goddess of Commerce may use technology that we don't understand yet. In addition, it is also possible to create a super nuclear crystal out of thin air by taking other technical routes."

As the space technology authority of the Red Federation, since whoever said that, everyone put forward other inferences.

For example, the so-called "Flagship Fort Project" is just a cover. The real plan is to send a suicidal assault force to rush to the Heart of Silver Moon with super-yield elemental bombs to explode, and gather the main fleet in Fleet City. The target is actually the mainland of the Red Federation.

This inference is technically more feasible than the former, but also more confusing, and it poses a greater threat to the Red Federation.In the end, everyone decided to take targeted actions based on this inference.

Lalci led a squadron to launch a feint attack on the Three Northern Kingdoms from Winsley Reef to Valentine.

Linde led the air force, integrated the forces of the army and Storm Ocean Sea Spirit, and launched a comprehensive air-to-ground offensive from several directions such as Valentine Bay, Weeping Sand Sea, Tangus, etc., to cooperate with Larch's feint attack.

After Old Hook has settled Avebie's stronghold, he will turn back to the Heart of Silver Moon to strengthen his defense.

Qi Li/Li Qi led a small-scale squadron and maneuvered towards Fleet City, testing the situation there, interfering with or even preventing the "Flagship Fort" plan.

At the same time, other warships that are entering service one after another gather in the airspace of the Delta area to monitor the movement of the empire's main fleet.

This is a comprehensive plan. When the enemy's intentions cannot be completely determined, seeking stability is the best choice.

In terms of military strength, the plan of the Chilian Navy when the heart of the silver moon rises above the empty sea is to have 20 warships of various types above [-] tons, [-] fighter planes, and a total of [-] personnel.Now it is close to half of this plan. Taking into account the difference in unit combat power, it has a clear advantage and can calmly divide the troops.

But today, after bidding farewell to Romulus and stepping on the battleship, Qili received a report from Tina.

The matter of the god of fjords and light winds, Amberlier, is second. The motive of the unknown attacker is even more vigilant.

Thanks to Tina, the little money fan, she mentioned "a pearl big enough to make me betray the revolution" several times in the report, and asked Qili to write down and give her a lesson "big enough to remember two lifetimes", and at the same time think of that whose judgment.

Based on the analysis of the images of the battle situation, it was found that those weird small warships should come from Ted Workshop, and in the "Flagship Fort Project", in addition to the goddess of order and the goddess of commerce, there is also a god involved. Qili has an extremely disturbing inference, and immediately Find a round hook for further confirmation.

The efficiency of the round hook was very high, and the report was sent back within an hour, confirming that the god was Xiao Hei who partnered with Hathaway, but now it was renamed Ms. Dark Moon.

Aurora sent an extension of the inquiry, and Qili forwarded the news to her, sighing: "This little black has fallen for the goddess of order, and is leading Hathaway to plan the flagship castle. Their goal should be Amberel The eye is used to make that super nuclear crystal that who said."

Aurora breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, we stopped it..."

She gave Qi Li a blank look again: "Look, your old friend finally joined forces with the reactionaries. Before, he pretended to be fighting the empire to the end, but he turned out to be a showman."

Qili denied it very bachelorly: "That's Li Qi's business, it has nothing to do with me... Hey, it's so itchy! Don't pinch it!"

Suppressing Aurora's hand pinching her chest in anger, Qili said seriously: "What I'm worried about is that the real purpose of this plan is to teleport the entire fleet near the Heart of the Silver Moon, and at the same time, there are super large equivalent Elemental bomb."

"Moreover, they can't get the Eye of Amberlier, and they don't have enough Tektronix cores, so they will take risks and choose whoever said... other technical routes to create super core crystals."

Aurora was puzzled: "I didn't understand it at that time, what other technical route is there?"

Qili's expression became more serious: "That is a magnificent spectacle that wizards of the old days dreamed of."

Aurora thought for a while, took a breath, and then said: "We can't give them a Tek core, please don't go this way?"

Qili smiled wryly: "So I said, the more we win this war, the more ferocious the enemy will be, and the situation will become more and more like a confrontation between the police and the kidnappers, but we don't have enough strength to take care of both sides."

Aurora didn't know what to say, she hugged Qili in silence.

Suddenly, singing came in through the crack of the door, coming from the hangar below.

Qi Li waved her hand to light up the screen, turned to the monitor in the hangar, looked at it, and laughed with Aurora.

It was kobold marines in white and blue uniforms and sailor caps practicing formation, marching forward and singing.

"Above the sky, above the sea of ​​stars, we are the brave dogs of the Chilian!"

"Prick up your ears, sharpen your claws, and polish your eyes, just waiting for the trumpet to sound!"

"We are not afraid of suffering in the waves, but we are especially good at fighting on land!"

"Jump out of the battleship and hit the enemy's head!"

"Land Zhanwang's battle flag is fluttering, always at the front!"

"The army of the army, the Wang of the Wang, we are the good son Wang of the Red Federation!"

"Sharpen the steel knife, grab the machine gun, put on the armor, and wait for the charge to sound!"

"We are not afraid of the dark in the void, we will cut through the waves in the star sea!"

"Jump out of the battleship and hit the enemy's head!"

"Land Zhanwang's battle flag is fluttering, always at the front!"

The kobolds held up their battle flags and sang the kobold version of the Marine Corps team song in high-pitched voices. Although they were still a little uneven, they gradually merged into one voice, just like going forward.

However, the voice was still obviously uncoordinated, because it was very crisp and sweet. That was Leia, wearing the same uniform, singing solemnly, carrying the flag and walking at the front of the queue.

Qili remembered: "In a few days, there will be a ceremony for the official establishment of the First Fleet. Leia is rehearsing with the dogs."

Aurora laughed so hard that she covered her mouth, gasped and said, "This style of painting is really...weird, can't we be normal?"

Qili corrected and said: "This is normal. Awakening all souls and intelligent beings, uniting together, and striving for a better and happy tomorrow, isn't this the style of painting we should have?"

Aurora suppressed her smile and said: "Then if you regard such a thing as a confrontation between the police and the robbers, isn't that a violation of this style of painting? What about the hostages? Don't they have to be slaughtered? Shouldn't they fight?" ?”

Qili subconsciously said: "The hostages are weak and unarmed..."

Speaking of this, the brows gradually relaxed, and the eyes gradually radiated light.

[Recommend "Rebirth of Shang Zhou King", it talks about conferring gods, but it is not re-stirring old stuff, but bringing other famous figures in history to confer gods, a different chaos, solemnly recommend. 】

(End of this chapter)

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