goddess of revolution

Chapter 1210 Fort of the Living Dead and Otto's Abandonment

Chapter 1210 Fort of the Living Dead and Otto's Abandonment
On the edge of the underworld, the River Styx has become extremely thin, and the tide of undead is not all directed at the fortress, most of them are directly directed at the River Styx.

Driven by the undead monarch and even the God of Death, these undead plunged into the river Styx. The undead melted into sand and gravel like burning, and their bodies turned into steaming smoke.

Layers of gravel piled up and condensed into ghost stones. Hundreds of millions of undead were blocking the Styx River like filling soil, and the ultimate goal was to stop the Styx River from flowing.

Before throwing themselves into the Styx, they have to break through the fire net from the Styx.

Battleships built of ghost stones and covered with magic metal cruised in the river of ghosts, firing dense grenades with rapid-fire cannons.The grenade fragments carried more than doubled the painful divine power, causing groups of undead bones to shatter and carrion to melt, and piled up high mountains of bones on the banks of the River Styx.

The high-energy rays of the shock gun fired back and forth, and the blood-red rays turned the mountains of bones into pieces of fly ash, sweeping out a wide range of shots.The dark golden ray created billions of shadows among the undead group, causing the group of undead souls to break free from the shackles of the power of death, shining like a torch.

The slightly smaller Netherstone boat cruised back and forth close to the river bank. Countless mechanical arms protruded from the boat. The lattice Rubik's cube at the end was like a pitcher. back to the boat.

These undead souls were either awakened under the power of pain and justice, or they were originally sacrificed scarlet warriors, and the undead souls were forcibly captured by the god of death.

It was not the first day of the battle between the Red Alliance and the God of Death in the underworld. The battle had already begun when Otto and Minsi led the red heroic spirits into the underworld and built a fortress against the Styx River and the Necropolis.

The scale of the previous battle was not so large. A few days ago, the New Continent was shattered, the Old Continent and even the entire main plane were devastated, and the dead counted in the hundreds of millions.Reaper obtained sufficient resources and finally launched a general attack.

Backed by the magic steel smelting base of Returning Fortress and a considerable number of part-time "river workers" heroic spirits, the scarlet heroic spirits quickly built a strong fortress.Endless ghost stones as the base, millions of tons of magic steel as the surface, and the enchantment dominated by the powerful red net force field make the fortress indestructible.

The fortress was named "Fortress of the Living Dead", and the implication was very straightforward. It came from the words spoken by the chief cardinal when he was condolences to the scarlet heroic spirit.

"Some people are alive, but they are dead."

"Some people have died, but they are still alive."

"They are still fighting, they are still fighting for the cause of liberation, until the moment before the soul is gone."

"While fighting the enemy, they also have to fight against the power of death. Their souls are extremely tough."

"They see their pain as a kind of glory, but those of us who live can't take it for granted."

"We hope that they can not only obtain a reputation that matches the glory, but also reduce pain, and be able to share softness, warmth, sweetness and joy with living people to the greatest extent."

"So we hope that they, that is, you, can fight like living people and live like living people."

Returning to the Team Fort is the core hub of the Red Alliance in the plane of hell, and it will not be exclusive to heroic spirits. Therefore, this fortress that stands in the underworld and will become the home of the red undead is named "Fort of the Living Dead".

By the way, Otto later discovered the setting of "Refuge of the Living Dead" in the fantasy drama "The One-Armed Epee and the White Dragon Princess", and even lodged a complaint with the author of the fantasy drama, thinking it was blasphemy heroic spirit.When she knew that the original author of the script was Xiao Hong, she stopped in resentment.

In short, the Fort of the Living Dead is designed to be not only a strong fortress, but also a place that can provide a comfortable life for the scarlet heroic spirits. It naturally has the function of transforming the undead into scarlet heroic spirits and growing the team of heroic spirits.

In the early stage of the battle, relying on the pipeline-like transformation line of filtering, incubating, strengthening, and stabilizing, the scarlet heroic spirits of Otto and Minsi not only stood firm until the initial completion of the Fort of the Living Dead, but the team has never been less than ten. million has grown to nearly 30 now.

However, the current battle situation is not as calm as before. Hundreds of millions of undead are blocking the Styx.Once the Styx River is cut off, not only will it lose the smooth flow of personnel and supplies, but it will also lose the Styx River's ability to dispel the power of death.The Fort of the Living Dead became an isolated stronghold and was completely suppressed by the power of death.

Blocking the River of Styx was just an out-of-the-box move by Nairo, the god of death. On the frontal battlefield, all the undead monarchs under him were dispatched.These undead monarchs are no longer the meat kings like the ghost king, the zombie king, or the scumbags like the skeleton king, nor are they the huge variables with great background like his predecessor, the knight king. Come out, loyal demigod general.

At this moment, on the outskirts of the Fort of the Living Dead, there are more than a dozen mountains on the skyline that reach the sky of the underworld. They are not mountains, but more than a dozen undead monarchs.

