goddess of revolution

Chapter 1178 Karin's Return to the Country, This Is the Real Goddess of Life!

Chapter 1178 Karin's Return to the Country, This Is the Real Goddess of Life!

"The back is a little messy, the text is fragmented, the more chaotic it gets, and the back is full of messy hand-drawn sketches."

"Look at this... Doesn't it look like after Li Qi finished stroking Karin, he pulled it out with a brush made of the plucked hair?"

"Oh my god! It must have been drawn with tentacles! It still smells like this after it's all dried!"

While talking, Tina sent the note information she found to the channel.

"According to the routine, in the notes left by the villain, there must be his own destiny."

"Look, thanks to my ability to detect treasure, I was able to find this thing."

"Don't doubt, this thing is a treasure, and its value is not comparable to how many gold coins."

Under the ruins of the high tower, deep in the ground, in the palace built with unusually strong materials, Tina held up a notebook and yelled.

There was a sound of clattering around her, and Oresa popped her head out of the golden pile of gold coins, just in time to hear Tina say the last sentence, and she rolled her eyes speechlessly.

"I'm not a life major, so I don't know where the gate of life is!"

"Front? Oh, I'll turn over quickly!"

"It's so stinky, evil... Is it written with tentacles dipped in saliva or snot?"

Tina pinched her nose and turned forward, without stopping for half a second on each page. Void Spirit automatically extracted the information on each page, whether it was text or text, from her vision, uploaded it to the channel, and Xiaohong, Li Qi and the witches, including Karin, browsed quickly.

Although they are not the gods of the old age, they cannot divide their minds into thousands, but when needed, their thinking speed can be accelerated several times, far surpassing ordinary people.

In just two to three minutes, Tina uploaded the legendary Arcanist Justin's notes, as well as all the text and pattern materials found in the hall, to the Internet.And everyone also completed browsing and searching simultaneously, spelling out these information fragments into a roughly clear context.

Xiaohong noticed something first...

"Duvimo gear?"

"There's this thing in the database at Avebie Base. It's a mechanical virus that spreads into organic life through the respiratory tract. It first erodes the heart into a mechanical structure, and then spreads to other organs, down to bones, muscles, and skin."

"During this process, the brain is also gelatinized a little bit, and the thinking circuit is solidified a little bit, and finally becomes a machine infused with established programs."

"They call this process... Duvimo Formatting."

"This is Avebier... that is, what those wanderers found on the road when they crossed the Phlogiston Sea."

"They calibrated this thing in the database as a weapon that can't be used effectively. They said that the hedging state of phlogiston and ash in Finn World is unstable, which leads to unsatisfactory infection probability, and Duweimo's formatting is not thorough."

"Is this the origin of the Tin Woodman?"

"Sure enough, they are conducting this kind of biochemical experiment in Tinnival."

"But what about the meatball people?"

Li Qi first discovered the situation on the side of the meat group...

"Tron Egg, um, the name is so visual."

"It's also obtained by rogues on the road, and from merchants."

"Residing in the body of a living being of flesh and blood, stimulating the blood power of the living being, and spreading it on a large scale through body fluids and blood, it can fuse a large number of weak individuals into a single powerful individual."

"It's also a weapon that cannot be used effectively. Apart from the same reason as Duweimo's gear, in the process of individual fusion, because the power of the bloodlines stimulated is too different, the result is that the individuals fight each other, and eventually they all die together. No."

Vicky is not familiar with things in the field of life, but she has mastered the scientific method. After comparing it with Justin's notes and Arcanist materials, she immediately grasped the most important thread.

"Neither the Duvimo gear nor the Tron worm egg are stable. What if the two are combined?"

"Infuse Duweimo's gears with a splicing program, and at the same time, the gears can curb the differences between different bloodlines stimulated by the eggs, so that the gears can replace the eggs, and realize the function of splicing a large number of individuals into one."

