goddess of revolution

Chapter 1115 On the eve of the collapse, the death of the saint princess

Chapter 1115 On the eve of the collapse, the death of the saint princess
"Isn't it enough to work hard enough?"

"Because the whole world is already filthy, don't think about other things, let's start preparing the ark."

On the side of the Emperor's Castle of Valentine, in the depths of the pyramid-like building, the light curtain dissipated, and the two cardinals of the Holy See of Order whispered solemnly.

Baudouin seemed very indifferent: "Since there is a change of era, why can't there be a second dark age?"

Brinto frowned deeply: "What we have to do is not only the Ark Project, but the Dawn Empire must also be maintained, otherwise we will not be able to provide our Lord with the resources in the final stage, and we have no choice..."

Baudouin waved his hand and said, "As long as we have a firm grip on the three northern countries, we can implement the Ark plan. If the empire still exists, it will definitely be dissatisfied with the three northern countries being out of control, and even the entire empire's supply of resources to it, which will actually hinder the plan."

Brintto was stunned: "Don't want an empire? How can it be possible!? What do you think?"

"From the very beginning, the Aurora Empire was a freak," Baudouin said in words that would never have been uttered in the past: "How did this empire come about? It was Her Majesty Teresia's attempt to achieve the unity of man and god, so that mortals can Leaving aside the church, everyone directly faces the dream of the gods!"

"My lord just thinks that this empire has a lot of benefits in pooling resources, so it has been maintained until now."

"The situation is changing now, and my lord's last effort to save mortals has failed. Mortals are hopeless, and the whole world has to start over. For this purpose, let this empire be annihilated one step ahead of time. Is it strange?"

Brintto asked in an unbelievable tone: "Without the empire, what do we use to gather resources and build the ark?"

Baudouin said with a chuckle: "Without the empire, those nobles, magicians and other forces that are about to move, have no basis to gather strength and resist the Holy See of Order."

Brinto choked, and Baudouin continued: "On the contrary, let this empire disappear, let the nobles of the old kingdom fight for their inheritance, let the greedy magicians fight for the new country, and our Holy See of Order will naturally get out Aside from things, focus on the cause of devotion to our Lord."

Brinto said contemptuously: "Your idea does have some truth, but it's too naive!"

"The Red Federation has won again on the main plane, will they still stand still like they did four years ago?"

"Without the Twilight Empire, East Fern will inevitably fall into chaos. Will they sit idly by?"

"Don't forget, Her Majesty Teresia's younger sister, Catherine, is also qualified to inherit the empire. As long as she calls for it, the empire we lost will quickly reappear in her hands!"

"Not to mention the rumors... No, we have seen it just now, that witch named Leia is the rebirth of His Majesty Theresia!"

"Think about how much impact she will have on my Lord's faith, the Holy See of Order, and our plans if she raises Theresia's flag again?"

Baudouin's cheeks trembled a few times, and he turned his gaze away and said, "Just solve the problem before the plan is completed. With such an empire, the Holy See is at a loss for what to do."

Brintto continued to fight back: "Do you think that all the resources that our Lord needs can be solved with just one sacrifice of the saint? You have also received the oracle just now, and that is not a small amount."

Baudouin's tone softened: "There is some truth in what you said. It seems that I don't know enough about the empire. After all, it's not like you are personally managing the affairs of the empire."

"In this case, we have to divide the work. I will be in charge of the Ark project, and you will ensure that the Holy See has a stable control over the empire. The purpose is not to maintain the existence of the empire, but...you understand."

Brintto also smiled lowly: "This is what you want. You didn't want me to intervene in the Ark project from the beginning, so you advocated throwing away the empire?"

Baudouin looked back at him calmly: "If you are willing to abandon the empire, I can give way."

Brintto was silent for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, I will take charge of the affairs of the empire, but you have to tidy up your subordinates, so as not to make trouble out of hand at this time. The Holy See's demands can't hinder me Control of the empire, otherwise I will not be able to restrain my subordinates."

Baudouin's response was tit-for-tat: "I guarantee that, except for the three countries in the north, the resources mobilized from other regions of the empire are limited to the needs of the Ark project. You also have to make sure that you rely on the empire to solve the resources for our Lord to repair Heaven Mountain."

He darkened his face and emphasized: "In addition, some people haven't seen their status clearly. I'm sure they will make trouble at this critical moment. Since you are in charge of the affairs of the empire, I hope to see the results as soon as possible."

Brintto nodded: "Of course..."