They are thousands of meters or even ten thousand meters tall, and each of them holds tens of millions of undead, and they are using their powerful power to drive the undead to launch endless attacks.According to their different forms, Chilian has given them titles such as the King of Abomination, the King of Rotten Bone, the King of Flame Bone, the King of Poisonous Corpse, the King of Explosion, and the King of Flying Heads.

These undead monarchs have taken turns to attack the fortress, and under the suppression of the red net force field, they can still pose a major threat.Even the improved Scavenger and Butcher mechas are as fragile as toys in front of them.Fortunately, relying on a number of ninety-eight-level high-energy impact guns and the newly equipped [-]mm electromagnetic gun, and Otto leading the elite to fight in person, the opponent was repelled.

The Death God's general attack has lasted for five days, and the number of heroic spirits on the Chilian's side is still increasing. On average, for every [-] undead spirits eliminated, seven heroic spirits will be harvested. The total number of "liberated heroic spirits" is close to [-], and the number of undead wiped out is very terrifying.

However, the undead attacking the Fort of the Living Dead did not see a significant decrease, and at the same time, the supply of supplies could not keep up.It is mainly because the Styx fleet composed of Styx ships is difficult to take care of all the river sections, which makes the Styx blocked in many places, and the flow of the portal is limited.

"Just relying on you as a demigod, don't even think about withstanding my resistance..."

The face of the black cloud covering the sky is still saying: "And your master is still exhausted on the main plane and the outer plane, unable to support you at all. Even Her Majesty Alishan, who was supposed to stand here to guard the River Styx, It didn't appear either, you and your undead are already abandoned children."

"I sincerely suggest that you defect to my subordinates, and I will reserve a place for you to follow the gods. I haven't joined the gods until now, and you will be the first."

"This glory should belong to the Skeleton King, but he made a stupid choice. I believe you will not be so foolish."

Nairo, the god of death, was actually patiently persuading him to surrender: "Think about you, your master Fengshen never looks at ability, but at closeness."

"Several witches on your side have become gods, and the goddess of the River Styx, Alishan, relied on the relationship created by Li Qi Pryor herself, and directly ascended to the throne from a humble mortal."

"This doesn't seem to be in line with the principles you preached. Up to now, no real mortal has become a god, let alone you, an undead who is no longer a living person."

The God of Death's divine thoughts penetrated the barrier and were directly sent into Otto's thoughts.

The red heroic spirits are still undead in essence, but their souls in the undead state are protected by the red net. The god of death cannot directly drive them through the power of death, and it is still possible to send messages at fixed points.

In order to prevent the god of death from bombarding information day and night with divine thoughts, the scarlet heroic spirit's accompanying void spirits have strengthened the defense of the power of death, which can directly block information.But when the Grim Reaper appeared as a projection, Otto temporarily turned on the information switch, knowing that the Grim Reaper would say something.

Just persuading him to surrender was really beyond his expectation.

While thinking about how to respond with more momentum, Minsi's thoughts suddenly sent back directly through him.

"Whether we become gods or not is not only for personal strength, not only for personal needs, but for the needs of the people!"

"We Red Gods must serve the people, don't compare us with you, a puppet who has lost the will of mortals!"

"If the people need it, the right one among us will naturally become a god!"

"If you don't believe me, just wait!"

There was a warm current in Otto's heart. As expected of Minsi who was connected with his soul, every word he said was his heartfelt voice.

This Nero, the Primordial Knight Roland mentioned by the Chief Cardinal, is really not the same thing at all.

He didn't understand the difference between gods and mortals in the Red Alliance at all, and he didn't understand that the red gods were actually the essence of super gods.Or even if you know it, you don't believe it exists.

The reason why witches become gods first is because they are the hub nodes of the Red Net, and each of them bears the power of faith from the original gods, and then constitutes the current Red Net.All crimson believers, their beliefs about the path of Datongism are the practice of these pivotal nodes.With the deepening of practice, new branches of belief will continue to emerge.After precipitation and integration, those branches will become new hub nodes, allowing the red network to continue to expand, and at the same time become more tenacious due to more dimensional connections.

In the words of the Chief Cardinal, this is a world of Datongism where everyone can become a god after being led by those who become gods first.And the first gods will not block the later gods, because the more later gods, the richer and more solid the branches of belief presented by the first gods.

The Cardinal also used an apple as a metaphor, saying that it is like using the simplest point, line and plane to create a virtual apple in a mirage.The more dots, lines and planes, the rounder and more realistic the apple.

When he talked about the soul again, the soul of the petitioner is an illusory apple, no matter how many points, lines and planes there are, it is no longer a real soul.But within a scale, the more dots, lines and planes, the higher the similarity with the real soul, and the higher the divine power bonus that can be provided to the gods.

Otto was a little distracted, remembering that he asked the Chief Cardinal if Zhiling was the soul of a petitioner who had broken through this standard.

The Chief Cardinal replied that yes, but to break through this scale, it is not simply the accumulation of numbers.Rather, when a certain limit is reached, the soul disintegrates, changing from the original petitioner state to another state, and forming a stable structure.The soul has thus broken through the scale, from the simulated low-energy movement to the real high-energy movement, and the soul has also gained a new life.

