goddess of revolution

Chapter 1224 Kane's Promise and Tina's Gambling

Chapter 1224 Kane's Promise and Tina's Gambling
Kane has long been immune to Art's rant, and responded calmly: "Don't interpret the natural repulsion between souls as boredom. Without such repulsion, we are not independent individuals, and we cannot be said to be inseparable."

"And even if there is, isn't the preciousness of a mortal's soul that it has all sides, but will the self-will choose which side to put in the light and become the front?"

"Isn't it the same for you? Are you hiding your desire for an independent body by being so aggressive? You seem to miss Leah's body very much."

Art's thoughts oscillated, and he forcibly rounded up the situation: "Very, very good! If you can think like this, it means that you are not bewitched by that guy, and I am afraid that you will have problems!"

Leah next to them didn't mix with them, but responded quickly and forcefully: "This is indeed my wish, but it is definitely not something you can satisfy!"

"You are the same as those heroic spirits just now, but you are just a copy of those big people. Just because you are made of their materials, do you think you are really the same person as before?"

"You are not much more advanced than the self-discipline machines I smashed before. You are enslaved by the programmed procedures. You have stayed here for tens of thousands of years. Talk about freedom with us, are you worthy?"

Kane reminded: "It's meaningless to talk about this kind of...artificial intelligence, so hurry up and find a place to start."

Yingling Taiwu laughed loudly, as if annoyed: "Artificial intelligence... It sounds like you still think you are more advanced than me. The mortals in the entire Finn world were nurtured by us, and you are just my subordinates. Works, how dare you despise me?"

"The level of life is only related to strength. When is it related to freedom? For free ants, is it meaningful to be free for a human being who is about to trample it to death?"

Kane snorted coldly: "Things like you always like to compare mortals with ants, but forget that you also grew up from ants."

While speaking, Leah had already picked up the power hammer and slammed it heavily on a workbench.

Sparks splattered, fragments collapsed, and the seemingly incomprehensible workbench shattered, and a large group of viscous colloid flew out, twisting and changing various weird structures on the floor.

The moment the workbench was damaged, Kane clearly felt the power of the dawn that filled the entire space, oppressing the soul and all the red magic tools fluctuate. Although it was very weak, it did have an impact.

"It seems to be effective, and smashing that thing should be more effective!"

"Go and smash that glass jar up there!"

Kane and Art united in one mind, and rushed to the high platform in the middle of the hall with the power hammer in hand.

"When I created you, I always wanted to be a little more rational, but your humble and insignificant souls can't accommodate it at all, so you are always so stupid and pathetic..."

Yingling Taiwu sighed deeply: "I don't want to destroy my creation with my own hands, but you have left me no choice."

The projection fell into the transparent melting furnace that Art called the "glass jar", and the viscous glue that was originally just bubbling boiled.

It seems that there are countless pairs of invisible hands kneading and carving, and the colloid condenses rapidly, and a huge figure ten times the height of ordinary people jumped out of the furnace, bringing up thick smoke.

The figure smashed through the smoke, and it turned out to be Taiwu's entity instead of a projection. The staff in his hand pointed at Kane and Leah like a magic gun. The huge face exactly like Li Qi was full of extreme arrogance and indifference.

"The Hall of Creation is not only your cradle of creation, but also your tomb of annihilation!"

Taiu shouted, the tip of the staff flickered with white light, making Kane and Leah's souls and bodies stiff at the same time, as if they were tens or hundreds of times heavier.

Immediately afterwards, continuous and dense warm white light beams were shot from the end of the rod, and the magic weapons on Kane and Leah were instantly penetrated, and the white light soaked into the body from the wound, with the pain that seemed to melt the body and soul at the same time, making the two People lose their strength quickly.

Leah fell to the ground on the spot, rolling and moaning, and Kane kept Art in control of his body.

Kane worked hard to mobilize the divine power of justice to burn his soul, making his soul more resilient, and preventing the power of dawn from eroding.The phantom emerges from this through the body, and also expands to ten times the height.

"The power of dawn that this guy has is at least at the level of a demigod, what should we do!?"

Art opened the spokes on the arm armor of the magic weapon, and infused the divine power of pain to prop up the light shield of thorns, barely blocking another wave of Taiwu's shooting.But the light shield also rapidly crystallized, and it was about to shatter.

While resisting the erosion of his soul, Kane made a decision: "Shoot... Shock him!"

