goddess of revolution

Chapter 1213 I Hid the Secret in the Dawn Star...

Chapter 1213 I Hid the Secret in the Dawn Star...

Mei Di's staff paused, nodded and said, "It's me, but it's not me."

The staff didn't make any sound on the ground, it turned out to be just a projection.

Li Qi suppressed the ups and downs in his heart, and sighed: "When the goddess of order created Theresia's will, I knew that one day, you old man would jump out and shout Seppnes."

"But you are just the projection of Meddy's soul left on the Dawn Star. The memories of Meddy's relationship with us have been uploaded to the Dawn Star, so you can recognize us."

"I don't know if you are a heroic spirit with self-will now, or a projection without will."

"No matter what, you are not the old Meddy. That Meddy, the mortal Meddy, is still dead.

Meddy's smile didn't change: "It's basically correct. The souls from Ashes are indeed very clear and care about their own will."

"That's right, the mortal Meddy no longer exists, and now there is only Meddy the Lightbearer."

"Strictly speaking, mortal Meddy ceased to exist thousands of years ago."

"At that time, Meddy was already a bad old man in his dying years, lingering in annoyance, remorse and endless self-doubt, and his soul could fall into it at any time...Using what you call it, it should be called hell now."

"The Star of Dawn chose him and let him continue to live in the world, quietly waiting for the changes in the world."

"At that time, Meddy was no longer a mortal. Half of his soul was thrown into Dawn, becoming a half-human, half-heroic monster."

Li Qi said in a dazed tone: "Then the intelligence agency's information is correct, you are actually Dilio Mason."

Meddy smiled deeper, shook her head and said: "That person, more than 100 years before the mortal Meddy, didn't exist anymore."

Li Qi shrugged: "From Dirio-Mason to Medi, even if the soul changes, the movement is continuous. So no matter in the philosophical sense or the physical sense, we are all one person."

A trace of self-mockery appeared in Meddy's smile: "It's only at this stage, not the current me, it's true."

Four years ago after the battle of Youxiang, Meddy defected to the Chilian as a guest secretary. Even though Xiaohong was the guarantor, the Chilian still conducted a background check on Meddy by the Intelligence Bureau according to the procedure.

Of course, the investigation was fruitless. Meddy started working as a magic teacher for Theresia in Hadron Kingdom more than ten years ago. There is nothing suspicious about this resume.But before that, there was no trace of this person's existence at all.

Round Hook, Director of the Military Intelligence Bureau, went out in person, found clues from the vast historical materials, and put forward the sensational view that "Medy has some connection with Emperor Tudor's magic advisor Dirio Mason, and may even be the same person".

At that time, Li Qi sneered at this point of view and scolded Yuangou "can you find something meaningful to do?" The order of the first syllables of the surname is reversed and put together, isn't it Meddy?"

Li Qi had no choice but to point to Yuangou's nose and say, "Go out..."

Unexpectedly, the round hook turned out to be right!
Li Qi seemed calm on the face, but his heart was surging. He realized that he, and Xiaohong, were standing in front of a gate that might subvert cognition.

After opening the door, Cain Art, who had been serving as the background board with Leah and the barbarians, muttered when he heard Meddy admitting his identity.

Art: "Dirio Mason! That's a big shot!"

Kane's heart was also shaking. Of course he was a big shot, the chief royal magician of Emperor Tudor.

This person was not well-known at the end of the third era. He was just an "abroad student" sent to the Storm Islands by a small country. Just like Rowenna, the leader of the Magic Vision Alliance, he returned to the country as an unknown royal magician after completing his studies.

Then how he ran to the side of Tuduo, who was still only King Youxiang, and became Tudor's most important magic advisor, the details are no longer known.But the gods and mortals conspired to use space channels to build traps to trap the entire dark elves, this Dirio Mason should be the original designer of the plan.

King Tudor established the empire and became Tudor the Great, who also became the chief royal magician.But after that, in all kinds of historical files and records, he can no longer be found, as if he disappeared out of thin air.

Unexpectedly, this Dilio Mason is Meddy...

It can be counted that he assisted Emperor Tudor and Theresia, two monarchs who changed the world, and the history of the entire era was therefore covered with a layer of fog that seemed to be spread by him behind the scenes.

Recalling what he learned in the history class of Chihong University, Kane suddenly felt a strong sense of trance.Past and present are confused, are the changes happening in this world real?Or... is this world real?

"I have a bad premonition, I feel sick when I think about it seriously..."

Art also had great worries: "The gang of bastards entrenched on the Dawn Star are actually the righteous side guarding the world. From His Majesty Xiaohong to the Chief Cardinal, to everything we have done, they just don't understand what bullshit The truth is just making trouble like a sophomore boy."

