goddess of revolution

Chapter 1268 The Secret of the Dark Ages and the Promise of the Great Demon Lord

Chapter 1268 The Secret of the Dark Ages and the Promise of the Great Demon Lord
Aroman retreated, the alarm was lifted, and the red network was unprecedentedly strengthened because of Xiaohong's promotion. Not only did the node furnace power of the lattice furnace double, the flow of the portal increased by four or five times, and the safety factor also increased from five nines to seven nine.

Gambit and Finn greedily pulled reinforcements, almost pulling half of Silver Moon Heart's troops over.

There is no way, most of the officers and soldiers of Ellongate Fortress are in a state of "poisoning" by the power of purgatory. Even if the red net evolves and the power of crimson rises, the power of purgatory left in the soul needs to be cleaned up. It is already difficult to maintain the normality of the fortress run.What's more, Qili also informed that Esmodech was still there, and he must guard against the devil's attack.

The portal was buzzing with people, and the officers and soldiers were changing shifts in an orderly manner, but Aurora, Catherine, Karin and others were not allowed to rest. They had to keep a close eye on the unstable factors outside the fortress.

Of course, in their view, compared with Esmodech, the guy who sang "Chilianhong, the sun rises, Finn has an extra sun god" on the Super God channel is the biggest unstable factor .

Until Fei Ni, who was squatting in the heart of the silver moon, said: "We will have to call Miss Xiaohong Yue from now on. Thinking about those half-hearted believers who will say that they are Miss Yue in the future, it is quite touching!"

Taiyang Xiaohong finally calmed down and went to fight with Fei Ni.

Qili didn't care about cooking the bloated guy, she was busy chatting with Esmodech.

"Did she admit she had failed?"

Esmodech sighed a little: "I thought she would make another effort to pull the former Li Qi away from me. Even though she knew very well that she was able to maintain a trace of pure will with Aroman because of Aroman It is extremely chaotic, and Li Qi has become Esmodeki, which is the integration of order, and it is impossible to separate."

Qili said bluntly: "Her effort is to absorb the current Xiaohong, and let me become a springboard and a medium, so as to purify...or save you, right?"

"Then you will absorb me, gain more authenticity, and become stronger. It's a good idea."

"Unfortunately, she is not completely sunk like you, she still has a glimmer of hope for the future."

Esmodech said with a chuckle: "Sinking... This is just a matter of position, and it is a pseudo-issue where the mind is not clear and one cannot recognize one's true position."

"I have led the old folks to fight for the balance of the multiverse for hundreds of years."

"The abyss of Finn's world is just the starting point of this great cause. For me now, it is just an insignificant base."

"In your opinion, hundreds of millions of souls in the Fein world are suffering in the abyss. To me, they are just undergoing the necessary training. Only souls that have experienced various pains in the abyss and grown strong enough can have Qualified to be my comrade in arms and follow me to fight in the eternal battlefield."

"The reason why she gave up trying is because she saw that there are people as stupid as her."

"Although she is the same as me, she already understands that Datongism is nothing but something as ridiculous as the eternal order. But seeing that you are still walking on this road, and you have achieved some achievements, you are wavering again, Finally succumbed to her own stupidity."

Esmodeki finally no longer concealed his contempt for the red road: "When is the evolution of the world based on good and evil? It has always been based on strength."

"Using a good wish to promote the evolution of the world, whether it is you or the goddess of order, the final result has always violated the original intention. The history of the world proves it."

"Do you know why the Dark Ages came?"

"It was because her predecessor, the Sun Goddess, felt that history was repeating itself time and time again, and felt that the experiments in the world of Finn would become a meaningless endless loop, so she introduced Chinese civilization into the world of Finn, and there was Estethes. "

"In less than 1000 years, the conflict between Estesth and the natives of Finn led to the explosive development of magic technology. Floating ships were flying all over the sky, and forbidden spells were thrown casually at that time."

"Fin's magic net was torn, and the torrent of phlogiston poured into Fein in the form of a magic sunflower. She had to sacrifice herself and Su Lun, that is, the sun and the moon, and volatilized countless timelines before dispelling the power of phlogiston. "

Hearing this, Qili was stunned.

The sun was shattered at that time, and was used to volatilize the energy of the time axis, and at the same time precipitated into the barrier of the main plane.At that time, the moon also changed from the Kingdom of God to the Star of Dawn, and a piece of it collapsed, falling into the main plane and becoming the heart of the white bird.I don't know if it was an accident, or because Su Lun and Xiaohong, the mother and daughter, had conflicts and Su Lun tried to escape.

Judging from the situation that Xiao Hei narrated at the beginning, Su Lun attacked the Star of Dawn again and again, seeking revenge on the existence on it, and even became the goddess of nemesis. The relationship between Hong, I'm afraid it is more inclined to the latter.

Thinking that after Fei Ni became a god, she would bicker with Xiao Hong all day long, Qi Li couldn't help worrying secretly.

Don't let the enmity between these two recover gradually?
They used to be mother and daughter, but now they are sisters. The relationship is quite messy and she doesn't know how to mediate it.

