goddess of revolution

Chapter 1125 The Magician's Struggle and Bahamut's Variables

Chapter 1125 The Magician's Struggle and Bahamut's Variables
Hundreds of kilometers above the sky, ripples swayed slightly, a fin whale released its stealth state, and two mechanical arms protruded from the hull, touching a certain space.The octagonal shimmers intertwined with purple and gold light up, outlining a polyhedral spherical structure with a diameter of 30 meters.

The gray elf manipulator at the end of the mechanical arm was busy for a while, dismantling the shell of the device that looked like a primitive satellite, and the halfling on the other mechanical arm leaned out of the device, took out a certain part, and replaced it with a new one. go up.

About half an hour later, the replacement and debugging were all completed, the sphere gave out a low buzzing sound, and after the octagonal light flickered a few times, it disappeared with some details and sounds.

"Command, Sky Eye 5377-3488 has been upgraded and can be tested."

"Received, the wide-area scanning module is activated, it is working, everything is normal."

After communicating with the "Eye of the Sky Command" of the Air Force, the fin whale retracted its mechanical arm, and flew towards the next target in the death barrier that the shadow whale launched.

The "Eye of the Sky" node is composed of the space lattice anchoring engine, the vector attitude adjustment engine, the source magic field coherence barrier plus the three-in-one radar, the super eagle eye, the source magic field scanner, and the red network communication virtual spirit , now ushered in a new upgrade.

The "resolution" of the source magic field scanner originally equipped was not high enough. Even if several nodes were combined, they could only monitor the extraordinary power fluctuations of the main plane on a large scale.To find out the details, warships, fighter planes or scouts have to be dispatched.

The newly upgraded wide-area module has increased the "resolution" by more than ten times. On the monitoring screen of the Air Force Sky Eye Command in the Gamma District, the blurred spots in the Dawn Empire can already be seen flashing bright spots one by one. .

Each bright spot is a source of extraordinary power. According to the luminosity, size and flickering frequency of the bright spot, attributes, levels and operating states can also be distinguished.

It was past midnight, and there were still a few monitoring personnel on duty in the headquarters. Seeing the bright spots on the screen, they all yelled at the same time. They were finally able to see the details of the status in a certain area.

Compared with the map of the Dawn Empire on the screen, the part of the area that can be seen clearly after the upgrade is located in Norton.Originally there was a large group of azure blue light spots, but now there are countless azure blue light spots.It is flashing rapidly at a certain frequency.

Each azure blue light point is a magic tower, and the whole area gathers hundreds of magic towers, and this is only one-third of Norton's area.On the west side of the area, the light spots are particularly concentrated, and the flickering is particularly dazzling. It immediately attracted the attention of all the monitors. There happened to be a label on the map: Flying Boat City.

Void Spirit brushed out more information one by one, marking the attributes and levels of each magic tower, and this flickering rhythm across countless magic towers was also captured by Void Spirit.References were found from the sample features, and annotations were also given.

A monitor said with emotion: "It turns out that this is the movement of the dark net..."

Another sighed: "Unfortunately, the information cannot be deciphered directly."

"Don't take those magicians as idiots," said the commander on duty at the top of the monitoring hall, "They have been fighting with the Imperial Propaganda Department and the Holy See of Order for so long, but they are not stupid enough to directly link the fluctuation of magic power with the transmission of information, otherwise how It will be called the dark web."

Looking at the frequency of the blue light flashing, the commander said again: "The dark net is very noisy tonight."

The first monitor said: "The goddess of order burned their mages as firewood, so it's strange not to make noise."

The second one said: "If it succeeds, those who are not burned can also share the fruits of victory. If they are burned, they will be burned. The problem is that they still failed."

The commander nodded: "So, they must be discussing how to resist the gods and the empire on the dark web. This is something we are happy to see."


The Magic Tower, Commercial Temple, Propaganda Department Communication TC City, and Fortress Barrier Tower in the Dawn Empire together form an information network. This information network is equivalent to a new information plane, and the ruling power of the plane has undergone several changes.

When the empire was first established, the Joint Communication Network Committee was in charge of the entire plane, and although there were a number of nobles and imperial officials in the committee, the power was held by magicians.Relying on several back doors left by the bottom layer of technology, the United Communications Network has become a paradise of information freedom for magicians.

The good times didn't last long. When Queen Teresia realized the importance of this network to the empire, she made several moves to firmly control the ruling power of the plane in the hands of the empire.

First, the communication tower of the Imperial Propaganda Department was included in this plane, and then the catalytic role of the commercial temple in the development of the plane was strictly restricted, and the back door was blocked by the royal magician.

