goddess of revolution

Chapter 1159 Super God Fenny and Breakthrough Kukai

Chapter 1159 Super God Fenny and Breakthrough Kukai

Together with the old man Reinfurt, Su Enna installed the last translucent plate with a length of 30 meters and a width of [-] meters on the magic steel beam.The thick buckle arms on the edge of the beam frame were turned over to lock the plates tightly, and the last layer of barriers on the crescent plain in the heart of the silver moon was finally installed.

Floating down from the maintenance well at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal beams, the two were out of breath, sweating like rain, and thick silvery white light dust was still radiating from their bodies.Even for Legend, such a high-intensity labor is like a fierce battle, which makes them exhausted.

After receiving the frozen juice from Yelin, he handed a glass to Reinfurt. The two former white bird knights drank the juice and looked up at the sky, their hearts filled with the satisfaction and joy of labor.

"Finally completed before ascending to the empty sea..."

Rheinfurt said happily: "It would be too embarrassing if the big words I patted my chest before could not be fulfilled."

Su Enna smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, we really overestimated ourselves. In the end, not to mention the White Bird servants, even our White Bird Knights, a team of two can't compare with a construction vehicle. Fortunately, everyone worked hard, and finally Take the progress back."

The translucent strengthened slime light plate is covered with the magic steel skeleton, covering the gap in the heart of the silver moon, the Moon Bend Plain.This is only the innermost layer of protection of the Silver Moon Heart. While Su Enna, Rhinefurt and other white bird knights were constructing it, the surface of the Silver Moon Heart was already covered by criss-crossing thick skeletons and light gray magic steel plates.Hundreds of huge magical machines with ten mechanical arms and arms and legs are still digging underground one kilometer deep from the surface to lay a second protective layer.

"What a great project..."

Thousands of kilometers below the heart of the silver moon, in the command post of Tegjeer Fortress, which has been out of contact with the heart of the silver moon, looking at the heart of the silver moon that seems to be able to break through Kukai in the next moment on the screen, the new fortress commander Randall folded his arms and sighed: "Six years ago, when Tarrence told me that man could defeat God, I pointed to the moon and asked, could a mortal be able to take that thing off."

"The old man said it was a fake. If he really wanted it, a mortal could make one. I laughed until my nose sprayed him all over the face."

"I didn't expect it, now we really did it. Although it's a little small, it's only on the main plane, but just looking at productivity, mortals can really build the moon."

Arthur sighed next to him: "Your vision is really high, Tegjaer Fortress is considered to be the moon."

Randall scratched his head and laughed, indeed, in the eyes of Legend, there are only gods.

The Tegjaer Fortress, which has completed the second-phase expansion, is also a huge monster with a diameter of three kilometers. The node furnace array used was modified with the data obtained by the Cardinal and His Royal Highness Catherine through the empty sea.Although it can't go up to Kukai, any height below Kukai is no longer a limit.After the Heart of the Silver Moon breaks through the empty sea, the Tegjaer Fortress will be an out-and-out artificial moon.

Artur shook his head again and said: "It's too hasty, too many details are missing, it's just a shell plus the protection and weapon system that protects the shell, let alone the Void Fortress, it's just according to the standard of Tegjaer Fortress Look, it's still too far away."

Randall curled his lips, thinking that he was still teaching me to be high-sighted just now, and you are the real high-sighted.

"The reliability of the lattice furnace array has not yet reached five or nine levels, and the node furnace array has to be rotated, so the efficiency cannot be improved."

"The shield can only rely on the node furnace array, the recovery rate is too low, and even the demigod's continuous full-strength attack cannot withstand it in the void."

"The power of the force field generator is not enough, and there is no concealment ability at all..."

"The same goes for the [-]mm Thor's Hammer, the Void-level Hammer of Destruction, and various god-guided amplifiers, every half an hour."

"If you don't have your own demigod or god avatar sitting in command, if you meet a team of demigods in the void, you will be blinded."

Artur was still rambling, and Randall said: "There is also a fleet up there, and that is the base of the First Fleet. Although the main force of the fleet is not yet in place, eight squadrons of sawtooth sharks have already been deployed. After the void adaptation is completed, how can two hundred sawtooth sharks overwhelm twenty demigods."

