goddess of revolution

Chapter 1111 Priest's Acting Method and the Last Strike of the Goddess of Order

Chapter 1111 Priest's Acting Method and Goddess of Order's Final Blow

"Hasru, what kind of existence are we to Her Majesty the Goddess?"

Senior Master Hasru of the Northern Diocese of Lion King City remembered what his old friend had said to him. It was a few months ago.

At that time, he was extremely shocked by the sacrifice organized by his old friend, which was beyond his previous understanding, and he felt that the other party had slipped into the abyss of evil.Under the explanation and persuasion of his old friend, he suddenly became enlightened.

"We priests are shepherds..."

The old friend said: "We summon mortals for Her Majesty the Goddess, and let their souls bathe in the brilliance of our Lord's order. At this time, the soul is still dirty, like a lamb that is still stained with blood and tied to the secular umbilical cord."

"The lamb is tender and pure, and belongs to the Lord."

"Shepherd these lambs for our lord, make them pure and fat, and offer them to our lord at the right time. This is our duty."

At that time, Haslu was extremely frightened, which is simply an evil heresy.

The saying that priests are shepherds is harsh and has been around since ancient times, but it has always been regarded as derogatory to gods and believers.It was Tudor the Great who carried forward this statement. During the Dark Elf War, he often used this kind of words in public to satirize the clergy of various gods, and he didn't stop until he founded the empire.

Then the loyal court was established, and this kind of statement was defined as a crime of disrespect.Even Teresia emphasized the traditional human-god relationship between gods and lovers in the broken tower oath.

Like him, this old friend of Haslu became a priest in his youth and was a devout believer who dedicated his life to the church.Although the "My Lord" called out in his mouth and heart has changed many times, from Kaim to Keira Theresia, to Theresia, and now Heim, the priesthood has also changed from loyalty and protection to order, But he has always believed that he is the Lord of Light serving the world of Finn.

In contrast, an old friend who is already a candidate for the bishop has a more devout faith than himself, how could he say such... outrageous words! ?

"Don't panic, this is definitely not an evil heresy statement. It used to be, but it is not now."

The old friend said calmly: "The two cardinals said so. Considering that there are many people like you in the Holy See, especially the middle-level and grassroots clergy, they all emphasized that they will not make public announcements in the Holy See for the time being." guide."

"As for why the cardinal approved such a statement, it is because the world of Finn is now at a critical point of life and death, and our lord is leading an unprecedented war that spans gods and mortals."

"Gods love people, but they don't love a specific mortal, nor all mortals, but pure souls, good morals, and correct mortals."

"Such mortals only existed before the Dark Ages, and only existed in a peaceful and peaceful tradition."

"You also know that the world of Fein has been polluted, and the red devil came with the dark power of another world, leading the world to sink into the abyss of evil."

"The culprit is naturally the Red Demon, but if the souls of mortals in this era were not too turbid and gave the soil for the Red Demon to breed, how could they harm the world so fast?"

"In this era, all mortals are sinners!"

"In this era, all mortals are born sinful!"

"In this era, they are all lost lambs. They must be baptized by our Lord, return to the origin of the world, and lay the foundation for the eternal order."

"Only when a new era comes and the eternal order comes, then the origin of the world will be clarified, and new, correct, mortals worthy of our Lord's love will be condensed."

"We are the slaves who drive the sheep to the right path for our lord, wash away the dust, and send them into the kingdom of God between the new and the old era."

When the old friend said this, a thick golden light overflowed from his body, which was a sign that the soul and faith resonated and received divine grace, which made Haslu no longer frightened and confused.

Her Majesty the Goddess praised the old friend, this statement is correct!
The old friend said: "We are also lambs, but we have been chosen by our Lord, and we have gained a stronger physique, stronger horns and sharper eyes. Our mission and merits have been sent to our Lord How many qualified souls count."

At that time, the eyes of the old friend were as bright as gold stars in the sky: "Dedicate your lamb to the Lord, and you will have a new life in the new era, which is a future full of happiness. And we shepherds have How many achievements will also determine how far we are from our Lord."

Haslu finally understood why a large number of believers would consecrate themselves during the ceremonies held by certain bishops.

