goddess of revolution

Chapter 383 Adorable Master Li Qi and the Unexpected Crisis

Chapter 383 Adorable Master Li Qi and the Unexpected Crisis
pain!it hurts!

There was a familiar burning pain in the waist and eyes, and Li Qi stood up with a groan, and the two little angels flapped their wings and floated away with a smile.

I heard Little Red Riding Hood say in a weird tone: "You did it on purpose, right? It must have been on purpose, right?"

"What did I do on purpose..."

"Hey, why am I here..."

"Hey my voice um..."

Li Qi found that his voice became a little thicker, and he had to add a protracted "um" every time he said a sentence, cutting the words into pieces, feeling very lazy.

There was something wrong in the corner of his eyes, and when he looked down, his raised belly was covered with fluffy white hair.


"Why did I become a roll..."

Holding his head in his stubby arms and screaming, he finally remembered.

"Oh, I forgot that I changed myself..."

There was also a pair of little angel wings on the back of Little Red Riding Hood, and it circled Rolling Li Qi several times, as if suppressing some emotions, said stiffly: "So, you deliberately turned the bear-changing technique into the rolling-changing technique?"

Feeling that standing was very strenuous, Li Qi sat down, but because there was no backrest, he wanted to be paralyzed.

"I never thought about it when I became a bear..."

"Feeding Karin bamboo shoots didn't make her chubby, I'm disappointed..."

"Maybe subconsciously I've been thinking about rolling around..."

"The result is... ah!"

Little Red Riding Hood slapped him on the back of the head: "emmm, you're big, emmm!"

Li Qi shivered in pain, and before he could breathe, Little Red Riding Hood suddenly threw himself on his back, hugged him tightly with his arms and legs wide open, and shouted happily: "Why did you become so cute!?"

"why why?"

"This is not a plastic surgery, it is a spirit body shaped by nature, just like Qili!"

"Li Qi, you are maliciously cheating, you are too bad! You asked for it!"

The burning pain in the soul that was more terrifying than before made Li Qi twitch, and he vaguely heard Qiuxiang say: "Your Majesty, the chief cardinal is almost burned."

When Little Red Riding Hood let go of him, he threw himself on the ground, feeling like he had no regrets.

How does this feel so familiar?

Li Qi struggled to get up and asked, "Why did you call me up..."

"If I don't call you up again, I'm afraid you will be the same as over there." Little Red Riding Hood pointed to the light cocoon next to him: "I found that your soul has strange fluctuations, but you have not said anything when I ask you. Feel your soul is being controlled by some power Wrapped it up, observed it for a while but still couldn’t figure it out, so I had to drag you up.”

She sighed: "Didn't you realize that Qiuxiang and Huamei wanted to hug you very much, but didn't dare?"

The two little angels kept walking around him, reaching out to poke him from time to time, but quickly withdrew their hands, with a look of desire and dissatisfaction on their faces.

Not only them, the little bald head was also touching his chin, and praised: "The chief cardinal is really amazing. Not only can he transform into a girl, but also into a bear. He is also such a cute breed. He is indeed a master of cuteness."

You thousand-year-old Lich have the nerve to say that about me! ?

His waist and eyes were itchy again, and someone poked him in the back.

A vaguely familiar unfamiliar voice said: "Hey, this is natural divine power, no wonder the Chief Cardinal..."

Look back, Lich!

A pair of skeletons was floating behind him, wearing a robe woven with silvery white light mist, with layers of silvery white chains wrapped around his body, looking very cool.It's just because it's too small, half a head shorter than Youzan, so it's cute without any deterrent power.

Li Qi slapped him, and the skeleton screamed and flew out of the god seat.

"Who is this!? I didn't know there was someone in the family again!?"

Anxious and angry, the "um" is gone.

Little Red Riding Hood said unhappily: "Li Qi...don't play it again, don't think that I will spare you with your cute appearance now, do I need your permission to accept me?"

Feeling that the tone was a little heavy, she said again: "That guy is not human, Madara, you should remember."

Oh that guy.

Did you purify it into a heroic spirit?Aren't you afraid of attracting the attention of the Pale Lord?

Little Red Riding Hood said disdainfully: "Madara hasn't reached the legend yet, so there's not much movement in retrieving its soul fragments. And even if there are, does the Pale Lord dare to send clones? It has several clones to toss around."

She frowned again: "But it did go too smoothly. You Zan also said that the power of the undead seems to have set off a tide these days. Could it be that I cut the Pale Lord too painfully, and he couldn't control it?" Is the situation over?"

The power of the undead set off a tide?

Vicky's prophecy has come true! ?

