goddess of revolution

Chapter 402 The Unknown of the Underworld and the Technological Wheel of War

Chapter 402 The Unknown of the Underworld and the Technological Wheel of War

The gray mist under the young man's head was still twisting and swelling, and an extremely faint pale golden light was faintly visible in the mist, but it still couldn't condense into shape.During the change, I can vaguely see a colorless silk thread stretched out, connecting with the small gray mist behind, causing the gray mist to also change.

On the sky, the stars reflected by these gray fogs were extremely bright, and there were circles of ripples.

The invisible force penetrated the sky from the ripples, shaking like a fishhook, looking for it.

A cloud of gray mist rose suddenly as if caught by a fishhook.

The starlight corresponding to this cloud of gray fog is flickering, and it seems that it will go out at any time, and the gray fog itself will also dissipate.

Wisps of cold white light suddenly lit up in the gray fog, stretching forward, connecting to the small gray fog in front.

At the moment of access, with the little gray fog as the center, more than a dozen clusters of gray fog are connected with each other, like a spider web.

The gray mist pulled up by the fishhook was thrown back and forth, dragging the entire network, and the starlight kept flickering, and it never went out.

The Death God Attendants on both sides of the road turned a blind eye to this at first, but suddenly seemed to have received an order, and the speed of waving the long whip accelerated, and the moving speed of the living souls on the road also suddenly accelerated.

The gray fog was originally dragged by the fishhook to stop, and even began to rise one by one. With this help, they resumed their progress, and even dragged down the cloud of gray fog that first rose.

The "fishhook" finally gave up, the starlight stabilized, and the gray fog fell.

On the sky, the stars scattered like frightened fish, and the turbulent ripples swayed away, converging into a silhouette of a face, fierce and inhuman, still baring its eyes and roaring.

On the ridge in the distance, a faint white light rose from the top of the small temple, straight into the zenith, and the ripples in the sky were smoothed piece by piece.

"Herstor, you've woken up too..."

In the temple, the middle-aged man whispered to himself: "If you want to prey on other living souls, I don't want to be hostile to you, but these living souls are variables that may change Ming'an, and you don't want to take them away."

The candlelight flickered violently, and there seemed to be a silent, ferocious roar echoing in the temple.

"I am very weak, but I have a very powerful ally." The middle-aged man said, "So, I am not afraid of you, God of Cruelty."

The living souls marching towards the River Styx are completely unaware of the conflict between the gods. There is only one thought in their chaotic minds: to move forward and obtain eternal peace.

The living souls stepped into the tomb plain, took off their shapes one by one in the invisible wind, and were buried in the tombs on both sides of the road, turning into gray and simple human bodies, speeding up to the Styx ahead.

The dozen or so clouds of gray mist entered the plain, and the strong wind tore at their condensed faces and bodies that were already forming.

The filaments of light are woven into a slightly flickering network again, connecting all the gray fog.Not only did the gang wind not erase their faces and figures, but the tearing caused more and more light threads to overflow from the mist, and they became brighter and brighter.

Strands of light fix the gray fog, like building a three-dimensional model.Faces and bodies are clearly displayed in this plain where personality, memory and emotion are supposed to be erased.

The black-haired young man maintained the posture of raising his arm to protect his head, and stretched his other hand backward, pressing down on a petite figure.The figure was formed by the condensation of that small cloud of gray mist, but only the shoulders in contact with the black-haired youth were clearly formed, and the other parts were only rough outlines.

As other gray mist condensed clear figures of men or women, the outline of this small group of gray mist also began to appear, first a pair of pointed ears, then brown skin, and finally a small hand pressed to the ground.

Everyone maintained their original postures, floating forward as if standing on an invisible conveyor belt, in stark contrast to the living souls around them who had lost their shapes.

Occasionally, there are living souls whose appearance has not faded. Compared with those living souls with empty eyes, although the gazes of these dozen or so figures in red are also very dull, the light colors of light gold, cold white, and blazing white that dance from time to time make people feel more and more beautiful. They retained a trace of anger.

These red-clothed living souls seemed to have received special blessings, moving forward much faster than other living souls, and then they met their companions.

The appearance is already extremely blurred, and the red clothes are only left with some fragments, which are mixed with other living souls, and they are almost indistinguishable.But at the moment of encountering this team, the surface of the body suddenly overflowed with different colors, and the details that had disappeared returned one by one.

