goddess of revolution

Chapter 1151 Annihilation vs Doomsday, Void Invasion

Chapter 1151 Annihilation vs Doomsday, Void Invasion
In the high altitude of the northern ice sea, deep in the frantic storm, warships and fighter planes are constantly taking off and landing among the various floating lands.

In the command ship of the Ice Sea Task Force of the First Fleet of the Red Federation Navy, Deckard was clapping the table with the squadron commander and his old boss Lalci.

"Other battleships are doing orbital bombing, justice from heaven, etc. Why do we still have to stick to this ooze monster like Phillips?"

"That guy is lucky. He found another empty reef, so he can squat against us. There's no need to be stupid and be nailed here by him!"

"The changes in the night are so drastic, and the other warships are relentless against the Marine Corps. Although our dogs are not very useful in this kind of battle, it is still okay to beat the side drums, right?"

Ralci took off his glasses, revealing his slightly golden pupils, and stared directly at Deckard.

His eyes were fine, and he only wore glasses to reduce the chance of hallucinations.

Since the popularization of Void Assistant, Chilian people have generally used enhanced vision.This mode makes the consciousness have to constantly switch between reality and illusory vision. Many low-level transcendents, or people with a single-threaded brain, are not suitable for it, and many adverse symptoms occur physically and psychologically. They are collectively called "" hallucinations".

A promotion to a higher level, a change in the way you think, or a deeper reliance on the Aether are all solutions, but an easier solution is to wear smart glasses that carry enhanced vision.

High-level transcendents are not likely to suffer from hallucinations, but they also like to wear this kind of glasses.By transferring the enhanced vision to objects outside the body, he can return to a pure mortal state.

Gradually, this kind of thing also added new content to the social communication of the Red Federation.

The action of Lalci taking off his glasses is a kind of communicative language, and the potential line is: "I am looking at you with a mortal vision, we are equal to each other, and what I am about to say is extremely sincere."

Lalkey said, "Get out!"

Dyke saluted, and obediently turned around and left the bridge.

This guy is just too busy to touch porcelain...

The Phillips Squadron failed to break through the empty reef. It was supposed to return to the north of East Fern, but found another floating land in the restricted area not far from Wensley Empty Reef, so it was logical to use it as a base and pull it to more reinforcements.

Now Phillips has nearly a hundred warships, including nearly twenty Earl-class ships and three Marquis-class ships, with an estimated [-] to [-] officers and soldiers, forming a force that cannot be underestimated.

The Red Allied Navy has deployed a task force commanded by Lalci here, including more than a dozen killer whales and twenty horned whales. The reef is more than enough.

Now the Phillips fleet is the only remaining force of the Dawn Empire's floating fleet. Although Prince Phillips is from the north, he is not a loyal dog of the Holy See. Threatening Floating Fleet.Another possibility is to fight to the end with the Red Alliance, to be loyal to the empire, and then to sacrifice tens of thousands of mortal souls to the goddess of order.

Neither of these two results was seen by Red Lenovo. At the critical moment when the doomsday operation is about to start and it is difficult to concentrate on solving this squadron, it is undoubtedly the best choice for the Lalchi task force to contain the opponent.

Deke also knew this truth, but he was not the commander of the task force, pretending to be a reckless subordinate with no overall situation, and licking Lalci's slaps was already his daily routine.

Who told that guy to deliberately emphasize "maybe you will still be my boss" when he joined the navy?

Ralci naturally knew what Deckard was thinking, and every time he responded so resolutely, it made Deckard feel frustrated every day.

Even a little cooperation won't work, or revolutionary comrades, it's really not interesting at all.

The automatic door closed behind him, and Deckard was sighing when a red dot lit up in the upper left corner of his field of vision, which was a battle alarm.

The Phillips Fleet is coming!

At that moment, not to mention Deckard, everyone from Larch to Kobold Marines cheered happily.


In the narrow channel of Wensilikong Reef, watching the big narwhal of the Red Union plummeting into the storm with billowing smoke, Phillips said unhappily: "When did the Red Demon become so timid? I thought I could hit it today!" sink a ship."

