goddess of revolution

Chapter 1228 The Night Comes Again and The Truth About the Star of Dawn

Chapter 1228 The Night Comes Again and The Truth About the Star of Dawn
At the moment when Xiao Hong and Li Qi Pu Jie, the Goddess of Dawn and Xiao Bai are about to return, the roots of Finn's world are also in turmoil.Of course, mortals are unaware of it, and even the belief in gods born after the Dark Ages has only a vague sense.

On a floating land full of gravel wasteland in the New World, giant dragons and mortals are busy around the collapsed stone towers.At the top of the restored stone tower, Greta huddled in the shadow behind the triangular boulder on the top of the tower, looking up at the chaotic and free sky because of the creation of the law of the plane. body.

Her soul is filled with a strong shady atmosphere, and she just feels that the whole world is boring, so that despair is born.

Walking out of the Storm Islands, she broke with her family and her brother. At that time, she was not even a legend, but she just managed to win over a group of remnants who were loyal and loyal to the court, and looked for a master who could afford the price like a mercenary.

In just a few years, she was not only promoted to a legendary magician, but also became the pillow of the Emperor of the Holy Will Empire.

She still puts herself in the position of Romulus' loyal subordinate. According to the rules she abides by, only by doing so can she ensure that Romulus' ladder will not become her end.

That's right, she is not satisfied with her current achievements, and the previous arrangement in the Icewind Kingdom was not a whim, but a routine work that has been tireless and worked hard on every available detail.

Counting only the level of mortals, she is only one step away from the peak of power in the mortal world.

However, the closer to the peak, the stronger the sense of powerlessness.

The platform is certainly the reason. The Holy Will Empire has a vast territory and a large population, but it only plays a marginal role in the power structure. Most of the time it is regarded as a vassal of the Red Federation.Emperor Romulus is powerful and determined, but in all events that determine the course of the world, he only plays the role of the younger brother of the Red Federation.

This is actually nothing. Greta firmly believes that as long as she grows up to the point where she can train Romulus, she will be able to open up the situation.

For this reason, she made full preparations, and buried all kinds of threads in the people closest to Romulus, such as Tewins and Galathion.

However, Lucian and the "Avebie" behind him, the biggest support that allowed her to continue to advance on the road of strength, were actually uprooted by the Chilian.

Of course, the promotion of strength is not all she pursues. Without this support, she can still indirectly control Romulus through Twins.Just like Lucian said, Twins is the valve of Romulus, and one day, when the time comes to sacrifice Romulus, that valve should be opened.

However, before she could touch the valve, the Goddess of Life took the lead...

It was this kind of thing that really made her desperate. She was still trying her best to climb to the pinnacle of mortal power, but the times had completely changed.

Now is the era when gods and mortals are mixed. The old gods either change their priesthood, or split their will to create a new priesthood. In short, they are catering to the changes in the beliefs of mortals.The so-called "super gods" who were originally born only on the Chilian side and promoted from witches are now exceptions.

The newly born Cynthia, the goddess of liberty, relied on her unique relationship with Hathaway, and also got rid of the situation where the will of the current god is still bound by the heart of the god.

The revolution launched by Theresia a few years ago aimed to return the gods to the gods and the mortals to mortals, but in the end, the gods and mortals were mixed together.

There is no powerful god behind him, no powerful power on his body, and at least a few million mortals as chips in his hands.Greta felt that her path was dark and that she would never see the light of day.

"So, what is your path?"

Deep in the soul, an idea asks this.

"My way? Yes, I actually have my way."

This is the first time that Greta has fully faced the question of her heart, and found that she is actually walking on a hidden path.

"I just think that when everyone is pursuing light and happiness and burning their souls for it, there must be a power behind it. That power is everywhere like a shadow, and no one notices it, but it dominates world."

"That is not an external force like magic and divine power, nor is it absolute power, nor is it some noble ideal of justice."

"That's more like..."

Greta couldn't think of how to describe it for a while, the idea said: "The shadow under the day, the night without moonlight, and the darkness that covers all the unknowns and waits for the light to come."

Greta's soul shakes, it's this one!
This shock came very abruptly, as if it had suddenly established a connection with some existence in the dark, and the coolness that filled the soul instantly became icy cold.

Greta stared blankly at wisps of smoke overflowing from her body, converging into a blurred phantom in the shadows.

She regained her senses and wanted to yell, but found that her body could not move at all.