When Theresia became one with God and poured countless branches of will into this plane, magicians and businessmen completely lost the right to rule this plane, and could only rely on temporary corners built by specific magic towers to maintain the "dark net". concept of existence.

When the mortal Theresia fell and the goddess of order replaced her in charge of the empire with her avatar, it was difficult for those temporary corners to continue to exist. Old-age technology for object-encrypted communication.

When the Chilian wiped out the clone of the goddess and the goddess of order returned to her purity, the magicians finally ushered in spring.

The only forces that can prevent magicians from freely and secretly communicating in this plane are the Imperial Propaganda Department and the royal magicians.But the former doesn't understand technology, and he doesn't even know that his communication tower is being used as a dark network node by a Trojan horse.The latter is far from being able to compete with the entire group of magicians in terms of technology, not to mention that based on their own professional needs, they have turned a deaf ear to the empire's order to strictly supervise this plane.

Now, the "dark net" is no longer dark. After all, the Holy See of Order doesn't care what magicians say in private, and the empire's policy on magicians has long since changed from strict supervision to vigorous wooing.

However, some exchanges with practical significance are still carefully hidden under this network.The importance of what the participants are brewing has surpassed the network itself.

On the monitoring screen of the Sky Eye Command of the Red Federation Air Force, the magic power fluctuations of Norton's magic tower carry countless information exchanges, among which is a hidden information flow hidden by technologies such as multi-level redirection, address mapping, and information reprogramming. , from the real dark web.

"Simbner! You are not qualified to boss around here! Of all the people attending this meeting tonight, you are the one who is most likely to betray us!"

"Didn't you say it's okay not to use my real name? How can I continue with your attitude? I solemnly declare that it's not that I deliberately broke the relationship with everyone, but that Zold gave priority to breaking the rules of the meeting!"

"You go! Once you leave, you will be the public enemy of all magicians! I also support Zold. When I asked you what happened to the flagship castle before, you faltered and covered up, clearly knowing the inside story! If I don't Be smart, you'll kill me too!"

"You are also responsible for my father's death! Now you are hanging out with the gods and come to us to inquire about the news. Even the kobolds can see what kind of thoughts you have!"

The initial part of the information stream was filled with such clamor, until a low, hoarse, magnetic female voice appeared, and the clamor stopped.

"Simbner, do you still expect the Holy See of Order to give you a ticket?"

The one who spoke was naturally Hathaway Ted. Compared with before, Hathaway's speech now has more weight.She is no longer a simple magician, but the spokesperson of a new god.She is no longer under the restraint of the Dawn Empire, and the Magic Alliance she chairs is about to welcome its second member, the Zhentarim Society headed by Zold.

"Aren't we discussing how magicians should deal with themselves under the eternal order, rather than how to fight against the Holy See of Order?"

Simberna earnestly said: "The goddess has indeed failed this time, and countless magicians have been sacrificed for it. However, believers in order have sacrificed so many, it is not justified if the magicians don't make some contributions? Anyway, they are low stage..."

"Well, it was the Holy See of Order who distorted the will of the gods, which led to undesired consequences. But we should not ignore the determination of Her Majesty the Goddess. Finn will usher in another restart, and mortals will be completely cleaned. We magicians can only unite Only by showing your strength to the Holy See and the Goddess can you win... in your words, enough tickets!"

The cold male voice said: "Don't insult our IQ Sibner, your purpose is to become the spokesperson of the magician. This attempt just exposed your weakness. Without our support, you are nothing. Whether it is the Holy See In the eyes of the empire or the goddess, you are just a piece of fat."

The shrill female voice said: "That's right, Simbner, you should beg us! You should not order us!"

The male voice continued: "Why should we listen to you? Isn't Your Excellency Ted here? What can you do to make us bow to you?"

Simbner said helplessly: "Because compared with Your Excellency Ted, the Holy See and the Empire trust me more. If you want to get a boat ticket from the goddess, you can only go through them."

The female voice sneered: "Return the ticket? Are you really not worried that they will be used as food reserves to get on board? The matter of the flagship castle is already there, and you still trust those guys?"

The stern male voice was of course Zold, and he said impatiently: "Go and fight for your own ticket, we will settle our affairs by ourselves!"

Simbner sneered angrily, but did not quit the communication.

Hathaway coughed softly, and the dark web channel, which had dozens of legendary magicians and hundreds of magic workshop owners, suddenly fell silent.