"This guy who used to be called Diao Meisheng, but now is called Wudi, will tell us the truth later, and then ask us to give up the liquidation of the past, and even change direction, for the sake of the real big picture."

Sensing that in addition to Art, the soul is also associated with the existence of the vast nebula, and the power fluctuations that are calming but lead to infinite possibilities are conveyed by that association, and the restlessness in Kane's heart calmed down.

He said to Art: "This guy may not be yours... Cepheid, as for the truth, I don't think there is any truth that can erase the mortals in this world, including you and me..."

He looked at Leah, who was obviously in shock, and was standing there, and continued: "And Leah, the slavery, oppression, suffering and pain we all face."

"And the truth, didn't the Goddess of Order reveal it long ago?"

"Eternal order, so that the world will no longer be chaotic due to changes. Although she didn't say the reason, or her own priesthood determines this path, but it is used as the overall situation that must make mortals sacrifice and let the world stagnate. Makes sense."

"But such a big picture means nothing to us..."

"The suffering suffered by mortals and the stagnation of the world are not brought about by any threat beyond the gods, but are entirely brought about by the gods and the ancient laws of this world."

"Mortals were humble and insignificant in the old age, and they decided to endure such suffering. The world will inevitably become stagnant without the possibilities brought about by the growth of mortal souls."

"This is determined by the difference in power. This is a natural truth, not a god or a more powerful force that actively oppresses mortals to make sacrifices, and thus bears any moral responsibility. After we grow strong enough, we will not be threatened. When it comes to the overall situation, it explains the ultimate truth to us and convinces us to take the overall situation into consideration.”

"Did they need to convince us before? No, because the overall situation is theirs."

"When they need to persuade us, does the overall situation still belong to them?"

"Of course not, because of our existence and our rise, we are the overall situation, at least part of the overall situation."

Art can taste every detail of Kane's feelings, and he suddenly said: "Yeah, why don't our Red Federation never hide from the people, even civilians without extraordinary power, what is going on in the world and what we are doing?" , because we need everyone’s strength, we are one.”

"It wasn't until we reached the Dawning Star and even Mount Paradise that Boss jumped out and said that you wrongly blamed me. All the bad things I did before were for world peace. Then we hugged Boss and cried. Washed away his evil deeds in tears, and then faced the future with a smile, this kind of disgusting drama will never be performed by us!"

Kane felt the same: "Sure enough, Art, you know me best..."

The two souls resonated and chewed this sentiment more deeply. Art suddenly had the courage to send these words to Leah, hoping to help Leah regain her heart.

After a while, Leah replied, instead of replying directly to Art, she said to Kane: "Just confirming that Dilio Mason and Medi are the same person does not mean that those things will happen. Does Art want to There are too many, I feel that he is a bit... a dramatist, Kane, you should persuade him not to think about it."

Kane's reception of the message is equivalent to Art's reception. The two souls were embarrassed and thought at the same time: "This daughter is not cute!"

The family of three interacted on the background board, and Li Qi still hadn't given up on the identification of Meddy's identity: "Then what are you now? Stop fooling us with the concept of heroic spirits, real heroic spirits are not capable of possessing mortal clones."

Xiaohong finally got impatient: "Hey, even if you want to chat, don't block the door!"

"Li Qi, what's wrong with you? Who is Meddy now? Is it more important than what's behind the door?"

"Even if the truth cannot be revealed all at once, we can at least take a rest and catch our breath."

"I held back all the way and didn't take out a stick. Do you know how hard I worked?"

"I really want to find a place to paralyze!"

The more she spoke, the more irritable she became: "And you don't even understand this kind of question?"

"Medy said that when he was chosen by Shuguang, his soul belonged to Shuguang. Is this difficult to understand?"

"Isn't that the same as the egg man in EVE? Don't tell me you haven't even played EVE!"

"By the way, you really may not have played it. After all, it is a high IQ game with a 90.00% elimination rate at the novice stage."

Li Qi said unhappily: "I haven't played it before, but even if I'm a strong player who has been playing guitar all the year round, I still have to say that it's a sand sculpture game! What an idiot, can Meddy breathe now?"

He turned to Medi: "I can probably still understand that after you were selected by Shuguang, you became a two-quantum system. The quantum of the mortal is in a state of quantum entanglement with the current Dawn's spiritual body. After the mortal quantum disappears, the spiritual body's quantum freezes. .”

Meddy's projection's smile froze: "Quantum...I heard someone talk about this concept, but I don't understand more."