Qili was distracted, but Esmodeki was still swearing: "The fact is very clear, no matter how advanced a single world is, it cannot break away from the shackles of the multiverse, not only will it not get new things, but it will accelerate the destruction of the world. "

"She knew this at first. The elves retreated before the dark age. She realized that if the elves continued to evolve, the world of Fein would be accelerated into the multiverse, so she managed to let the elves leave Fein through the phlogiston tide."

"However, she has always had a little selfishness towards Estesth. After the timeline ended, Estethes still retained a trace of fire, and she also let my predecessor invest in this seed to accelerate growth."

"She believes that Heavenly Mountain, the cornerstone of the divine system of Finn's world, is a huge threat. Only by crushing Heavenly Mountain and reinventing the power of faith can positive changes be made in Finn's world."

"She failed again. Heaven Mountain was destroyed, but they didn't allow mortals to defeat the gods."

"They didn't expect that the gods would unite to contain further changes in the world."

"The magnificent achievements of the Easttheth Magic Empire, as well as the historical records of the empire, have been wiped out. This is the era of annihilation."

Esmodeki's thoughts became sharper because of the sarcasm: "The world of Fein is a high-dimensional world where the soul generates power. The power of faith will inevitably give birth to gods, and mortals will also be bound by their own beliefs and become sacrifices to gods." Taste."

"It's ridiculous to use the standard of the earth world of Ashes Zero to measure this world."

"The ones who really should have the status of 'human' are not the mortals here, or even the gods. They should rely on their will, the immortal will, and gain great power to break free from all shackles."

Some familiar terms slipped through Qili's mind, but her attention was focused on the counterattack against Esmodech: "Are the existences you mentioned are big devils like you?"

Esmodeki admitted frankly: "Only an existence like us can penetrate the endless parallel universe, come and go freely on the eternal battlefield, and take on the important task of fighting for the multiverse."

"As for being called a great devil, why do I mind? Inner planes like purgatory and the abyss are places that mortals can't understand. They will only be afraid because they hear and see the extreme pain, and then judge it as a sin. land, just like the path of the weak that you took."

Qili didn't argue about the road, but said her guess: "Technically, purgatory and the abyss may not be exclusive to Fein's world, maybe they can be connected with other worlds and become the inner planes of those worlds." .”

"That's why you can freely enter and exit Fein's world and reach the eternal battlefield?"

"But you can't directly reach the main plane of those worlds, or the land of light, and still shrink in the inner plane like in the Finn world, like a rat in the sewer?"

"Thinking about it this way, the eternal war you mentioned is actually setting off the invasion of demons and demons in various worlds to destroy the light?"

Esmodech was silent for a moment, and said with a sneer: "Look, I said it just now, the guy who only knows how to distinguish between good and evil in front of him can't understand how great the cause I am devoted to."

"Since that's the case, you can't understand what's going on in the world I live in..."

Qili said indifferently: "If we still use the scale of the soul's vision, we are indeed talking with each other, and there is really no need to continue to test whose will is stronger."

"I just want to ask you, what good will it do you if Goddess of Order welds... here?"

The war between angels and demons continues here. The significance of this war is not what the Chilian originally thought. The demons and devils are going to attack Tianshan Mountain.Of course, the demons at the bottom and even the middle level should think so, but according to Esmodech, the war here is just a "welding project".

As the name suggests, just like real welding, angels, demons, and devils are like welding materials, using flesh and soul to perform high-energy reactions here, and fuse into an indestructible barrier to separate the two planes.

"Do you need to ask that?"

Esmodech said: "If Haim wants to repair Heavenly Mountain, if it is not blocked here, the supreme divine power of Heavenly Mountain will flood into the inner plane like a torrent, and the power cycle in Finn's world will be completely over. "

"Aroman and I need the brilliance of Mount Paradise. Without such brilliance to attract weak souls, how can we allow the souls that fall into our place to be tempered by pain and despair?"

"It's the same for Haim. Without purgatory and abyss to punish weak souls, how can we harvest sweet and sweet souls?"

"We are just two sides of the world, and no one can live without the other."

"Of course, the eternal order that Haim is trying to establish is not a good thing for me. But it means that in the next few thousand years, the harvest of souls will become more gradual."

Qili sneered: "But we shattered such a future, and you have nothing to do with us, so you want to talk to me about a solution to avoid losses as much as possible."

Esmodech didn't feel annoyed at all: "What you brought is just a possibility, and the world of Finn will inevitably collapse even more in the future. But don't think that the Goddess of Aurora has given the inheritance to the present Xiaohong. There is no power to check and balance you."

"The real owner of this laboratory in Fein's World is Xiaobai, and when only Xiaobai is left to save everything..."

He smiled meaningfully: "He will return, guess which will He will choose as the carrier? Could it be you?"

He said that he would become Xiaobai, and the threat of having the power of creation was too empty. He didn't go deep, and immediately changed the subject: "And don't think that Xiaohong can compete with Haim if he is promoted to a powerful god. "

"Not to mention the movement of the Xinghai plane, that is not a force that you can resist."

