goddess of revolution

Chapter 261 Public Trial of Paladins, Teach You What Justice Is

Chapter 261 Public Trial of Paladins, Teach You What Justice Is
"If I want to convince you that this is no problem, I don't know if the audience below will have the patience..."

Li Qi's words were sent by Biliboy to the loudspeakers distributed in every corner of the square, and tens of thousands of people could hear them clearly.


Shouts sounded like rolling thunder, which was the high-spirited heartfelt voice of the study class students and adventurers.

For ordinary people, the paladins have always been a tangled existence.On the one hand, they regard themselves as spokesmen for justice, and they are self-willed and stubborn to the point of neuroticism, which is very annoying.On the other hand, they are indeed doing good things, adjudicating disputes, judging villains, eliminating undead, cults, and monsters. The fastest runners are paladins.

"If these lunatics were more spiritual, the happiness of the people would at least be doubled, and my empire would not collapse so quickly." This is the famous saying of the last emperor of the Tudor Empire.Although this remark was to complain that the paladins not only failed to maintain the empire, but also helped push the wall together, but the subtle thing is that everyone praised this remark.

Now that the Duke of Prell actually dared to try the paladin publicly, to be honest, not only the adventurers, but even the students in the study class, and even the victims of the paladin attack felt that this was a bit of a farce.

Of course, just because it is a farce, there will be no loss of meat to watch the excitement...

Unexpectedly, the Duke of Pryor actually came for the truth, and even attracted Xia An from Xia'andia.I thought that the two sides were going to have a dragon-tiger fight, and they were considering whether to run away quickly so as not to be a fish in the pool, but the two turned into a mouth-to-mouth mode.

Everyone heard the confrontation between the Duke and Xia An. The Duke forced Xia An to reason. This is already a victory. Everyone is waiting to hear the Duke's reasoning with curiosity.

The Duke's claim that paladins must also be judged is tantamount to depriving paladins of the privilege of being with justice. This is the first time... no, at least it is the first time in this era.

You must know that no matter how many crimes the paladins have committed in the past, whether it is nobles, kingdoms, or other churches, there are very few options left except to do it directly.Either calm down, or find the Paladin Order and let them give an explanation.

For example, in Castle of Holy Light, there is a prince there, and there are even representatives and troops loyal to the court, who often clash with paladins, and never thought of arresting a paladin to convict him.

After all, the paladin's belief in Longde is in charge of the priesthood of justice and law. Even if the will is split, the paladin can still obtain the divine power of justice, which shows that this great god is still panting.Using the law to judge the behavior of a paladin, in this world where faith is respected, is like the urban management seizing a traffic police car.Although this traffic policeman is a volunteer who brings his own dry food and doesn’t need a salary, he can’t hold back his righteousness. He is very organized and capable of fighting. He is much better than the road gangsters and the square dancing aunts...

So, what kind of truth can persuade a paladin to accept the trial of outsiders?

Everyone felt that this was an impossible task, but they all hoped that the Duke would succeed.

This wave of shouts shook the minds of the paladins whose fate was uncertain on the high platform. Mayne, who had just managed to stand still, softened his legs and sat on the ground again. Gronia lowered her head involuntarily at this time. She couldn't explain the unknown power, which made her fearful and unwilling.

"The world has fallen, and people are no longer good..."

She thought to herself, and found the culprit again: "Maybe the real power of Li Qi Pryor is this, which is to confuse people's hearts."

On the side of the high platform, the witches of Rose, such as Fenny, Tina, Ellie, Aurora, Karin, and Desnes, Mars, and Inslans, also raised their fists and shouted loudly, but it was mixed with With a childish and crisp "YOOOO——", it looks a little weird.

Among the witches was a girl with short flaxen hair and dark red eyes, leaning timidly beside Aurora.Every movement of Aurora made her body tense. When Aurora raised her fist and shouted, she trembled a few times before following, but just as the shout was squeezed out of her throat, it was chewed to pieces in her mouth. It just turned into a low moan.

