goddess of revolution

Chapter 394 The Confrontation of Beauty and the Truth of the Petitioner

Chapter 394 The Confrontation of Beauty and the Truth of the Petitioner
"I don't understand what you're talking about!"

Yurna pushed the long knife away, and swung the double moon blades to counterattack.

The little sister Qili turned her morality into strength, and the long knife went straight, slashing Yurna hard to parry.

Pulling the tide of light from the stands, Qili pushed Yurna to the edge of the field with a knife.

Every step she takes is extremely graceful and precise, and she steps extremely steadily, otherwise she will sprain her ankle again.

With no way to retreat, Yurna soared into the sky, and the moon wheel hit the back of Qili's neck.

Qili's long knife twirled and stood on one leg, driving her body to dance like a ballet.

The surge of the light tide became more intense, causing the power carried by this knife to skyrocket.Amidst the clanging sound, a moon wheel flew up from his hand, and sank into the air with a whoosh.

Yurna fell out dragging a line of blood. When she stood up clutching her chest, the huge wound that almost split her upper body could not be concealed at all.

Spots of light surrounded Yurna like stars, making Qili confirm that the elf petitioners in the stands not only called for beauty, they also accepted distorted and perverted beauty.

"I underestimated you, Qili."

Yurna said frankly: "In fact, you have already crossed the initial threshold and reached the depths of the palace of beauty."

She looked at Qili carefully, her gaze slipped from the silver hair over the blindfold, paused for a moment on the red lips, and then fell on the chest covered by the hollow lace.There is a white chest line squeezed out, which is extremely deep.

Then his eyes glanced over the tight waist, paused for a moment on the weird leather boots that wrapped the slender legs, making the thighs appear fuller, and finally landed on the giant sword on Qili's back.

"With the delicacy of our elves, the whimsy of humans, and the stubborn rationality of dwarves like stones, they are so harmonious when combined together," Yurna said: "You have surpassed the realm of the beauty of the human body." , I wonder if this is the end for you."

The flowing light enveloped her body, and she said: "Let's start the real duel!"

The splendor flickered in front of her eyes, and Yurna transformed again.

With emerald green as the base and gold and jade as the decoration, Yurna put on a layer of tight armor.

The armor covered almost all of the skin, but the leather-like texture fully showed the figure of an elf angel.Qili's figure is already at the level of a supermodel, but the elf angel is taller and slimmer than her. Even if the altitude is a little lower somewhere, the stretched curves make Qili pale in comparison.

But this set of armor only showed the curves of her torso, and there were thick metal-like armors on her shoulders, shins, and wrists, which gave her a fierce and murderous look.

Under the gorgeous helmet shaped like a bird's crown, the mask covered most of the face, only revealing a pair of clear and flawless pupils.

Holding a long weapon similar to Fang Tian's painted halberd in both hands, Yurna took a step, her skirt swaying, making a jingle and crisp sound.

"This is the costume of the Imperial Guards of the Elf Empire, not a formal costume. It is like this on the battlefield." Yurna put down her halberd and pointed at Qili: "You are right, the beauty that seduces the desire to reproduce is very low-level. The beauty is more pure. Now, I will defeat you with the most beautiful battle!"

Waves of light flooded in, lifting the white cloak behind her, and Qili had to admit that if this was a sculpture, it must be a masterpiece.

When the knives and halberds intersected, Yurna's figure became calm and refined, and she could no longer see anything related to selling meat, but the curve of the torso, the rhythm of waving arms and legs, and the rotation of weapons all brought the beauty of women into being. Fully integrated into the battle, Qili felt more and more pressure.

The arena was filled with sand and dust, but it quickly dissipated. The two different styles of beauty were shining, hot, and even burning due to the battle.

As time passed, the direction of the tide of light gradually became apparent, and Yurna began to affect more fluctuations.

This is indeed a beauty that transcends low-level tastes, but it is more because Yurna's guard shape and fighting posture are exclusive to elves, and there is a natural bonus in the aesthetics of the same race.

This is not fair!

Slashing with a long knife, unloading the heavy force, using a series of standard little sisters to roll on the ground to distance Yurna, and at the same time harvest a wave of light.Compared to before, Qili's power has been drastically reduced.