On the ground floor of the Emperor's Castle, in the small meeting hall of the imperial palace, the emperor Jon Shuguang looked pale, and looked hopefully at O'Flynn, the saint of order and head of the inner court guard, who was also a teacher and mother to him: " Has His Majesty responded?"

Not only the emperor, but several important officials of the empire, including the prime minister, Grand Duke Tangus, also focused their attention on O'Flynn.In the Holy See of Order, among all the high-ranking priests of order above the legendary level, only this saint is loyal to the emperor and the empire and stands on their side.

"Your Majesty did issue an oracle, but I... can't feel it very clearly..."

O'Flynn's forehead was covered with sweat. Just now, she and the monarchs had been watching the battle in the light curtain. When the giant golden hand of the goddess of order reached down, she was very excited.

When the newly born Ms. Yue appeared and smashed the golden hand, the hall fell into a dead silence, and her heart seemed to have fallen into an abyss.

It took the emperor a long time to restrain the shock in his heart, and he had the strength to speak, but she dared not reveal the truth.

"I can only feel that His Majesty treats us very..."

Not saying it at all would be suspicious, but she decided to tell a part of the truth: "Disappointed."

The emperor, prime minister, and ministers looked extremely ashamed, and then gradually became heavy until they were terrified.

Her Majesty is disappointed with them, where is the future of this empire?
O'Flynn quickly explained: "It's not disappointment with our empire, but disappointment with all mortals."

"The oracle said that His Majesty will focus on the repair project of Tiantian Mountain, and the main plane matters, let us...to take care of ourselves."

Grand Duke Tangus asked: "Who are we referring to?"

O'Flynn shook her head in frustration: "That's the part I'm not clear about. I don't know if His Majesty is referring to mortals or the empire."

Jon's hand was tightly holding the throne guard, and the veins on the back of his hand were protruding: "Then what should we do?"

O'Flynn sighed secretly, forced a smile and said, "Your Majesty, this is something you should decide. What about your own thoughts?"

The prime minister and the ministers shook their heads slightly, exchanged glances with each other, and tried to think about the next move, and even the future of the entire empire.

No one expects this little puppet emperor to say anything valuable. The merits of this Jon Shuguang just make the throne of this empire not vacant.Also because of his undisguised dependence on O'Flynn, the side effects even outweighed the benefits of his sitting on the throne.

Fortunately, not many people cared too much about this emperor, and his sense of existence was weaker than that of the other emperor.

Seeing that Jon lowered his head, O'Flynn's sigh deepened. Sure enough, Jon was still too young, and even His Majesty the Goddess was about to give up mortals. How could he bring hope.

The hall remained silent for a long time, and just as the prime minister was about to talk about the inevitable defensive battle, the emperor suddenly raised his head, his eyes filled with firm and confident brilliance.

"We have indeed disappointed Her Majesty, because we always try to rely on His Majesty, and always think that our strength can only come from His Majesty's bestowal!"

"We didn't realize that our war with Lady Scarlet and that Li Qi Player decided our own destiny!"

"We should fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the people of the empire and let them fight for themselves!"

"They should guard their beliefs!"

"They should guard their fields, forests, homes, castles, relatives, and their inheritance!"

"The imperial fleet failed, but that's not everything! This war is not about warships, but our heritage, beliefs, and souls!"

"We still have hundreds of millions of people who are loyal to the empire, as well as nobles who carry thousands of years of inheritance and superhumans who have mastered various powers. They will not agree with the beliefs imposed on them by the Red Federation, nor will they accept it. An uncertain future."

"We can still fight!"

"When the battlefield changes from the sky to the land, and the weapons change from warships to hearts, we still have an advantage that the enemy cannot shake!"

The impassioned words of the emperor, who was between a boy and a young man, not only shocked the prime minister and ministers, but Oveline was also very happy.

Jon... really grown up...


Bitterness filled O'Flynn's heart, but such words had already violated the beliefs that followers of Order should have.

Of course our strength can only come from the bestowal of the gods!

Of course, our destiny can only be determined by the gods, how can we control it by ourselves! ?
What else can we do but wait...

O'Flynn groaned secretly with a headache, and she found herself even more confused.

Yes, if the power of mortals comes from the bestowal of the gods, and the fate is controlled by the gods, then what else is necessary to do?

Wouldn't the "final verdict" mentioned in the oracle of Jinghou be enough?
Her expression misunderstood the emperor, and her voice became louder: "Oveline, am I wrong?"

"Didn't the oracle say that His Majesty is disappointed in us?"

"Didn't you say, let us do it ourselves?"