Aurora never forgets to teach: "Eve, listen carefully to the justice explained by the Chief Cardinal, watch our trial of the paladin carefully, and continue to dig out your heart of belonging to the working people!"

Although she didn't yell completely, the act of following the sound just now drew a force into her heart, and Eve continued to clench her fists to cheer herself up: "Yes... I, I will work hard!"

On the high platform, Xia An narrowed his eyes slightly. He naturally felt such power, and at the same time, he also had some associations.But he smiled again, which is the determination to never shrink back in the face of challenges, and also the strong confidence in his own beliefs.

"So, where do we start?"

Li Qi folded his arms and paced on the stage.

"Let's start with what justice is..."

"You paladins have always had a problem, that is, you just want to use your hands and don't want to use your brains, but you have never adjusted your position."

Xia An sighed softly: "I don't agree with this conclusion, but what you said is indeed true. There are even instinct sects among the paladins, who believe that any thinking and any written laws are unnecessary. Instinct is sufficient to adjudicate any dispute."

Li Qi didn't argue with him, and said to himself: "Yes, it's because you paladins don't like to think, so you don't know what you should do, what you can do, and from this, what kind of power you should have. "

"Before discussing, we need to clarify some basic concepts. Discussing this kind of issue without first declaring the definition is hooliganism."

Li Qi took a deep breath, and then everyone understood why this deep breath came.

"Justice is a very vague concept. If it is distinguished according to the specified specific objects, there are behavioral justice, personal justice, rule or system justice, and social justice. According to different scopes of application, there are political justice and economic justice. Justice, ethical justice, and legal justice. Divided according to different natures, there are substantive justice, formal or procedural justice. Divided according to different behavior methods, there are also distributive justice, exchange justice, and punishment justice. There are different states of justice, such as the absolute justice and relative justice we have debated..."

After a bombardment of justice that even made Xia An feel dizzy, Li Qi asked, "What justice are we going to discuss?"

"What use do I need this brain..."

"I want to be quiet..."

"Hold me, it's a little disgusting."

There were many voices from the audience, and even Xia An felt that there was not enough air, and he couldn't turn his mind.

"Certainly... the kind of justice that affects everyone's actions, including the judgment of all things."

Xia An said hesitantly, and then he was sure: "Yes, the best way of the world! It's this justice, the greatest justice!"

"The greatest justice?"

Li Qi asked back: "Then the relationship between gods and gods, the composition and mutual movement of the various planes in Finn's world, should Longde and the paladin also take care of these things? You are really lenient."

Xia An's cheeks twitched, and he corrected: "The world I'm talking about is all the collections related to mortals, don't play with words!"

"That's why I say that this kind of discussion is hooliganism without first stating the definition..."

Li Qi didn't bother him about this, he complained and continued: "Since the statement is the justice of the best way of mortals, then what we are discussing is actually the justice of society."

He shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, justice is never the best way."

Li Qi pointed to himself: "The way of my lord is the best way..."

Ignoring Xia An's faint smile of contempt, he continued: "Of course there will be people who disagree, but what is the way of the best in their hearts? It is the way of Kaim. No one will say that the way of Longdu is the way of the best. Do, because the justice of Lund is trial, adjudication and execution, what does this mean?"

"It shows that justice is just the way to protect the best! There is disturbance to the way of the best first, and then there is justice to make judgments and sanctions. Don't get this order wrong. That is to say, justice cannot exist independently, and must depend on it." in the best way."

"So maybe some of the sun shines on the snow-capped mountains, so dig the mud..."

"Whether it's Kaim or my lord, they all have a specific conception of the world, in which they arrange how people should get along with each other, and between humans and gods. They think that the world will be better if it operates according to this conception. If it is beautiful, the people will be happier, does Longde have such a vision?"

"Of course there are, but that is the most primitive state. As you said, the original paladins only knew how to eradicate the strong and help the weak, punish the evil and promote the good. But when kingdoms appear in the world and the church divides into levels, people also have With various identities, inter-relationships and behaviors are intricate, paladins can only rely on the law to practice justice."