"Moreover, both the gear and the eggs can form a more stable hybrid structure, which can eliminate the disturbance caused by Finn's local environment."

"This is the origin of the Tin Woodman and the Meatball Man. The Arcanist wants to use the Tinniwe to take the route of gears and worm eggs respectively, and then fuse them together."

"However, it seems that the Arcanist has not only made no progress, but also had some problems in the early morning, which caused the experiment not to advance to the integration stage, and also had some problems with Avebier's communication, and was isolated from the outside world."

"Then this Justin entered Tinniwe through some means, and used the weird belief that Li Qi impregnated him to swallow up the remaining arcanists, and then began to merge with the Tinniwei."

"Unfortunately, he should have started it not long ago, and we are here."

Li Qi added: "It may not be that there is a problem with the communication, but that Avebier has taken the initiative to seal it up. Because they have indirectly grasped the power of the main plane of Finn through the loyal court, the life test here is a backup resource."

"Calculating the time when they invaded the Tinyway plane, it was more than 400 years ago in the Fourth Era. At that time, the Loyalty Court had been established for more than 200 years, and it may have roughly estimated the time for the change of the era, so entering Tinniway to do Some prep."

"Accidents should have happened, but they didn't completely isolate Tinniway during this period, they still got some technology outside. For example, the clone of Emperor Tudor should come from the technology of the meatball people, that is, the eggs .The weapons that contain the power of the star sea are mostly related to gears."

"As for Justin, he probably put forward some new insights academically, which made Ai Fubier feel that he has the ability to solve problems, and then let him in. Of course, Ai Fubier did not expect Justin to cheat. After leaving them, that guy came here to become a god and then summon Mr. Ke."

Hearing the last sentence, all the witches clamored, could it be that guy really hooked up with Mr. Ke?Could it be that there really are Mr. Ke and Mr. Zong in the multiverse?
"The world of Fein is a world where the soul generates power..."

Li Qi sighed: "Since Fei Ni and I can rely on the fear from the soul to make the corruption show some traces of restraint, why can't Justin create a vain world for himself by believing in this fear?" God?"

"This is ridiculous!"

Aurora retorted: "According to what you said, the paranoid is the most powerful in the Finn world?"

"If a Christian believe in the only true God in the world, and he is omniscient and omnipotent, and there is a whole set of scholastic philosophy that can be used as a divine scripture to construct the logic of belief, then wouldn't he really be able to smash the coffin of Jesus? Pry him out?"

"We, the Fei Gong and the Red Federation, have proved that the power of faith does not come from metaphysical imagination, but is obtained by projecting it into the soul through actual practice."

Terrible, when it comes to theory, Li Qi is almost no match for Aurora.

Xiaohong coughed, and actually helped Li Qi apply a patch: "Did you forget what that guy said in his notes? He said that Mr. Ke can only be summoned after he becomes a god. What does that mean?"

"It means that he knows that Mr. Ke doesn't exist in this world, and this knowledge has a lot of mystery..."

"There's something I haven't reminded you all of the time, and it's just me and Li Qi who have a tacit understanding, but you all know a lot of details, and you should understand after thinking about it."

"That is the world of Fein, which is very much like a distorted product of a fictional cultural world in the earth world, and it is also mixed with many things from other cultural worlds."

Speaking of this, Xiaohong suddenly stopped, was silent for a moment, and suddenly patted her thigh and shouted: "Why am I so familiar? Li Qi, what gears, what insect eggs, you haven't remembered yet?"

Li Qi was stunned for a moment, and read the names of these two things again, his mind was struck by a lightning bolt, and he suddenly became enlightened.

Duvimo gear! ?

Isn't this the forging mold creation in the old man's scroll?
Tron eggs?
Isn't this something from the Tyranid Zerg in Walham 4K?
These two things are actually circulating in the multiverse outside of Finn's world!

Then it is only natural that Mr. Ke and Mr. Ah exist!

