goddess of revolution

Chapter 1252 From Prell City to Hadran Kingdom, Death Day Celebration

Chapter 1252 From Prell City to Hadran Kingdom, Death Day Celebration
"We people...I mean the king and I, as well as the nobles who stayed in Hadrang, all know the strength of the Red Federation, and we also know that joining the Red Federation will bring happiness to the people."

In the barracks outside Hadron Ironcrown, Kevin Twain explained the situation of the kingdom to Qili.

"But not all the people agree with the path of the Red Federation. For most people, especially the common people, they are no longer bound to the land and are no longer the private property of the nobles. This is the greatest freedom."

"They are free to pursue their dreams, and they especially care about the freedom to quit at any time, which ensures that they can change their residence at any time, go to a more profitable place, or do a more profitable business."

"Even if they don't believe the original propaganda of the empire, they have a good understanding of the Red Federation through the channels of Prior City. For them, it is a place where black market smuggling, skin and meat trading, gambling and gladiatorial activities are prohibited. , necessarily means that there is no freedom.”

"It cannot be blamed on them, the nature of mortals... at least one side of it is like this."

"Many people still dream of earning enough gold bushels to go back to the countryside to buy a piece of land, operate a knight or even a knighthood, and live the life of the nobles who oppressed them in the past."

This former Theresia attendant, the chief of the Southern Legion of the Dawn Empire, and the young man who was also awarded the title of Marshal at the end of the empire was extremely respectful.When explaining, he tried his best not to look directly at Qili, otherwise he would blurt out the words "it's better to let Li Qi come forward".

At this time, Qili was Xiao Qili, who came to Hadron in the name of a goodwill ambassador, and stood up for the visit of Catherine and Leia.

Tang En's words made her deeply empathize. She had seen enough of this kind of humanity in Prior City.

It was more than two months ago to determine the ownership of Dawn Star, and it was winter in 1232 of the Fourth Epoch of Finn.The Salvation League was running at full capacity, and the Red Federation and Blue Yue mobilized with all their might.Compared with the Blue Covenant, which has a vast territory and a large population, the Red Federation's manpower gap is getting bigger and bigger, and Qili is not allowed to go to battle in person to solve the human resource problem from a diplomatic perspective.

The first target was of course Hadron Kingdom. Qili's plan was to find Kevin Twain first, and try to pull the entire army under his command to the Red Alliance.

Before coming to Ironcrown City, Qili went to Prior City first.

Prior City no longer has a city lord, and is managed by an administrator elected by the city council.The former old housekeeper Sebadian and several big businessmen retreated behind the scenes, and the behind-the-scenes ruling group centered on him has a much deeper control over the city than before.

In Qili's eyes, Sebadian has completely transformed into a new era dignitary.This guy believes in the Goddess of Commerce, owns several trading houses, and has invested in magic vehicles and airship workshops. He not only presides over a large amount of basic material trade from the Red Federation to the outside world, but also almost monopolizes the trade from Benuin to Hader Lang's luxury trade.

The old butler's loyal and stereotyped persona has completely changed. When he saw Qi Li, he knelt down and cried, saying that the old man used to always talk about another lady living outside besides Li Qi. Now that he finally sees the lady, he can't wait to leave Everything goes back to the lady to serve.

You have to have a limit when you open your eyes and talk nonsense!
When did you tell Li Qi that you had a younger sister?
Qili was full of resentment and could only digest it by herself, and decided to settle the score with Xia An after returning home.It was that guy who came up with a bad idea and started a brother-sister theory, and even volunteered to be a lie witness.

Sebadian's pretentiousness is also to reassure Qili. At least this guy will not make any noise about the "Li Qiqili brother and sister theory".Although he has changed from a loyal butler to a smooth and powerful man, he is very clear about where his roots are, and he has rarely done anything that harms the interests of the Red Federation.

In order to show his position, Sebadian also married the former buck-toothed maid Lily as his wife.The current Lily naturally lost her buck teeth, and she is already a beautiful and generous lady. She pulled Qili to make a joke about Li Qi's farming in the Viscount's territory.

Lily whispered to Qili: "Master's current status is very important. I'm afraid you won't be able to get married, even the king is not good enough for you. Therefore, apart from the brother-sister relationship, there must be more bonds between Miss and Master." It is safe, this is also the tradition of the nobility."

Qi Li kept shaking her head, expressing that she simply didn't understand what other fetters there could be between brothers and sisters, and it was still the tradition of the nobles in the old era.

In short, this couple is a model of mortals who can benefit from both sides in the changing era of the old and the new, and it is also a portrayal of the trading city of Purell City.

The City of Prell is backed by the Red Federation, and it is also a commercial city supported by the Goddess of Commerce. All the wars and conflicts in the past few years have been kept out of the way.Even if it encountered a meteor storm that was close to destroying the world, due to abundant funds and manpower, and various defensive facilities, the loss was quite slight.The local plus migrant population totaled 60, and less than 1 died.

Qili put on the disguise cloak, dressed as an ordinary person, and walked around the city of Prell. What she saw and heard made her extremely emotional.