"I don't think it will work..."

Art was desperate: "The electricity in hell full of hammers can't handle a sixth-level demon."

That being said, he still did it honestly.

The hammer head radiated a thick electric arc with azure blue halo, blasting under the lower abdomen of the gigantic Taiwu version of "Li Qi", the robe faded, revealing strands of lines that looked like a three-dimensional perspective, a bit like a mirage that erased the texture modeling.

Art was overjoyed: "Aha! It really works!"

Taiwu froze, and said indifferently: "This is the crystallization of the source quality, the closest thing to the source of divinity, enough to carry the power of a god. We put a lot of fragments on the main plane, and the name is... Alchemy stone."

"This kind of crystal has the ability to change its form and attributes at will. It can be harder than steel and lighter than air. How can the mere power of natural lightning cause..."

Before I finished speaking, a large piece of debris fell from the lower abdomen, and fell to the ground like mud tiles and collapsed into ashes.

Although Kane's will was focused on dispelling the power of the dawn, he couldn't help complaining at this time: "Do you have such a big grudge against the chief cardinal?"

Art coughed: "Instinct, instinct..."

Tai Wu's expression finally changed, and he said in disbelief: "You guys actually strengthened the natural lightning to such an extent? It's stronger than the God of Storm's divine power! How is this possible!?"

Another electric arc hit Taiwu's head, causing his face to crack like a mask, revealing a model woven by strands of light.

This is an attack from Leah. The Mad Angel commando she belongs to belongs to the same strategic army as the Hell Barbarian.The two sides exchanged experience and learned from each other's strengths, and the barbarian's power weapons naturally became popular.

"This is a man-made lightning that is hundreds of times stronger than natural lightning. The voltage alone is tens of millions of volts. Of course you don't understand this. In short, this is the power obtained by mortals using wisdom, not faith."

"The chief cardinal said that this is a world where the soul generates power, and mortals must dig deep into their own soul power to become powerful. But the basic laws are also established in this world, so mortals must also rely on material power and use wisdom Become strong. These two roads are not contradictory, we must walk on two legs, grasp with both hands, and be strong with both hands, so that we mortals can stand firm in any environment and dare to face any enemy."

"I think these words are very reasonable, at least I have indisputable examples before my eyes!"

Leah's wound pierced by the power of the dawn is still smoking. When she spoke, she pressed the hammer on the ground, trying to support her body, and her wings trembled so much that her shadow appeared.

Art said heartbroken: "Help Leah quickly..."

Kane exclaimed: "I have no soul connection with Leah!"

Art suddenly said: "I thought of a good way!"

At this time, white light overflowed from Taiwu's two wounds, and the lost parts were quickly rebuilt.

His words were a little trance: "Voltage... volts, I seem to remember..."

"Using wisdom to become powerful with the power of matter, I remember that this is Tekeus... no, it is the path that I tried and failed again when I was reborn."

"The problem doesn't seem to be in wisdom, but in faith..."

His tone turned cold: "But it's just that, it doesn't prove that this path is right!"

The staff sprayed out a continuous beam of light again, blasting Kane and Lia to explode a large amount of shattered light.

Yingling Taiwu laughed loudly: "My will is eternal, and my body is immortal! If you can't defeat me, you can't prove your right!"

Just after laughing, large flakes of white sparks shot out from the knees on both sides, and the huge body collapsed.

Kane and Leah were alone, and they slammed the power hammer on their knees.The arc emitted by the hammer head poured into the body, smashing all the details on the knee, and the lines of the internal modeling were also violently twisted and even broken.

The dense power of the dawn rushed out, shaking the two of them flying upside down, but Art opened the light shield just right, causing the impact force and the light shield to shatter together.

At this time, the three souls and two bodies are in a wonderful fusion state. Art steps over the void spirit and manipulates the two bodies of Kane and Leah at the same time, and Kane resonates with Leah's soul through Art's connection, guiding her to contain the The erosion of the power of dawn.

Art was able to do this not only because his soul had been in Leah's body before, and he was very familiar with it, but also because Leah didn't reject him.

This is the brilliant idea he came up with, he replaced the accompanying Void Spirit to manipulate the body, while Kane and Lia focused on their own souls, curbed the oppression and erosion of the power of dawn, and output pure and powerful crimson power.

"Change the battery!"

"I'll put you first!"

"I left you right!"