But compared to this route, Qili has more confidence.

She decided to bid farewell to the painting pen. The young lady has already played its due role, and the next battle is no longer for the young lady.

Her hair changed color, her short skirt and leather boots turned into a faint golden light, and after a while, Qili transformed into a new form.

A pair of heavy armor covered the whole body, the curve of the waist and the slight bulge of the breastplate inadvertently emphasized the gender.

In front of the huge helmet, most of the hemispherical visors that glowed with yellow light completely covered the face, which looked extremely weird.

The armor is completely different from Finn's style, and even more extreme from Yurna's style.There are no rounded corners, no gorgeous decorations, and any part seems to have a practical use, even the color is like steel-like black-gray, so that the whole person looks more like a golem.

Looking at the magic crossbow in her hand that seemed to have lost its bow, Yurna smiled and said, "Are you taking weirdness as beauty? Qili, don't think that you can always win by going to extremes."

Sure enough, there wasn't a single gleam of light flowing towards the puppet version Qili in the stands.

Qili picked up the magic crossbow, used the evil-breaking slash as a bullet, and blasted out a pale golden beam of light.During the transition of light and shadow, white light began to gather towards her at one point, two point, or some point.

"Beauty is a form that transcends material needs. It is a means of satisfying the needs of nature. It reproduces the materialization of living beings' wisdom, human will, human feelings and emotions. After the form becomes beautiful, it has independent value and affects people through presentation. senses, to realize the meaning of beauty.”

Qili spoke words that Yurna could not understand in a tone of endorsement: "Beauty represents the domination of people over the world. Beauty condenses people's creativity, wisdom, skills and strength, and accumulates people's emotions and ideals. And wishes. It is emotional, but not purely emotional, but also contains a rational grasp of the world."

"What is the truth of beauty? It is the harmony and unity of human self-realization and the world outside of human beings, and the shaping of the form of things through perceptual performance. Including but not limited to our current comparisons of shape, movement, and presentation."

Standing steadily, he used the weird magic crossbow to continuously shoot light golden beams. The gray-black matte armor reflected low and fine light in the golden light, leading more light spots to come.

"From this truth, it can be deduced that the form of beauty is independent, but it cannot be completely separated from the content. It cannot be ahead or behind, and it cannot be metaphysical without the foundation of content."

When the light beam first shot past, Yurna let the golden light splash on the armor and emit a little light.But as Qili continued to shoot, she began to block with her halberd.When Yurna approached, Qili's armor spewed out light smoke from the front and back, leading her body to dodge and retreat. The seemingly clumsy movement attracted more light spots, which finally gathered into a wave of light.

"Yulna, the armor on your body has too many decorations that have nothing to do with the content, that is, the battle. These forms far exceed the level that the content can match, making it not only fail to sublimate the beauty, but become an unnecessary burden The shape of yours is indeed a work of art that can be handed down to the world, but it is separated from the content, and its beauty becomes a stagnant and empty presentation. It cannot win the approval of the majority of the people, and the power that its beauty can bring It's also limited."

"Look at me, Yurna, my Master Chief's armor is extremely simple, it has no decorations, everything is for the battle. Inferred from the truth of beauty, it has no beauty, because its form is completely subordinate to the content. But because The content is precisely the battle, and it merges with the content into a higher-level form, which is enduring!"

With Qili's shooting, the wave of light on her body became more and more surging, gradually catching up with Yurna.

"This is the beauty of pure combat! The beauty of violence! No matter what world or era it is in, only when weapons and equipment are perfectly matched with the way of fighting can a shocking beauty be created!"

The tide of light poured into the body, bringing a steady stream of power, making Qili's Finn version of the MA5B assault rifle fire non-stop.

Taste the wrath of the female version of Master Chief!

Let's bow down to the aesthetics of violence that has spanned countless ages!
Although you elves really couldn't accept such beauty at the beginning, when the battles of two different eras are in front of you, it is self-evident which era's battles contain more advanced power and ideas.When this kind of gap spreads in the heart, even elves will be overwhelmed by this kind of pure beauty that is stupid, black and thick, without decoration, but everything obeys the needs.

