goddess of revolution

Chapter 1165 The Wrath of the Goddess of Life and the Fall of the Life 2

Chapter 1165 The Wrath of the Goddess of Life and the Fall of the Life Duo
In less than 10 minutes, all the "meatball" monsters that rolled in were wiped out, which was the result of the witches deliberately holding back their energy.

If you really want to use full firepower, just the new witch Oresa can kill these miscellaneous soldiers who are not even as good as void zombies.Not to mention Karin, she uses much more power to suppress herself than falls on her target.

Tina caught the living ones, and Karin took the dead ones and locked them in lattice cages.

At this time, the first batch of support troops also arrived, and the accompanying experts from the Life Research Institute immediately went to work.

The support force is composed of the intelligence bureau detachment and the exploration advance team. The advance team is mainly composed of scientific research and engineering personnel, and also includes members of the explorer commune.

Such an advance team is the standard equipment for the Chilian to enter unknown areas. They will use the source magic field scanner to confirm the general situation of the plane, fly the monitoring equipment to form a temporary sky eye system, and formulate exploration plans based on the intuitive judgment of the explorers.

In response to different mission requirements, various mission modules will be added to the basic framework of the advance team, thereby increasing manpower in different fields.In short, within a few hours after the Red Alliance enters the new plane, even if there are intelligent creatures locally, the Red Alliance advance team will know more about this place than the other party.

Tinniway’s exploration is one of the key tasks of the Red Federation officials and the people. The Red Federation’s official departments related to nature and life, various communes and associations, as well as enthusiastic folks, plus the people of the United Arab Emirates, a large number of Volunteers are lining up to apply.Those who can enter the advance team list are all elites in various fields.

For example, the two experts in charge of life technology, Priest Nafer Elhain and Druid Baig Asker, are senior researchers of the Life Research Institute and have a high status in the advance team.These two people once presided over a secret project in the Beta City Sanatorium, and they had close contacts with a mysterious person who called himself "the light bearer" at the time and was suspected to be the Minister of Magic of the Dawn Empire, Medi.

Elhain quickly discovered on the living "meat ball": "It's amazing, the soul of this thing has completely lost its human structure, and it is close to the state of frenzied elemental spirit. Because the blood of the body is still human-based. Lord, so although there are great changes, it can still be seen that it was changed by human beings."

"The scan of the facet shows that the soul contains extremely weak abnormal power that does not belong to the world of Finn. It should be a variant of the power of the star sea possessed by the Arcanists of Avebier."

"I guess they made a certain level of star sea power into a self-discipline scalpel wrapped in a set program, attached to something that can be infected through biochemical channels, and became a poison like the power of corruption or the breath of the void. Everyone here."

"The purpose of the infection is...to change the attributes of the soul, to break free from the power of death and the shackles of the power of life. If it succeeds, it will really lead to eternal life."

"But they didn't solve the problem of the separation of the soul and body, or they didn't solve it on purpose. The mutation of the soul has affected the body, and the power contained in the ancient blood in the body, all the branches that promote growth and resist death are mixed together. It destroyed the state of soul-body fusion."

"The original structure is shattered, and the new structure is re-established in the frantic restlessness of the soul and body, so they will grow in all kinds of strange ways."

"During this process, their souls were destroyed beyond recognition, and their minds naturally disappeared, becoming such monsters."

"The most interesting thing is that they are indeed close to immortality, and the lifespan of this kind of meat is terribly long..."

"Using the concept of the earth world, such a mass of meat is like... a living body composed entirely of cancer cells, which obtains energy by devouring other healthy flesh and blood."

After analyzing the corpses of several "meat balls", Elhaine came to the conclusion: "The Arcanist is indeed conducting life experiments here. The method is to start with the soul, twist the flesh and blood, and try to achieve eternal life."

"I announce that the peculiar condition discovered here will be named...Ehine Soul Cancer!"

Asker made an objection on the channel: "Don't be like a vicious tourist, you just know that you are rushing to visit here, you just found it on monsters like meatballs, the situation of these iron sheets in the village is completely different .”

"I gave the village chief named Nasba a medical examination and some other villagers, and I tossed around in the garbage dump behind the village for a while, and the symptoms I found had nothing to do with your side."

"The garbage dump is their cemetery, and the messy scrap copper and iron in it are the corpses of their own kind."

"Now these villagers are still undergoing subtle changes. Their bodies are metallized bit by bit, and their bones, flesh and skin are turning into metals with different textures. Although their brains are not metallized, they are moving towards slime-like glue. quality, but not the transformation of flesh and blood."

