goddess of revolution

Chapter 1103 The Irreversible Struggle, Fleet City Shipyard Guild and Wizard Governor

Chapter 1103 The Irreversible Struggle, Fleet City Shipyard Guild and Wizard Governor
Leaving the berth, Rachel raised his head again and looked at the steel cloud above his head.

For the workers living in the lower floors of Fleet City, the city was already depressing.The slipway and the streets and alleys on various floors spread along the canyon, and the sky was squeezed to only the middle part, and a floating castle was suspended above it.

It was Mosmoot's flagship fortress, and at first it looked like it was only the size of a fist, so it wasn't very obtrusive.Now it has been expanded to the size of a human head, and when I lift my head up a little, it presses against the eye mask, and I feel a headache when I look at it.

Now it is no longer a headache. Countless large and small warships spread out around the flagship fort, layer upon layer, covering the sky.Warships take off and land from time to time, swimming like sea monsters, bringing visible and invisible impacts, and the sunlight changes accordingly. The canyon seems to become a deep sea, which is extremely suffocating.

"Another Marquis-class ship, three Earl-class ships..."

The imperial battleships began to gather at the flagship fort five days ago. Although a special worker was arranged to count them, Rachel still had to count them by himself, otherwise he would not know what to do.

Now the battleships are stacked several layers, distributed from above a thousand meters to heights that are difficult to see with the naked eye, and the assembly area is far beyond the visual range.However, the Marquis class that resembled a swan and the Earl class that resembled a crow were all parked in the airspace closest to the flagship castle, allowing Rachel to see the latest changes.

In this way, there are eight Marquis-class ships and 43 Earl-class ships.

There are too many viscount and baron ranks, and Rachael can't count them.The figures confirmed by the workers yesterday were 94 ships and 170 ships, one-third of which were airship motherships. Counting the built-in Marquis Earl class, the number of combat airships is estimated to exceed [-].

Rashael's breathing became even more difficult. This is really a terrifying fleet. The legendary Floating Fleet of the Magic Empire of the First Era probably looked like this.

Therefore, after the arrival of the imperial warships, the strike plan that had already been organized to [-] slipways, Rashael felt that it was understandable that the slipways would withdraw one after another.

But now there is something new...

Most Moot probably felt that with such a fleet over Fleet City, no matter what he did, the workers would not dare to resist.So those things announced at the beginning, including increasing subsidies, improving the working and living environment, etc., are no longer mentioned, and even the existing subsidies are discounted.

Mosmoot actually made concessions on the contract period, and those who are willing to leave can leave immediately, but this clause is full of evil intentions.The well-meaning people on the foreman and overseer's floor revealed that the orders for floating ships in Fleet City, whether it's from Mosmut or Zold, will be completed soon.After that, they will not keep so many contract workers and are preparing to evict them.

Rachel's heart is as bright as a mirror. When there is an order, he uses a contract to force the workers to stay, and when there is no order, he uses various means to drive them away. The master of the workshop is indeed a virtue.

For workers, especially contract workers, the current situation is very serious.

If you don't take action, when the slipway loses business, everyone will lose their jobs.Apart from building airships, Fleet City simply doesn't have any more industries to accommodate the vacated workers.At that time, not to mention eating, even living can only be driven to the shanty town above the canyon to solve it by themselves.

But when it comes to action, the fleet overhead is no illusion.Hundreds of warships and more than 20 soldiers are on their heads. What else can they do?
I hope the teacher can give an answer...

Thinking of her mentor Drizzt, Rashael quickened her pace, and her heart warmed up.

Fortunately, the mentor was well-informed and well-informed. When the first batch of warships just arrived at the flagship fort, he persuaded the representatives of each berth to calm down and make a decision after clarifying the situation.Otherwise, some quick-tempered co-workers will make a noise, and things will be difficult to clean up.

Entering the Temple of Life deep in the alley, it was the old dwarf who opened the door.

Entering the deep silence enchantment, the representatives of the slipway were arguing again.

"There are no orders for warships, yachts, and maintenance work. It is impossible for Mosmoot and Zold to close the workshop."

"This is still an opportunity! Let's unite skilled workers. When Mosmoot wants to keep us, don't even think about using the current treatment."

"Those guys who have no skills, no brains, and no guts, what else do they have besides their strength? They only expect us to take the lead to help them, why should we consider them? Let them fend for themselves!"

This is a sign that the brains are smart and have learned the craft, and they no longer regard themselves as the same as other workers.

Rachel was full of anger, and was about to accuse, but the others rushed ahead.

"Then what are you doing here with your mentor? Go lick Mosmut's shoes and beg him to take him in. It doesn't matter if you don't give him food or shelter!"

"Without these people standing behind us, what can we do? A small team of guards can lead us away, and let us die without a sound!"

"Are you so eager to be a traitor? Teacher, I think we should check them out. Someone must have been a spy for the workshop owner!"