At that time, the chief cardinal said a few more words: "From a mortal to a god, it should be the same process. However, we scarlet gods have a red net to ensure the independence of the soul. The heart is suppressed, forcing it to accept the domination of the mortal heart..."

So, does the soul have to go through a disintegration to go from a mortal to a god?

As Otto thought about it, he suddenly felt a surge of heat in his soul, and a strange force rose up, as if it was about to tear him apart.

Not now, not now...

Otto quickly suppressed this force. This kind of force has surged many times, because he faintly felt that if he didn't suppress it, he would undergo uncontrollable changes, and even lose his original will. He always suppressed it immediately .

At this time, the god of death also responded to Minsi: "What an unreasonable soul. For mortals, even if they are not gods, gaining great power is the highest goal, but you have to mention something... People, have you lost your self? "

Minsi's response was very sharp: "Being turned into a slave by a powerful force, a poor bastard who doesn't even know what he's doing, how dare you talk about losing yourself. I didn't expect you, the God of Death, to be so powerful when you blackmail yourself!"

The god of death snorted coldly: "Very well, I already know that you cannot be saved, this is just an ultimatum."

The black clouds in the sky stretched to the ground like a hurricane, engulfing countless undead, and quickly condensed into a tall figure.

The god of death descended the avatar...

At the same time, orange flames ignited on the skyline, falling from the sky like magma, pouring into the earth.Pieces of undead were turned into charred black ashes in the fireworks, but the ashes stood up wrapped in flames.

It was the undead of Purgatory. Nairo swept away the third layer of Purgatory, and after Kaluza was eliminated, he obtained the corresponding power.

Tens of thousands of flaming undead gathered into lava on the ground and rushed towards the Fort of the Living Dead. On top of this burning torrent, an undead monarch with spread wings and galloping horse appeared.

It was a slender figure, the eyebrows in the fireworks helmet were faintly visible, it turned out to be Camilla...

"What did you say to save Camilla from the will of purgatory..."

Otto snorted disdainfully: "It's just that the will of purgatory was replaced by the power of death. Camilla's afterimage of soul still has to accept eternal slavery. If the real Roland knew this would happen, he would definitely regret sitting there On the throne of the god of death."

Minsi jumped on his shoulder, yelled, and sent it through the soul link: "This is troublesome, this kind of undead is mixed with the power of death and the power of purgatory, and it is difficult for our enchantment to suppress it."

Otto patted his shoulder to confirm that the Heroic Spirit's armament was intact, then raised his power sword, and touched Minsi's head. The skeleton's face was expressionless, but his thoughts were full of heroism: "To deal with powerful enemies, we rely on ourselves , don’t count on enchantment.”

Otto was gathering elite fighters when the whole fort suddenly shook violently.

The section of the Styx River where the fortress is located was suddenly completely blocked!

Seeing that the things blocking the River Styx were millions or even billions of tombstones, Otto sighed: "It's really time for this guy to choose to stand in line."

The lord of the dead, Bessequis, is the manager of the necropolis. He holds the gate of the river Styx and finally the underworld for the souls of mortals.

In the past, He has always refused to choose between Death and Chilian on the grounds that he is just a gatekeeper and the changes in the underworld behind the gate have nothing to do with Him.

This is of course nonsense. When King Slanhorn, that is, the King of Giants, made troubles, Bersequis was not idle.Through the church and Saintess Alishan, he found Li Qi who had just established himself on the Godfall Plateau, and that was how Li Qi's trip to the underworld began.

The Chilian is naturally happy to see this "Gate of the Dead" remain neutral, and it is a bit unusual for the God of Death to accept this silently.

At that time, I felt that the god of death might think that if the lord of death went directly to him, and the gods of the red alliance would eradicate them, he might not be able to keep it, and it would be very troublesome to have to open another door of death.

Only now do I know that the god of death has already done the work of the Lord of Death, just waiting for the right time.

"In your eyes, I, the god of death, seem to be the best bully..."

The plan was realized, and the god of death was also a little proud, and the clone standing on the horizon sent a message to Otto again.

"In comparison, my experience of holding the throne of God is indeed the most difficult, and the name of God is also the least prominent, but it also cultivated my patience and prudence."

"The current result is worthy of my efforts."

"Undead, resist with all your strength, that will only give me a more beautiful praise."

In the front, Camilla led the charge of the flaming undead, and in the rear, the servants of the necropolis to which Bersequis belonged also rushed in, and the Fort of the Living Dead was besieged on all sides.

In Otto's skull eye sockets, the dark golden light became brighter and brighter, and finally burst out, burning like fireworks.

"Very well, I have a reason..."

Otto let go of the suppression, allowing the restless power in the depths of his soul to surge.

Before he lost consciousness, he had one last thought.

"Give up on yourself..."

 In the past two days, my eyes have been sore, I have used countless eye drops, but I persisted for a while...

(End of this chapter)

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