Li Qi continued: "This is just a possibility. The possibility that you are just an artificial intelligence is still the greatest."

Xiao Hong jumped up angrily: "Li Qi——!"

Li Qi yelled at her from the bottom of his heart: "Why are you in such a hurry? Even if there is no trap ahead, there is a great possibility of losing yourself. Are you really sure you want to rush in right away!?"

Xiaohong was stunned, and then murmured weakly for a while: "You... yell at me..."

After the interaction between the two of them was over, Meddy said, "Li Qi, I can understand your worries, even... fear."

"However, since you have boarded the Star of Dawn with the strength of mortals, you should have such awareness, instead of continuing to hesitate in front of the gate."

"Your Majesty Scarlet..."

Meddy looked at Xiaohong, her smile faded away, and her gaze was unusually deep: "I didn't dare to reveal your identity back then, not because of how secretive your identity was. In fact, you should already know who you were before by now."

"But knowing and feeling are two different things, and to accept that identity, you have to go through the process of choosing."

"Now, if you want to push the world forward, you have to face such a choice, and then make enough...brave decisions."

When Meddy said this, the altitude of Xiaohong's chest dropped sharply.

She bent her body, and said with a smile: "Well... I have too many questions, I think you should tell us first, what is the symbol on this gate, that is not what the world of Finn should do. Something."

Li Qi glared at her angrily, thinking that you are really the number one in the Red Federation when you are cowardly.

But he also felt uncomfortable when he heard Meddy talk about choices and bravery.

Stepping into the door, the fog is dissipating. There is only an extremely large-scale passage in front of it. A faint white light is lit in the far distance. It is very similar to the teleportation square that Tina discovered at the beginning. It is estimated that it leads to the central part that hides the secret of the Dawn Star. .

Li Qi coughed, and instead of sending a message, he said directly: "Tina, don't move forward sneakily, this place is hidden. Looking at your appearance on the wall, I can't help but laugh out loud gone."

On the foggy wall behind the door, Tina's figure, magnified several times, was crouching down, sneaking around, her ears trembling occasionally.

Li Qi's words turned her into a sculpture in an instant, and she turned her head stiffly like a puppet to see clearly what was happening on the wall. With an ahh sound, her figure squeezed out of the air in front of her.

She flashed out the door, shrank behind the barbarian door, and yelled weakly: "I, I just liven up the atmosphere! Really!"

After a little interruption, Li Qi's mood was completely calm, and he said to Meddy: "Then tell me directly, what is your purpose for appearing here?"

Meddy's tone turned deep: "I am the guide, to guide His Majesty Scarlet...and you, to find the truth on the Star of Dawn."

Li Qi had expected it, but Kane took a breath behind him.

Li Qi shook his head and said, "It's impossible for us to trust you just because of the image of Meddy. If you really want to show us the truth, you can either show it now, or tell us the place, and we can find it ourselves."

Meddy also looked as expected, nodded and said: "Yes, but the truth is not just one..."

The old guy's tone became a little weird, as if he was saying something interesting: "There is both the truth that belongs to His Majesty Scarlet, and the truth that belongs to... Li Qi."

Li Qi was stunned. Sure enough, there was a secret related to him! ?

Meddy went on to say: "As a reminder, no matter which truth is, it will make a huge change in your self-perception. So I suggest you think about the order, or face it separately."

Li Qi subconsciously looked at Xiaohong, and Xiaohong happened to look at her too. Their eyes met, but their soul connection was uncharacteristically calm and calm.

Immediately afterwards, the two torrents collided at the same time...

"You still don't want me to sense your thoughts!"

"You really learned how to hide your thoughts, Xiao Mian!"

The two stared at each other like fighting cocks, and Tina shouted: "Why do you always choose which one to choose? It's so annoying! You should tell us what is going on with the Dawn Star first!"

Meddy shook her head: "The origin of Dawn Star is inseparable from the origins of His Majesty Scarlet and Li Qi."

Just as he said this, the light and shadow around him fluttered, and another figure condensed from the surrounding white mist.

It was a tall and strong young man with black hair and brown eyes, a square face, and a strong aura of intrigue.

The young man said in a disdainful tone: "Little Huo Miao, are all your negotiation skills focused on teasing the younger generation?"

The others were still in a trance, but Li Qi recognized them immediately, and his eyes widened again.

Emperor Tudor!

The projection, which is completely the image of the young Tudor, folded his arms and said coldly: "How can there be any choice? They are destined to accept their fate if they can come here by themselves. From the beginning, they have no choice."

The tone became low again: "Just like... us."

(End of this chapter)

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