goddess of revolution

Chapter 1205 Who Supports Who Opposes The Goddess Aurora and A Certain Witch Who Released Akalin&#03

Chapter 1205 Who Supports Who Opposes The Goddess Aurora and A Certain Witch Who Released Akalin's State

The broken floating land is still the battlefield. High in the sky, the God of War clone hundreds of meters high is fighting with a giant snake over a kilometer long.The lower body of the giant snake is wrapped in a metal structure similar to a universal joint, but the upper body is in the shape of a human.Under the fluttering black hair is a beautiful loli face, which resembles someone's loli face, with two arms waving a huge trident with dark golden radiance, and hitting with the hatchet wielded by the god of war continuously, blasting pieces of shattered light cloud.

This loli "snake spirit" is naturally Mickey, and Sajani can participate in the battle of gods because of her expertise in "special effects".Mickey's power limit has reached the limit of a demigod, Xiaohong is reluctant to let her precious girl participate in the battle of gods, and throws her to the main plane, just in time for the clone of the god of war who was suppressed by the barrier of the main plane to level nine.

Even if the God of War is suppressed to level nine, his strength is extremely powerful, and Mickey alone cannot hold him back.

There were also two small figures clinging to the giant snake, each of which expanded into phantoms hundreds of meters high. They were Leitana and Oresa.Leitana is at level eight, and Oresa is only at level seven. Although Fini, Karin, and Catherine have become gods one after another, the Red Net has grown unprecedentedly, and their strength has also improved, but they don't care about retreating and upgrading at this time.Right now, the two witches are still able to fight. Relying on the witch's armament and the Guardian Sword and Justice Blade strengthened by thousands of tons of magic metal, together with Mickey, they can suppress the God of War.

The millions of God of War angels who have been sealed into the main plane have to rely on other people. These angels are launching a fierce attack on Tegjaer Fortress and the adjacent floating land.

In old times, these angels, whose power was at least above legendary, symbolized the supreme power.Ordinary people either kowtow like pounding garlic, or risk their lives and run wildly, how dare they face the enemy head-on.

But now, an [-]mm electromagnetic blast bomb is enough to severely damage a single angel, an ordinary fishbone missile can blow up an angel's wings, and a [-]-level high-energy impact cannon can wipe out a group of angels in one shot.

Relying on the blessing of magic metal, the power of faith, and "extraordinary science", not to mention Chilian people, those extraordinary people who have contacted the adventurer Ang Lai and the legendary network, and have some knowledge, no longer have awe of angels.

Whoever asked their supreme master to do it himself failed to destroy the heart of the silver moon, but was bombarded by mortal weapons on the body.And now that three powerful gods have been filled in one after another, are they still failing?
Under the intensive artillery fire of Tegjaer Fortress, the Angels of War God were like primitive people charging towards a steel chariot, flying ashes and disintegrating in groups.

However, there are too many of them, and because the fortress uses most of its power to support the floating land group, the power for output is insufficient.Moreover, they were afraid of accidentally injuring other floating lands and friendly troops fighting above, and they did not dare to shoot at will, so the situation was still not good.

The situation on other floating lands is more urgent, just like the floating land where Zolder is located, even if there are Red Federation fighters to help, there are sawtooth sharks and warships in the nearby airspace to help defend.The pressure brought to Zold by waves of God of War Angels was no less than that of the Storm God Servant and the Void Dragons before, making him cry and laugh again.

The mortals on the other floating land seemed to be at their leisure, and the Angel of the God of War still had difficulty breaking through the dense gray-white light beams, and was forced to shoot arrows and throw divine javelins far above the sky.But even angels can't be accurate at a distance of several kilometers, and can ensure that the divine power on the arrows and javelins will not be lost, while the magic guns of mortals can easily hit seven or eight kilometers high, and the leading heavy The double-linked rapid-fire cannon carried by the big man even blasted down the angels more than ten kilometers away.

The big man still had enough time to talk to the woman in robes beside him: "Why don't we go to His Majesty's side? If it's only Jia Laxien, His Majesty doesn't have much momentum there, right?"