"Unfortunately, those guys are not my enemies. Their interest in the Finn world is only limited to the creatures on the main plane."

Qili mocked: "Yeah, your career is a sea of ​​stars, so why do you care about the ditch in front of your house?"

In the Chaoshen channel, the news related to Xiaohong became lively, Qili didn't dare to delay, and urged: "Then just tell us, what promise do you want from us?"

Esmodeki was silent for a while again, probably because he felt that Qili's will would not be shaken by continuing to shake the truth and speak the truth, so he stopped talking in vain.

He said: "If I and all the big devils don't get involved here, I will also persuade Aroman to stop appearing. You give up the first floor and merge the purgatory and the abyss here."

Qili was stunned: "We are not only on the first floor for returning to the team, but also the fort of the living dead that goes deep into the underworld. Let us move down, and the other side of the underworld is..."

Esmodech interrupted: "Nairo will agree and even help you move. In short, making this place a hell is safer than just welding and isolating Mount Paradise."

Qili thought clearly about the pros and cons of this agreement in an instant, and it was obvious that even though she had to face greater pressure, the pros still outweighed the cons.

She said casually: "How can such an agreement be guaranteed to be effective? There seems to be no credible evidence for the promise of the Great Demon Lord."

Esmodeki's thoughts turned calm: "The Lord of the Great Devil made such an agreement, which shows that this is an objective need under extreme rationality, and there is no need for any guarantee."

Qili was silent, although it sounded ridiculous, at this moment, she really believed that Esmodech would fulfill the agreement.

Just as the mind was about to break away from contact, Esmodeki suddenly said: "As someone who has experienced it, I would like to give you a suggestion..."

His tone was a little uncertain, as if he was talking about some cold joke: "If you don't plan to give birth to a female self, it's best not to always play the current game."

Uh-huh! ?
When the other party's mind was far away, Qi Li was so shocked that she was sweating, and she was seen through!

What a game, this is what the revolution needs!
She muttered with guilt and unhappiness, and withdrew the consciousness projected into the deep space by Xiaohong's power.

The Chaoshen channel is full of hustle and bustle, and Vicky is yelling: "Red Sun, hurry up and report!"

"You are now the source demon, high energy and soul... In short, the public test sample of dozens of research institutes!"

"There are already 370 application forms for the second test piled up on my desk, and everyone is waiting to study you thoroughly!"

Eve was also yelling: "The Alchemy Commune needs you, Miss Hong, you can act as a human engine for a while, let us test the limit scale of microscopic replication!"

That who has never been so irritable: "The subspace! Ma'am, the research of the subspace needs you!"

"The power of the lattice furnace has been increased several times. In addition to the changes in the red net, the new divine power you brought seems to have played a big role, but damn we don't understand it at all!"

"This is a fatal threat to subspace technology. You should understand the consequences of knowing it and not knowing why."

"Because of your existence, the space lattice technology system we have worked so hard to build is turning into a black box. This is terrible!"

Fei Ni is also shouting: "The second generation of Moon Goddess kindly invites the second generation of Sun Goddess to come to the heart of Silver Moon. Hundreds of thousands of Chilian people are eager to bathe in the glory of Lady Sun on the sea of ​​stars. They will sing in unison. Goddess of Light..."

Qi Li resolutely suppressed Fei Ni's words, and Karin jumped out again: "Goddess of Sunlight... cough cough, Xiaohong, do you want to try the fusion of sunlight and life evolution with me? Maybe it will conceive A very special life... oh, the way!"

Catherine shouted eagerly: "Xiaohong, Zhan!?"

Aurora is still persuading: "Be serious! What do you think of Xiaohong? A new experimental product and funny material?"

She put forward her own suggestion: "Xiaohong urgently needs a brand-new packaging now, so that she can contribute to improving the morale of the army and the people and invigorating the people's spirit. I think she should report to the Propaganda Department first."

Xia An swallowed her saliva: "Cardinal Aurora is right! We, the Literature and Art Society, are willing to take on the important task of packaging Your Majesty Xiaohong!"

He muttered and planned on the spot: "The exposure is not enough. Even if you can't follow the greasy senior sister's route, you must ensure that you can reach the level of Shengguang's appearance."

"Besides, the cloud under my feet is too obtrusive. If I change it to Hot Wheels, there shouldn't be such sinful things as shoes..."

Xiaohong was bombarded indiscriminately, and she didn't come back to her senses until Xia An's idea took shape.

The newly released Ms. Yue... Oh no, the Sun Goddess roared: "What are you trying to do? Are you doing it the wrong way? I am Sunhong!"

Leiya interrupted: "Mother Xiaohong is hungry? I'll cook for you, come back to Witch Town to eat."

Xiao Hong was stunned for a moment, then choked up and said, "My daughter is still heartbroken, mother..."

Leia continued: "By the way, let's use the induction cooker, because we need to support the front line, the cooking machines here can't be used anymore."

There was a sizzling sound, which seemed to be the sound of vomiting blood.

(End of this chapter)

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