The citizens of Purell City are extremely wealthy. Even taxi drivers wear fine Benuin woolen coats, with gold and silver ornaments on their hands and necks.These guys should belong to the working class, but they are well-informed and knowledgeable, and they are picky about jobs.Do not go to remote places, the passengers are too rustic and not good enough, and they declare in advance that they will not give tips.

This kind of temperament is not exclusive to taxi drivers, it is also the virtue of shops, pubs, newsstands and even unloading workers at the docks.

Even though Qili changed her appearance, she was still a beautiful girl and she didn't suffer from any troubles.Sardar, who accompanied her, was rejected many times and refused to sell, and suffered countless stares.Sardar's rustic appearance is on the one hand, and the unchanging North Hadran country accent is a bigger reason, which also transfers Qili's sense of sight from the earth world to Eve.

There are not many drinkers in the tavern talking about the survival crisis that has not yet been eliminated in the world of Finn. For the extraordinary and ordinary people at the bottom, whether it is Heaven Mountain or the Elven Navy, it is not something they can do even a little bit. They are too far away.

The topic of hot discussion happened to be what Qi Li was concerned about. Rumors had spread that the Red Federation would "annex" Hadrang Kingdom, and the drinkers were discussing what to do with the people of Prell City, which had a bearing on their vital interests.

The consensus among the drinkers was as expected, most of them rejected joining the Chilian.If the Red Federation forces it, cats will jump through windows and dogs will go through holes, and each will find a place with more development prospects, and those who have nowhere to go will be recognized.And their expectation is that the goddess of business will continue to maintain the neutral status of Prior City. It would be even better if the goddess of liberty can also be brought over.

Sardar was furious when he heard this, and Qili stopped him from losing his temper.

It is the nature of mortals to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, but beyond the basic survival needs of eating, drinking and looting, to distinguish between interests and disadvantages is not a natural rationality of mortals, and one must dig deep into the soul.

The reality is that the mortals in the Fein world have just broken free from the old era of direct oppression of the body and soul, and they are enjoying the dividends of the era change.In the current era, the human-god ruling class composed of the newborn gods, the magical bourgeoisie, and businessmen has not only changed the means of rule, but also because of the pressure of the survival of the Finn world and the competitive pressure of the Red Federation, it has not exposed the original Face, it seems that it is still a positive role leading the people forward.

When the ruling class has not torn off its camouflage, the oppression is still mild, the life of ordinary people has been greatly improved, and they are full of expectations for the future, and the suffering they have endured is far from reaching the peak, it is impossible to dig deep into the soul. The depth of patriarchy.

The Chilian can gather more than 1000 million mortals, all thanks to Fei Gong's hands-on work and various karma.To go beyond the stage and forcibly incorporate most mortals into the patriarchal cause, mortals will react in the same way as these alcoholics.

They haven't enjoyed enough yet...

Qili saw everything she expected in Purell City, which was the epitome or benchmark of the mortal world beyond the Red Federation in the future.

In the city, she saw high-end taverns that served all kinds of exotic delicacies, the purpose was not to taste delicious food, but to allow visitors to enjoy a social atmosphere that low-level people could not touch.

She saw the red-light district where Yingying and Yanyan lined up in long lines, because the adventurer Ang Lai of the Red Federation was not far from the block, and the city hall of Purel also banned human trafficking and prostitution, and the service staff here were all volunteers. .The large screens hanging on both sides of the street are full of provocative images, many of which have the identity of the Holy Maiden of Joy.

Ms. Joy, like the God of Law and the God of Literature and Music, split a new will from the order pantheon, and was accepted by the Salvation League.Obviously, not only did he return to his old profession, but he also intensified his efforts and began to follow the mass line, which is more comfortable than being confined to the aristocratic class in the old days.

Aurora, Teresia, Hathaway and others have become popular lovers of the older generation, and many Joyful Saintesses have become the new generation's favorite objects. On the Gods Network, each of their restricted-level illusions sells [-] copies From this point, it can be seen that Ms. Huanyue's achievements in the future are limitless, and it will even have a rather adverse impact on the construction of the Chilian's spiritual civilization.

Qili also saw Gambling Street in Prior City, where dozens of resplendent and resplendent casinos were crowded with people.There are rich people in fresh clothes and angry horses, and poor people in ragged clothes. From time to time, there are screams and screams, as well as fluctuations in magic.

Two statues of the Goddess of Luck and the Goddess of Misfortune were erected in the center of the street, and a lot of divine power was gathered on them. Qili believed that these two goddesses, who had been hiding in the dark, would soon reveal miracles due to the growth of the gambling industry. officially debut.

Qili did not forget to observe the Temple of Commerce in Prior City, and the city centered on the Temple of Commerce is the wealthy area of ​​Prior City.The infrastructure here is excellent, the security is tight, and there is another layer of hidden protective barrier under the city defense barrier. Sebadian also has several properties here.