"Then let's do it!"

"There has never been a savior... Uh, I'm not talking about believing in the Chilian, but I think it's true that it depends on people. If everything is decided by Her Majesty, what are we doing here?"

The emperor's persecution made O'Flynn unable to say anything, but smiled wryly. He really shouldn't have been exposed to those illusions that even if he didn't come from the Red Federation, he was also influenced by the belief of the Red Federation.

The prime minister and ministers nodded, applauded and even cheered loudly.

It doesn't matter what the emperor said, the key is that he believes that the empire should mobilize nobles, magicians, merchants and even the people. This attitude is still very firm, which means that they have the opportunity to regain the occupied territory from the Holy See of Order. The base of power.

O'Flynn felt uneasy, and was about to say something when the attendant suddenly sent a message: "Princess Bodina is asking to see His Majesty the Emperor."

His brows were lowered. As a "Royal Holy Maiden", he naturally didn't have a good opinion of this "Holy Holy Maiden" who maintained a good relationship with the important ministers of the empire.In the past, there was no intersection, but now she ran to find the emperor, and O'Flynn subconsciously became vigilant.


In the side hall far away from the conference hall, O'Flynn saw Bodina, and was about to say that the emperor was discussing something, but Bodina said very seriously: "You should have received the oracle from Her Majesty, Are you willing to let this empire be destroyed?"

O'Flynn was startled, and only then did she come to her senses. Since the other party is also a saint of order, and her ranking is much higher than her, she naturally received the oracle.

Although she didn't fully sense it, the "final verdict" that the goddess said did allow mortals to start over.

The two stared at each other for a while, and the unfamiliarity, estrangement, and suspicion in the past gradually dissipated. At such a moment, the two saintesses opened their hearts to each other.

O'Flynn smiled wryly, "If this is Her Majesty's will, even if you are unwilling, so what?"

Bodina shook her head: "You said... If, that is to say, you, like me, are doubting whether this is really the judgment of the goddess' will?"

O'Flynn didn't speak, but her eyes flickered violently.

Bodina continued: "It seems that I am not the only one who suspects that the Holy See of Order has distorted the will of the goddess."

O'Flynn was still very cautious: "Aren't you a member of the Holy See of Order? Even if you are rejected by them, you have a very good relationship with Brintol."

Bodina sighed helplessly: "I'm not like you. I have an emperor who I personally cultivated as my backer. I just chose the one that is not so tight and not too cold between the two shackles. "

O'Flynn remembered what Jon said just now, and the uneasiness in her heart grew stronger: "Then what is your purpose?"

"It's easy!"

Bodina waved her hand and opened the barrier of silence: "The Holy See of Order has become the former loyal Holy Court. They are plotting to build some kind of ark in the north. Only those they approve of are eligible to escape the final judgment. For this reason, they will send the entire empire were torn down and used as planks for the construction of the ark."

"So, isn't it obvious? It's that they distorted Her Majesty's will to destroy the entire Fein world. How could such a crazy act be done by a god at the pinnacle of goodness and order?"

O'Flynn was silent for a moment, then whispered: "If the will of the goddess is not distorted, what should it be like?"

Bodina was stunned, and O'Flynn shook her head slightly: "It's still the God-Emperor Theresa, who is one with God and wants everyone to face the gods, right?"

After the secret in her heart was exposed, Bodina turned pale, and then quickly blushed: "Isn't it supposed to? Isn't that the most beautiful? Isn't that the relationship that mortals and gods should have?"

"Don't you wish so? Aren't you also chosen by Her Majesty Teresia to work hard for her great cause?"

O'Flynn continued to shake her head, and it was even bigger: "It is true, but it is only the emotion between mortals and mortals. Her Majesty Teresia's divinity has been sublimated and she has become the goddess of order. What I work hard for is His eternal order .”

Podina raised the corner of her mouth: "But without the empire, and your little Jon is no longer the emperor, you are all excluded from the eternal order."

O'Flynn turned her head, another thing that confused her.

She barely supported it: "Why do you believe that the Holy See of Order has distorted the will of His Majesty the Goddess?"

Bodina had the upper hand, and laughed: "I can't believe that maybe the Holy See of Order didn't do it. This is the true will of Her Majesty the Goddess."

O'Flynn turned her head suddenly, her eyes widened: "Then you still..."

"It seems that you haven't fully heard the oracle of Her Majesty the Goddess," Podina said pitifully, "After all, you, a saint, don't really live up to your name. It's just that Her Majesty thinks that the tool of the Dawn Empire is still very useful. You maintain the relationship between the priest and the secular ruler, which grants you the qualification to listen to the oracle."