Figures in red continued to join in, and the team expanded from a dozen or so at the beginning to dozens. When they crossed the Great Plains and came to the endless dark wilderness, there were already more than 100 people in the team.

The leading black-haired youth stopped blankly. Even though he had lost his mind, he still realized that the journey ahead was completely different.


He clasped it with both hands, making a sculpture-like movement, lowered his head mechanically, and looked at his empty hands for a while.

Then he shook his head, and let go of the hand that had been holding something, as if he had dropped something.


He turned his head again, and the gray elf girl was still kneeling on the ground, shaking her head, scanning around with dull eyes, as if she was looking for something.


"Unity... as one..."

The black-haired youth pulled the gray elf up and held it high.

The gray elf girl maintained a sweeping posture, strands of light overflowed from her eyes, connecting with other living souls in red.

After a while, an expanded optical network connected the hundreds of living souls in red.

"go ahead……"

The black-haired youth raised his hand and took the first step.

The other living souls followed without hesitation. In their vision, there was a blurry light ahead, always illuminating the end of their vision. That was their goal.

Stepping into the wilderness, their figures changed again, and another invisible but bitter wind kept blowing away the colors on their bodies, turning them into sketches that seemed to be drawn by pencils.But they just lost their color, not every face, every body, every movement, every detail.

The wilderness is endless, and it seems to go forever.When their figures gradually became faintly colored again, the sky seemed to press down on their heads, and the reflected starlight merged with the figures.

The sky was rippling again, just like the surface of the water, one by one figures floated up from the water and landed on the shore step by step.

Everyone starts to change when they get their feet on the ground.

The original shape and color turned into gravel and slowly disintegrated.The soil on the ground surged, covering the misty light, and solidified into white bones.

In an instant, this red-clothed team of hundreds of people turned into skeletons, with green bone fire floating from their eye sockets.But this dark green is different, it is much lighter than ordinary undead, and from time to time it flashes with different colors like an electric arc.

The black-haired youth turned into a skeleton with its jaws wide open, making the unique roar of the undead, and the other skeletons roared, including the slender skeleton with pointed ears, although the voice was high-pitched and thin.

The soil on the skeleton continued to stretch, condensing into simple and weird armor, helmets, long swords, shields and other weapons.They lined up in a march without the slightest disorder, and marched firmly and neatly, just like walking forward in the crimson university in Epsilon.

In front of them, the bright light was clearer and brighter.


In the central square of the outer city of Beta, groups of soldiers walked out of the teleportation hall and gathered in the square.The whole thing is messy.

Kevin Twain led a group of priests out at the end, with the same gloom on his face as the priests and soldiers.

The military chiefs of the Philippine Communist Party, Sardar, Wilson and Gambit, came to welcome them. Gambit said: "I'm sorry, the Duke has important business to do, and he is not here. Communicating with other people..."

Tang En waved his hand: "I am also the Duke's subordinate, don't treat me as an outsider."

He said again: "This is the greatest force I can mobilize, but I don't even give them weapons and armor. Do you want the soldiers to go to the battlefield with bare hands?"

As Li Qi's "deputy" sent by Theresia, Kevin Twain was almost forgotten by Li Qi.

Before that, he had been left in Hadron Kingdom, and was responsible for recruiting soldiers to fill the legion posts that could never be filled.

Tang En was very clear about the delicate relationship between the queen and Li Qi, and with the awareness to minimize the sense of presence and prevent the two from widening the rift because of him, he obediently acted in front of the director of the conscription office.

Now that the undead monarch invaded the Godfall Plateau, Tang En finally had the chance to step onto the stage of history.He sent [-] civilians and [-] pastors from various Good God Churches to Beta City, and decided to play a significant role.

Therefore, he first questioned the equipment of the soldiers.

Gambit said: "I originally wanted to do the necessary training for the troops brought by the Jazz, but the situation was urgent, so I had to solve this problem on the spot."

Urgent situation?
Does this mean that when you get the weapon, you will be kicked into the battlefield?
Tang En's frown deepened, and the soldiers on the square who hadn't formed their formation started buzzing.