With Mirabos here, Greta naturally didn't have to make a move.Covering the magic weapon on his body with a robe, he said calmly: "Your Majesty needs us, so he will call us naturally. If you don't call us, don't worry about it."

She looked up at the gradually thinning army of God of War angels above her head, and lowered her voice, "I believe His Majesty doesn't need us at this moment. Now that the overall situation has been settled, this kind of battle is just a furnace with a suitable temperature. Your Majesty just needs to use it to temper himself."

"The overall situation has been decided?"

The black dragon smiled boldly and said: "With me here, of course it is much easier. I am afraid that other places are still screaming for help. The God of War Angel is much stronger than the Storm God Servant and the Void Dragon just now. Now no one came here to support, I think they can't hold on..."

As soon as the words fell, the group of God of War angels in the sky was engulfed by more violent fireworks. The artillery fire came from a group of mechanical dragons shining with silver and white metal light on the side, followed by a group of black dragons and white dragons that should have escaped without a trace.

Seeing that there was actually a gray-white pegasus with mechanical wings among the dragons, Mirabos snorted bitterly and said nothing more.

On the snow-capped floating land in the center of the Shattered Battlefield, an armored giant with a height of hundreds of meters is flying six pairs of pitch-black wings, two dragon heads protruding from each shoulder, and is resisting a large number of God of War angels.

Completely different from his subordinates, Romulus is asking Aurora for help: "If you can't defeat the God of War clone in a short time, the situation is not very good, there are too many!"

Of course, he also has another purpose: "Are there any other highness witches participating in the battle? Why haven't we seen His Highness Qili until now?"

In the command post of Tegjaer Fortress, Aurora said calmly: "Don't worry, there will be millions of mortals joining the battle soon."

She answered the latter question almost in a tone of reading: "Qi Li and Li Qi are currently performing more important tasks, and we have no further details to share."

With a twist of his toes under the table, the light curtain closed.

She was dealing with countless light curtains at the same time, and in order not to disturb her mind too much, she even used her feet.

In the two light curtains, Nicole Gatimi, the left and right operation directors of the adventurer Anglai, reported at the same time: "The portal of Anglai's service station has been docked with Tegjeer Fortress!"

On the other side of the light curtain was actually Hathaway with black hair and silver eyes. Although Aurora was extremely reluctant to face this face, she had no choice at this time.

Hathaway stroked her hair elegantly and dignifiedly, and said: "The connection between the Legendary Network and the portals of various floating lands is in progress, and more than 400 portals have been anchored so far."

Then deliberately emphasized: "The Platinum Alliance has been disbanded. It stands to reason that I don't need to communicate with you. However, my Cynthia and your Majesty Little Red are fighting together in the outer plane. I believe a new alliance will be formed soon, so..."

Aurora's mind was full of distracting thoughts, but a bright smile bloomed on her face: "I understand, Li Qi said long ago, Hathaway, you can still stick to your principles in the face of such big things."

Hathaway chuckled coquettishly: "It sounds like Li Qi expected everything. Speaking of which, where would he be? Isn't he still staying and flying with Qili, playing taboo games?"

Aurora's smile froze, her cheeks were wiped on the bench in an instant, and her tone turned to the state of reading: "Li Qi and Qili are performing more important tasks..."

Pressing down the light curtain with her left toe, Aurora spewed out a magma-like scorching breath from her nostrils, gnashing her teeth in the Goddess and Witch channel: "What the hell is that bastard Li Qi doing? Don't Did you really elope with Fei Ni with the Heart of Silver Moon?"

Coughing sounded one after another in the channel, but no one responded.

Aurora can't care about pursuing Li Qi anymore. The avatars of Li Qi, Fei Ni, Vicky and others are still in the channel, but they are offline. It seems that they have driven Silver Moon Heart to some weird place. I can't get in touch right now.

At this time, Aurora's mind was filled with all aspects of the grand battlefield in front of her. When she scanned the profile picture, she subconsciously muttered: "Why do you feel that a witch is missing?"