Artur smacked his lips and said: "That has nothing to do with the fortress itself. The original goal of our wonder engineering department was the floating fortress. I was mentally prepared to spend decades on it, but I didn't expect to start a new project at the same time." Floating Fortress and Void Fortress."

"Now the floating fortress has nothing to say. If the void fortress is not perfected and realized perfectly, it will be difficult for everyone to lift their spirits."

"After all, we've already eaten meat, so it's too difficult to ask everyone to turn around and eat grass again. At that time, people's hearts will be scattered, and it's not easy to lead the team."

Randall also felt the same way: "When Fleitenhaus Fortress started to take off, I really didn't expect that in just four years, the floating fortress is nothing."

"Concentrate on big things..."

Artur said: "However, this matter is really big enough. It's just that Tegjaer Fortress is not too difficult. With the Heart of Silver Moon...that is, Montehi Fortress, our magic steel production can't keep up." up."

Suddenly there was an upsurge of cheers in the command post, and on the screen, the distance between Silver Moon Heart and Kukai was already zero.

This doesn't mean breaking through Kukai, just touching the surface of Kukai, the breakthrough has just begun.

Randall and Artur's expressions became tense. When the Chief Cardinal and His Royal Highness Catherine broke through Kukai, they had personally experienced the taste of Dawn Kukai Fortress.The current breakthrough of Silvermoon Heart is not only a technical challenge, but also a literal battle.

Randall comforted Artur: "Luthia is up there, don't worry too much."

Artur muttered: "It's not enough to rely on Lusya alone, I can only rely on Her Royal Highness Fei Ni, isn't she awake now?"

People cheered again. When the heart of Yinyue touched the surface of Kukai, it just stopped for a moment, as if taking a deep breath, and continued to rise.

The cheers stopped abruptly, and the image on the screen became blurred. This was evidence that the Heart of the Silver Moon had actually broken through the surface of Kukai. The environment above and below Kukai was very different, and the communication would be seriously disturbed.

Randall also murmured: "Wake up, Your Highness Finney..."

Artur corrected: "It's time to call Your Majesty."


In the center of the crescent plain, the whole body looks like a tower made of mithril, and there is only one big tree glowing with silvery white light.

Branches and leaves carved like white jade weave a bed under the tree, and the suffocatingly beautiful girl lies on the bed, her silver-haired and jade-skinned body seems to be integrated with the big tree.

Li Qi raised his head from the side of the bed, his eyes left the delicate and charming red lips, and he had a panoramic view of the girl.

"Wake up, my lord..."

Li Qi stroked the girl's silver hair, and said with a smile, "From now on, every time I call you that, Xiaohong will be jealous, why don't you wake up quickly to reap such a sense of accomplishment."

The girl's thick eyelashes blinked slightly, and then a thick silver light overflowed from her eyes, which quickly spread throughout her body, swimming and jumping, turning her into a humanoid silver flame,

Violent ripples swayed in the red net, and every scarlet superhuman connected to the red net felt throbbing in their hearts.And the Pain-type Transcendents, who accounted for a considerable part, were even more enlightened, feeling the connection between the soul and reality much closer in the trembling.

The silver light penetrated back into her body, the girl sat up, her original green pupils had turned into pale gold, even though she didn't have a wisp on her body, they were so sacred that people dare not look directly at them.

Of course Li Qi is not a human... er, not an ordinary person. He looked directly at the girl until Yubai's cheeks became pink and his body was pink and dizzy before reaching out his hand.

"I'm awake, Li Qi."

The girl Fei Ni raised her hand reservedly and let Li Qi hold it: "It's not for a sense of accomplishment, and it's not for making Miss Xiaohong jealous."

Li Qi sighed: "Well, it's for me, but I hope it's not just for me."

The girl hummed, and the branches and leaves at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed stretched out in response, weaving cute cuties and hot pants, covering the key parts where Li Qi's soul was steaming.

