goddess of revolution

Chapter 1117 The Eve of the Red Alliance Counterattack and the Eve of Chaos of the Magical Bourgeois

Chapter 1117 The Eve of the Red Alliance Counterattack and the Eve of Chaos of the Magical Bourgeoisie
The endless flames and the rising and falling brilliance of various colors illuminate the canyon, making Fleet City tonight brighter and warmer than ever before.

However, people already know that Fleet City will cease to exist.

Mosmut the Uncrowned Lord was dead at the hands of the Sorcerer-Governor, and the flagship was blown to pieces in the skies of Sifane.Such news spread among the citizens and workers of Fleet City through countless communicators issued by the Red Federation.

In the afternoon, the Chilian also projected a huge three-dimensional image over the city, allowing people to clearly see the disintegration of the divine hand of the goddess of order. .

Since the morning, the battles that broke out above and on the ground in Fleet City have not stopped. The Red Federation used the terrain to build a number of temporary shelters to shelter the citizens through the initial chaos.After that, with the next move of the Red Federation and the arrival of the Imperial Legion, even greater chaos reappeared.

The Red Federation is here to bring people out of Fleet City, which confirms the empire's long-standing propaganda.

The Red Federation plundered people all over the place, and used terrifying magic technology to turn most people into golems that would never stop and produce supplies for them.Those good-looking teenagers and girls, even younger children, were forced to sing and dance to please them, and only had to eat disgusting food made of slime.

A small number of people listened to the propaganda of the Red Federation, and they cooperated with them and even happily followed them. The rest, mainly the workers of the floating shipyard, had great resistance.

The Red Federation used spells and other means to forcefully arrest people. Although some people argued that it was an attempt by the workers to snatch the weapons and equipment of the Red Federation soldiers, or that Fleet City was too chaotic. The Red Federation did not want workers to run around and be killed by imperial soldiers, but violence was used after all means.

In addition, the former mentor turned out to be a "spies" of the Red Federation, and the halfling Rashael's low trust in the Red Federation dropped sharply.Relying on the shelter provided by the Red Federation, I led a large number of workers to escape the catastrophe, and the trust was temporarily pulled back.Seeing the old mentor become tall and strong, mighty and upright, the reputation of the Red Federation and the trust in the mentor were shattered in Rachel's heart at the same time.

"This is your ultimate goal, right? Trick us all to your side and be your slaves!"

When Drizzt once again mentioned that the Red Federation urgently sent a transport ship to take everyone away, Rashael finally broke out: "You have been pretending to be an old man for so long, you really worked hard, Drizzt...Mr. ..."

This shelter was built using a street on the ground floor. Rashael jumped on a pile of broken wooden boxes and shouted to the panicked workers: "We will not leave! Here in Fleet City, magic Master Shi only wants our strength and skill, and he went to Chilian, God knows what they want from us!"

The old dwarf Broton scolded: "Rashall! If it wasn't for us, you would have died long ago! Do you believe in the propaganda of the empire so much and think that our Red Federation is evil?"

Rachel sneered: "In your eyes, we are wealth, of course we have to protect it! As for whether the Red Federation is evil or not, we certainly don't believe the propaganda of the empire, but it doesn't mean we have to believe your propaganda. If we really want to compare , It was Master Magician who tricked us into signing the contract, not the Empire, but the Red Federation... Teacher Drizzt is here, does anyone still believe your words?"

Trizzt looked at the halfling with extremely complicated eyes, and didn't open his mouth to defend.

Taking his silence as a guilty conscience, Rachael's confidence was high, and he continued to shout: "The master magician deceived us, and the foremen oppressed us. We have long understood that no one in this world can be relied on, only ourselves!"

"Fleet City is gone, there are other cities, we still have hands and feet, let's go to other places!"

Rashael just came from another place, and he was prepared: "I am the clerk of the Shipyard Guild in Fleet City. Our guild organizes everyone and earns food on their own. There is no need to go to anyone!"

"Let's leave here, the imperial army will not stop us, if you continue to stay with the Red Federation people, you all know the consequences!"

After shouting, he looked straight at Triszt, raised his spirits, and prepared to meet the opponent's counterattack.

Trizt was silent for a moment, then smiled lightly, and said to his subordinates and workers willing to go to the Red Federation, "Let's go, we don't have much time."

After dismantling the small protective barrier transformed from the military united world, Triszt and his party left the street, and Rashael was still yelling at the back: "Thank you, Teacher Triszt! You not only taught us how to organize and fight , and taught us to keep our eyes open at any time!"

"I really want to knock that little hairy foot unconscious and carry him back to see his suddenly enlightened expression."

The old dwarf was so angry that he gritted his teeth: "Director, are these people just giving up like this? Even if some means are used to force them, once they get to the place, they will naturally understand our painstaking efforts."