The soul ascends into the kingdom of God and becomes an eternal petitioner. For most mortals who can't even read and write, it is completely impossible to imagine what kind of happiness it is.The statement that the petitioner will lose all memory and become a puppet of the gods preached by the red devil, although not everyone believes it, is in line with mortals' imagination of a higher-level world to a certain extent.

So the Goddess of Order designed a new future for mortals, that is to be reborn, in the words of an old friend... reincarnation, yes, reincarnation.

Only believers in order who are willing to dedicate themselves can gain new life in the eternal order created by the goddess.They will obtain the glory and wealth they expect in this life in their new life, and make up for all the shortcomings in this life.

This cycle of reincarnation is also eternal. As long as you continue to firmly believe in your new life, and you are willing to give at the end of your life, the pure soul will remain intact in the soul cycle of the Finn world again. The details are completely different at the beginning, but the same A happy and peaceful life.

Only then did Haslu suddenly realize why there is a theory of soul reincarnation circulating among believers, but the Holy See is noncommittal in public.

At that time, Haslu still had many doubts. The biggest doubt was that as a shepherd, how to dedicate the lamb to the goddess can be counted as his own merit.

An old friend also said that the shepherd is also a lamb. It sounds like this kind of dedication is to let yourself go ahead.But in this way, there is only one contribution, and he is not a shepherd but a leader.

"The soul of a mortal is colorful and has countless aspects."

The old friend pulled him to a hidden corner, opened the barrier of silence, and said solemnly: "Even the purest soul hides a dark side, so we shepherds need to go through rituals to cleanse it."

"In the same way, we shepherds also have a dark side in our souls."

"But don't be afraid, you must have the courage to admit and face this dark side. This is also the basis for us to stay in the mortal world and continuously send souls to our Lord."

"When we lead these lambs to the heavenly steps leading to the kingdom of God and hear the hymn of the guiding angel, we can retreat. How to retreat at this time is very simple. Convert our souls to The dark side, so that we can be pushed away from the sky."

"This is not depravity, it is a necessary... step to continue serving our Lord. At that time, we only need to play a certain role, a role that allows us to temporarily stay away from our Lord and hide in the secular world."

"As long as we turn this dark side away in time and return to the state of our master's servant, the favor and grace we receive will not be weakened."

The old friend lowered his voice: "Of course my lord will not reveal this method explicitly. This is something that the most devout priests have secretly explored. Only they are willing to take the risk of degeneration for the cause of our lord."

"Only clerics who are pious enough and smart enough can use this method, so the Holy See has not promoted it on a large scale, but let the bishops try it on their own and communicate secretly."

The old friend was a little vague, but Hasru completely understood.

The so-called acting method is to send the souls of believers to the heavenly ranks, and at the same time present those parts of their souls that are not pious, and play a role that is obsessed with the world, thus leaving the heavenly ranks.As long as she exits the role-playing state in time, the goddess will not punish her.

Memories flashed in an instant, and then endless joy poured out.

Haslu brought a group of the most devout believers from the northern area of ​​Lion King City to Valentine, preparing to participate in the Saintess Sacrifice held in a few days.Before, I foolishly thought that my merit was to organize these people, but now I finally understand what kind of merit the bishop or even the cardinal who presides over the ceremony will get.

If he hadn't heard the oracle, if he hadn't remembered what his old friend said privately, he would have made no contribution to the goddess.

This routine prayer now is the beginning of my own contribution to the goddess.

Haslu scanned the two or three hundred believers in the temple, sensing the faint ripples in their souls, and finally his eyes fell on the leader, the brown-haired girl in a white dress and a golden ring.

Regardless of other things, it should be enough to make the goddess happy just by presenting this candidate saint named Yusha.

Thinking of this, Haslu tried his best to restrain his excitement, memorized the details of the ceremony explained by his old friend, paused his staff vigorously, recited the tome of order aloud, and led the routine prayers to the ceremony.

That old friend has been his life-and-death acquaintance for decades, and explained the sacrificial process in great detail.

The first is to stimulate the devout response of believers and shake their souls.Then use the divine favor technique to baptize, pick out the ones with the strongest induction, and let them drink high-concentration holy water.