"Do these laws embody the will of Lund? No, they embody the will of gods such as Kem, Huma, and Sif. Are these laws enacted by paladins? No, they are enacted by the kingdom and the church." .You paladins do nothing more than enforce the law, or correct the law, with justice."

When Li Qi said this, Xia An's face became serious, and he questioned: "The issue you mentioned is indeed being studied by many scholastic sects. I am not good at this kind of air-to-air debate, but I You know, it's not that Longdu didn't make laws..."

Li Qi interrupted: "You, do you insist on forcing me to expose the scars of your paladins?"

With two clicks on his wrist, Li Qi raised his arm and projected a dialog box on his chest, which was just sandwiched between the two, and no third person could see it.

The text in the dialog box made Xia An's eyes constrict, and his voice became dry: "This, how is this possible!? How do you know!? There are indeed scholastics who have raised this point of view, but it is very secretive It is impossible for outsiders to see the records!"

[Longde had a grand plan before the split of will. He wanted to write the "Eternal Code" that could be inherited forever, but the code was not completed. It is speculated that the split of will is related to this. 】

The short text has revealed the biggest mystery that has lingered in the hearts of the paladins for several epochs.

Li Qi pointed to the sky: "I didn't know this from you paladins. Don't forget, there are people above me... no, there are gods."

This is not Li Qi's nonsense. About Long De's split will, Little Red Riding Hood has such a record in the information that came from the Omniscient.The Omniscient is not all-knowing about the situation of the gods, after all, they exist at the same energy level.But according to some signs, it is still possible to make a logical judgment.

Li Qi didn't know it before, but after he got into a fight with the paladin, in order to know the truth, he went to Little Red Riding Hood to check the information, and only found this one.

Xia An was silent, and it seemed that this conclusion was very close to his own guess.

"Then, at least you don't object to the fact that justice is not the way of the best, but only the way of protecting the best."

Li Qi is like a tutor who teaches students in class, and he is persuasive: "Next, let's talk about the direction of social justice."

"Which directions?"

Xia An was a bit unbelievable: "Even if justice is attached to the way of perfection, are there still many different directions?"

"Not many..."

Li Qi corrected: "There are about four. Of course this is... the situation in the world of absolute order may be different in Finn, but there will only be more and no less."

His narration was a bit intermittent, and he occasionally moved his wrist, obviously spitting out something after chewing hard.Even so, there was silence on and off the high platform, and everyone was listening quietly.Even if you can't fully understand it, you can understand the general context.

"The first is justice based on oaths. Justice comes from oaths between mortals. There is no justice in a world with only one person. The world is made up of hundreds of millions of mortals. There are not only blood ties, but also economic and political ties. and other connections. Mutual communication must form some basic laws, which are established through various forms of oaths between the two parties. Such oaths ensure that mortals cannot get the best happiness, but at least they will not suffer the worst evil, this is a compromise, and this compromise is justice.”

"In addition, because of personal loneliness and powerlessness, mortals attached themselves to tribes until they established kingdoms, or joined churches, forming organizations one by one. Mortals entrusted part of their original freedom, property, and even life to maintain these organizations through oaths The functioning of the organization for the benefit of the whole. These oaths grew into laws to ensure that the relations between individuals and groups, and between individuals, did not harm the organization. These oaths and the laws they formed were justice."

"The oath includes the rights and obligations of both parties, so justice is relative. The people are loyal to the lord, and the nobles are loyal to the king. The king must ensure the security of the country, and the lord must provide food and clothing for the people. Even believers and gods exist. With such an oath, believers dedicate their faith to the gods, and the gods give power, and it is unjust to violate such an oath."