So, what is the world of Finn, and even this multiverse composed of phlogiston and ashes?
Xiaohong raised the level of the topic so high all of a sudden, Li Qi's thoughts were pulled up subconsciously, and he began to think about where this place is, who he is, and what he is doing now.

Not only Li Qi, but Aurora, Catherine, Fenny and others were all lost in thought. Although this is only side evidence, it still pushed everyone to the question of "is the cause that is now bleeding and sacrificing real or illusory?" "This question of the soul is deeper than the question of life and death.

The channel was silent for a few seconds, and then a weak voice sounded.


"It's because I didn't play hard enough. The background sound is like the bells in the temple. Let you stand still and meditate?"

Karin whispered first, and then roared suddenly: "What are you talking about!?"

"I'm bleeding all over the floor now!"

"Didn't you say you were looking for that guy's life gate?"

"Where's the answer? Give me the answer!"

Coughing sounded one after another, Xiaohong and Aurora said in unison: "It's all Li Qi's fault!"

"Yes, it's all my fault..."

One is a soul symbiosis, the other is his wife, Li Qi had no choice but to take the blame skillfully: "Let me see..."

After all, this is a living monster, not a Death Star with blueprints. The description left by Justin does not involve technical details, and the patterns drawn later are all the work of the soul. It is impossible to find any life gate.

Li Qi was about to say to Karin that it's better to send it first, and then beat Tinniway to death, when Tess's profile picture suddenly squeezed into the channel, flashing and saying: "Taya requests connection!"

Judging from the routine, this should be Atayal's fate.

With a little expectation, Li Qi asked Tai Ya to forcibly connect to the Witch Channel through Sisi Network.

Leitana also acts as a router. From the on-site perspective of her forwarding, Tai Ya is swimming with a dark golden light, which is a sign of access to the red network.

Although Tai Ya was the high priest of life before, she stayed in Chilian for so long and had already believed in the way of Chihong. Now she was abandoned by the Goddess of Life. It is logical that she completely converted to Chihong, but she has not yet obtained a clear characteristic, which is the most basic level of Chihong believer.

She tried her best to condense her thoughts, and shouted hysterically on the witch channel: "Leave it and leave it quickly! The blessing my lord gave to this guy will make it devour your Karin!"

There was silence on the channel for half a second, and then there was a sudden cry of ahhh, mixed with the sound of slapping hands and thighs.

The one who slapped her thigh was naturally Xiaohong: "I remembered the trick I used to subdue Youzan back then!"

Aurora clapped her hands: "Your powers have a common essence, but the specific paths are different!"

Eve, who had been squeezed in a corner and had no chance to speak, hurriedly stated: "But you are not alone, Karin!"

Li Qi yelled: "But the network bandwidth is not enough! There is only Leitana and a human router over there, throw me there!"

Vicky sighed: "It's too late. At this time, the power of the Tinniway plane is very chaotic, and there is no way to directly project it down. If you want to come from the entrance, the barrier breaker will have to be recalculated."

Karin yelled: "I understand, but I have to increase the traffic... No, bandwidth? Isn't there us four witches here, and there are at least a few million awake souls? I don't believe that such power combined , can’t beat a beast that only knows how to eat and eat!”

Xiaohong hesitated: "But that requires everyone to understand..."

Karin is very firm: "The moment of life and death, as long as the soul is sober, what else can't be understood?"

"Come on! If you really can't do it, I will throw everyone out when needed."

Tina also said: "What is so difficult to understand the meaning of life? It is the ultimate freedom, such as saving money freely."

Karin coughed: "Okay, I'll be the first to throw you away."

That being said, thick threads of light shot out from the crown of the rose gold world tree, penetrating deep into the ground, connecting Tina and Oresa.

The brilliance of the World Tree flickered and dimmed rapidly. It looked like the Soul Gathering Beast that Justin had evolved had completely gained the upper hand.

The dark mist of light supported by fear spread out, covering the entire canopy, and then dipped in the thousands of light filaments extending from the canopy to all directions.