"The villagers said that the attack of the meat balls outside would intensify this process, and even turn them into metal puppets like golems."

"Metal puppets don't fight with meatballs, but like meatballs, they attack any living person. So once someone is about to become a puppet, they will first remove this person."

Asker said in a tone of exclamation: "The older they get, the more orderly their souls become. It seems that they are programmed a little bit, and eventually become a mechanical ethereal with only one program. That program makes the mechanical ethereal It can sense the soul that is still in its natural state, and then drive the body to kill the other party."

"Their souls were also eroded by the power of the star sea, but I didn't find any traces of direct erosion. It seems that it only acts on the body, and then the body affects the soul, causing the soul to condense a little bit."

"Ignoring the hostility of the final state and only looking at the condition of the body and soul, this seems to be a kind of eternal life."

"I don't know how this change came about. How did the arcanist spread this... iron skin disease?"

Karin was still chatting with the village chief, and Tina was free to help the advance team conduct medical tests. After listening to the two explanations on the advance team channel, she opened her mind.

"Could it be...to spread biochemical poison first, and then distribute special magical weapons to the survivors. Weapons are the source of pollution?"

The two experts responded unanimously: "It makes sense!"

Tina said with emotion: "Are these dark and evil scientists conducting comparative experiments on two immortal routes here?"

"Are they just doing pure scientific research, or are they completing a commission from an employer?"

"If it's the latter, I can understand it, at least it's driven by interests."

"If it's the former, it's even more disgusting. In their eyes, the humans here are no different from animals like cats, dogs, chickens and ducks."

"I hope they didn't stay here, otherwise there will be no good fruit to eat."

Elhaine felt the same: "I can't find any words to condemn this crime. In short, their actions, even their existence, are the most serious desecration of life."

Asker said: "The source magic field scanner brought by the advance team is heating up, and it will be turned on later. We will soon know whether there are any arcanists in this small world."

He said in a slightly expectant tone: "If these two routes are created by arcanists, I think we will have new discoveries, I mean..."

As soon as he said this, he stopped, and after a while, Asker asked uncertainly: "That...Naver, did you hear that?"

Over there, Ehine swallowed his saliva, and said with difficulty: "I not only heard it, but also saw it, you should come to my side."

Tina didn't care about it at first, but Leitana said through the witch channel: "Your Highness, you'd better keep an eye on it, that Sebeni is the guy who possesses Tai Ya and claims to be the goddess of life, and acted."

Tina's long eyebrows that protruded from her cheeks trembled: "If the witch can't pull it, why don't you go pull someone else?"

Retana sighed: "Those two seem to be believers of the Goddess of Life. They just believe in our crimson belief, and are they still a very peripheral belief related to Karin? If Sebeni is really the Goddess of Life , there is no need to win him over, he is his believer in the first place."

Tina rubbed her brows: "This is troublesome. If He wants to dictate, or even conflict with us, many people in the advance team are His believers."

When speaking, the figure has turned into a ripple and quickly merged into the air.

In a certain corner of the village, a priest of life and a druid of life looked at the half-elf beauty standing in front of them, dumbfounded.

Elhaine asked, "Aren't you Ms. Taiya?"

Asker supported his chin, and said in a vague voice: "Although we believe in the goddess of life, we have never come into contact with the clear divine will, and we don't even know the name of the goddess. Now you suddenly say that you are the goddess of life, I... er, Nave, did I brush my teeth this morning?"

"Taya" raised his head, his eyes spit out bright green light, and his body also oscillated powerful power fluctuations. The soul impact beyond the limit of the barrier of the main plane shook the two life-type transcendents with a shocking feeling of ascension.

The surge of divine power was only centered on "Atayal" in a narrow area that just covered the two of them, and it didn't dissipate at all outside. The control power displayed was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Under the vibration, the two souls finally saw the powerful will hidden behind the body of "Taylor", and involuntarily touched the ground with their knees and knelt down.

The two were trembling with excitement, and their speech was no longer as sharp as before.

"My lord! Your humble servant is at your command!"

"I want to cry so much, I am so happy! We are actually directly bathed in the divine light of the goddess!"

"I should be the first life-type transcendent to see the goddess... Oh, a believer, right?"

"It's us! We!"

"Taylor" sighed: "You can also see traces of the red power in your souls, no wonder you are still so frivolous when facing me at this moment."

"Seeing that you, like the magician and arcanist, seem to regard the belief in life as a stage for pursuing the truth, I will let you know what the truth of life is."

"I will..."

Before they finished speaking, the two asked excitedly.

"Your Majesty, can you answer our doubts?"