The three souls are like a time-sharing operation by one person, resisting attacks precisely and skillfully, and launching effective attacks at the same time.

Because of sufficient divine power and full magic weapon, Kane and Lia switched to heavy armor mode, hitting the huge mountain of meat like two iron towers.

The two power hammers succeeded again, paralyzing Taiwu's arms.

"Look at how powerful my brother Hammer is!"

"It should be Master Hammer!"

"Do you also play plane blockade?"

After the battle, the three souls still had time to exchange thoughts.

The third hammer hit Taiwu's face back and forth. This time, not only the face was broken, but the details of the entire head were turned into fly ash by electricity, leaving only a bare head model.

Taiwu's body disintegrated into a swarm of smoke, which quickly dispersed, and an angry voice echoed in the hall: "When I subdue you, I will dissociate you into the tiniest spirit particles on the operating table!"

A strange notification sounded in the hall: "The security level has been raised, and the center is requested to intervene..."

At the same time, in the glass melting furnace on the high platform, less than half of the glue left was boiling again.

Groups of jelly squeezed out of a dragon-like device, condensed into a heavy-armored figure, holding a weapon similar to a magic gun in his hand, shooting out beams of white light with extremely high penetrating power, or clusters of bursting white light.Even though Art raised the level of micromanagement to at least tens of thousands of APM, he was still beaten back again and again, and hurriedly found a workbench as a cover to avoid.

"This kind of miscellaneous soldiers have to be dealt with by electric shock!"

"We only brought three radix batteries, not enough!"

"I forgot to mention that I can already take out a [-]-ton sledgehammer, but there are too many miscellaneous soldiers, and I will definitely not be able to withstand the siege!"

I was having a headache, and a wave of familiar and friendly power fluctuations approached rapidly.

"Commissar here we come!"

"I said it was right to follow the political commissar!"

"Yes, wherever the political commissar is, there will be a big battle!"

"A lot of miscellaneous soldiers! Just miscellaneous soldiers against miscellaneous soldiers!"

"I don't want to be that kind of character who doesn't even have lines!"

The three of Kane were overjoyed, they are hell barbarians!

"Aren't you told to follow His Royal Highness Tina? How do you disobey orders!?"

Kane subconsciously entered the role of political commissar and reprimanded his subordinates.

Just before he left the battlefield, he had informed the barbarians to keep close to Tina.

The savages cried out: "His Royal Highness Tina disappeared in a blink of an eye, and we couldn't find it at all!"

"We can't mix in the battle over there, we can't rush into the barrier at all!"

"Sure enough, the political commissar has work we can do!"

Well, although these guys are all of the death department, they still regard themselves as barbarians in their bones.

"Well, comrades..."

Kane's soul was agitated, smoke gushed out from his body, and the power of dawn that invaded his body and mind was completely dispelled.

He shouted: "Fight! Destroy these puppets!"

The red network nodes resonated, and the power of scarlet rose sharply.

The savages responded loudly, brandishing their power weapons, charging towards their respective targets, and shooting thick arcs of electricity.

Before Kane gave the order, Art had forwarded the background information and operational points to everyone, and this was his real instinct.

The legendary sledgehammer of tens of thousands of tons jumped into his hand, and Kane looked at Yingling Tek, who had re-condensed his body in the distance, and said to Art: "I remember I swore before..."

Art responded in a low voice: "You will take me, step on the guy who created me, and ask him what it feels like to be manipulated at will."

Kane said with a smile: "Now it's not only me, but also Leah, and so many comrades in arms. I've fulfilled my promise."

Art snorted: "Why are you so eager to ask me for credit? Let's talk about that guy after he's fucked up!"

When Kane rushed over, Art sighed quietly again: "Actually... when the three of us were together just now, I felt very satisfied. Even if it dissipates now, my life is complete."

Kane laughed heartily: "Dissipate? You have a good idea, and I will definitely apply to the Chief Cardinal to create a new body for you!"

Art said angrily: "You really still hate me, right?"

The [-]-ton sledgehammer firmly blocked the thick white light, and Art added with a weak thought: "If you want to give Leah a more...normal environment, it is not impossible for me to sacrifice myself."

"What did you say?"

Kane was fighting with Taiwu, his soul was boiling, and his senses were very unclear.

Art said angrily: "I didn't say anything, just do your job well!"