"No, she was helping Karin before, and now she has returned to Epsilon to strengthen production."

The toe hiding in the shoe twisted a few times, and Aurora suddenly slapped the table: "Leiya!"

"Here we come, Mother Aurora!"

The Witch of Hope brought Judy and other Witches of Youxiang to Tegger Fortress. At this time, the teleportation hall in the center of the fortress was already full of people.

The meteor disaster has passed, and the world crisis has not yet been eliminated. Extraordinary people from various professions and camps have been sent from the adventurer Anglai service station, and they are excitedly and nervously going from here to the transfer channel of the fortress to join the people who conquered the God of War In the battle of gods.

What's interesting is that there are quite a few believers in the God of War among these people.For them, defeating the god of war avatar is not a blasphemous thing, but a battle of glory to strengthen their faith and gain more power.

"It's great that you're here, Leia!"

Aurora almost cried with joy: "Dice is not here, I don't have any decent assistants around me. Don't rush out, the position of acting assistant commander in chief is more important!"

Leia was discouraged, and the girl with bright and white teeth suddenly shrank into a little loli who was over one meter old. When she floated towards the command post, she was still complaining: "Mom, you are exploiting child labor..."

The extraordinary people organized by the Red Federation through the adventurer Ang Lai came here. They can use magic weapons (although they are accumulated hell weapons) and corresponding weapons (also in stock) for free. They can get adventure points by killing the Angel of War God. There is also the "Savior Medal" that can be claimed. There are precedents in all aspects of the Hell Plane Army, and naturally there is an endless stream.

Of course, the glory of fighting the God of War is enough to attract a large number of extraordinary people. Before that, they could only huddle in the shelter and wait for the doomsday to come. The frustration and fear finally had a place to vent.

However, extraordinary people who don't like being bound by the adventurer Ang Lai, and don't care too much about whether there is enough support behind them, prefer to choose the legendary network.Together with those superhumans who hate the Red Federation or who have no chance to contact the adventurer Ang Lai, they are sent to the broken battlefield through other channels, like sparks starting a prairie, rapidly increasing the strength of mortals in the battlefield.

Some of these transcendents walked through the portals of the commercial temples, and some walked through the magic towers that survived the meteor disaster.Each portal was temporarily adjusted by the Merchant, shifting their warp anchors to existing portals on the Shattered Land.

In the legendary network terminals they had acquired or just obtained, beauties in the Q version are holding up their long hair and winking, shouting heart-pounding slogans in small voices.

"Hi everyone, I'm Cynthia/Hathaway, Legend Network, this is a brand new version you haven't experienced!"

"The world dungeon is shockingly online, and the ninth-level God of War avatar is waiting for you to challenge!"

"Thousands of legendary points, millions of angel artifacts, cross the boundary between man and god, and experience a legendary life!"

As one of the character archetypes of guiding assistants, Hathaway-Ted, who retreated to his own magic tower after completing the task and only monitored the Legendary Network through the light curtain, did not care about whether his image was "stolen" at this time .

"Zanna is such a good person... no, good God!"

Hathaway is still deeply grateful to the guy who stole her image. Although Jeanna fell, she left a rich legacy.In particular, the ownership of the Dark Moon Legendary Network created by Ran Na was transferred to Cynthia, and Cynthia directly transferred it to her, opening a door to a new world for her.

It just so happened that Luo Xifusi came to her again to talk about cooperation, and the two sides hit it off immediately, and immediately completed the initial integration of resources.At the same time that Chilian summoned extraordinary people through the adventurer Ang Lai, her free legend network was reopened.

Aurora's hypocritical smile flashed in her mind, and Hathaway felt slightly nauseated, but she didn't care about her differences with Chilian.

If the God of War is not completely overthrown as soon as possible, it will be difficult for Cynthia and Xiaohong in the outer plane to use their powerful mortal strength as a bargaining chip to force the other gods to bow their heads and form an alliance to jointly attack Heaven Mountain.

Only by establishing a new alliance can she and Cynthia have room to breathe, properly digest the legacy of Bahamut and Ranna, and become an emerging force that will stand on equal footing with Xiaohong and Chilian.