Yurna was hit by the light beams one after another, and she was shocked to find that the wave of light gathered on the strange puppet opposite her had a tendency to catch up with her.

"It doesn't make sense..."

Yurna was still very puzzled, but when she saw the flash of light reflected on the orange visor and the gray-black iron armor, her heart trembled.

It has nothing to do with actual strength, but a faint feeling that behind this appearance, there is something extremely simple that can support the entire world.It was something like that that took away the spectators in the stands, as well as my current self.

"Beauty is form above content, and the relationship between content and form..."

Yurna muttered, as if she understood something.

The halberd stood there, blocking a series of beams of light. While Yurna slid backwards, her figure was surrounded by a layer of white light.

When she stopped, the image changed again.

The body is wrapped in leopard skin, with bare feet, long hair floating freely, and the quiver is occasionally exposed on the shoulder.

With a pair of longbows in her hand, she stared at her cat waist, as if examining her prey.

Seeing her jumping up suddenly, the longbow was fully stringed, and a silver light shot out, splitting Qili's light golden light beam, and piercing the Sergeant Chief's armor, causing Qili to take several steps back before she stood still.

The tide of light swelled like a torrent, converging on Yurna, looking at this elf hunter who was as simple as an ancient human, her wonderful helmet dissipated, and she spit out a mouthful of unwilling blood.

Yurna's intelligence cannot be underestimated. Despite the strange grammar and diction, she still grasped it.

But she is still relying on racial inclinations to make a living, this is cheating!

Yurna saw Qili's thoughts, stretched her body, drew her longbow to full again, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your reminder, I have a new understanding of beauty, but you still can't defeat me!"

"Don't blame me for relying on the beauty of the same kind to gain strength. Elves are eternal spirits, the original souls of Finn, and the beauty of elves is the beauty of all spirits! This is an eternal truth in Finn!"

The battle is really fierce, but I'm not out of luck.

No matter if it's Dumao Wang, Miss Sister, or Master Chief, as far as true aesthetics are concerned, they are still low-level products. Now, it's time for you to experience the true beauty.

Qili wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and said lightly: "It may be the case in Fein, but I also know another truth, that is, what belongs to the nation belongs to the world. From this inference, what belongs to China also belongs to the multiverse."

After the words fell, the Master Chief's armor melted into golden light, stretching and fluttering on his body.A moment later, ribbons fluttered, gauze skirts fluttered, black hair was raised in a bun, and a beautiful crown and fresh clothes appeared. A flying fairy appeared impressively.

Holding a pair of single swords, Qili pulled out a brilliant light and flew towards Yurna, like a fish in the water.

The light wave that fell on Yurna's body suddenly split most of it and turned to Qili.Not only did Qili easily smash another silver light, but the seemingly thin long sword twisted towards Yurna with an irresistible vortex force.

Yurna exclaimed: "What form is this!? What is the content!?"

"It's hard to tell you clearly the difference between immortals and gods at once. In short, it's just a formality." Qi Li grinned, "The noble side is that mortals desire to break free and embrace the world freely. The vulgar side is that mortals can Conquer the goddess-like existence, let her sing and dance for herself."

While speaking, the figure stalked like a breeze, catching up with Yurna who kept jumping and trying to get rid of it.The two swords twisted her body, and Yurna fell down with a muffled groan, and one arm flew away from her body.

Dots of white light stuck to the arm, leading Yurna's body back, and the wound healed quickly.But at this time, the wave of light spots dragged by Qili was already surging, and the situation was unstoppable.

Yurna panted softly, "I never expected that you will face the final test so soon."

What final test?

Qi Li also had some headaches, if it was not enough to change the flying sky, would she still have to dance the Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara Dance next?

Or find another way to come to the pure land of bliss?Come to the country to kill Matt embarrassing dance?

The white wings reappeared, and Yurna returned to her original angelic form and floated into the air.

Then it went dark, and it seemed that all the light was sucked into Yurna's body, and then erupted from her body.

At this time, Yurna's whole body has changed, she has no wings, her hair color has become silvery white, and her eyes are emitting a blazing light. Apart from this, other details are difficult to leave any traces in her heart. There is only one thought. .


Admirable beauty...