"Great! Things are technical details here, we're struggling with some more fundamental and esoteric problems."

"Taya" paused, and said leisurely: "Forget it, I allow you to ask a question each, so that you can touch the truth of life. I have never bestowed such blessings on mortals, but in this era, it is indeed necessary to break through. Old example."

The two were even more joyful. Although they were still kneeling on the ground, their backs were straight and their heads were raised high, just like a child waiting for an adult to give him candy.

Elhaine asked in a high-pitched voice: "Your Majesty, how do you explain the oscillations of the Lingzi and the source magic field? Or do you mean that such fluctuations do not actually exist, but are just the observer effect of the source magic field under the vision of the soul? "

"Atayal" stretched his arms, slightly parted his red lips, and was about to show the truth of his life. Hearing this question, his body froze, and the green light in his eyes froze.

Asker's voice was very low: "Your Majesty, what I want to know is, is Lingzi just a part of the origin of the world, or is it a manifestation of a certain level, or can it be measured as a separate fulcrum?"

"If it can be independent, then there should be a constant that can be used to calculate the state of motion of all spiritual power. What is that constant?"

The green light in "Taya"'s eyes flickered for a long time like the lights of the hard disk, and both of them subconsciously looked behind her, thinking that it was the same as the ethereal server, and it was malfunctioning because the magic power circuit was not connected properly.

After a while, "Taylor" transmitted misty spiritual thoughts into the hearts of the two: "Why do you ask such questions? This is not the truth. The truth is the mystery that you can gain power when you know it."

"Knowing this, we can discover more of the truth ourselves," said Elhaine.

Asker said: "Laws and laws are the truth. As long as you master them, you will have as much knowledge as you want."

"Taya" was speechless, and the "hard disk light" flickered again.

After another while, He passed in a deep divine thought: "What you are pursuing is not the pure truth, but your own narrow interpretation based on the standpoint of seeking the self-interest of mortals."

"Truth is above everything, and is with the gods, just like my divine will."

"Those who pursue the truth should put aside the position of seeking profit, and should dedicate their souls to the truth, so that they can touch the pure truth, and then be happy that they are accepted by the truth."

Elhaine and Asker were stunned, feeling themselves being splashed by a bucket of ice water.

After a moment of silence, Elhaine said cautiously: "We are indeed very... mundane and humble mortals, not lofty enough to be favored by His Majesty."

Asker continued: "In your Majesty's eyes, our question should be naive and ridiculous, but it is really too profound for us, and we haven't even touched the edge. But your majesty, please take pity on us, and give us the answer Can you tell us?"

The two raised their faces and looked at "Taya" pitifully.

After "Taya" pondered again, his spiritual thoughts were very cold: "I said just now that your questions are all based on narrow interpretations from the mortal standpoint, and the answers I give are meaningless."

The eagerness on Elhaine's face gradually disappeared...

Asker still held a glimmer of hope: "Your Majesty, how could it be meaningless? At least it can prove that your divine will is indeed with the truth, and let us two humble mortals tremble because of being bathed in the brilliance of truth, and our faith is even stronger. Be firm!"

"Taya" was silent again, this time lasted for a long time, until the expectation on Asker's face gradually disappeared, and he still did not respond.

The two got up slowly, and Elhaine said, "You are not a goddess..."

"Just now you hit our souls, giving us an illusion."

"You may be related to the Goddess of Life, but it is definitely not Himself."

Asker echoed: "Yes, you can't even answer our questions, how can you be the goddess of life?"

"Since she is the goddess of life, she should have answers to all the mysteries of life."

The green light in "Taya"'s eyes became brighter, and the power overflowing from his body fluctuated. It seemed that the god's will was extremely angry because he was offended.

He refrained from turning his face on the spot, and still sent out his divine thoughts: "Do you think gods should be omniscient and omnipotent?"

The two nodded repeatedly, and Asker also said to Elhaine: "It seems that His Majesty Xiaohong and the Chief Cardinal are right. As long as there is a god with image, personality and will, it is impossible to be omniscient and omnipotent. .”

Elhaine nodded: "So this... Goddess of Life must be defrauding the gods in the name of our Lord."

The divine power rolled over, washing away the souls of the two of them, shouting at the same time.

"Taya" floated into the air, and the divine voice roared: "Fallen blasphemers, you will be punished by me immediately! Then you will naturally know who I am!"

There were high and low screams in the village...

"Karin, Tina, Leitana, Your Highness Oresa! Help—!"

"Your Majesty Xiaohong, come and save us! We know whose daughter Leia is!"

(End of this chapter)

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