The bald man standing next to him, that is, Baden Gaum, had no teeth to bite after gritting his right teeth, and finally couldn't help but said: "The red devil is not a mindless reckless man, unless there is no way out, they don't would make unnecessary sacrifices."

"This is just a patrol ship. It injured two of our battleships. After confirming that we are not here to test, we will naturally retreat."

"I'm sure their fleet is gathering behind, and soon we'll be fighting to the death in the passage."

"Your Highness, how do you get the foreign aid you mentioned?"

Phillips said complacently: "As I said, you will come when you should come, and you will come from wherever you need it."

Through the porthole of the bridge, Badengaum looked at the turbulent storm left and right, and said in surprise: "In this kind of place? Apart from the power related to the God of Storms, I really can't think of any reinforcements. "

Phillips looked at the Red Dragon Prince who could no longer change into a dragon, and his eyes flashed with admiration: "You guessed wrong, but you are not far from the correct answer. It's not that you are stupid, but that you are not in my position."

Badengaum sighed: "I vaguely guessed who it is, but it's just a pawn for the gods, is it really okay?"

Phillips' expression became indifferent, and he snorted coldly: "It's better to be a chess piece for a god than for a mortal, right? And I still want to live, to survive the change of era and enter the new world."

"It is the best choice to let the unrestricted actions of this fleet become a living pawn swimming on the chessboard."

"This is what my new ally wants to see. He needs a suitable carrier to exert enough power on the main plane."

While speaking, the flesh on his cheeks still twitched slightly, making this young man look extremely haggard, as if he had come into contact with some terrifying and unknown existence.

Badengaum calmed down a little and stopped talking.

In the early morning, the news of the civil strife between the Dawn Empire and the Holy See had reached the fleet, and he was worried about Phillips' choice.

If he defected to the Holy See, there would be no place for a dragon alien like him.If he wanted to vote for the empire, how could he accept it because he had a blood feud with the Chilian.

Fortunately, Phillips did not choose either side, which gave him a new understanding of this seemingly incompetent prince.

He is an idiot in the military and cowardly, but Phillips is extremely sober when it comes to what the Red Federation calls "political" choices.

Of course, whether this choice is correct depends on whether the new allies Phillips has found are reliable enough, and whether the next battle can break the record of zero wins.

The storm turbulence in the restricted area of ​​the sky collided with each other, and in the dynamic balance formed, a channel with a diameter of less than [-] kilometers was unusually meandering, and each part was still moving at any time and went deep into the center.

Phillips' fleet trudged through this channel for more than two hours, and at noon it made contact with the Red Fleet.

In Badengaum's eyes, it was a desperate battle.

The superior number of warships of one's own side can't stretch out in this kind of channel at all, and can only rely on relay or refueling to carry out rotation operations.

Although the number of Red Alliance fleets is small, they can maximize their firepower. Under their Thor's Hammer and Hammer of Destruction, the Baron-class warships can't even last for 3 minutes, and the Viscount-class battleships can barely withstand a round.

What's even more frightening is that although the opponent's warships are few, the twenty or thirty fighters released by the big bat-shaped mothership can fight in the restricted area!
This kind of fighter plane called "Saw Shark" by the Red Federation penetrated the air defense network of one's own fleet along the edge of the passage, penetrated into the depth of the fleet, and disrupted the rhythm of rotation operations with fierce firepower.Not only are their speed and agility amazing, far surpassing their own combat airships, they can even transform into puppets with hands and legs, killing the airships and warships that surround them in an extremely narrow space.

After more than half an hour, the fleet battle in the passage changed from shooting at each other to melee.

Those sawtooth sharks gradually dug out the airspace where the flagship was located from the fleet formation, and guided the Hammer of Destruction of the Red Federation battleship to bombard the flagship.

Three consecutive warships disregarded their frontal guns and disintegrated into pieces, and at this time Phillips and Baden Gaum also saw a strange scene.

The human bodies that flew out of the battleship overflowed with golden dust of light and shade, condensed into human-shaped phantoms, and slowly rose.

Each phantom expands into thinner projections, blurred goddesses.

The third warship was fired upon by several Hammers of Destruction and hit the landing section. There should have been many priests of order gathered there. When it exploded, it was swept away. A large golden light condensed in an instant, and the expanded projection finally became clearer.