This holy water will burn their souls and bring them terrible pain, but it doesn't matter, as long as they are guided to find a feeling closer to the goddess in the pain, the goddess will pay attention to them, descend to the heavens, and receive their souls .No matter how intense the pain is at this time, it will be dispelled by the attention of the goddess and the sublimation of the soul.

When the heavenly level descends and these souls sublimate, the souls of other believers will also boil with longing. As long as they are brewed in the same way, they will also succeed in sublimation.

Haslu's staff lit up with golden light, using devout prayer magic to shake the souls of believers.

It went very smoothly, and the believers followed him to recite the scriptures aloud, and their souls were filled with excitement.

A circle of golden light was pushed out from Haslu's body, passing over all the believers, and there was a burst of crying in the hall, and the sound of reading changed into chant and even call signs.

The believers were crying, their faces were flushed and even their cheeks were distorted. They felt that they had gained an experience they had never had in their lives. They seemed to be transcending this filthy mortal world, and they were about to ascend to a magnificent new world full of endless happiness. .

"Lord! Take me away!"

The candidate saint suddenly twitched violently, and golden light overflowed from her body.

She shouted with all her strength: "Take everything from me, and turn me into a stone in the kingdom of God!"

The believers also shouted, and the atmosphere in the hall was so hot that Haslu was covered in sweat.

Of course he didn't come out of heat, but out of a hurry.

The situation is not right!

Look at the direction where the believers focus their eyes, it's not her, but Yusha!

When the heavenly ranks descend, whose soul is taken away?

To make matters worse, because of such anxiety, he was still unable to immerse himself in a state of piety.

He was very annoyed, his old friend only told him the method of "extracting", but not the method of "substituting", he only knew half of the acting method!
Wait, the acting method...

Haslu's mind suddenly excited, since "acting" can be "extracted", why can't "acting" be "substituted"?

Goddesses will not be punished for withdrawing from acting, so the same should be true for acting as a substitute, right?
Haslu thought so, and suddenly had an idea of ​​how to "act".

Piety alone is not enough. Yusha's belief in order is not pious at all. She is actually very afraid of death and yearns for the future.But in order to protect her friends and make her friends happy in the eternal order, she is willing to make such sacrifices, so she has won the attention of the goddess.

Haslu found strands of his own thoughts related to Yusha from his heart, and enlarged, connected and merged them.

I saw a lonely and helpless girl outside the Lion King City. I remembered the fiancée I gave to my boss in the god court when I was young. I remembered the daughter who was forced to marry a paladin. The granddaughter who died in the northern battlefield before.

At that moment, he regretted very much. He regarded the young girl as the unfortunate women related to him, and he hoped to make up for it on her.

This was his true thought, because of this thought, he went up to say hello, and then found that her soul was extremely pure and had the qualifications to become a saint, so he brought her back to the temple.

Now he ignores the thoughts related to the saint, and only focuses on his own joy, amplifying the thought of wishing the girl's happiness until it occupies his whole heart.

"Oh, my Yusha, my granddaughter, I don't want to lose her."

At that moment, his face was sour and hot, and he almost burst into tears. He assumed the role of pampering Yusha as a granddaughter and not wanting her to suffer any harm.

Well, here comes the twist...

Haslu thought for a moment, leading to another stream of thoughts.

"But my Lord's eternal order is more important. For such a cause, what is my personal emotion?"

"Take it, take my Yusha, my favorite."

"Though I suffer at this, I shall laugh in my pain at the thought of one more stone thus laid in the cause of our Lord."

All thoughts are sincere and from the soul, because he did think so.

The soul was shocked suddenly, and the warm current surged in, and Haslu really shed tears.

Substitution succeeded!Goddess paid attention to him!

Maintaining this state, Haslu took out the holy water and asked low-level priests like Simen Sizhu to distribute it.

He is a fifth-level priest of order, and the holy water of order that he carries with him is a high-end product that is used to heal injuries, generate divine power, or deal with enemies. It is suitable for use as holy water for rituals.