Trizt shook his head and said: "It's too chaotic here, we can't take away many people, we can only give priority to volunteers. Forcing them is not only easy to cause problems, but also unfair to those who are willing to go with us."

"And... I didn't think carefully at the beginning, thinking that I was just doing promotion work here to facilitate forging identities, which led to such a crisis of trust."

"Now that the central government has decided to counterattack in an all-round way, the troops that have been put into Fleet City will soon be transferred back. We can't waste time and resources here."

He sighed deeply: "It's a pity, I have seen the strength in these people."

In the remote corners of the canyon, around the open barrier, scavengers and kobolds patrolled in armored groups. The army's tracked combat vehicles occupied an important position, and their thick muzzles pointed in all directions. This is the area controlled by the Red Federation.A Bailu commuter plane was busy taking off and landing, bringing groups of citizens who were willing to go to the Red Federation to the transport ship above the clouds.

"Broughton, take your people back, I have something to stay."

When we arrived at the location, Drizzt suddenly said that, which surprised the assistant.

According to the instructions of the central government, Trizt should go back to report on his work, and then lead the underground forces of Redstone, Norton, and Forgotten Forest, and cooperate with the Red Federation's comprehensive counterattack to bring these three places into the Red Federation's territory.

"There will be a lot of workers going to Sachdon and even Valentine. There are more large-scale floating ship workshops there. I plan to go there and continue to do their work."

Drizzt said: "Redstone, Norton, and Forgotten Forest are in charge of their respective branches, and I have also submitted reports. It will be fine as long as Cardinal Tarrence takes care of it. I should go to places that need me more .”

The old dwarf guessed what Trizzet was thinking, and frowned, "You don't seem to agree with the central government's decision?"

Drizzt shook his head and nodded again: "What I don't agree with is the latest judgment. The previous judgment, I mean the stage theory of revolution, I think is far-sighted and completely correct."

"Look at Rachael and his co-workers, they are already on the verge of awakening. With a little nudge at the right time, they will stand up and fight the old times to the end."

"They don't trust us. This kind of estrangement is natural. The patriarchal road we represent is too advanced for them. They have just come out of the society ruled by the aristocracy and theocracy. If the magician bourgeoisie notices Their strength, they are the natural bourgeois stormtroopers."

"Don't underestimate them. In the entire empire, there are 200 million workers in the airship workshop alone. Counting the workers in other magic industries, there are at least 1000 million. Moreover, their awareness and struggle will also affect the entire citizen class. , What is the urban population of the Dawn Empire? It should be 4000 million, which is almost ten times the population of our Red Federation.”

Trizt's tone was full of worry: "The appearance of the Heart of the Silver Moon has accelerated the pace of the Goddess of Order and the Dawn Empire against us. At this time, magicians are also actively participating in the war. The central government considers that the revolutionary stage It's wrong."

"I think the central government has neglected the power of the workers at the bottom, as well as the power of the citizens, and ignored their desire for revolution. This will make our full-scale counterattack encounter great resistance."

"A full-scale counteroffensive will force the enemies who have shown signs of division in the internal camp to continue to unite, and at the same time take the deceived imperial people as hostages. I am worried that there will be undue losses on both sides and unforeseen consequences."

The old dwarf thought for a moment, nodded and said: "Actually, I think so too, but we are carrying out revolutions at the two levels of mortals and gods at the same time, and the central focus may be on the revolution of humans and gods. It has decisive significance, so I didn't pay attention to more details of the mortal revolution."

Trizt patted the old dwarf on the shoulder: "Yes, when I reported, I hoped that the central government would reconsider the current policy, but I didn't have enough facts to convince them. So I must go further into the working class. There was a long-term plan in this regard, and after they discussed it, they agreed with me to verify my opinion."

The old dwarf raised his chest and raised his head: "You can't leave me behind, I, old Broton, are still useful!"

Trizzt thought for a while, and had to nod, he really couldn't do without this partner.

Thinking of the main reason why Rashael and the others no longer trusted them, the old dwarf said again: "Why don't I pretend to be a mentor this time, and the director acts secretly?"

Drizzt laughed and said, "Let's stop pretending..."

He put away his smile and said solemnly: "If we want to understand them, we must first become one of them."

In the crowded streets and alleys, Rachel stood higher, otherwise the crowd behind would not be able to see him.

He shouted with a halfling's small voice like a giant: "We don't believe in anyone, we only rely on our own hands to make money!"

"As long as we unite, there is no problem that cannot be solved!"

"Let's go to Sachdon! There are still many airship workshops there!"


On the steep cliff, another halfling looked at the canyon where the fireworks rose and flickered, and sighed long and long: "Why can't the war stop?"

Sitting next to him was a tall young man wearing the uniform of an ordinary imperial soldier. Hearing this, he said guiltily, "I'm sorry Frodo, but I have no right to decide the recruitment matters here at Redstone."