Seeing clearly that they were two goddesses with different shapes, one of them was still very familiar, and Phillips and Badengaum lost color at the same time.

Some priests of order on the bridge shouted directly: "Theresia!"

Phillips and Badengaum looked at each other, conveying the tacit understanding of "the rumors are indeed true, and Theresia's will reappears".

"Your Highness, we can actually..."

With his heart beating several times faster, Badengaum made a proposal to the prince.

But before he finished speaking, Phillips said sadly, resentfully, and at the same time decisively: "It's late..."

Then he seemed to be defending his choice: "Who knows Theresa's will is not an illusion released by the goddess of order? The ultimate goal is to let mortals sacrifice, and that is not the power we can rely on."

The bridge vibrated suddenly, and the flagship was finally hit by the Red Alliance battleship. Looking at the large snow-white crystals on the flagship's shield outside the porthole, Badengaum shouted: "We need strength now! No matter who it is!"

Phillips' body shook, his eyes straightened, and he murmured dreamily: "He...here..."

The space suddenly dimmed, the passage twisted violently, and several huge beings were suddenly knocked out from the storm.Several sawtooth sharks maneuvering close to the edge of the passage, together with several airships that fought heroically against each other, were instantly swallowed by these black smoky beings.

More black smoke clouds rushed out of the storm, hitting the battleship regardless of enemy or friend, and the shields crystallized until they collapsed.

"Void... dragon..."

Badengaum murmured the answer that he guessed just now but didn't dare to think about it.

Several kilometers in diameter, black clouds that could almost block the passage poured out of the passage, enveloping Phillips' flagship.

In the dim bridge, Badengaum sensed a cold and distant thought: "Prince who betrayed the Dragon Clan, you still have a chance to redeem your sins."

The Red Dragon Prince responded in panic: "What can I do? Your Majesty Takeshis!?"

The idea said: "Be the carrier of my will, and take my soul for me in this dying world."

Under the great fear, the Red Dragon Prince almost succumbed, but his desire for life and his insistence on the existing goals made him guard his heart.

He shouted in his heart: "I still want to live, live to avenge, instead of turning into nothingness!"

"Another idiot who doesn't understand that nothingness is the ultimate life." Takeshis's thoughts were not angry: "But you are very experienced in how to fight on the main plane, and you have dealt with the servants of the Scarlet Lady a lot. I will be extra merciful and allow you to lead the Void Air Corps for me as a living creature."

A puff of black smoke seeped in from the bridge wall, and condensed into a human figure beside Badengaum. It was a tall and fit girl with ponytail.When the face and facial features became clear, Badengaum exclaimed: "Irene Sara——!"

It was Badengaum's other sister who died under the missile of the Red Federation fighter plane at the edge of the Forgotten Forest.

Takeshis said: "This is just your sister's projection in the void. As long as you do your best, I will find your sister's soul fragments for you, and finally revive her completely."

Badengaum took a few short breaths and said in a low voice, "What should I do, Your Majesty?"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

On the other side of the battlefield, Laerqi ordered in the channel angrily: "The Nether Dragon God himself did it! God knows how he threw so many Nether Dragons, and even his own avatar, from the storm into the main plane! Anyway, we There is no need to fight him here! Withdraw to the empty reef at full speed!"

This is the correct order. Although all the captains and other officers and soldiers, including Dyke, are aggrieved, those who are willing to fight the Nether Dragon in this kind of place are definitely out of their minds.

After ordering the battleships to retreat, Dyke did not forget to make a crow's mouth in the channel: "Since the void dragon can rush out of the storm, then the empty reef is not a stable stronghold to rely on at all, I think..."

Before he finished speaking, Lalci let out a thud, not knowing whether it was coughing or spurting blood.

He smiled wryly and said, "Shut up, Old Ivy, the empty reef has also been invaded by the Nether Dragon. Let's go to the rescue and withdraw from the ice sea."


In the east of Redstone, on the avenue leading to the Forgotten Forest, a torrent of people is heading east.

These people were dressed in rags, but they looked good, and the order was not chaotic.Young and middle-aged people walk, and various vehicles carry the old, weak, women, children and supplies. Every section is commanded by people wearing yellow pointed hats. They are not refugees.

