goddess of revolution

Chapter 33 The Watcher Princess Teresia

Chapter 33 The Watcher Princess Teresia

During the whole process, Li Qi watched helplessly. He didn't realize what happened until the girls fell to the ground.

The blood rushed straight to the top of his head, and Li Qi felt that he was about to explode.

"What are you doing!?"

Before he could make a sound, Tina shouted angrily: "Aren't you here to save people? Why did you kill them!?"

"This is saving them..."

The female paladin glanced at Tina, then looked at Li Qi: "Their souls have been corrupted, and they will become living corpses in a short time. This is helping them relieve their pain."

Tina clenched her fists and trembled all over: "You are lying! Purification can get rid of such corruption, there is no need to kill people!"

"This is also your question, Viscount, right?" The female paladin ignored Tina at all, she could see the anger in Li Qi's eyes: "High-level priests can indeed be purified, but how can they take care of so many people in the city? Woolen cloth?"

Her tone seemed to be telling the truth of truth: "Only those who are worthy are worthy of saving. If we put our power on the common people, not only will we not be able to save everyone, but it will also make those who cannot be purified suffer. spread to other places."

Valuable people, I mean nobility.

Tina said angrily: "Are you only saving nobles? Common people are not human!?"

Li Qi was already awake, and he scolded Tina in a cold voice: "Shut up!"

Then nodded to the female paladin: "I understand. In addition, when you came to the door with the countess before, I didn't ask for your name. It was really rude."

He recognized the other party, and it turned out to be the cold-faced maid who was with the Countess at that time, so that was naturally not her real identity.

"It seems that you still have the rationality that a nobleman should have, Your Excellency the Viscount," the female paladin said with satisfaction, "I will not pursue your servant's rudeness, I hope you will pay more attention to the training of your servant in the future."

Tina purred like a cat in her throat, and was about to move when Sardar slapped her on the shoulder, and turned her head in astonishment, the knight's deep eyes made her wilt.

"My name is Sylvie, His Majesty Kem's Judgment Paladin." The female paladin saluted Li Qi by touching her chest. This is a courtesy only for men, but Li Qi thinks it is very appropriate.

"Then, Your Excellency Sylvie, is your next mission to kill all the civilians in the entire city?"

The previous banquet only made Li Qi feel disgusted by the group of nobles, but now he is disgusted.Although it was just asking about the situation, it turned into sarcasm when it came out.

"It's not up to me to decide, I just eliminate people who want to escape from the infected area," Sylvie said calmly.

"Who is that..."

Before Li Qi finished speaking, a dazzling light flashed in front of him, and a figure gradually emerged.

"It was decided by the inspector jointly appointed by the kingdom and the court, she came," Sylvie said.

Seeing clearly the leader of the people coming, Li Qi felt that the world seemed to squeeze him out, and then turned into a picture that could be handed down from generation to generation.

It is not the world that has become a picture, but the blond girl, because of her existence, everything around her is dyed with an indelible halo.

Describing her as beautiful is already a kind of blasphemy. Li Qi felt very sorry. If the goddess was replaced by this girl, let alone a revolution in Finn, even if it turned Finn into hell, even if he was heartbroken, he would No hesitation.

The girl came to Sylvie's side and judged the paladin to bow and salute. Li Qi suppressed his rapid heartbeat, lowered his head and stroked his chest: "Your Highness Princess..."

Princess Teresia, Hadron's crown flower, and the invitation that Sir McGore mentioned, even if it was just a momentary misunderstanding, Li Qi is still thinking about it.

"Sylvie, your reaction is really fast."

"I've been staring at them all the time, Your Highness, you are the one who is really fast."

"I carry the teleportation talismans of all the cities of the kingdom on me, just for such things. This is..."

It was only then that the princess noticed Li Qi, who was dressed in ordinary clothes and looked like an ordinary little priest.

The princess sized him up with light gray pupils very similar to Li Qi's, showing an expression of "somewhat familiar but I can't remember who it is".

Sylvie said indifferently: "Viscount Prior..."

"Li Qi Pryor, I would like to serve Her Royal Highness," Li Qi said sincerely.

"Li Qi, it's you." The princess suddenly said, "When I grow up, my appearance has changed a lot."

Hey, have you known the princess since you were a child?

Li Qi was about to applaud the original owner, this legacy was heavy.

"The scarlet lady you believe in is very special. Aurora keeps talking about you and recommends me to read that book... about the river flowing into the sea." The princess smiled softly, as if chatting with a friend: "It's a pity that I Too busy to have time."

"It's just luck." Li Qi said with a little hope: "My lord has many similar stories. I will copy some for His Highness, hoping to help His Highness relieve his boredom."

The princess shook her head, the anticipation in her eyes almost melted Li Qi's heart.

"No, Li Qi, you can do far more than this, and now I need your help."

"Your Highness, please order..."