She said quietly: "Sinbner, your biggest problem is that you still place your hope on the kindness and compassion of others. All the magicians who came out of the Storm Islands, after experiencing the turmoil of the Dawn Empire, By now, it is time to have the most basic concept, that is, freedom is not given by others, but must be obtained by fighting for oneself."

"In your opinion, is that the only one who can give the boat ticket?"

"Don't forget, that person is not a god. With his personality, the so-called restart of the world does not mean that everything will start again, and it does not mean that no one has the power to save themselves."

Speaking of this, she was silent, Zold waited for a while, and asked hesitantly: "You mean, let Simberna participate?"

Simbner was stunned: "What's the matter?"

Hathaway didn't answer directly: "Now it's time for us to retrace the path of our ancestors tens of thousands of years ago, but we won't be like our ancestors, living in a remote corner, we can create a new world. In this era, it is not a question of us magicians returning to the secular world, but that other mortals must attach to us."

Only then did she say: "Yes, I have a boat ticket here, there is no quota, as long as you want to go, you can go, but if you want to save that new world from the flood of destroying the world, those who go must make due contributions .With great power comes great responsibility, Simbner, and this is your only chance."

Simberna was silent, and another female voice, that is, Rowena, asked timidly: "Going to another plane? What about my video industry? Is there no better way?"

Hathaway said very bluntly: "Yes, listen to what Simberner said, and go to the Holy See with him. Not only keep your property, but also keep the entire Dawn Empire, otherwise there is no point in keeping your property, isn't it? ?"

Rowenna was speechless, Zold snorted unwillingly, and then said anxiously: "The Holy See has arrested Bodina, and also advanced the Holy Maiden Sacrifice to three days later, we must speed up the pace of action!"

He changed his tone and said earnestly: "Besides, it's too eye-catching for us to move like this. I think we can talk to Li Qi...cough cough, Chilian. Let them apply more pressure to cover our actions."

Hathaway's tone became extremely cold: "You are just a member of the alliance, not the leader of the alliance, you don't need to worry about these things! You, and others, should prepare well and just wait for my notice. "

The secret meeting in the dark net ended, a severe storm swept through the hall, and several silk robes were shattered into ashes, and then burned into green smoke amidst Hathaway's angry snort.

"That guy still wants to step on two boats? It seems like I am doomed to fail without Li Qi!"

Complaining, the light and shadow of the teleportation room below flickered, and Ran Na stepped into the hall after a while.

Jeanna asked: "Seeing that you are so angry, is there something wrong?"

Hathaway shook her head, looked at Renna, and said tit for tat: "You are frowning so hard, what are you bothering about?"

Ran Na sighed: "My kingdom of God has just been lifted above the sea of ​​stars. Before I found a suitable place to place it, I sensed the return of an old guy."

"The Platinum Dragon God Bahamut has returned!?"

Hearing the news from Ran Na, Hathaway was shocked at first, and then overjoyed: "That guy shouldn't sit back and watch the Goddess of Order mess around, right?"

Ranna shook her head: "According to his nature, it should be like this, but what he returns is not his body. To be honest, his state is very strange, and he can't sense his body."

The former Statue of Liberty found that Ms. Dark Moon was a little annoyed: "I strongly feel that His state is related to my predecessor, but I can't find the memory of that aspect at all. Besides the Goddess of Order, there are still too many fogs in Finn's world , I am a little worried about whether there will be problems with our new world plan."

Hathaway was stunned for a while, and roughly understood what Jeanna meant: "No matter what, it's always a good thing. At least it can divert the attention of the goddess of order, which is a good thing for our plan."

"Speaking of plans..."

Ranna's tone became serious: "We can't continue to evade that question. As I said, a church must be established. I am not the Statue of Liberty now, but Ms. Dark Moon who serves as the light of darkness. I need the church to accumulate faith for me."

Hathaway sighed: "If you don't avoid it, you will continue to quarrel and there will be no results."

Ranna's tone was high: "What's the point of you still insisting on that kind of meaningless freedom!? With the church, you are my Pope and my voters!"

Hathaway snorted, "Is this your purpose, Xiao Hei? We are equal now."

The two looked at each other, and a torrent of power erupted between the souls due to the dispute, which also caused a thin phantom to be projected.

Exactly the same as Ranna's avatar, it was Misia as described by Cynthia. She waved her hand into the torrent and said with a blank expression, "Your dispute violates the soul contract..."

The torrent becomes invisible, making the details of Misia's projection clearer.

When Misia dissipated, Hathaway and Renna turned their heads angrily at the same time, and put aside the dispute just now.