This stream of people is estimated to be 6 to [-] people, but they are actually refugees.They left Fleet City and were going to the Cage Fort on the edge of the Forgotten Forest.

Lachale wore a yellow pointed hat with the top dyed black, and rode a wilderness goat, patrolling section by section, filled with gratitude and admiration for Marshal Rimaco.

After the people of the Red Federation withdrew from Fleet City, the Marshal's troops took control of Fleet City.Considering that Fleet City was destroyed, there were not many living supplies, and it would become a battlefield, the Marshal agreed to the request of Lashal and others to lead the workers to evacuate, and also directed them to the Cage Castle to replenish supplies.

The marshal was also very concerned about these workers. Not only did he send troops to escort them, but he also specifically ordered the troops to cooperate with the slipway guild headed by Lashal instead of escorting them as prisoners. This is equivalent to officially recognizing the authority of the slipway guild.

Against such a background, the plan to travel thousands of miles to the capital of Sachdon was naturally put on hold.The Shipyard Guild decided to hold a new meeting in Cage Castle to discuss where these tens of thousands of workers should go.

Unity is strength, and Rashael has a deeper understanding of this truth. Although Drizzt, who explained this truth to them, has been exposed and is no longer their mentor, the truth itself is correct.

Rachel is thinking about whether to lead everyone to Norton's Airship City. After Fleet City is destroyed, it should become a new manufacturing base for floating ships or large airships.

An exclamation suddenly came from the front. It was already early summer, and a large group of people were walking in the dry red stone wasteland. The smoke and dust were scattered, and it was impossible to see what was going on.

It wasn't until the exclamation quickly rolled back to Rashael like a raging tide, followed by several monsters gushing out of the smoke, that the halfling didn't understand what happened.

That is the tide of stone giants, the smallest of which is also two people tall, made up of several rocks!

As a halfling born in redstone, Rashael is very familiar with this elemental creature, which is the crazy earth element.

The Earth Elemental Plane has countless plane gaps in Redstone, and it often happens that frantic earth elementals rush out of the plane gaps and harass the creatures on the main plane.

However, the scale of those disturbances is very small. The current situation undoubtedly comes from the huge gap that is almost becoming a plane passage, which also means that the earth elemental plane has undergone violent turmoil.

"There's nothing scary about this thing!"

"All powerful men organize!"

Rachel plucked up her courage and shouted through the megaphone.

The earth element is not terrible, as long as it is not above the level of the lord, it can be wiped out even with primitive knives and sticks.

He didn't need to shout, some workers who had seen the earth elements had already rushed up.

Soon, these workers retreated crying their fathers and mothers, with patches of skin festering on their bodies, and blood mist even rose.

Some legs fell to the ground slowly, the flesh withered rapidly, and thick black smoke overflowed.

The soil and gravel rolled up, enveloping those human bodies.Then they stood up wobbly, layers of earth and rocks continued to pile up, and finally wrapped them into stone giants similar to earth elements.

Rachel's hairs stood on end when she saw it, and only then did she think of one thing.

What about the troops that guarded them?

Could it be that the original stone giants were not earth elements, but were transformed by this unknown terrifying force just like the stone giants transformed by these people now?

"Empty enemies..."

In front of the gate of the Crown Fortress on the top floor of Valentine's Castle, Catherine, dressed in bright red, met Kane.

After listening to Kane's report, and seeing several corpses emitting black smoke in the square, Catherine frowned.

"General Kane, don't blame yourself. I just received the news that there is a void everywhere."

"The power of the void in those places poured into the main plane from the elemental plane, and here it penetrates the barrier of the divine power of order to make the believers of order void. Obviously, the goddess of order ordered Taxis to do it."

On Catherine's beautiful face resembling Theresia, there was a more resolute fighting spirit than her elder sister, and at the same time, her contempt was more distinct than her elder sister: "Takhis is really a loyal thug, but she is also a loyal thug. It's just a clown."

Converted into a gun hammer in her hand, the Hammer of Holmes, which was bigger than Kane's power hammer, hit the floor and made a sound like ten thousand tons of gold and iron. This is the best exercise for our crimson faith!"

"Let's see if their Tianling Gai is hard, or our hammer is hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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