Rachel was nodding in agreement, and some people shouted excitedly.Some said that the berth representatives should be cleared first, some said that a strict organization must be established, and everyone must be strictly scrutinized, and some even raised their arms and shouted that there would be no way out if they did not take action.

"Instead of waiting for Mosmoot to drive us out to die of thirst, starvation, sickness, and disease, it is better to take up weapons and smash the slipway, and let him taste the pain too!"

When someone yelled that, Rachel wanted to kick him out again.

You don't want to live anymore, but everyone still wants to live!


He couldn't help but greet Drizzt who was drooping his head, as if he was in deep thought or dozing off.

"Oh, Rachel, you're here..."

Drizzt raised his head, coughed a few times, and waved his hands for a while before calming everyone down.

"In the past, I have always emphasized that life is the most important thing, and I still think so now."

The old wise man said: "Also, all workers, all suffering people, are equal."

"If someone breaks free from suffering, what he should do is to turn around and reach out to his former partners, and do his best to help, instead of standing in another group of people and separating from everyone. He even betrayed everyone and prevented others from being like him. They're just as free from suffering."

"There are indeed such people. After this rally, everyone should stop looking for me here. Someone has already notified the sheriff, saying that I am here to organize villains to plan evil things."

"I don't know who it is, but it should be among those who didn't come today."

The old wise man looked at Rachael, and said with relief and guilt: "I'm sorry, Rachael, I doubted you, but you are here."

Rachel's heart was agitated, and she was extremely grateful that she had kept her conscience in the face of temptation.The foreman once asked him about the underground assembly, claiming that as long as he provided accurate information, he could give him ten imperial gold coins.That's a lot of money, and he'll have to earn it for seven or eight years.

He scolded together with the representatives, those people are so bad that the soles of their feet are bleeding!
"The current situation is very urgent..."

The old wise man said: "The construction of Fleet City is coming to an end. The workers gathered here will be a burden to the workshop owners. They will ignore the contract, and they will definitely drive the workers away."

"You were all lured or even forced out of the countryside and mountains. Your fields, livestock, and houses were either used to pay for travel expenses, or were occupied by nobles and others. You can't go back to your hometown and live the life you used to Live on your own.”

Sighs came and went, and the words reached everyone's heart.At the beginning, they were all confused by the prospect that the contract labor dealers talked about, so they came out of their hometown.In order to get to Fleet City, a place where "jobs are everywhere", they sold their property and even owed countless debts.

The old wise man said again: "Besides, no one wants to go back to the old days, right?"

Everyone didn't speak, but they agreed with a hundred hearts.

Although Fleet City is tough here, the work is tiring, the pay is poor, and you can't earn a few coppers, but it is still very different from the old days.

Although the food was poor, they no longer had to worry about not having enough to eat. Starving to death was a common occurrence in the past, but it was inconceivable for the workers in Fleet City.

Although the living quarters are dilapidated, there are still a few people crowded together, but it will no longer be like before, when the wind and rain come, there will be no place to live.

You can only get a few copper coins every month. Don't look at the shabby words, in the past, you wouldn't see a single copper coin for a whole year.Because there was nothing to sell and no one to buy or sell.And each of these coins can be exchanged for a pot of beer that is absolutely unavailable in the countryside.

What's more, there are so many people here, there are too many to count, and this will bring even more benefits.

The first thing is to gain knowledge, no longer ignorant of everything, a country bumpkin who has never seen a knight apprentice and has never seen a magic spar powder.

The warships soaring in the sky are all built by their hands bit by bit.All kinds of weapons, materials, and magic equipment above, if you take out any one of them, it will be enough to talk about for half a lifetime.

As for the characters, the overseers they usually come into contact with are all superhumans, and the boss is even a legendary magician who would shake the entire empire if he stomped his feet.

With insight, he is no longer a bumpkin who can be underestimated by anyone and can be deceived by anyone.

There is another advantage of having a large number of people. The workers here are both male and female. Even if you are crooked, you can find women.Unlike in the countryside, no matter what it looks like, firstly, there are few women, and secondly, there are no choices.

Another benefit is potential. Although life is hard now, there are always countless role models to inspire them. As long as they are lucky/willing to endure hardship/use their brains, they will have the opportunity to become rich and powerful.When the workers usually chat, at least half of the time is talking about which slipway has undergone enviable changes.

As long as they stay in Fleet City, they will integrate into this ever-changing world, and it will also bring them hope, looking forward to those good changes that will fall on them.

Even if they can go back to their hometown and start over, not many people are willing.

How can it be possible to be kicked out now! ?
In the small space, the atmosphere was extremely depressing. The old wise man said again: "If there is no order, the decline of Fleet City is inevitable. Everyone can't force the workshop owner to support people for nothing."

"Since there is no chance in Fleet City, why not go to other places? Although everyone has only built airships, this kind of experience can also be used to build floating vehicles and magical vehicles that run on the ground, and other industries are also competent. .”