The God of War avatar is dealt with by the witch of the Red Alliance, so it is not a big problem. The trouble is the millions of God of War angels who descended to the main plane.

Even if all parties join forces to mobilize millions of superhuman beings and all kinds of advanced weapons, they will still be millions of angels descending from the sky.

Hathaway sighed deeply, if only she had enough super elemental bombs on her side, throwing them on it, not to mention millions of angels, even a clone of a god, can be blown into flying ash.And by the way, blow up the battleships in the fortress of the Red Federation, and it can be avoided that it was accidental injury, which is perfect!
Unfortunately, she no longer has enough materials to make bombs, and unless she masters Chilian's technology of using nuclear crystal fragments to create powerful ethereals, her super elemental bombs cannot be mass-produced.

Looking at the battle situation now, I'm afraid it will be a protracted battle that will last for a long time.

Thinking this way, a white light shot out from the light curtain that was watching the Tegjaer Fortress from a distance, and a dense stream of light intertwined with cold and warm swayed above the fortress.

"Mom! You backtracked!"

In the command post of the fortress, Lori Leya was jumping and acting like a baby, Aurora threw all the work of uploading and issuing to her, but she slipped out to have fun!
"We must end the battle as soon as possible!"

Aurora responded without guilt: "At this time, everyone needs to be united, and only I can do it!"

Hundreds of millions of light clusters that looked like skulls and roses converged into a vast stream of light that almost covered the entire fortress.Aurora rolled the blood-red banner into the air, oscillating endless power, and sent the white light to every mortal in the broken battlefield.

"Usos, the god of war, you are helping the evildoers and committing perverse acts. Your crimes are unforgivable!"

"On behalf of all mortals, I designate you as the enemy of mortals!"

"Whoever supports it is comrade-in-arms!"

"Whoever opposes is the enemy of mortals!"

Aurora's announcement was like a sharp whip, lashing the soul barrier of every mortal. Even Romulus couldn't resist, and subconsciously chose to support it.

The light cluster turned into warm white, infiltrating the soul, and swept away the exhaustion of Romulus after a long battle. At the same time, his power increased greatly, and faint distorted ripples appeared in the space around him, which was a sign that his power was suppressed by the barrier of the main plane. .

This is the blessing of Aurora's Battle Banner, which has almost raised her strength by a whole level!
This is true for Romulus, and the changes for others are more obvious. For a while, the battlefield is filled with white light, and roses bloom in anger.

Countless soul feedbacks caused Aurora's figure to rise suddenly, and her whole body was covered by white light. The bulging light wings simultaneously swept the cold light towards the Angel of the God of War and even the clone of the God of War fighting on the top of the sky.

In the floating city, Hathaway stared at Aurora who looked like a god in the light curtain, and stayed there for a while, gritted her teeth and muttered: "It's really scheming, it's a good opportunity to find it!"

Her expression was both unwilling and unyielding: "Another... Is Li Qi mass producing goddesses?"


In front of the huge version of the Silver Moon Heart that Vicky identified as the Star of Dawn, the inside of the genuine Silver Moon Heart was in a state of turmoil.

The powerful power of the dawn completely covered the Heart of Silver Moon, causing many systems to go out of order. Engineers are leading kobolds, gray elves, halflings and goblin mechanics to overhaul it.

"It's a trivial matter. The key is that the Red Net has been blocked. We can't even get in touch with Sister Xiaohong."

Vicky sighed in the light curtain: "Now I can't move, I can't contact, we can't do anything."

Sensing the slight change in his soul, Li Qi shook his head and said: "The blocking of the red net is only temporary. As long as Xiaohong works hard, the red net can be extended. Don't forget that we are all red net nodes. On the plane of the Star Sea, it has not escaped from the world of Finn."

Fei Ni agrees: "Miss Xiaohong must be busy with other things. She thinks we are still safe, so she doesn't care about us."