Putting a pair of slender legs, which were very different from those of Lolita before, to the bed, wiggling her toes mischievously, she said coquettishly, "If you want to hear my honest answer, it depends on your sincerity."

A pair of crystal high-heeled shoes floated beside the bed, and the girl raised her leg: "Here, grant my wish."

Li Qi knelt down on one knee, held his soft and smooth ankle with one hand, picked up the crystal slipper with the other, and muttered: "Don't step on the center of your eyebrows later, Xiaohong stamped there, and change your stamp."

Seeing that he really made a move, the girl was slightly taken aback, and when the crystal shoe was about to touch her foot, she twisted and avoided it.

"Li Qi, why?"

The girl Fini pursed her lips, and asked with a serious expression: "Why did we meet? Why did you take me in? Why did I become a witch? Now I am the goddess of the moon?"

"Is all this arranged because of Miss Xiaohong, or the supreme will?"

"If all this is destined, I have a very bad feeling."

A series of questions made Li Qi a little dazed, he subconsciously rubbed his hands, his eyes were introverted, and he fell into deep thought.

After a while, he said in a not so sure tone: "If you just woke up for me, then the answers to these questions are naturally destined, and your bad premonition will indeed become reality."

"But I believe you didn't wake up just because of me, Fei Ni, you were not destined to become my witch, so you met me. You became Fei Ni first, and then you became a witch. Then you met Tarun Meet me, meet me, and we will walk together."

"Just like you are not the inheritor deliberately chosen by the white bird, the power of the white bird left by Su Lun has actually permeated all the white bird people, and it is hidden in the white bird people like a gene."

"This is the same as the evolution of life. The soul that has obtained the power of the white bird is not only you who are the purest. It is only you who have lived to this point, and only you have met Tarrence, the medium."

"Simply put, the world is choosing the lucky ones, and only you are ready. From this perspective, even if you are destined, it is because of your own choices and hard work."

Thinking of the first meeting with Fei Ni, Li Qi smiled lightly: "As for why I took you in, the reason is the same as my memory in another world will wake up, it's all because of the nature of mortals."

"There are always angels and devils fighting in the hearts of mortals. At a certain moment, they will do the most noble thing, and at a certain moment they will do the most evil thing. It depends on whether the angel or the devil is leading the soul at that moment."

"Of course I'm not the same. On top of angels and devils, my soul is still connected to a goddess."

"This does not mean that I can only do noble things, and I am forced to. Why should I do evil things when I can get satisfaction by doing noble things?"

"In short, the reason for taking you in is very simple. It's not a deep reason like fate, or how many generations of bonds we have between us, but I simply want to be a good person."

"Because of my thinking, you became a witch, and it wasn't your fate that you were destined to bear. It was the strength in your body that gave you such an endowment, and you found your place on the road blazed by Xiaohong, and finally came to the This step."

"Finnie, it's not anyone's arrangement that we have come to this point. It's just the inevitable encounter of souls on the little possibility of progress that the world still retains."

"From our own scale, the encounter is accidental. From the scale of the world, our encounter is inevitable. You should understand this truth."

The girl Fei Ni stared at Li Qi, the pale golden brilliance in her eyes gradually faded and returned to the original emerald green, which made her more alive.

She pouted and said, "Having said so much, you are still filming, isn't it the relationship between the historical process and individual efforts?"

Flicking her feet, she giggled: "You rub people so itchy, what a pervert!"

She floated up directly, ignored the crystal slipper, faced Li Qi, took a deep breath, and said in a declarative tone: "I don't want to wear a crystal slipper to step on your head, I have a premonition that after fulfilling this wish, My mortal heart will become lazy if my wish is fulfilled. At that time, the heart of a god may want to turn around and become the master like what happened to Miss Hong."

"As a mortal, I will continue to lead everyone to recognize the reality, taste the pain, and fight unremittingly against oppression."

"I am not the new Moon Lady, I am still the Witch of Pain, but I have the three godheads of the Moon Goddess, the Snow Goddess, and the Misery Goddess. I am controlling such a Godhead with a mortal heart. I am the super god of the new era people."