The justice in this direction made the audience nod subconsciously. Yes, those seemingly ordinary things actually contain justice.The adventurers are deeply touched by this, and in a kingdom with strict laws and well-managed management, they feel at ease no matter whether they undertake commissions or trade with each other.But in Shenyun Plateau, cheating, abduction and even murder and extortion often occur. Isn't this a lack of justice?Shouldn't paladins step up?

Li Qi then concluded in a flattering tone: "Justice does not exist alone. It must come from people's interactions. No matter where it is, it is always an agreement to avoid mutual harm and victimization."

"Justice comes from people's agreement and law. After people form a community through oath, the regulations made by all the people of the community to all the people are the law. The law embodies the agreement of the people and is based on the general will of the people. The general will is always just, and the law is just.”

The paladins, especially Nama, sneered and said: "This is just a vulgar argument of the relativists! Mutual agreement is justice? One person wants to commit suicide but is unable to do so, and he needs help from others. If he made the agreement, his murder was justified?"

Mayne, who continued to sit on the stage, muttered, "I think it's just..."

"I'm listening, continue," Xia An didn't comment.

Li Qi smiled and said: "This is just one direction. If we only talk about social justice, then there is also absolute justice."

He continued to read: "Whether it is the best way spoken by the believers of the gods, or the absolute truth spoken by the magician and arcanist, they all correspond to one thing, that is, the absolute rationality bestowed by the world on mortals. In Finn, I don't know if it's the same as mortal divinity, but some characteristics are common."

"Corresponding to such rationality, there will be absolute laws, or laws, to ensure the relationship with the world. How should I call this kind of law... let's call it natural law."

"It is eternal and applies to all. Mortals try to counteract it in various ways, and it is unjust to limit it. It does not make one rule in... Erxiang and another in Hadron There will be no one rule today, and another one tomorrow. There will be an eternal law, a law that any race in any era must abide by."

When Li Qi said this, Xia An nodded: "Yes, that's it, but besides eternity and universality, there is also the principle of equality. This kind of justice must put aside the differences of ordinary people, discard irrational elements, and return to justice. in its purest state."

"It seems that you absolute paladins are actually believers in the Stoic school..."

"Stoics? What's that?"

"Well... a secretive, reclusive order of paladins."

"I haven't heard of it, how do you know more than us paladins?"

"Did you realize it?"

After the two talked in a low voice, Li Qi said again: "Absolute justice in this direction is not without good things. For example, some basic laws are also the creeds of the gods."

"For example, don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself. This can summarize many laws..."

"Secondly, the collection of mortals is always for the happiness of the greatest number..."

"Furthermore, we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."

Xia An expressed his opinion: "To sum up, the first justice is to measure whether everything is justice based on the agreement between mortals. The second justice is to measure whether everything is justice by what you call the natural... law. Starting point, although this justice is absolute, why does it sound a lot like the 'human instinct is justice' advocated by the Instinct sect?"

Li Qi asked: "Besides this, what else is absolute and eternal justice?"

"I'm a little……"

After all, Xia An didn't say "I'm confused", and said again: "So far, I haven't heard any explanation related to the current controversy. You don't think that I am confused by using words that are close to sophistry. , you can do whatever you want.”

"Why doesn't it matter?"

Li Qi looked surprised and inexplicable, like a teacher facing a student who raised his hand and said this class is history, why do you teach geography: "I am teaching you what justice is, your paladins have low theoretical knowledge It’s outrageous, and you’ve admitted it yourself.”

"If you paladins haven't even clarified the justice you believe in, how can you convince me that you are the embodiment of justice? Enjoy the privilege of not being judged? Maybe you were brainwashed by the devil?"

Xia An kept smiling, but the corners of her eyes twitched. Gloria on the stage, and Nama behind the stage, almost said in unison: "Aren't you the devil trying to brainwash us now!?"

 That's all for this chapter today, otherwise I really can't afford to save the manuscript, please understand.In addition, the things related to justice in these chapters may be a bit detoured, but this is also one of the foundations for constructing Fein's characteristic patriarchalism, and it is also related to a... um, I won't spoil it.

(End of this chapter)

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