The place called the "Hall of Creation" by the heroic Taiwu has turned into a fierce battlefield. The hell savages have a clear advantage, and Taiwu barely maintains its defensive position by relying on the continuous increase of troops from the furnace. collapse.

The battle in the dawn enchantment is another scene...

Aurora's face was red and her ears were red, her body was shaking violently, and the banner was leaning on the ground, barely holding on to not sit on the ground.

Catherine rushed in front of "Li Qi", and slashed at "Li Qi" who was wearing the costume of the little viscount back then, but the big sword was dim, and he was still a master of strokes, so it didn't fall on the opponent at all.While chopping and returning, she burst into tears, crying, "Liar!"

Fei Ni clutched her butt and ran across the field, yelling in horror: "Don't—!"

Karin's Roller had already collapsed on the ground, hiccupping, and spit out a breath like blood mist.

Even the Nista version of Vicky rolled on the ground with her legs crossed, meowing non-stop, and Eve squatted on the ground with her head in her arms, yelling, "I don't dare again, Chief Cardinal!"

Only Leitana and Oresa are still insisting, resisting the strips of warm white light thrown by "Little Red" in a playful way, shouting in despair, "That's not the real chief cardinal", but no one can hear it .

Aurora blushed like a monkey's butt, and she was extremely ashamed: "You, you are so shameless! How could you copy Li Qi's memories!"

"Li Qi" chuckled: "I said long ago that Li Qi Player is just my projection, and he has returned to his true essence, which is me, so he will naturally have those memories."

"Aurora...give up the fight, I know everything about you as well as Li Qi, after all Li Qi is just a small subset of me."

At this time, the power in the barrier fluctuated, and the frozen Fairy Dragon was finally able to move.

It looks like she just froze her body, she knows all about what happened just now,
The goblin dragon flapped its fly-like wings and shouted in horror: "It's over, it's over, I saw a huge green hat! If this is a novel, it will be a disaster!"

Aurora ignored her, and looked straight at the "Li Qi" who was still playing with Catherine and Feeney, bit her lip, and blood oozes out, making her smile look very poignant.

"So, Li Qi doesn't exist anymore, does he?"

"Then I can't give up fighting!"

"I'll make you pay, you soul thief!"

"Then... I want to find Li Qi, even if I can only piece it together from pieces, I want to find him, the real him!"

The cold white halo overflowed again, covering even the pupils of the eyes. At this moment, Aurora's mortal aura was fading rapidly.

"don't want--!"

Later, Leia smashed the lattice shield into pieces in a hurry: "Mother Aurora, don't be a man! Even if Dad comes back, he will be sad if he can't find you!"

"Li Qi" said happily, "Very well, it should have been done a long time ago. To become a real god, at least it can exist forever as a part of Finn's world. Even if you still have obsessions, let You destroy a virtual will, and you are satisfied."

He said to Catherine, Fenny and others: "You should also learn from her, this is the only one you can continue to exist..."

Before he finished speaking, the figures of him and "Xiaohong" twisted at the same time, and the bright white light filled in the enchantment also flickered.

"Sure enough, no, Li Qi!"

Catherine's will suddenly became firm, and the big sword ignited blood-red brilliance, and slashed "Li Qi" in the face, splitting him in two.

This figure turned into ashes, and the next moment the original "Li Qi" was projected on the zenith.

He frowned and said, "There is a problem with the creation hall..."

"Xiaohong" responded: "Cut off the connection, as long as this is resolved, other problems are not a problem."

Before "Li Qi" nodded, the figure swayed again and became blurred.

"Xiaohong" was stunned: "Why is the energy supply system..."

Deep in the Star of Dawn, in another magnificent hall, a thin and youthful figure with a pair of pointed ears was lying on a place similar to the mouth of a well, overlooking the movement of the well.

The pointed ears trembled slightly, as if listening to something.

After a while, she murmured, "That's a gold coin from Brad's First Kingdom. It's the oldest treasure in my collection. Is there still no response?"

Looking at the broken mechanical wreckage all around, she sighed: "Forget it, if the ink stains go on, it will be troublesome if a more powerful guy comes. I'd better take a gamble."

With both hands stretched forward, just as if she was diving from a high platform, a clear and clear voice sounded from the side: "Tina, there is a sea of ​​stars below, you will die if you jump off."

Tina was stunned, turned her head to see the person coming, and was pleasantly surprised: "Li Qi!?"

(End of this chapter)

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