goddess of revolution

Chapter 1144 Marshal's decision and the awakening of the saint, I will do what Teresia has done

Chapter 1144 Marshal's decision and the awakening of the saint, I will do what Teresia has done
The stars were twinkling in the night, and the pilot who drove the airship was a trusted subordinate of Rimaco, who knew the military situation very well, and said in surprise: "The First Fleet of the Red Federation launched an attack on the Valentine's Garrison Fleet! Can't they wait?"

Frodo's heart sank in the back seat, which meant that the Holy See of Order would start the sacrificial ceremony in advance, or move to other places to sacrifice mortals with more radical means.

Frodo felt that the burden on his shoulders was even heavier. The reason why he accepted Remark's commission was to agree with Remark's view that the will of the goddess of order had been distorted by the Holy See.

However, Remaco's complex tone when talking about the goddess still revealed his true thoughts.The Holy See did not distort the will of the goddess, but the goddess herself fell.

As it happened, Frodo thought so himself, and was too horrified to tell anyone.In Remark's eyes, he is still a halfling noble who is loyal to the empire, fears the goddess, and is honest and reliable.

Frodo would think so, because he always remembered his original intention of returning to the Empire.

After experiencing the incidents in the Kingdom of Kester, the confusion of the crimson belief, and more importantly, after experiencing the sad twists and turns of Gronia's fate, he wants to return to his hometown, live a peaceful and peaceful life, and at the same time benefit the village. adjacent.

He believes that the gods love and bless mortals.

This is also the foundation of faith that Queen Theresia has repeatedly emphasized when she was with Kaim.It is also the preface of the Broken Tower Oath, and the foundation for the establishment of the Dawn Empire.

He believed in Queen Teresia, and believed that she and the Cam she spoke for were lovers, so he was convinced that the idea of ​​returning to tradition was right, and that the empire that turned this idea into reality was right.

God Emperor Theresia has fallen, and the gods have changed from Kaim and Keira Theresia to Heim, and the god of loyalty and protection has become the god of order.The divine will of eternal order gave birth to the Holy See of Order in the empire, which seemed to be the restoration of the loyal Holy Court, but it was even more terrifying than the Loyal Holy Court.

They actually directly sacrificed mortals, but the goddess of order did not convict her!
It is undoubtedly absurd that the Holy See of Order can distort the will of the gods to the completely opposite direction.The loyal court has continued its rule for thousands of years, but it only condoned the corruption of the clergy and the corruption of Erxiang City.

So there is only one answer, which is the will of the goddess of order.

The rumors that the Goddess will be destroyed and restarted are becoming more and more credible.

Because mortals are dissatisfied with the gods, they will destroy the world, so in the new world, can the newborn mortals satisfy the gods?And as long as they are not satisfied, they will be eliminated. So what is the relationship between mortals and gods?

Although mortals despise ants, as long as there is no serious harm, they will let them go.In the eyes of gods, are mortals even worse than ants?
Frodo believes that if the goddess of order really wants to destroy the world and restart, then she must have fallen.

For this he had to do something, and Remark approached him, hoping that he would be an envoy to Valentine, and Frodo agreed without hesitation.


Valentine's lights had spread across the land in front of him, and the huge figure of the Emperor's Castle covered a large area of ​​the skyline, like the end of the world. At this moment, the pilot seemed to realize what he was doing, and swallowed his saliva and said, "We are Are you not doing something to betray the empire?"

Frodo said affirmatively: "No, we are saving the Empire. Then let the Empire save the world."

The pilot was still a little apprehensive, but worried about Frodo: "Is it really all right? The goddess won't... send divine punishment?"

Frodo said indifferently: "I'm not a believer in order, and the goddess doesn't care what mortals think or do anymore."

The pilot understood otherwise, and said with a relieved smile: "Yes, mortals have built floating fortresses in the main plane, and even the goddess can't do anything about it. What else does He care about so much?"