Li Qi was extremely pleased that Fei Ni had finally grown up.

Of course, the hands are empty, the lips are cool, and they are no longer warm and soft as before, which is also a pity.

Just thinking about this, Fei Ni suddenly threw herself into his arms, hugged him tightly, and said in a low voice, "Admit it, you perverted Li Qi! At the beginning, you either wanted to play Lolita, or you thought I was someone from a time travel story." Standard benefits, so you took me in without hesitation, right?"

This is really unfair!
Li Qi was about to complain, but Fei Ni said again: "But I... like it very much, I am very happy, that is the real starting point of my life, the beginning of my life as Fei Ni."

The girl's breathing became hot: "Although I am a super god, I got three godheads at once. The burden of a mortal heart is very heavy. You must help me well, just like you did just now."

"Things like that are really...wonderful, pornography or something, it's superficial now that I think about it. The title of pornographic witch will be inherited by Karin in the future."

So in the future, are you going to become a "really superficial" black and deep disabled witch?

Li Qi tried hard to suppress the aftertaste, coughed and said: "If we don't do business anymore, be careful that Aurora and Catherine rush in with everyone..."

The girl blushed even more, and pushed Li Qi away: "Get out! I'm going to get dressed!"

I just said so lingeringly...

While Li Qi wailed, the bitterness of the little girl finally growing up and no longer being cute flowed through his heart.

Just about to leave, Fei Ni said again: "I have decided on Li Qi, my goal has changed!"

"In the future, when you become a god, I will let you wear a crystal slipper for me, and then step on your head!"

Li Qi stepped out of the "Silver Tree Tower", and there was already a large group of people standing outside, including Rhinefurt, Suenna and other White Bird knights, and Yelin and other White Bird attendants.

With Li Qi's face, he naturally wouldn't blush because he "awakened" Fei Ni in a certain way before, helping her to become one with God.

He silently stood with everyone, feeling the majestic power pouring out of the tower, expanding to the Moon Bend Plain and even the entire Silver Moon Heart.

There was continuous vibration under his feet, and his perception of the world was also faintly distorted.

The change lasted for a moment, and a new feeling flooded the body and mind, as if a thin film had been lifted from the soul to the body.

Some sting, but more real and more powerful.

The translucent light panels covering the Moon Bend Plain became transparent one by one, and the soft white light shone down, and the rippling sea of ​​white light was already under the feet.


Xiaohong's voice reached everyone's ears. At this moment, only her divine sense can penetrate the surface of Kukai and pass it on to every node in the Red Network.

"We have broken through Kukai, remember this day!"

"More importantly, our first mortal god was also born at this moment."

"Goddess of Moon, Ice and Pain, Phine Dolomis, let us all cheer for her becoming a god and an adult at the same time!"

Li Qi secretly coughed, don't say the last sentence so sourly!
A crisp voice followed, and it was Fei Ni.

She didn't talk nonsense: "This is just the beginning, everyone fight with me!"

People are listening obsessively, and staring blankly at the sky that has become transparent, like a porthole.Several thick white lights shot from different directions, exploding a large burst of starbursts on the surface of the heart of the silver moon, like a warm celebration firework.

The bright red light and shadow flashed across the sky, Catherine drove the Queen Shark, and rushed out impatiently.And in the Heart of Silver Moon, including Li Qi, there were close to a hundred thousand mortals, and everyone's personal assistants sounded harsh battle sirens.

The huge body of Silver Moon Heart is still being pulled up from under the empty sea, and pieces of octagonal golden light are floating on the shield, strengthening the protection.On the criss-cross tracks on the surface, the turrets rotated, ready to roar.Fighters flew out one after another, followed the bright red fighter that was ahead, and scattered the white light that shot towards the heart of the silver moon.

This scene was only delayed for a few minutes, and all the scenes were transmitted unreservedly through the communication relay ship and the sky eye system to the command center of the Salvation Platinum Alliance in the Platinum Dragon Palace in the New World, and every registered member of the adventurer Ang Lai who has an adventurer assistant .

For the first time, Finn's newborn gods, together with mortals, challenged the dawn that blocked the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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