This made Qili subconsciously think of the situation when she first saw Little Red Riding Hood. Although she was not as shocked by the extreme beauty, it was still difficult to look directly at her face, and she couldn't help but want to kneel and kowtow.

A fairy-like voice sounded in the air: "I am Nilsera, the beauty god of the Eternal Spirit, mortal, show me your beauty, and use your beauty to defeat me."

Defeat a ghost!
The boiling desire in Qili's heart suppressed the force that made her kneel down, and directly brought out the God of Beauty, how can this game be played?
The wave of light floating from the stand was transferred to Nilsera's body in an instant, and the light spots in it could not be distinguished at all.

The god of beauty incarnated by Yurna said in a lazy tone: "It's a pity that you still can't get the inheritance of the beauty of Nilsera."

I honestly don't care at all!
But if I can't beat you, I can't leave this ghostly place, and even die, then I really have to use square... No, I'm serious at the cubic level!
Qili's thoughts were concentrated, and she quickly used her brain to find a way to break the situation.

Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at the stands, yo, isn't that the emerald and morning light that led her in?

The two of them glanced at themselves, vaguely sensing concern, and then turned to "Nilsera" and prayed devoutly.

Thinking about the reactions of these elf petitioners before, Qili suddenly felt that her only chance was with the petitioners.If the soul of the petitioner has not changed fundamentally, and still has the heart of a mortal, it is still the original person.

Qili took off her flying attire, even the armor she wore when she came here, and she just wore the standard attire of a member of the Fei Gong, with her long hair tied into a ponytail, and holding the handle of Tyre, she walked slowly towards Nilser pull.

A plain linen robe dyed red, a sleeveless vest made of primary-colored linen, and straw sandals woven by herself, which fit Qili specially.

Other than that, there are no accessories and no extra equipment.

Qi Li stood still in front of Nilsera and looked up: "Do you want to see the beauty of mortals who can defeat you?"

"Nilsera" said: "Yes, although it is almost impossible, I still have a glimmer of hope."

The handle of Tyr buzzed out the light blade, and Qili said in a decisive tone: "You will see it soon!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she jumped up and slashed at Nelsera with her lightsaber.

Make it or break it...

With a muffled sound, Qili flew upside down and fell to the ground. Two spears condensed from pure light penetrated her shoulder blades and pinned her to the ground.

Nielsera sighed deeply: "That's it? I haven't seen anything that can be beautiful."

"do not have it?"

Qi Li spat out a mouthful of blood, gritted her teeth and screamed, and pulled her body from the spear.

There were no spots of light floating over the stands, the wounds were not healed, and blood flowed down from the shoulder blades, staining the vest redder than the red shirt inside.The severe pain made Qili's cheeks twitch, and the hand holding the lightsaber was also trembling.

"You don't even have the sad beauty of being hurt, you look ugly like this", Nielsera reminded her "kindly".

Qili slanted her eyes and said, "On the contrary, in the eyes of ordinary people, I am the most beautiful at this moment."

She took a deep breath, leaped high again, and slashed down with the lightsaber.

Two, no, four spears pierced her chest, pinning her in midair.

"Nilsera" sighed: "I'm sorry, everything is over. Your beauty has not defeated me. You will stay here forever and perish with the Kingdom of God."

Qili vomited blood, and scanned the stands with difficulty: "No one?"

"Not a single one," Neilsera clearly understood what she was asking.

Qi Li suddenly laughed, smiling happily: "Then I understand that the petitioners are not real people anymore, they have lost their souls and are just puppets of gods."

Nielsera was puzzled: "Why?"

"If they still have a mortal heart, wouldn't the person who dares to challenge the gods be the most beautiful in their eyes?"

Qili grinned, her mouth was full of blood, but she smiled like a million people fell from the sky: "It has nothing to do with people, and challenging God, even in the roughest form, is the most meaningful and worth savoring, This is precisely the beauty that the gods can never reach."

She moved her body with difficulty, and said to "Nilsera", "Help me up, I can still fight."

"Nilsera" was stunned, the blazing light wrapped around her body shook for a while, and suddenly disintegrated into a rushing stream of light, surging into Qili's body.

(End of this chapter)

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