Li Qi kept his gaze on the Dawn Star. Although he had thought about the possibility that the Dawn Star was a man-made creation, seeing it with his own eyes was still extremely shocking.This kind of discovery has also lifted another layer of fog that has shrouded history in the past.

"Can't you really do something?"

Li Qi tried his best to suppress the eagerness surging in his heart: "Look, Dawn Star didn't take the initiative to attack us, which contains the possibility of being very beneficial to us."

Vicki patiently persuaded: "Our source magic field scanner can only operate at extremely low power, and cannot penetrate the shield of the power of dawn. If we can't figure out the details, we should not act rashly."

Li Qi frowned deeper, and subconsciously said: "I always feel that someone is missing. If that guy is there, he should be able to go in and check."

Fini pretended to be stunned on the light curtain: "Are you talking about Kane?"

With a bang, a person squeezed out of the air around Li Qi, but bumped into the corner of the podium carelessly, and squatted down screaming in pain, covering his head in pain.


Li Qi finally remembered who was missing: "Why are you here? Didn't you follow Karin?"

Tina burst into tears, and she didn't know if it was the pain, or the grievance of being in the Akalin state for so long: "How long ago did that happen!"

"You happened to be asleep when the accident happened in the New World, so I ran to Tegjaer Fortress to support. Aurora said that the Crown Fortress on Valentine's side also needs to be watched. Maybe it is another breakthrough for the Goddess of Order."

"I teleported to Old Hook again and saw Kane sitting there. I felt that it was unnecessary for me to stay there, so I came to the heart of the silver moon again."

"I wanted to...cough cough, but Takshis ran over again."

"I'm looking for someone to arrange a job for me, even if it's a machine gunner, but the whole Silvermoon Heart was pulled here."

Tina turned her head away, and said with a displeased face: "It's all your fault anyway, Li Qi, why are you still sleeping at this time?"

Fei Ni snorted, "You just wanted to sneak in and listen to the corner, don't think I don't know."

Tina hopped: "You have the nerve to say it! We used to listen to it together, but now you actually betrayed us!"

Li Qi hurriedly stopped the two of them from continuing to perform in the small theater: "The business is important, let's solve the immediate trouble first!"

Tina raised her hand: "I'll go! No voluntary allowances and dangerous job subsidies, I'll go too!"

Li Qi wanted to say when did we ever have this thing, you were emphasizing it on purpose, but seeing Tina's pretty face that was tense and righteous, I couldn't bear to ridicule her.

It seems that she is sincere, and if she can say something like giving up gold coins/points/subsidies, it is undoubtedly determined.

Li Qi was about to agree, but Tina thought he was hesitating, she clenched her fists and stomped her feet, acting coquettishly for the first time: "I don't want to be Akalin anymore! Just ask me to do something, as long as it can be photographed!"

Li Qi sighed and nodded: "Okay, remember to be safe, and if there is something to gain, I will add chicken legs to your box lunch."

A few minutes later, Tina's figure appeared in the void outside the Heart of Silver Moon.

She was wearing witch armor and stepped on a void sail.This is the Void vehicle that the Chilian imitated the Githyankis. It is indeed very primitive, but the Chilian has not generally set foot in the void, and it is already very advanced to have such a thing with consciousness.

The speed of the void sail is actually not slower than that of a fighter plane, but in the vast void, it is as slow as a sailboard on the sea.

Seeing the Void Sail slowly approaching the Star of Dawn, and the light spots circling the huge celestial body remained unchanged, Li Qi and the others felt a little more at ease.

Just when it felt that Tina was about to pass through the possible warning line of fire, several white lights intertwined and shot out, and the Void Sail and Tina's figure melted into a small ball of brilliant color light.


"Pointy ears—!"

Neither Li Qi nor Fei Ni bothered to check the soul connection, and exclaimed at the same time.

The air was rippling, and Tina emerged from Li Qi's side again.

She patted Barren's chest, panting and said, "It's so dangerous! Fortunately, I have a mirror puppet!"

Then, because of her heartache, her small face was twisted into a ball, and her pointed ears drooped softly: "My puppet! That's [-] contribution points!"

(End of this chapter)

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