Xu Ying sent her thoughts directly into her heart: "Your path is my world, I answered your prayer, why should you be afraid?"

Greta said in horror: "Ye, Ye...Your Majesty, haven't you already..."

Phantom's mind has no emotional fluctuations: "I just woke up, and I don't know what that wisp of will will eventually evolve into. But he must not be willing to exist as me, and his annihilation is the awakening condition I set."

Greta was extremely intelligent, and she immediately understood what was going on. This god was so powerful that he could split his will to completely simulate himself, fooling the whole world.

She suddenly became happy. It sounds like her path has been approved by him?And what he has to do is naturally to take revenge on the party that destroyed that wisp of will.

The Finn Salvation Alliance and the Salvation Army have just been established, and it stands to reason that the chaos should not continue, but Greta is very excited. Only when there is chaos, will her path have a chance to make a big difference.

"It's not what you think..."

The powerful god who had just awakened said: "Of course, that possibility is not ruled out. I have set three conditions, and as long as one of them is true, it will wake me up."

"My split will was destroyed, Finn's world was invaded, Little Red and Little White would return or be annihilated..."

"Now, the first two conditions are met at the same time, and the third condition is about to be met. I feel it, but it is not stable yet."

"I need to do something, but I need mortals to come forward."

Greta was confused about what he said, and she calmed down a little, and asked in fear: "Why did Your Majesty look for me? If I remember correctly, Hathaway is your saint."

The god responded indifferently: "She will also participate, but not as my saint."

"She has lived with the soul of the new god, and no longer accepts my call. Among all mortals, only your path is the most suitable for me."

"Don't worry, I want you to do something, and I will naturally give you the corresponding power and tell you the information you should know."

The powerful cold force was accompanied by a raging wave of information, which poured into Greta's soul in an instant. She didn't even think about whether to accept such a thought, and her soul was automatically and completely opened, accepting this torrent like a deep well.

In a blur, she sensed that the nature of her soul was changing. The original connection with the magic net was erased, and she was thrown into another power network that was similar to the magic net, but far less smooth than the former, and seemed extremely obscure and cold. middle.

In the blink of an eye, Greta completed her essential transformation. She had clearly sensed the suppression of the barrier of the main plane, and became an existence close to a demigod.

The will of the gods has been far away, but Greta already knows what she should do and knows all the information related to this matter.

If it was Greta before, she would definitely be shocked by the information she received, and would have countless distracting thoughts, but now, she is unmoved.

She, Greta Mildern, is no longer a magician with no soul to rely on, but the spokesperson of Lady Ye.

She activated the communicator and called, "Romulus...Your Majesty, I have something urgent to say..."


"I knew when Ran Na was killed by me. It's just that I didn't rush to say it before I sensed Xiao Hei's awakening. A series of things happened later, so I didn't bother to talk about it."

In the core space of Dawn Star, Xiaohong, who gave herself the nickname "Zhili Kebode", said: "The scene at that time was very weird. In fact, I wanted to process it carefully. I just said it when."

The huge space vibrated violently, obviously it was not the time to continue chatting.

Leaving Xia An, Leitana, Oresa and two logistics witches, together with Kane and the barbarian team who were rushing back, to guard Leia who was still in a cocoon state, Xiaohong took Aurora, Fei The five goddesses, Ni, Catherine, Karin, and Tina, led by the heroic spirit Meddy, rushed to the control hall.

On the way, Xiaohong still sent the memory images of that time to everyone. They are all goddesses, and they watched it as if they were fast-forwarding. Everyone said that this is really a good material for ghost stories.

At that time, Xiaohong's golden cudgel emitted a thick beam of light, smashing Ran Na's body and the stone tower together.

When the ashes fly into pieces, the smoke gathers into a phantom that is exactly the same as Xiaohong's body.

Xu Ying has no expression on his face, staring at Xiaohong, sending thoughts that no one else can understand (so Xiaohong added subtitles).

"Even if I become what you hate the most, you won't treat me like this."

"Since you did this, it must be that I have become not me."

"Thanks for waking me up, I'll be back..."

After watching the video, everyone shivered, Xiao Hei... No, Ms. Ye is not dead!
But why did Ms. Ye invade the Dawn Star?
What is she doing here?
"Ms. Ye..."

Heroic Spirit Medi said: "His information, the predecessor of the Aurora Goddess, the existence of Xiaobai, and the original designer of the Aurora Star are all things before the Dark Ages. We, the Aurora Heroic Spirits, don't know much about the body of the Aurora Goddess. There is no memory of the underlying will."