The airship lowered its altitude and began to slow down. The pilot said sincerely, "If you fly any further, Valentine's airship will be disturbed. You have to walk the rest of the way by yourself. I wish you all the best, Viscount Frodo."

Frodo patted the pilot on the shoulder, lifted the hatch, and jumped into the night sky.

The bracket on his back unfolded, pulling out the thin and light flying wings like bird feathers. Frodo used his personal assistant to control the electric motors of each node on the bracket, allowing himself to glide against the wind in the night sky, quietly flying into Over the city of Valentine.


The stars flicker more intensely, the night sky blooms with brilliance from time to time, and the scenery above the clouds also ripples, as if the sky and the earth are upside down, and the water surface is like a mirror above the head.

In the seemingly silent Prime Minister's Mansion, layers of barriers were penetrated, people came and went, and the noise was abnormal.

The attendants brought a halfling into the prime minister's study room, and there were twice as many high-ranking nobles, magicians, and generals than at the beginning of the party. Together with the prime minister, they cast their eyes on the man who was less than the waist height of the attendant halfling.

"Master Prime Minister, Your Excellencies..."

Frodo said calmly and calmly: "The Viscount of the Stone Lizard Mountain Empire in the Redstone Governor's District, and the Redstone Independent Chariot Brigade of the Western Territory Legion, Colonel Frodo, came to report on behalf of Marshal Rimaco."

The halfling's notification caused a slight change in everyone's expressions, disdain and contempt dissipated, replaced by nervousness, apprehension and anticipation.

"and many more!"

The Prime Minister raised his hand to stop Frodo: "Remaco did contact me and said that he would send a representative to see me. I still want to confirm, which Remaco are you representing? Is it Remaco, a follower of His Majesty Huma, or Imperial Marshal Rimaco?"

Frodo subconsciously lifted his head higher, which was why Remacho had entrusted him as her messenger.

The matter is too serious for a subpoena to be reliable.It was impossible for Remaco to come here in person, he could only send an envoy.But the cronies and subordinates around Remaco are all believers of the God of War, and when they were sent here, it was unclear whether it was Remaco's personal intention or the will of the God of War.

Frodo repeated his title and title, and finally added: "I personally believe in Tesolos, the ancestor god of our halflings. Although he has long since fallen, he still has the power he bestowed on halflings."

The Prime Minister looked shocked: "So, the Marshal really..."

Frodo said: "The Marshal thinks that the only way to stop the Red Federation from encroaching on the Empire, and to save the mortal world, is to drive the Holy See from all parts of the Empire."

He nodded solemnly: "Yes, Mr. Prime Minister, the Marshal is willing to make all necessary efforts to save the empire. The Marshal believes that the Prime Minister thinks the same way, and can get the support of His Majesty the Emperor."

The room was extremely silent at first, and then burst into applause and cheers.

The Prime Minister slapped the table and said excitedly: "Very good! Since Rimaco is also on our side, our confidence is even greater!"

He frowned again: "Just expelling the Holy See from the place?"

Frodo sighed: "The marshal believes that Valentine has the Emperor's Castle, which is tightly controlled by the Holy See and is an inevitable target of the Red Federation. We are caught in the middle, and it is difficult to make a difference. Even if it is stable and credible communication is difficult to guarantee.”

"That's why the marshal suggested that the empire should temporarily abandon Valentine and withdraw the center to a place where most of the people in the empire can be united. In this way, the Holy See will not fight with us locally, and many unnecessary sacrifices can be avoided."

The Prime Minister groaned, the others argued, and Frodo stopped talking, and activated the projection function of the personal assistant to play the recorded image.

The figure of Remaco appeared, and with a calmer tone and more detailed explanation, he fully presented what Frodo said just now.

The Prime Minister also made a decision at this time: "Let's go to Tangus! It has nothing to do with where it is my hometown. There is the most developed communication network there, which can ensure that our voice is transmitted to every corner of the empire!"