"The ruins of the fallen gods are still emitting corruption. If this continues, the entire kingdom will be polluted, and millions of people are in an extremely dangerous situation."

"Yes, I was there. It's terrible. I don't know what to do to resolve such a crisis."

"This is very simple. It seems that there should be corrupted fetishes in the ruins to produce such a strong corrupted air. As long as the fetishes are purified, the source of the corrupted air can be cut off."

"This must be done by a high-level clergyman, right? Unfortunately, my ability is too weak to be of much help."

"No, you can help, Li Qi. It is true that high-level priests are needed to purify the gods. Now the situation is urgent, and the legends in the kingdom can't catch up for a while. Although hero-level priests can do it, the corrupted air will Erosion of extraordinary strength and mind, it won't last long."

The princess saw that Li Qi panicked: "Aurora and Sylvie said that Lady Scarlet's divine power has psychic characteristics, and her special magic can keep people awake, which can delay the erosion of corruption. I am going to organize a small team , go to the ruins to purify the fetish as soon as possible, it would be great if you can join in."


Li Qi subconsciously wanted to answer, what a big deal, isn't it just a trip to the dungeon?
Then he was shocked, dungeon! ?

This is not a game, it's about killing people!

In an instant, a layer of white sweat appeared on his forehead. Although the princess was the object of his full admiration, he was not an idiot if he really wanted to go through fire and water for her beauty.

Who didn't have those insane thoughts before when they were in the second year of middle school.

Of course, it's not really unwilling, as long as the price is right...

The problem was, the princess obviously wouldn't marry him just because of that.

Li Qi panicked, he didn't know how to refuse.

The princess was a little disappointed: "Li Qi, this is a very honorable task. To save the entire kingdom and millions of people, I think you should agree without hesitation."

Li Qi could only hold on to his rank as a straw: "Your Highness, I am afraid of doing bad things to myself just because I am so noble. I am only a second-level priest, and my ability is too limited."

"Li Qi, you are a nobleman, and the duty of a nobleman is to protect the people."

The princess exudes a sacred aura that makes people want to kneel down: "Regardless of their abilities, Hadron expects everyone to fulfill their duties. If it is not necessary to coordinate the forces of all parties on the spot, I will definitely lead the team myself."

She said helplessly: "My father and the court have entrusted me with the heavy responsibility of monitoring and handling emergencies. I can't rush to the front like a soldier."

"Let me lead the team on behalf of Your Highness, it is my honor," Sylvie said holding the hilt of the sword, and then glanced at Li Qi, the contempt and coldness in his eyes made him shiver.

Don't take the princess's soft words for granted, thinking that the princess is really begging you?

Li Qixin understood the words in his eyes.

"Your Highness actually trusts me so much, I understand!"

Li Qi straightened his chest, his face was full of determination: "I am willing to serve Your Highness!"


The princess heaved a sigh of relief: "I knew that you don't need to order Li Qi, just a request."

I knew it……

Li Qi secretly wiped his sweat, and complained at the same time, this is going to die.

Looking at the nonchalant Sardar and the eager Tina, Li Qi remembered the treasure map found on the body of the pastor, Lady Ye, and the treasure map Tina mentioned.

This trip to the dungeon seems to have been doomed by fate.

He thought helplessly, just go, try to be as cowardly as possible, anyway, he is an insignificant assistant.

Sylvie led Li Qi and the others away, and after a while, many big figures such as the chief paladin, the commander of the knight, and the high priest gathered around Theresia.

After hearing the report, the princess shook her head in dissatisfaction: "Expand the blockade, and the entire Conrad City must be surrounded. We cannot release a source of infection."

The knight commander in heavy armor said in embarrassment: "Ordinary soldiers will also be infected by the corrupt air. The number of knights and paladins rushing over now is far from enough. It will take at least two days to complete the blockade of the entire city."

The princess frowned: "Can't it be purified on the spot?"

The old man wearing the robes of a high-ranking priest sighed: "There are more than 1 people in Conrad City. It is impossible to purify everyone before the corruption is complete."

The Paladin Commander, who was dressed in the same attire as the Knight Commander, but with a different divine emblem, said: "The concentration of this corrupt gas is too high. For civilians who are not professionals, it is estimated that they will turn into living corpses within a day."

His tone was calm, as if he was talking about cats and dogs and other trivial matters: "Nobles, scholars, and children are worth saving."

Everyone looked at the princess in unison. From the perspective of solving problems, a certain decision is not difficult, but the test of faith they have to face is not what they are willing to bear.

"Is that so..." the princess was lost in thought.

When he raised his head again, the expression on Yubai's cheeks was extremely solemn and holy: "Except for nobles, scholars, and children below the height of a wheel, the rest, all... clear away."

She clasped her hands together, lowered her head and prayed: "May their souls ascend to the Kingdom of God and obtain eternal peace."

(End of this chapter)

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