No, you should add a word...

Little Red Riding Hood said solemnly: "Don't think that we have cracked the power of Nista's prophecy just because we cracked Nista's pyramid. The pyramid is just the river of fate for mortals, and Nista's fate also includes the river of the world beyond mortals." .”

She turned around: "Let's put aside the matter of Vicky and the undead, let's talk about you, take a closer look at the hair on your body, I mean, the layer on the hair."

Li Qi looked down at his stomach, and there was a faint layer of mist on the white hair. Isn't this the mark of being burned by the magical power of Little Red Riding Hood?

Looking at the black hair on the arm again, I made a discovery.

There is a layer of extremely fine light green luster on the black fur, which cannot be distinguished unless you look carefully.

Little Red Riding Hood beckoned, and a gust of cold wind swirled around Li Qi, drying him firmly in no time.

Dots of fine light green light washed out from Li Qi's body and condensed into a green light cluster.

natural power...

Li Qi felt energetic at first, cool as if he had shaved off all his hair, but then his sense of burnout gradually rose again, and when he looked closely, the light green luster gradually appeared on his hair.

"it is as expected……"

Little Red Riding Hood did not rush to analyze the green light, which would touch the goddess of nature.She turned into a crystal ball and sealed it like the power of Kaim on Kota.

"The Goddess of Nature is an ancient god older than the Goddess of Destiny, and can connect spiritual power and divine power. But like the Goddess of Destiny, after entering the era of power of faith, she also possesses the characteristics of today's God. Her situation is the most complicated. "

"We came into contact with the divine power of nature through Karin. Although Karin is also a witch, her original priesthood was not abandoned by the Goddess of Nature, but a secondary priesthood from the same source as the Goddess of Nature. Karin is also a Drew Yiwolf vampire, another part of the soul is directly related to the natural power."

"This complex structure made her soul power conflict with the divine power of the goddess of nature since she was transformed into a witch by an arcanist. Even if she was purified by us, this situation did not change."

After Little Red Riding Hood said this, Li Qi finally understood how Karin's laziness came from.

It's like installing two operating systems on a computer at the same time. One is running in the foreground while the other is running in the background. The two systems compete for CPU and memory at the same time. How can the machine not be stuck?
He hurriedly asked: "Then my current situation..."

"Just don't speak out and think about it in your head!"

Little Red Riding Hood was annoyed by him: "Spiritual power control and transformation all come from Karin's druid ability, which is natural divine power, so only a very small part of the divine power gathered by the free ruler is wild divine power, and most of it is wild divine power. It’s all natural divine power and can only be thrown away as impurities.”

"Your situation is related to this. It's okay if you don't use the divine power when you transfer to free master. Once you use it, the natural divine power will work on you, but it will suppress or even swallow the scarlet divine power in your soul, forming your This layer of reaction film on the body."

"Such a conflicting reaction puts a heavy burden on the soul, and people will become lazy and even fall asleep directly. For example, you are not immune to this situation at all. Now your body is sleeping like mud in the bamboo forest."

Logically, there is no problem, but Karin did not have such an obvious situation before.Even those druids who transferred to Freedom Ruler were not as lazy as they are now.

Little Red Riding Hood sighed: "The gods are restless... If I'm not mistaken, genuine druids, rangers, and other professionals with natural powers will feel their strength soar."

It turned out that the restlessness of the natural divine power exacerbated the suppression and devouring of the scarlet divine power, so Karin, Free Master, and herself were so tired.

It will be fine if you change your talents back, but what about Karin and the others?
Little Red Riding Hood was also very helpless: "I don't know. To completely solve Karin's problem, we have to start with her origin, or even her Tinniwe Kingdom. Now that there are so many things, how can I take care of them?"

The little bald man raised his hand: "I have a solution. Although it can't completely solve it, it can relieve the symptoms."

After You Zan finished speaking, Little Red Riding Hood and Li Qi nodded at the same time. This is indeed a good idea.

Go to the outer planes!
Going to those outer planes where the natural spiritual power is scarce or even suppressed can minimize the influence of natural divine power, such as... the undead land, the accurate name is the dead bone domain.

But how?

Youzan chuckled: "Did you forget the magic staff I gave to Madara? Youzan's approval, such a compelling name, you didn't remember it."

Of course I can't remember boasting as a forceful thing!
"Yes! The staff my mentor gave me can open the plane gap to go to the Realm of Dead Bones." You can go without that staff."

Asked why it said that, the lich said solemnly: "The power of the undead set off a tide..."

Yeah, so what?