"No, Your Excellency the Marshal," said Frodo, "I'm not complaining about you, but I'm just feeling sorry for you. After so many years, when will it be the first time?"

After being urgently transferred back to Redstone by the Imperial Military Affairs Department, Rimako, who was in charge of resisting the Red Federation, was silent for a while before saying, "It's almost the end."

Frodo turned his head and said in disbelief, "Marshal, do you also believe in the announcement of the Red Federation?"

The Red Federation's announcement about a full-scale counteroffensive, as well as the mirage of the battle to defend the Heart of the Silver Moon, have spread throughout the main plane.As long as you have an old-fashioned magic communicator, you can hear the broadcast, and you can see illusions if you have an old-fashioned crystal ball.

The declaration of "defeat Valentine and liberate all of Fern" may be just a lip service, and the illusion can also be fabricated. At least the Imperial Propaganda Department is very skilled and professional in doing this kind of thing.

From Weeping Sand Sea to Fleet City in an emergency, Frodo also vaguely guessed that the situation of the empire was not good, but to convince him that the fleet is all finished, the empire is at stake, and the announcements from the Red Federation are all true, he will do whatever it takes. Do not believe.

Of course, I don't want to believe it.

The Dawn Empire, the ideal country created by Her Majesty Teresia led by warriors of all races, professions and identities, is coming to an end?

"No news from the Red Federation..."

Remarko whispered, not expecting Frodo to hear.In fact, shortly after the golden hand of the goddess of order was smashed by the silver goddess, he received three top-secret summons in a row.

One copy came from the inner court of the imperial palace. The young emperor bluntly stated that he needed a veteran general like him to defend the empire, and told him to preserve his strength and consider the next defensive battle from the perspective of the commander-in-chief of the imperial army.

The other one came from the Magic Advisory Committee, behind which should be the Mage Union, which has long been a vase, and signed by Zold Mildern.Zold informed him of the actions of the Duke of Soul Refining in the flagship castle, and warned him that he must be the next target of the Holy See of Order.

The third communication is from the Holy See of Order, which is half threatening and half seductive, claiming that as long as he "returns to the righteous faith", the Holy See of Order will hand over military power to him, and he will lead the Holy See to purge the empire with armed forces, "overcoming the most difficult time ".

After that, the Imperial Military Affairs Department, which is jointly controlled by the Holy See, the royal family, nobles, magicians and other forces, issued a military order to let him take full charge of the defense of Redstone and Norton. The first task was to expel the Red Federation troops from Fleet City. .

It seems that the struggle of the upper echelon has not yet achieved a clear result...

Remark sighed. At this time, his subordinates sent reports that the Red Federation troops were withdrawing and the residents of Fleet City were also fleeing on a large scale.

"Leave neither side in the way, now we need to calm down."

Rimachor gave instructions, and said to Frodo: "Go and escort the fleeing inhabitants, lest the local legions stop them and cause something to happen."

Frodo looked at him, and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything. After saluting solemnly, he jumped on his six-legged magical chariot and roared away.

Under the light of iron gray and scarlet, only Rimaco and his cronies can see it.

The image of the light-winged god with an inverted triangle head descended and bowed to Remarko in salute.

"Remark, it's time for you to make another choice."

Atlas, the envoy of the God of War, said: "My lord is very concerned about this, and sent me down to protect you, to ensure that your choice comes from the heart and is not interfered by external forces."

Remark smiled faintly: "Is His Majesty Huma not afraid of offending His Majesty the Goddess of Order?"

Atlas said: "The condition of our Lord's support of eternal order is that... Gods and mortals have their places and their parts. If His Majesty Haim regards taking away the believers favored by our Lord as the creation of eternal order necessary condition, then the so-called eternal order is only the divine will of the goddess of order, not the order recognized by our Lord."

Speaking so convolutedly, Huma felt that the Goddess of Order had gone too far...

Remark smiled wryly and said, "It's all from my heart. I actually don't know what choice I should make as a pure soldier in such a situation."

Atlas said in a natural tone: "Of course it is on the side of the winner."

Remark nodded: "This is really correct... nonsense."

No longer paying attention to Atlas, Remarco fell into deep thought. He found that the side he wanted to choose, because it was mixed with the inevitable negative option of the Holy See of Order, was already in name only.As for the remaining options, there was nothing he was willing to pursue.

What he wants is not just victory.

"Of course, if what you pursue is not victory, but military glory," Atlas said again in a low voice: "My Lord will leave a special place for you in the Kingdom of God, and you will maintain your own will while preserving With all the memories of his lifetime, serve our Lord as a heroic spirit in the Kingdom of God."

Remarco sank into the abyss, but said with a smile, "I'm not the Marshal Montefrey in the mirage drama, I'm so pure that I don't care about my own life and death."