Here she saw not only various luxury stores, but also various financial service industries such as pawnshops, banks, and consortiums.In this city, the Temple of Commerce has gradually shifted from the front stage to the backstage. It no longer engages in various businesses that directly target customers. Even the transfer service is transferred to independent organizations such as "Portal Gate Firm". Bush issued business.

On the corner of the wealthy district, Qili also saw the "Trade Wind Street" where many media gathered. This place is like the next home of Temple Mountain. These news agencies search for publicity that meets investors' wishes from the vast network of gods. Materials, made into newspapers and mirages, sold and broadcast to the whole city.

There is no shortage of news agencies here who don't know who paid them, and which specialize in speaking ill of the Red Federation.However, the bad words are based on the play and interpretation of the facts of the Red Federation, which just caters to the psychology of most citizens.Even if the city hall does not want to spoil the relationship with the Red Federation, there is nothing they can do about it. These news agencies have not only the god of trade winds and the god of media, but also the goddess of business in the background.

In contrast, the "ideological work" of the Red Federation in Pryor City is far from satisfactory. After all, only a trade office and a service center for the adventurer Ang Lai have been set up here.Many grassroots and even middle-level personnel have been corrupted here, causing many organizational accidents.

After staying in Purell City for three days and inspecting various aspects, Qili also has a plan for the future of Purell City. She will submit a proposal to the central government to retain the neutral status of Purell City.

The power that promotes the development of Prell City will inevitably have a life-and-death duel with the Red Federation in the future, but judging from the current historical stage, it is still progressing overall.Moreover, even now, the Red Federation has to rely on Pryor City to export all kinds of low-level materials and import scarce materials. It is a long-term objective need for the red and blue parties to have a neutral communication window in East Fern.

Of course, the propaganda work must be done well. You can’t just wait for the next stage to come and take the initiative to hand over the propaganda position to the other party just because the scarlet road is ahead of the historical stage.

During the inspection in Prior City, Qili recognized Tang En very much. This guy did not mix his own personal stuff, and the commentary was very neutral and objective.

She followed closely and asked: "Then what about the officers and soldiers of your legion, and yourself?"

Tang En said with a bitter smile: "A few days ago, Marshal Rimaco talked to me, and Her Excellency Hathaway also talked to me after that, and said that Her Majesty Cynthia would personally..."

Sure enough, Hathaway will definitely not give up on Hadron. Considering Tang En's personal relationship with Li Qi, and Hadron has long been regarded as private land by the Red Federation, he did not use cruelty, but was very gentle. persuade.

At this time, Tang En finally looked directly at Qi Li: "To be honest, if I can no longer follow Her Majesty Theresa, Her Majesty Cynthia's beliefs are more suitable for me."

He showed a bit of painful emotion: "I have tried to believe in Her Majesty Theresia as a god, but I... can't do it. Only the mortal Theresia is worth my life and soul to follow. .”

He shook his head and said, "Your Majesty's matter, His Highness Qi Li has not personally experienced it, so he probably doesn't understand it very well. It would be great if Li Qi could come, he should understand."

Qili twitched the corners of her mouth, feeling that this guy was making excuses, wanting to see just how beautiful Da Qili was, the beauty of justice, and then laughing at Li Qi's female body and male soul in Da Qili's form.

I'm afraid you don't know, what Li Qi understands, Qili understands.But what Qi Li understands, Li Qi may not understand.

"As for the officers and soldiers below, they have been stationed in Hadrang for the past few years, and they already have a place to go."

Tang En continued: "Most of them got married and had children, and settled down. Many served in the Kingdom Legion, many ran businesses, served as escorts for merchants or pilots of airships and magic vehicles, and the rest were also taking risks. Jia Anglai or Gods Network... Oh, it was also called Legendary Network to make money at that time."

"I am the chief of the legion, but because I can get some salary from the empire for them, and my words can be of great use."

"Now that the empire is gone, Hadron will not pay them extra salaries. My words won't be very useful."

"Besides, it would be very difficult for these guys who are already married, or have their own plans, to join the Red Federation and fight for the world..."

In the end, Tang En sighed deeply: "If the Red Federation forcibly annexed Hadran and drove them to the battlefield with the Hadrang people, I believe there would be no strong resistance. The wars and natural disasters in the past few years have already made everyone numb .”

"But blood will still bleed in the end, and the people who bleed and die for it are just the most loyal and steadfast good people. Personally, I really don't want to see that scene happen."

Before Qili came to the barracks, she also visited Iron Crown City. Iron Crown City basically kept its old appearance, not as prosperous as Prior City, but Iron Crown City also has the things that Prior City has, but it is a little less developed. It's only a matter of time before it catches up.

Tang En's words made Qili sink into deep thought, and after a while, she said in a low voice: "The king will be in half a month... I mean the death anniversary of the former king, let's hold a celebration."

Tang En's eyes widened, and he looked at Qili with the expression "Are you crazy?"

Anniversary of death... Celebration?
Qili nodded seriously: "I'm not mistaken, the celebration, at the celebration, we will resolve the issue of the kingdom of Hadron."

(End of this chapter)

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