Before Little Red Riding Hood and Li Qi could react, You Zan said with an expression that I am used to your ignorance, and said, "Your Majesty, Chief Cardinal, think about it, what is buried under our Godfall Plateau?"

A bolt of lightning struck in their minds, and Little Red Riding Hood and Li Qi suddenly realized at the same time.

What is buried?
When the dark elves invaded back then, this was the battlefield!Not only is the entire Dark Elf Empire and several human kingdoms buried, but there are also hundreds of millions of souls invested in hundreds of years of war!Even now, the Godfall Plateau is the area where the spirit of the undead is most concentrated on the Main Continent of Fein.

Why Youzan is here is not only to study corruption, but also to create the Scourge of the undead in order to spread creep.

Madara is also here, running her own little copy of the undead... no, the lair of the undead.

In the previous anti-crime and anti-evil operations, the undead were still the main targets of suppression. Even so, it was just a crop of leeks, and now they grow back quickly.

Madara has just become a heroic spirit, and she still has a high sensitivity to the breath of the undead: "The undead on the Godfall Plateau are extremely active these days, but it is only the prelude to this wave of tides. Deep underground on the Godfall Plateau, the breath of the dead is the most The concentrated area will definitely be connected to the Realm of Dead Bones, and the tide of undead might break through there and erode the entire Godfall Plateau!"

Li Qi also remembered that during the previous meeting, everyone also mentioned the frequent activities of undead, but they could be dealt with only by relying on adventurers and paladins, so they didn't pay much attention at that time.

Damn, it was originally a discussion about how to solve Karin's laziness problem, but it turned out that she was facing a huge crisis.At the critical moment of welcoming immigrants and setting off a great development movement, the undead invasion event ushered in.

"This... Li Qi, you should study the countermeasures carefully, I can't separate myself for the time being." Little Red Riding Hood blamed herself guiltyly. This tide of undead and even the restlessness of other gods are all related to her being handsome in the Storm Islands.

Forget it, this can be regarded as the aftermath of the revolution in the Storm Islands...

Li Qi was about to go down and switch talents to think about countermeasures, when he saw the white hair on his stomach, he felt nostalgic again.

He actually turned into a cute master, this transformation is really amazing!

By the way, I haven't seen what I look like yet.

Li Qi asked Little Red Riding Hood for a mirror, and Little Red Riding Hood said calmly, "Change yourself, you have authority in the Kingdom of God, so you can still change some daily utensils."

Great voters!

Following Li Qi's thoughts, the crystal spider condensed out of the air, and quickly weaved a floor-to-ceiling mirror.

Although he was quite frightened by the spider, Li Qi grinned happily when he saw the black and white, naive Roller in the mirror, and the Roller in the mirror also grinned.

"It's pretty handsome, um..."

"It's a handsome dog..."

"If you start a live video broadcast, you have to collect millions of fans, right..."

Little Red Riding Hood gave a flying kick: "You can't stop! Get off!"

Li Qi hugged into a ball and really rolled off the throne.

When the consciousness returned to its original position, Li Qi stood up with a groan.

pain!it hurts!

He raised the bear paw and dragged the two dark spiders up.

These two spiders are using their legs as scissors to cut their wrists, and they have already cut their skin and even cut their flesh.


Compared to his current size, a spider as big as a bathtub!
When the consciousness just returned to its original position, not only did the sense of laziness return, but the body also became heavier, but being so frightened by the spider, the laziness and heaviness were all ashes.

Li Qi slammed his arm and threw the spider to the ground. If it was a mortal, the next action would be to stomp on it. If it was a resident pain talent, the next action would be to whip the spider with a light whip.

But now he is rolling...

Bending his head and hugging his body, Li Qi shrunk into a big black and white hairball, and ran over the two spiders with a bang.

He vaguely heard two immature screams. At this time, Li Qi's mind was half excited, half lazy and tired, and he couldn't stop at all.

There was a clacking sound, he ran over bamboo forests, flower beds, wheat fields, and vegetable fields, and rushed down the river bank.

After being washed by the water, most of the excitement dissipated, and the heaviness of the body and the tiredness of the soul returned.

Li Qi wanted to switch talents, but his consciousness was vague, and he couldn't even open the attribute panel.Although it was not enough to fall into a deep sleep again, it was difficult to move the body.

So he stuck out his tongue and lay paralyzed on his back, cutting off the river and turning it into a dam.

Seeing the bright moon in the sky vaguely, Li Qi lamented, don't let the witches see him like this.

Just like an otaku and an abandoned nerd are not the same kind of creatures, the cute master and the abandoned cute are not the same thing!
(End of this chapter)

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