No one dared to question that these conscripts, who were all civilians, were either farmers in noble territories, handymen or even prisoners in towns directly under the king.Facing the masters of the common people, such as noble deacons, housekeepers, or small officials in towns, they can't even straighten their waists, let alone the extraordinary masters they are facing now.

They are not very clear about the specific situation, but they all know that the future is not bright.The Godfall Plateau has always been a dangerous place, full of undead, monsters, and all kinds of evil and terrifying existences.

The family had been paid a few pennies in silver for enlistment, and perhaps more than a bushel of gold for surviving.If you are favored by the goddess of luck on the battlefield, and you have made some contributions, you may have a great success, or you may have the opportunity to obtain extraordinary power.

This is the strength that supports them to stand here without running around.

But with this posture, maybe giving each person a bamboo pole will push them up the city wall to fight against the undead, causing this force to dissipate suddenly.

The discussion became louder and louder, and panic continued to spread and ferment in the discussion. Tang En had no choice but to ask his subordinates to suppress it, but he was completely hopeless.

He was already ready to stand up and deliver a passionate speech to touch these mud-legged and inferior people. It shouldn't be difficult. He had prepared the manuscript.

Just then, a group of carriages drove into the square.

"Two thousand sets, right?"

A girl in red jumped off the leading carriage, and hurriedly said to Gambit and the others: "I brought all the [-] sets that just rolled off the assembly line from the workshop, and more can only wait for tomorrow. The current production speed It's all stuck on the belting of the armor."

Wilson said in surprise: "Lit Anne, why are you here as a dispatcher? Where is the Adventurer's Square?"

"A lot of adventurers have been recruited as volunteers, and they are very familiar with the process. There is even a shortage of people for material scheduling, and the Sisi saintesses have to be busy with more important things. Cardinal Aurora sent us to Cardinal Tiss", Li Te Anne said: "For the time being, the only weapons are spears, long knives, morning stars, and shields. The magic gun and other extraordinary weapons are being improved."

Sardar said indifferently: "It's nothing, they are all civilians, they can only use these."

Although there was a lot of information Tang En couldn't figure out, but he was relieved to hear that there was a weapon and it was just produced.

If it's just for civilians, it's just ordinary leather armor and swords, which is enough, at least the civilians can have some psychological comfort.

The girl named Lite Anne waved her hand, and the coachmen opened the carriages with a bang and clatter, just like dumping garbage, dumping piles of weapons and equipment.

The things used by civilians are really rubbish, but no matter what, they have to be covered up, won't they frighten the civilians?

Tang En sighed, prepared himself to be miserable, and half-closed his eyes to look at those "garbage".

Then his eyes widened...

With a hazy purple halo, the helmet, armor and shield are shiny copper.

At a glance, it looks like spears, long knives, javelins and other weapons made of mithril.

Because he was so shocked, Tang En couldn't speak clearly: "This, this is copper and, and mithril!?"

Lit Anne was a little embarrassed: "The helmet, armor and shield are covered with a layer of copper on black iron, and the weapons are also processed on ordinary weapons. The time is too short, so it can only be so rough."


Tang En swallowed his saliva. He was wearing the ancestral mithril armor. Although it was higher than these armors, it was limited.

Magical metals are very expensive, such as copper, even if it is just a thin layer of black iron, the price of the copper armor made by doing so is calculated in gold bushels.

If the two thousand civilian soldiers he brought were sold as slaves, one person would definitely not be worth a set of equipment!
"Is it wrong?"

Tang En felt incredible: "Shouldn't this be equipment for extraordinary people?"

He was sure that ordinary extraordinary people could receive such a set of armor, which was enough to be enshrined as a family heirloom.

"Extraordinary people use this?"

Lite Anne also had an unbelievable expression on her face: "This thing..."

She picked up a helmet and knocked it loudly: "The protection and attack against the undead is extremely limited, and it can only be obviously effective if the extraordinary person uses divine power or magic power to attach temporary hardening, greasing, or exorcism before the battle. How can a transcendent use this thing?"

"At least... it's expensive." After confirming that these equipments were for civilian soldiers, Tang En was so heartbroken that he was about to bleed, although it didn't cost him gold bushels.

"Right now, copper is cheaper than black iron, and mithril is only a little more expensive than black iron." Sardar said, "It takes less than a gold bush to arm a civilian into a soldier who can fight against the undead. Good deal."