He turned his head and looked out of the window, where the Emperor's Castle covered the night sky: "Of course, we must... persuade His Majesty the Emperor to go with us."


On the edge of Fleet City, standing on the edge of a cliff, Rimaco has been overlooking the ruined canyon.

The ring on his hand vibrated, and he breathed a sigh of relief.Frodo has reached Valentine safely to bring his decision to the Hand.

He looked up at the twinkling starry sky and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, why did you approve of my choice? Could it be that you sided with Lady Red and opposed His Majesty Haim's decision?"

A faint red and black light hovered around him, and only the ethereal voice he could hear came down: "I don't stand on any side, I only stand on the road of war."

"My way of war does not distinguish between humans and gods, but judging from the current situation, the foundation has been rooted in mortals."

"If you want to exterminate mortals, it is a huge threat to me, and I will naturally fight back."

"I signed a platinum covenant with His Majesty Haim at the foot of Mount Paradise, and we cannot violate the covenant and do anything directly."

"But this does not prevent mortals who believe in the way of war from gaining warning and even the power to predict the future from me."

"At this moment, Atlas is delivering the same oracle to another important believer of mine, but that guy who is not very devout to me has followed his heart and pushed the war ahead of time."

"I am looking forward to a duel between you, so that the way of war will continue to be sublimated."

"It's a pity that it's not the time yet. You are now facing a common enemy."

Remaco smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty, I'm actually not very pious. Now I'm thinking about how to get some information from you, some information that can give me an advantage in this battle between man and god."

The misty voice is naturally the war god Huma, who let out a roaring laughter in the soul of Rimako: "Of course I know that I am not a god like His Majesty Haim, so I don't care."

"I want to correct you. What you are facing is not a battle between humans and gods. You only need to consider the war at the mortal level."

"As for your wish, I can also satisfy it."

"I can tell you that His Majesty Haim no longer cares about the details of the main plane, so you don't need to have any worries."

"The main plane at this moment completely belongs to mortals."

The light gradually dissipated, and Shenyin walked away from the soul with a scream.

The pupils of Rimaco's eyes looking up at the night sky gradually became clear, and then ignited a fiery light.

He had a strong confidence in the coming war, never had such confidence since he believed in the God of War.

"Li Qi..."

He murmured in a low voice: "As for the path of mortals, our directions are still different, but let's leave those differences to be resolved later."

"I hope you and your goddesses can try our best to prevent the doomsday from coming, so that we mortals can have more time to fight for our own destiny."

"All of this is because Her Majesty Teresia fell without completing her mission. Now, I will do what she has done and have not yet completed."

While speaking, a ground-crafted floating airship rose up, and the high-power transmitter on it sent out a number of messages, which were repeated over and over again.


On the side of the Emperor's Castle, among the conical towers belonging to the Holy See, two female voices echoed in the Temple of Law on the top floor of the center.

"His Royal Highness Nama, did His Majesty Longde really not issue an oracle on this?"

"No, it's a pity."

"This is really hard to believe. Isn't His Majesty Longde's belief that justice is paramount? This kind of thing... I mean, the restart of the world is also recognized by His Majesty Longde's justice?"

"My lord's belief is that the law is justice, not the empty supremacy of justice."

"Then how did the law come about? The will of the two cardinals is the law? Then what is His Majesty Longde?"

"His Royal Highness, pay attention to your words, you are blaspheming my lord!"

Originally, the two women's tone was quite harmonious, but when O'Flynn no longer concealed her contempt for the God of Law, Nama, the chief judge of the Holy See Tribunal of Order and the spokesperson of the God of Law, Lund, also became angry. .

O'Flynn continued: "This is the sad part of the law. The law is nothing but the will of the ruler. I agree with the Red Federation's statement."