O'Flynn's cheeks twitched, but she didn't say anything. It was indeed true that she was a saint who was obtained by Jon.

Bodina raised her head and said: "There is a very important sentence in the goddess' oracle, so you can do it yourself..."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Dawn Empire? Order Holy See? No!"

"In connection with the first half of the oracle, Her Majesty attributed the failure of Silver Moon Heart to the last effort to save mortals. The meaning is very clear. This 'you' refers to all mortals."

"Since all mortals are included, how can the Holy See treat them specially?"

"So, in the eyes of the goddess, there is no difference between ordinary people."

O'Flynn found a logical problem: "But you just said that the Holy See of Order is preparing some kind of Ark plan, which is not in the oracle. It must be a special oracle issued by the goddess to the two cardinals. In the eyes of the goddess, the Holy See of Order is still special, a slave in His service."

Bodina's smile grew stronger: "That's because the Holy See of Order is more useful to Her Majesty the Goddess. If the Holy See of Order no longer exists, the Empire can do the same thing, will Her Majesty care?"

The Saintess Princess approached the head of the Saintess Guard and whispered in the ear: "No, He will still accept it with pleasure."

"When a herdsman chooses which sheep to kill for meat and which one to use as a milk-producing suckling sheep among the sheep, will he care about who is more pleasing to him?"

Fear filled O'Flynn's eyes, but it gradually dissipated.

Of course I don't care, the selection criteria are only who has fatter meat and who produces more milk.

O'Flynn's thoughts turned, and she said, "This...thought seems a bit blasphemous."

Bodina laughed and said, "It's true blasphemy if you don't recognize the position of mortals in the eyes of the goddess, and don't correct your position in front of the gods."

After a while of silence in the barrier, O'Flynn asked the last doubt: "Aren't you still sticking to Your Majesty Theresia's...ideal?"

Bodina put away her smile, and said deeply: "So, through our own efforts, let... This one, become Your Majesty Teresia, isn't it good?"

O'Flynn shook her head with a wry smile: "Sure enough, you are still blasphemy."

She sighed: "It seems that I have no choice, but Jon is useless now except as a banner, and it is meaningless for you to see him. We should start the actual work as soon as possible."

"Of course, that's the purpose of my coming here. I'm not looking for your little Jon, but you." Podina said in a brisk tone: "You should understand what our goal is. You mobilize the prime minister and the big On the noble side, I mobilized the nobles from the three northern countries, and on the magician side, my relationship with them... especially Hathaway's side should be stronger than your relationship with the empire."

The highest priority target is of course the Holy See of Order. Thinking of the scene when Jon was almost completely controlled by the Holy See of Order when he ascended the throne, O'Flynn couldn't help but beat faster.Those guys should also pay for their arrogance!
After leaving the Emperor's Castle, Bodina took the floating car back to the Holy Step City. The lights and shadows in the car changed, and she used the crystal ball to contact several people. The first one was naturally Hathaway Ted.

As she expected, Hathaway was very interested in her suggestion, and she even heard a trace of joy that she tried to suppress, which showed that Hathaway also had this idea, but she had no way out and insiders.

"Very well, when the people from all parties are assembled at night, the end of the Holy See of Order will also come."

Bodina's heart was agitated. It was not the entire Holy See of Order that was destroyed, but the two cardinals and their loyal lackeys.When the time comes, she will take over as the new head of the church and change the name of the Holy See. Under the Goddess, she will be No.1.

This is not a pioneering work, it is exactly the same as the demise of the Loyalty Court and the rise of the Order Vatican. For her goal, this is only the first step.

"Your Majesty Teresia, I will inherit your legacy..."

Recall that as a princess of a small country, she was bullied by the loyal court, and countless friends and subordinates died tragically, but she was unable to uphold justice.And when the Holy Court was destroyed, those murderers transformed into the core members of the Holy See of Order, and the heat in Bodina's heart rolled like magma.

It was Her Majesty Teresia who did not do her best to compromise with the Three Northern Kingdoms and the remnants of the loyal court.

She doesn't blame Theresia, without Theresia making her a saint of order, she wouldn't have this day.On the contrary, she will continue Teresia's career and wipe out all the forces that still try to use the church to monopolize God's will.

She is destined to be the second Theresia, and maybe even in the new era, she will achieve greater achievements and prestige than Theresia.

Bodina returned to her residence in the Holy Step City full of longing, that is, the old palace where Teresia lived in when she was a queen.