In just a few minutes, the entire Tinniway plane was plunged into gray mist, as if swallowed by an endless abyss.

The faint arc of rose gold light wandered in the gray mist, and then burst and dissipated.

Tentacles of different thicknesses, covered with blue-black scales, and wrapped in turbid viscous liquid, crawled on the ground, connecting every living being.

Even in the small village of Nasba, all the tin men, even Helva, Morquin, Temerul, Elhaine, Asker, etc., the rose gold light thread that was originally connected has become as thin as A disgusting thing about a snake or a vine.

But no one moved, and Karin was still with them, conveying the idea of ​​patience and waiting.What changed at the same time was only the surface, the wrapped light thread was still connected to their souls, acting as a tough barrier to protect their souls.

The earth continued to tremble, and the rift expanded again. The thick tentacles swam out of the rift, slowly pulling the round metal octopus head with a diameter of more than one kilometer and covered with weird cracks out of the rift.

Only a small half of it is exposed, and it is almost half the height of the trunk of the World Tree.

The tentacles stretched towards the World Tree, wrapped around the trunk like vines, and even penetrated into the interior.

Black air gushes out, and the gray mist evaporates. Even though the original light color changes, the texture of the world tree is still a tree. The trunk is dyed with metal lines, and then spreads rapidly from the trunk to the crown.

On the canopy, the falling leaves picked up speed, colliding with each other in the air, jumping and stacking on the ground, making a metallic sound.

The huge metal octopus head was pulled out entirely, revealing a circle of gray-black swirls similar to eyes.

With an innumerable group of tentacles like a tide, the octopus head "swimmed" towards the World Tree, and the stretched out tentacles had already tightly embraced the World Tree.

In the "Tinniway Decisive Battle" channel temporarily converted from the Witch Channel, Xiaohong, Li Qi and others waited with bated breath.

The channel was full of howling ghosts and wolves, except for the four Karin and Tina, there were other members who were temporarily connected, and there was even a billowing cry as the background sound.


Xiaohong couldn't help muttering: "The current situation seems to be that Justin has an absolute advantage, and he is about to swallow Karin's world tree. Why doesn't that guy have any villain demeanor? He didn't make a victory speech, expressing his gratitude Is it the contempt and disdain of the loser?"

Karin roared: "That guy has eaten so many souls. If he wants to fuse those miscellaneous souls into one, isn't the maximum contract value he takes is a beast without intelligence?"

Li Qi said Xiaohong's psychological words: "Does that mean I won't be playing the face-slapping scene?"

"Still slapped in the face..."

Karin screamed, "Fire me up! That guy is fucking me!"

"Don't forget that you are the instigator! You gave that guy the number to contact Mr. Ke!"

"I'm not like getting shot in the face by an octopus! You should know!"

Xiaohong coughed and said, "Okay..."

She snapped her fingers: "Xiaohong said, let there be light..."

Li Qi answered: "The people say this is good..."

In the soul space where the channel is located, blazing golden light shines.

The world tree, which seemed to have been integrated with the octopus head, suddenly brightened, and the radiance like the morning glow first twisted and cracked, and then expanded into patches of light, until it dyed the crown, trunk, roots and stretched vines.

This was just the beginning, the next moment, the morning glow transformed into rose gold brilliance, dyed the tentacles of the octopus head, traced upwards, and wrapped its huge steel head in a moment.

There was a scream of pain that seemed to shatter the plane, and the octopus head rolled towards the rift, each tentacles were twitching violently, causing dust columns to rise from the ground.

Karin, who had turned back into the rose gold world tree, was still expanding, turning the tentacles of the octopus head into her branches.

In the smoke and dust, mainly Karin, shouts mixed with thousands of voices sounded.

"This is a more powerful life!"

"This is the true meaning of life!"

"This is the power of the goddess of life!"

"Praise, red goddess of life!"

(End of this chapter)

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