Tang En felt that his common sense was insulted: "Armor and weapons add up to less than a gold bush?"

"It will be cheaper in the future", Gambit is well aware of the change in this direction: "It is so cheap that the goddess of business has to devalue the gold bull."

Before Tang En could react, those priests had long been drooling over the morning star in the "garbage dump".

A pastor couldn't help but ask, "Sir, is there any share for us?"

Tang En's mind didn't move at all: "Uh..."

Wilson patted his chest: "Everyone has a share! As long as you come to fight the undead, you can take as many magic equipment as you want!"

The pastors swarmed up to pick and choose in the "garbage heap".

The copper armor is nothing, but the mithril weapon, even if it is only covered with a layer of mithril, is a rare commodity for these low-level priests.

Seeing the actions of the priests and gentlemen, the civilian soldiers all felt absurd.

When will they be able to enjoy the same treatment as the extraordinary masters?
Lit Anne followed the carriage back to the square in the core area of ​​Beta City. The convoy was waiting outside the teleportation hall, while she went to the office building in the core area, returned from the teleportation circle downstairs to the teleportation hall of Epsilon, and then Step into another portal.

This is a hall almost as vast as the teleportation hall, and two conveyor belts are humming.

At the starting point of a conveyor belt, machines on both sides roll black iron ingots and copper ingots into thin plates, and then roll two thin plates of different materials together.Teleport to the rear.The magic hammers of different molds directly roll the thin plates into helmets and armor pieces, and send them to the cooling pool at the end of the conveyor belt, and they are "out of the oven" column by column.Just looking at the helmet, one can be finished in a few seconds.

There are various weapons on the other conveyor belt. There are more than a dozen golems with six arms standing on both sides of the conveyor belt. They keep using hammers to knock mithril sheets onto shields, long knives, spears, and maces.

There are not many people in the hall, except for each machine and puppet has a red-clothed operator and a few teams of people responsible for delivering goods, there is also a puppet with a big ball body and a small hemisphere head, and a petite puppet. , a girl with long hair bound with a thick bone comb.

Lit Anne greeted: "Master Youzan, Your Highness Vicky, there is no stock of basic magic equipment."

"Almost adjusted," the puppet said in a weird mechanical voice: "Sisi Witch has adjusted the working procedures of the spiders, and they can also wear belts on the armor, and the production efficiency has doubled."

Vicky said: "I'll spend some more time adjusting the synchronization rate of the production line. According to my calculations, by tomorrow, as long as there are sufficient materials, eleven thousand sets of basic magic equipment can be produced every day."

Youzan quacked and said with a smile: "Little Vicky, little Eve has already gone to the magic metal smelting workshop to stand in line in order not to fall behind you. There will only be more materials, not less."

Vicky nodded: "Then I'll just keep an eye on it, Master, you have other tasks."

"Yes, I should go to Arthur's side to see his progress." Youzan rolled towards the portal: "I don't know what novelty he can tinker with."

In Beta City's Adventurer's Square, a new area called "Mary's Square" has been opened.However, the adventurer service hall here is full of workbenches, and beside each workbench are wild magic experts from all over Fern.

"I'm looking forward to everyone's improvements. Any design that can greatly increase the lethality against undead while reducing user restrictions and power consumption is welcome at all costs!"

Artur's voice echoed in the hall, appearing impassioned: "We will give you all the necessary supplies! Especially for the two magical metals, copper and mithril, you don't need to consider the cost of the design at all, just use it! "

The designers clenched their fists and shouted boldly, or looked at each other with reserved smiles.

A thin middle-aged man pressed the workbench, his eyes flickered, and he whispered to himself: "The name of Stoner is the time for Quan Fein to worship."

On the other side of the workbench, a big man who seemed to be of dwarf blood folded his arms and said to the apprentices lined up in a row: "Let humans see the ten thousand-year heritage of our Mikhail workshop!"

 Thank you everyone, for the bandits who used to code words while watching the Spring Festival Gala on New Year’s Eve, except for the necessary things, the rest of the things were used to code words.As for the mentality, it's not a big deal, after all, it's separated by a layer, so it hasn't been affected too much.

  It's just that the conditions of the codeword are a little bit worse, and today is just this update...

(End of this chapter)

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