"The Emerald Castle is near, and Tangus, Norton, and Sutton are far away. There are many opportunities. Numerous magic workshops have sprung up in various cities of the empire to manufacture various utensils. Workers like you are very popular."

This is a path that everyone has considered, but there are huge problems.

Lashal smiled wryly: "Our senior or skilled workers may be able to afford the toll, but other workers can't afford it. Moreover, if we go to a new city, it is impossible to find a job right away, and we have to prepare for a while." food and lodging expenses.”

The old wise man sighed: "Most of you are contract workers. If the workshop owner terminates the contract in advance, they should pay these expenses logically."

The eyes of Rachel and many others lit up, and they found a new direction of struggle.

The old wise man nodded: "The master of the workshop will definitely not take the initiative to compensate, this really requires struggle."

He went on to say: "Some people will stay in Fleet City, some people will go to other cities, and many are not contract workers. Since we want to fight, we must mobilize as many people as possible, and twist people into one rope, so I approve of your establishment of a tighter organization."

"But remember, the purpose of this organization is not to fight for the sake of fighting, but to fight for all workers...reasonable, legitimate, and the interests of the workshop owners who have room to compromise."

The representatives nodded, and Rachel shouted: "Of course this organization must be led by a mentor! Tell me, mentor, what should it be called?"

The old wise man smiled and waved his hands: "I am not suitable, after all, I am not one of you. And I have been targeted by Fleet City. I will lead you, and this organization will deviate from its original direction. due risk."

The others also yelled for a while, hoping that the old wise man would come forward, but the reason was indeed very strong, and even Rashael didn't insist anymore, just hoping to continue to guide them.

As for the name of the organization, the name "Fleet City Shipway Guild" was unanimously recognized.

The old wise man Chunchun taught: "First of all, the guild should have a written constitution, so that everyone can understand the purpose and significance of the guild's existence, and determine which things should be done and which are firmly opposed."

"Secondly, you should set up a number of departments to detail what the organization should do to each person. The responsibilities are clear, so that things can be done efficiently, and you won't argue with each other. Turn the organization into a club that is just for socializing and chatting like nobles."

"Then you have to elect the general leader, and then the leader will elect the heads of each department. There must be a corresponding system for the election and the operation of the department, which must be implemented in writing and become everyone's consensus. Whoever destroys these consensuses, Whoever is the enemy of the organization."

"Then you have to have fixed funds so that you can carry out various activities. The source of funds cannot rely on a certain person, let alone have a relationship with the workshop owner. You must keep in mind the principle that where the money comes from, the idea will come from where it comes from. So It is best for you to find workers who have joined the guild, and the amount must be set very low, so as not to burden the workers. The stronger the guild grows, the more funds will be sufficient."

The old wise man spoke out the terms and conditions related to the organization, and the representatives had no sense of resistance at all, and they all took it for granted.

They are all workers who build airships. Although the processes are different, they are all used to doing things in strict accordance with various requirements, and even the schedule must strictly follow the plan.

They are also very familiar with words, and they know that using words to organize people is more reliable and effective than using words.Before boarding the berth, they were all organized to learn how to read and write, otherwise they would not be able to understand the various notices on the berth.

Rachel volunteered: "I'll be the clerk of the guild."

He felt that as a halfling, he was unlikely to be elected leader.Then be a clerk, turn the knowledge taught by the tutor into words, and use these words to help the leaders regulate the organization.

No one disputed it, and quite a few praised the halfling for his proactive dedication.Although everyone can read and write, writing work is obviously not something they are good at, and not many people are willing to focus on it.

The "Fleet City Shipway Guild", in this small hall of the underground life temple, was taught by Red Stone of the Red Federation and Cui Zite, the political commissar of the Forgotten Forest Revolutionary Area, and announced its establishment.

While everyone was discussing how to elect the first president, the old dwarf brought in another person.

This person was actually wearing the gray uniform of the soldiers of the Imperial Local Legion, which shocked everyone. After careful inspection, they recognized the former slave labor representative. With the help of Drizzt, he escaped from the berth. soldier.

"Teacher, it's not good!"

What this person said next shocked everyone so much that their scalps went numb.

"Fleet City has been sealed off by the Legion, and no one is allowed to leave."

"The legendary wizard, the wizard governor Erdshiros who specializes in extracting mortal souls to make soul crystals, is in the flagship castle!"

"It is said that he is going to do an earth-shattering event, and he has personally said that no mortal in Fleet City is allowed to be let go!"

Rachel had never heard of any wizard governor at all, but these few things put together, even if he didn't know the background at all, he could draw a terrifying inference that made his legs go weak.

The old wise man was silent for a long time, and sighed deeply: "If this is really the case, then everyone shouldn't just fight for compensation. Now we have no way to retreat."

[Recommend "Chat Room in Another World", set up a chat group, and cross countless animation and game worlds such as my sister, God of War Kui Ye, Oriental Fantasy, Working Cell, etc. How fun it will be, you might as well take a look at this brain hole book. 】

(End of this chapter)

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