The holy water overflowing with bright golden light dust was distributed to Yusha and a dozen believers with the most active soul vibrations. According to the old friend's explanation, Haslu performed group blessing and other divine arts to further shake their souls.

At the critical moment of success or failure, Haslu tried to suppress his nervousness and let Yusha and others drink the holy water.

The shrill cries sounded in the hall, and the pain that burned the soul was indeed beyond the reach of mortals.

Just when the atmosphere in the hall stagnated and was about to turn into fear or panic, golden light descended from the ceiling of the hall, covering Haslu, Yusha and the few believers.

The sound of the call signs dissipated, and amidst the faint angelic hymns, the golden light solidified, like a staircase, and a translucent figure emerged from the body.Outside of Haslu, Yusha and the believers all looked up at the sky steps with peaceful expressions.

It worked—!
Haslu's mind was agitated, which also made his drifting perception suddenly solidify.

He secretly yelled that it was not good, he had to leave immediately, otherwise he would go up with him.

Decades of clergy tradition made him hesitate a bit. For the clergy of the old era, it was a supreme honor to ascend to the Kingdom of God. Now this scene was a dream he had dreamed of for most of his life.

The figure of an old friend flashed in his heart, making Haslu calm down even more.

One and a half months ago, the reason why the old friend ascended to the Kingdom of God with the believers was because of the idea just now.

What's so good about the Kingdom of God? I don't know at all. Haslu only knows that he still wants to live.

Compared with ascending to the kingdom of God, he would rather choose reincarnation, not to mention that if he made enough achievements during the era change, he might not be able to be promoted to legend and become a bishop.When the new era comes and the eternal order descends, he can enjoy a new life without having to be reborn.

The heat flow in the soul cooled down, and Haslu found that the soul had returned to the body, and was looking up at Yusha and the believers who were slowly rising along the golden light.

Haslu was extremely fortunate, he accidentally pulled away just now...

Then my heart was shocked, why did you let Yusha go?
Yusha is gone, who will he ask to "substitute" next time?

This thought flashed like lightning, and strands of light flew out of her hands, holding Yusha back, and letting her soul return to her body.

Yusha's presence can drive more believers to contribute.

A thicker golden light emanated from Yusha, and the power of order in Haslu's soul also returned to normal. Very good, it has returned to a pious state.

The golden sky steps became more solid, more than a dozen souls ascended amidst the singing of angels, and their bodies burned with golden fireworks, turning into ashes in the incomparably sacred atmosphere.

The believers were silent for a moment, and the shouts and chants became louder.


Yusha recovered from the trance, and asked with doubts and fear: "Have I been rejected by Her Majesty the Goddess?"

Haslu shook his head deeply: "No, Yusha, you have been given a more important mission, and you will become a saint."

This time, he was no longer coaxing the girl casually.


Yusha looked up at the golden steps and sighed: "As long as it can make the world peaceful and make Tasmi and the others happy, anything will be fine."

Just as Haslu sent the souls of another group of believers to the heavenly ranks, several temples on the territory of the Dawn Empire were also illuminated by golden light at the same time.One by one, pure souls ascended into the kingdom of order, and in the tumbling divine sense, they formed strands of bright golden light, shuttled and intertwined.

The black cloud stretched out under the crimson god seat, and the spirit of the Void Dragon God roared in the cloud: "The breach in the barrier will be closed in 10 minutes, please His Majesty Haim as soon as possible."

The Goddess of Order stretched out her hand, and the thread of light flew into the seat of God, quickly entangled in His hand, woven into a golden glove, and penetrated into the clouds.

In the sky above the Silver Moon Heart battlefield, the golden staircase that had been pushed back by most of it was blazing again, and a huge golden palm pierced the sky and looked down.Under this palm, Silver Moon Heart is as small as an apple.

The hymn of the angel of order suddenly rose, suppressing the battle song of the blue dragon regiment.

The battleships and officers and soldiers of the Dawn Empire were covered with a layer of golden light, pushing away the suppression of the red net domain, and with the power of the fusion of gods and mortals, they launched a more courageous and powerful attack on the Heart of the Silver Moon and the soldiers of the Red Alliance .

 Well, the hard part is finally coming to an end, the battle has come to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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