Chapter 112
Blonde hair and gray eyes, beautiful and holy, with a slim body wrapped in silver and white armor, holding a helmet in one hand and a sword hilt in the other.

"T-Princess Theresia!"

"your Highness!"

"His Royal Highness is back!"

The nobles greeted each other as if they had just woken up from a dream.

"Teresia! I thought you wouldn't be able to come back in time. Is the front line going well?"

The king was still calm, but he glanced at Li Qi first, and then greeted his eldest daughter.

Teresia said calmly: "Father, if I don't come back, the whole world will perish."

The king's hall fell silent again.

People who don't know the inside story are surprised, what does the princess mean by this?
People who knew something inside were shocked, what did the princess mean by this?
Li Qi, who knew all the inside information, felt cold. What did Teresia mean by this?
The look in the king's hand just now seemed to convey the meaning of "something is not good".

There was no need for the king to hint at this, as soon as she appeared, Li Qi knew something was wrong.

In the blueprint planned by the king and Li Qi, Teresia is a marginal role.

The king has never liked Theresia very much. Theresia was educated in the Kem Church since she was a child, and the king has always disliked the loyal court, whether it is the headquarters or the branch.

When Teresia became an adult, she acted even more against the king's wishes, and even recklessly killed Prince Parlin, creating multiple conflicts between the two, including father and daughter, monarch and minister.

Li Qi, an outsider, could see clearly that when the king decided to transfer the blood curse from Theresia to Catherine, his paternal love for Theresia had reached its end, and after that it was just consumed and not paid for.

If Ellie, that is, Catherine's blood curse cannot be eliminated, and the king does not engage in a conspiracy to destroy the world, the throne will eventually pass to Theresia, which is a last resort.

Things were different now, the king no longer saw Theresia as his heir.

The king and Li Qi didn't know what Teresia's attitude would be towards Li Qi and Catherine. This was one of the reasons why Catherine couldn't show up right away and Li Qi couldn't do it all at once.

The king didn't inform Teresia that there was a celebration party today, and in fact she didn't want to see her appear at all, but she came in time and revealed the king's abolished conspiracy.

Li Qi thought to himself, something is wrong...

Seeing that everyone in the royal hall was horrified, the king was speechless for a moment, Li Qi gritted his teeth and stepped forward.

"Your Highness, you must have been deceived by someone. I can stop the natural disaster of the undead, and I rely on Your Majesty..."

Before she finished speaking, Teresia interrupted sharply: "You are the one who has been deceived! I didn't come back only after listening to someone's words. I have done research before I came and confirmed the facts!"

She shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Actually, I already knew what you were going to do, Father, I should have stood up long ago!"

"Your Highness, Catherine..."

"To shut up!"

Li Qi was in a hurry, and wanted to tell him that he had saved Catherine, but was interrupted by the king again.

The king must interrupt, which involves the thousand-year-old secret of the Hadron family.

The king said in a deep voice: "This is a matter between me and Theresia, people who have nothing to do with it, step back!"

The nobles looked at each other, and Numen Ael shouted loudly: "Stand back!"

The crowd swarmed back, wishing they could grow four legs.This father and daughter are legends, if there is a disagreement and a fight, they will all suffer.

Numan El did not retreat, neither did Li Qi, the countess gave him a concerned look, he returned a reassuring look, and the countess also left helplessly.

Of course he wants to stay. This is a major moment related to the future of the revolution.

The huge royal hall became deserted, and there were only four people left.

Teresia sneered: "Father is so afraid that his plot will be exposed in front of everyone?"

"Conspiracy... Teresia, I really regret handing you over to the Church of Kaim, making you always act as a judge." The king's tone was low, and he could hear that he was suppressing his anger.

"This is the only place I am grateful to my father," Teresia showed no sign of weakness: "Cam taught me to distinguish right from wrong, to stick to my beliefs, and to never bow to evil!"

"Your Highness! There are still many things you don't know..."

Li Qi jumped, what are you father and daughter still pretending to do, why don't you just explain the matter clearly?
"Shut up! This is my family business!"

"what do you know!?"

He was interrupted by two people at the same time, and he looked at Numanel helplessly, but this Benuin legend looked at his nose, nose, nose, nose and heart and acted like a wooden man.

The king twisted his cheeks and said, "No matter what I do, it is for your own good. What right do you have to judge me? I am both your father and your king!"

Teresia said: "Father, just as you shoulder the responsibility of a king, the kingdom is more important than your relatives in your eyes. I am not only your daughter, but also a believer of Kem. Practicing the way of Kem is My responsibility!"

"You... have really grown up." The king was furious and stepped off the throne.

Today he wore no armor, only a ceremonial crown.The long sword worn at his waist was not the artifact either, and he probably would never touch the artifact that killed his beloved again.