"His Majesty Longde seems to be independent, but in essence he is the same as His Majesty Numanel. He is just a servant of the Lord Heim, and all must rely on the supreme authority of the Lord in order to promote their respective beliefs."

Nama gasped violently, and the prosthetic eye made of magic metal overflowed with silvery white light.

She would not turn against the saint of order, the guardian of the emperor, but changed the subject and launched a powerful counterattack: "Since your highness understands this way, why can't you accept the reality? No one distorted Haim His Majesty's will, this is His Majesty Heim's decision."

O'Flynn was stunned, silent for a while, and asked awkwardly: "Is this really the case? His Majesty Long De told you?"

Nama turned her face away and said nothing, which was her acquiescence.

O'Flynn shook her head and said, "I, I don't understand, didn't His Majesty let Jon inherit the empire and shepherd his subjects for him?"

Nama sighed: "I also hope that you can ask His Majesty Haim why."

"However, since His Majesty Helm is lenient and allows a few pious believers to avoid the disaster of annihilation and restart the era, then you and your Jon will definitely be protected, so why bother thinking about it."

It sounds like Nama is also dissatisfied with this, but this is the will of the gods and cannot be changed.

O'Flynn said unwillingly: "If the era is restarted, there will be no Dawn Empire? Isn't everything that Jon and I have done meaningless? The mission we shouldered just disappeared like this?"

Her emotions were a little out of control: "Nama, can you understand my feelings? Think about yourself, if you suddenly grow eyes and arms, recover your body, but no longer speak for His Majesty Longde, no longer bear the mission Do you feel relieved, or do you feel lifeless?"

Nama sighed again: "You should ask His Majesty Haim, after all, you are the Saintess of Order."

O'Flynn smiled sadly and said: "Saint of Order? I am a saint, just a gift from Jon! Jon is no longer the emperor, and the Dawn Empire is gone. What kind of saint am I? Now I don't listen Less than His Majesty's oracle!"

Then he shook his head suddenly: "No! I am the Holy Maiden of Order! It was the oracle that gave me the mission to guard Jon and assist him in governing the empire. Without the oracle, my mission would not have been revoked!"

Her gaze gradually became firm: "At first, I also thought that this might be His Majesty Haim's will, but now it seems that they are right, His Majesty Haim's will has been distorted!"

"But it's not twisted by the mortals of the Holy See, they can't do it! Even if they have a slight possibility to twist Kaim's will like the loyal Holy Court, it is impossible to make His Majesty Longde, His Majesty Numanel, and His Majesty Sif The wills of those gods are twisted together!"

"So, Your Highness Nama, there is only one truth!"

O'Flynn finally found a reasonable explanation: "It's His Majesty Longde's gods who are distorting His Majesty Heim's will!"

Nama looked at her in astonishment, shook her head after a long time and said, "You are crazy, O'Flynn, you are blaspheming all the gods of order!"

O'Flynn took a deep breath, looked up and shouted what she had just said with a louder voice.

Then she closed her eyes, and said resolutely, "Send God's punishment! Punish me, a sinner! This way, I can feel at ease!"

There was no movement, but her voice echoed in the hall.

Nama also widened her eyes, how is this possible! ?
Even if she is not a saint of order, O'Flynn is still a high-ranking follower of order. Now that she has made such a serious accusation against the gods, no god has responded?

Nama prayed in her heart, begging Longde for a response.

The God of Law did not respond, but sent a strange fluctuation, which seemed to reassure her that Long De did not stay away from her.

The eyes of the two met, and they said in unison: "The gods don't care about the affairs of mortals anymore!?"

There was another silence, and O'Flynn suddenly showed a gratified smile: "That is to say, no matter what you do, as long as you prove yourself to be right, as long as you win the final victory, no matter what the result is, the gods will accept it!"

She turned her head and walked away, her steps were unusually firm.

Nama asked blankly: "What are you going to do!?"

O'Flynn exclaimed, "Do what Teresia did and didn't finish!"

(End of this chapter)

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