"The only thing that is certain is that Ms. Ye has a lot to do with the appearance of the Dawn Star. Even if she doesn't have direct authority, she still knows the Dawn Star very well."

Tina scratched her head, and said irritably: "Speaking of it, I haven't figured out what the Dawn Star is, I know that you are here to extract the power of phlogiston in the star sea, merge with the root power of Finn's world, and then intervene things in the world."

"What are you talking about guarding and managing, how exactly do you guard and manage, we don't know at all!"

Medi first said: "The control hall has been invaded, it is dangerous to teleport directly there, I suggest teleporting to the vicinity of the control hall and rushing there."

He led the goddesses into the teleportation array, and when the white light covered everyone, he replied: "We are indeed guarding and managing the world of Finn. It was Tianshan Mountain that did this before..."

The change of light and shadow, being in a much narrower space, the power of the dawn sensed is weaker than in the core space, and at the same time mixed with several other forces, it is very familiar.

Zhili Xiaohong raised her brows like knives: "It really is Xiao Hei!"

Catherine hummed: "Freedom, 50!"

The Scarlet Goddess of War meant that she sensed the power of Cynthia, the goddess of liberty, so Hathaway, the 50 little bitch, probably also came.

Aurora sighed: "There is also the power of the god of tyranny and the goddess of commerce. I almost thought it was the alliance who came to help, but the most neutral military god didn't come. Even if I don't know the purpose of these guys, I know their purpose." position."

Karin rubbed her hands: "The God of War is here, I didn't expect that idiot to jump like this after being cut off, he must be very fat!"

Fei Ni yelled: "We have five goddesses here, who is afraid of whom!"

Tina's mind is still focused on the origin of the Dawn Star, and she is probably still thinking about the collection of the Dawn Star: "So the Dawn Star was actually created to replace Heavenly Mountain?"

The heroic spirit Meddy rushed forward, and sent a group of thoughts to respond: "In the world of Finn, it is not a replacement, but a more refined management, but it does not have the power to make independent decisions."

"It is a substitute for the world of Finn. Without Heaven Mountain, the world of Finn would lose its barrier to protect itself. The role of the Dawn Star is to shield the world of Finn from the phlogiston sea node."

Aurora snorted unhappily: "You make it sound like you are important and responsible, but it turns out that planeswalkers are flying all over the sky?"

"Those arcanists...I mean the rogues with the name of Avebier, aren't they the loyal behind-the-scenes of the court, who have ruled the main plane for thousands of years."

"They even summoned some deep divers before, but they were still beaten away by us, and even their home base on the main plane was copied by us."

Meddy said calmly: "The Star of Dawn just shields the world of Finn from the node network of the Phlogiston Sea, so that the power enough to threaten the world of Finn cannot be directly transmitted through the Phlogiston Sea."

"Fin's world cannot be completely closed. It must maintain the connection with the multiverse in order to maintain its existence. Those wanderers or deep divers, they use this basic connection instead of more advanced teleportation technology."

"They did not cause damage to the roots of the world of Finn, just like the relationship between the human body and bacteria in the world of earth, it is also necessary to maintain this contact."

The power induction is getting stronger and stronger, and the control hall should be here soon.

Karin seized the time to ask again: "So, who broke Heaven Mountain? Who built Dawn Star? Don't worry about the original designer, who is the direct designer?"

The heroic spirit Meddy turned her head, looked at someone and smiled without saying a word.

Zhili Xiaohong pointed to her nose and said, "It's me again? Could it be that I did it all!?"

There was a loud bang, and Catherine was impatient and had to find a door to get in. She directly split the rock wall with exactly the same composition as the Heart of Silver Moon, and the goddesses rushed into the space where the power of dawn and other divine powers collided and pushed.

Before he had time to see the environment and situation clearly, a clear voice said: "Okay, people from my side are here too. Now that everyone is here, all the answers should be revealed."

In the vast and magnificent space full of sci-fi feeling, a figure stood on the high platform in the center, leaning against a pile of machines with complex structures and flickering lights, stretched his arms, and said to everyone present: "Dawn Star, it is me who came for me. The Goddess Armor designed by Su Lun, the daughter of Su Lun, was a thing before the Dark Ages..."

Looking at that person, including Xiaohong, they all exclaimed in amazement: "Li Qi——!"

(End of this chapter)

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