Just stepping into the study room that still maintains the original layout, her body and mind were shocked, and a person was already waiting for her there.

Order Holy See Cardinal Brintor...

"Your Highness really misses Her Majesty Teresia," Brintto said faintly, "Me too, I believe this is one of the reasons why the two of us came together."

Bodina's thoughts changed sharply, and she held up a smile and said, "Why did Your Excellency Cardinal come here? Could it be the same as I thought?"

"I have received the oracle. I have already contacted the emperor and the prime minister. I also talked with Hathaway, Simberna and Zold on the way, and they all agreed..."

Bodina looked at Brinto, who was expressionless: "Things will only change if the Holy See of Order is changed. As for how to change, Baudouin is the one that needs to be eliminated. Cardinal, if you can make the Holy See and the Empire If you cooperate wholeheartedly, I will convince them to support you..."

She emphasized in a solemn tone: "Control the Holy See alone."

Brinto raised his brows, and said with a chuckle, "It's really what I think."

Then his face sank: "It's just the last sentence, and it's not the time yet."

As soon as the words fell, several gray figures jumped out from the shadow of the lamp and the corner of the wall.

Bodina subconsciously launched defenses, but the other party did not rush up. Some deployed strange barriers to cover her, and some held special magic guns, firing silent and dull bullets.

The barrier instantly shattered, and Bodina's body erupted with colorful lights. She let out a low cry, overflowing with golden light, and was about to perform the divine descent technique.There was a muffled muffled sound, and countless bullets penetrated her body. Several bullets penetrated from the forehead to the back of the head, and one eye was also shot through.

She slammed against the wall and fell to the ground slowly, the bloody water drew a bright red smear on the wall.

"Why, why..."

As a legendary saint, Bodina is naturally not so easy to die, she whispered unwillingly.

"I don't know your real plan, but I think we're on the same page."

Brintto said: "As for why you ended up like this, it's because you're not important enough to make a deal with me. You're just a bargaining chip."

He slowed down his tone: "Don't worry, your destination is to sacrifice for the goddess, which is also the greatest honor for you."

Bodina struggled hard to stand up, but the blood spurted from her body and seven orifices more urgently.

A gray figure stepped forward and waved his hand abruptly. The forbidden spike made of magic steel pierced through the lower jaw and pierced out from the top of the head.

Bodina's body froze, her eyes lost focus, and her consciousness fell into darkness.

"I've wanted to deal with this girl for a long time. She always looks arrogant in front of me, but she does have something to rely on."

The voice and shadow smacked their lips, and said in a tone full of unusual meaning: "As a saint and a princess, although not as beautiful as those few, it should be very interesting, tsk tsk..."


Brintor said coldly: "Don't have any blasphemous thoughts, this is a sacrifice dedicated to Her Majesty the Goddess!"

McGore shrugged: "Just kidding, I will tell my subordinates to take good care of it until that day."

He asked Brintto: "What's next? Do you want to continue? If the little emperor, his nanny, and the Prime Minister are all handed over to me, they won't be able to escape tonight."

Brintto snorted: "Don't threaten me, you know what the consequences of doing this are, shouldn't you be doing business next?"

McGore snorted, "Okay, I'm going to hell now."

When McGore and the others disappeared with Bodina, Brintto waved the airflow, and the blood on the floor, walls, and objects gathered into the air, turning into a turbulent blood drop.

Putting away the blood beads with a crystal, Brintto glanced at the restored study room, and sighed: "Your Majesty Teresia, your ideal finally restarted the whole world. If you knew the result, would you still resist loyalty? What about the court?"

Seeing the crystal ball on the desk, Brintto activated curiously.

Light and shadow emerged, and a sonorous female voice came out, as if broadcasting some declaration, it had come to the end: "Our footsteps will not stop, all countries that oppress and enslave mortals will be the next battlefield!"

"The Red Federation declares to the whole world that our next move is upright, and we don't bother to hide it!"

"We'll take down Valentine and liberate all of Fern!"

Brintto smiled wryly and shook his head: "You still will, in fact you haven't given up yet, although that means that you are closer to destruction, let you rest in peace in the most brilliant flames of war..."

His tone became solemn and firm, like the voice of a god: "The future belongs to us, and belongs to the eternal order."

[Recommend "Schoolmasters Are Open", a unique book for Xueba, easy and carefree, and the interaction with Goldfinger is very interesting and worth savoring. 】

 Two in one today, this part of the story fast forward...

(End of this chapter)

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