The king's tone was quite disdainful: "Indeed, I have planned a big conspiracy to destroy the world, Teresia, do you want to judge me?"

Li Qi was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, you old man, don't be so arrogant!After all, this is your daughter. Does telling the truth hurt your self-esteem?

Well, for a character like the king, it really hurt his self-esteem, let alone the eldest daughter he had always disliked.

"Father, father king..."

The king's momentum overwhelmed Teresia, she took a step back, and said in disbelief: "I know, I have known since I was a child, that you have been planning something for Ellie and Aunt Irina. But you really... ...has it really come this far?"

"What do I do, do I still need to explain to my daughter?"

The king smiled coldly and said, "If you are Kaim's spokesperson, then you are qualified to ask questions."

His emotions became agitated: "Come on, Teresia! In the name of your god, come and judge me! Come and punish me!"


Li Qi didn't even bother to use the honorific title, Teresia, you should bow your head anyway, this is your father!
"Why are you still here? What right do you have to yell at me!"

Teresia was also angry, but the target was Li Qi.

An awe-inspiring power surged out of her body, several transparent light shields flipped over, and descended from the sky, trapping Li Qi like a cage, even the air was cut off, so that his words could no longer be heard.

", Tragdi Hadron, I will judge you in the name of Kaim!"

The holy light gushed out, Theresia's wings of light stretched out, and the holy shield surrounded her. A majestic and holy power instantly filled the entire royal hall.

She drew out the simple long sword and pointed it at the king: "Speak out your crimes, Tragdi Hadron! Tell your crimes against Finn and extermination of mortals!"

The king's body swayed, his face flushed first, and then turned pale.

He smiled extremely coldly, which sounded like he was mocking himself, and then said, "That's right, little girl."

The king also drew out his sword, and the scorching breath dispelled the holy light, making his figure swaying: "Whether you are qualified or not is not a matter of faith or words, but strength."

Don't, you don't need to go this far!

Li Qi hit the light shield hard, but it had no effect except to smash the air into ripples.

Numan-Air stepped forward, wanting to prevent the father and daughter from fighting each other, but was stopped by the king: "Numan-Air, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to intervene! Go and protect Li Qi!"

The legend of Bennu still hesitated, the king shouted: "Don't forget the oath you once made!"

Numan El was stunned, turned back to Li Qi, and waved away the light shield cage.But a larger semicircular barrier isolated him and Li Qi from the battlefield.

Li Qi shouted: "Baron!"

"If you talk again, I'll knock you out, I'm serious," Numan Ayer said blankly.

Li Qi was about to suffer internal injuries, and the royal hall really became a battlefield.

The battle between legends should have been curious and exciting, but Li Qi was anxious.

What he was worried about was that the king killed Theresia in a fit of rage, which was too bad a result.

Theresia is leading the tide of change in the main plane of Finn. Without her as the standard bearer, the headquarters of the Loyalty God Court will recover, and the kingdom of Hadron will inevitably become the highest priority liquidation target. At that time, he and the Scarlet Church will There is no longer a place to stand.

What's worse, after the king wakes up, he will definitely suffer a big blow. The great prospect of marrying Catherine and mastering Hadron's kingdom will be completely ruined!
But even if he wanted to watch the battle between legends, he had no chance.

The collision of the holy light and the scorching flame plunged the royal hall into a chaotic stream of light.Fortunately, there is a protective barrier in the king's hall, which weakens the power of the legend, otherwise the scene would have been blasted to pieces.

The barrier propped up by Numen Ael further cut off the feeling of power, Li Qi couldn't see anything except the glare that hurt his eyes.

The battle didn't last long, but Li Qi felt like a whole day had passed.

For a moment, the light dimmed, and the scorching air overwhelmed the holy light.


The king shouted in a weird tone, and the next moment, the tone became cold again: "Cam's puppet, you betrayed the Hadron family!"

Then he switched back to the previous tone and shouted: "No——!"

The holy light suddenly rose, engulfing Li Qi's entire field of vision.

"His Majesty--!"

Numen Ael also yelled, he removed the barrier and rushed over.

The power of legend has dissipated, and the scene under the throne makes Li Qi feel like being killed by lightning.

Teresia's long sword pierced the king's chest, and the holy light overflowed from the sword, penetrating cracks on the king's body.

The king raised his long sword high and stopped in the air. His body was trembling slightly, and he looked at Theresia with indescribable eyes.The latter was stunned, as if he didn't believe that he did it, just like a sculpture, maintaining the posture of stabbing with a sword.


The king muttered, "My..."

After the words fell, he staggered back, the long sword was pulled out from his chest, and blood gushed out like a fountain, spraying Teresia all over her face, but she didn't seem to notice it.

(End of this chapter)

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