"I think……"

Ranna said: "I should find a way to meet Bahamut, maybe I can retrieve the lost memories of my previous life, so that I will have more confidence in facing the Goddess of Order. Now she has released the Void Dragon God to clean up the Dragon Domain. The whole world is being cleaned up as negative equity, and it's making me more and more uneasy."

Hathaway sneered: "Who said we should help him before? Now I feel that the hole he is going to poke is too big, so I started to be afraid? Afraid that I am also on the list?"

Ranna shrugged her shoulders and smiled shamelessly: "I am a god, so I don't need a ticket. But if you want to leave the firewood for a comeback and keep the possibility of the future of Finn World, you have to ask for a ticket for you."

Hathaway was silent for a while, then shook her head and said, "Bahamut's side is indeed a huge variable. We should actively look for forces that are beneficial to us in the variable. I want to see him too!"

Ranna nodded and said, "No problem, but the premise is that the Goddess of Order doesn't kill him."


In the seat of order, the golden dragon projection let out a deep sigh: "Your Majesty Haim, why did you return? And you are not pure, it seems that you have not retrieved those lost memories."

The goddess of order responded indifferently: "Have you found it, Bahamut?"

Bahamut was silent, and the Goddess of Order continued to oscillate: "My seat is on the top of Mount Paradise. Although it hasn't been repaired yet, it is enough for me to see more things, including Taxis's little movements. .”

"I have known for a long time that he will succeed, and I also know that you will come to me because you do not agree with my approach."

"But it doesn't matter, after all I need you...no, your part."

"Bahamut, the world of Finn is no longer the era of dragons. The eternal order I want to create, dragons are just a touch of the background. And you, you who have fallen before the dark age, why bother now What about the world?"

When it came to "falling", Bahamut's projection shook for a while, but he didn't refute, but just conveyed a calm divine thought: "The gods and demons in the Finn world are still fighting for this world, even if their bodies are annihilated , the soul dissipated, only a trace of afterimage remained, and we did not give up. We need the support of the will of the world. You should be clear about the impact of restarting the world at this time. This is the fact I want you to know, and it is also the only one I am here Purpose."

The Goddess of Order slowly shook her head: "The Eternal War, that is a meaningless war, and the goal you are fighting for is also vain."

"What the world of Fein lost in the Dark Ages is not only a few timelines, but also our gods. All these changes are due to the loss of gods."

"Only by returning Fein's world to the eternal order, will the seeds of the God of God be condensed, waiting for His return."

"Aside from putting Finn in a dangerous environment, what benefits did you gain from the war?"

Bahamut sighed deeply: "So, our difference is that you are desperate for this world, for yourself and all the wills that have sat on this throne, but we have not yet."

He is still patient: "When I came back, I noticed that He also came back and brought a new dimension to the world. This is a change that has never been seen before. Why don't you tolerate this new change? Maybe it can bring What about new possibilities?"

The goddess of order said indifferently: "What are the consequences of the imbalance between phlogiston and ash? Isn't this how your war came about?"

Bahamut's faucet lighted slowly: "There is indeed such a risk. For safety reasons, it is understandable for you to deal with it this way. But I still cannot accept such a drastic way to rebuild order."

"Once the restrictions are released, especially the barrier of dawn, you can't predict or guarantee what the forces outside will do."

The goddess of order seemed very calm: "The big deal is to start all over again. As long as you are still here, the world of Finn will not return to nothingness, so your responsibility is not here."

The shining golden brilliance on the throne, with the outstretched arm of the Goddess of Order, flocked to Bahamut's projection: "The power you brought back can't be brought back, so let's stay and repair Heaven Mountain."

Bahamut's projection rapidly dimmed, and the golden light only pulled out a ray of light.

The roar of the Golden Dragon God echoed in the throne: "Sorry, I insist on making some remedies, and there is still hope for the mortals in this world."

The Goddess of Order was not depressed, but said coldly: "Hope brings nothing but falsehood. The souls of mortals in this world have been polluted by falsehood. Your actions are meaningless."


Dawn had arrived, and the morning glow penetrated the porthole and reflected on Li Qi's face. The warm feeling made him sleepier.

A strange itching was swimming on his face, like a puppy licking.

Li Qi opened his eyes and muttered: "Catherine, don't make trouble..."

It was Catherine, but she wasn't licking her face, she was in the air beyond the porthole.

She was standing on top of a hovering Queen Shark, pulling Sunshine to tickle him.

"Li Qi!"

Seeing that he woke up, Catherine shouted energetically: "Fly with me to Kukai!"

Looking at the Witch of Destruction with Jin Xia on her back, Li Qi became infatuated for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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