Atlas nodded: "You choose."

When the summons sounded, Remaco's expression changed drastically after hearing a few words.

"Princess Bodina..."

He frowned, and his tone was extremely cold: "The people in the Holy See of Order really don't pay attention to anyone."


In the south of Central Fern, Broken Ocean Fjord, on the top floor of the tower with a huge pearl on top, a colorful dragon eagle is projected back and forth in the hall, just like a catnip jumping up and down. Like cats.

"My God, I can't believe it!"

"In just one day, the big crisis that made me sleep and eat was solved!"

"The Goddess of Order has been defeated! Such a formidable trick of probing the main body into the main plane has not succeeded!"

"I can sit back and relax haha!"

The Dragon Eagle Projection yelled ecstatically while running wildly, if Tina were here, she would definitely yell, shit, isn't that voice the Dragon Eagle God named Amberlier?How come you're just another huh?
The Queen of St. Buron, the Saintess of Amberlier, stomped her feet and shouted: "Your Majesty, even if there are no other believers here, we are still here. Pay attention to your image!"

The old white-haired Pope coughed as if his chest would explode, and he was still trying to change the subject: "Your Majesty, we have to determine the direction of the kingdom as soon as possible. The Goddess of Order just failed in the main plane, and she is still high. Standing on the Heavenly Mountain. Once the Heavenly Mountain is repaired, he will still have the final say on the main plane."

The Dragon Eagle Projection blinked its big innocent and smart eyes, and snorted unhappily: "How can Heavenly Mountain be repaired so easily? Anyway, don't expect me to bow to that guy. In his eternal order, a wild god like me is The fate of peeling and cramping!"

"I think Chilian is very good. The gods over there are all in a state of unity of man and god, which is similar to me. The people who came, especially the witch, are very interesting, but the way they look at my pearl drooling is a little bit Disgusting. Anyway, it's fun to hang out with them."

The saint sighed: "Your Majesty, if you only care about your own feelings, it doesn't matter how you choose, we will obey your will."

Long Ying froze, rolled his eyeballs, and said with a blunt smile: "Why, how could it be? I also care about my people, so why would I ignore your wishes?"

The old Pope said: "It is also a good choice to form an alliance with the Red Alliance, at least it can eliminate the threat from the Holy Will Empire. However, it seems that it is not worthwhile to become an enemy with the Dawn Empire. Can we be more flexible and use commercial trade? The method is close to the Red Federation, but not completely on their side?"

Long Ying became active again, circling around the hall like a sea snake, and said in a crisp voice: "Not bad, not bad, this is the old man's opinion of the country!"

The tone changed again, and he said bitterly: "But in this way, I have a relationship with the goddess of business again. It's very troublesome. I hate that guy."

One god and two servants are struggling with their brains, and the messenger crystal ball in the corner is shining brightly.

The saint and the queen answered the message, and her expression kept changing until she became extremely dignified.

After the communication, the saint frowned and said, "It's Hathaway Ted, the spokeswoman for Ms. Dark Moon, who came to make trouble before. She hopes to form an alliance with us. She said something about the Dawn Empire. In short, the whole world is about to It looks like disaster is imminent."

The projection of Amberlil, the God of Dragon Falcon, suddenly faded, leaving only a sentence echoing in the hall: "Oh, then I have to hide quickly! The outside is left to you!"


On the Storm Islands, the central tower of the Free Magic Academy, Hathaway waved away the light and shadow on the crystal ball, and said with a worried face: "That Amberell is at best a weak god, or a miscellaneous god whose main body is on the main plane. , The Kingdom of St. Bolon is also very weak, and it is not considered a power at all."

"One point is one point." The only existing clone of Ms. Dark Moon Ranna kept close to Hathaway, and said coldly: "We have to get enough bargaining chips, otherwise we don't have much space for us on that boat."

Hathaway sneered: "I thought the Goddess of Order had some tricks. It turned out to be to restart the world. How is this different from what your predecessor did, Xiao Hei?"

"As soon as He let go, the Holy See of Order became a mad dog! Even Bodina dared to move, I think they all have that kind of thought for me!"

Ranna sighed: "I've lost too much memory, especially the situation outside Finn's world, otherwise I wouldn't be so passive. Now I even want to find Xiaohong."

"Don't think about it!"

Hathaway said resolutely: "Even if I die and my soul is annihilated, I will not bow to Li Qi!"

Ranna shrugged, suddenly excited: "How about... let's build our own ark!"

Hathaway was puzzled: "What are we going to do?"

Ranna smiled mysteriously: "My predecessor left me with a vague memory of that place. I sensed that place when I interfered with the teleportation with the Goddess of Commerce and the Void Dragon God during the day."

Ren Na nodded to Hathaway, and proudly said: "The New World..."

(End of this chapter)

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