goddess of revolution

Chapter 537 Tegjaer Mobile Fortress and the True Spectacle

Chapter 537 Tegjaer Mobile Fortress and the True Spectacle
On the first day of the conference, the three major topics of belief clarification, organizational construction and unified understanding of public ownership were completed. A simple but exquisite dinner was held that night, and then the delegates rested in the hotel next to the conference hall.

Because the meeting was held too hastily, not much preparation was made, and the condition of the hotel was not good, and the delegates shared a room of four or five people.But no one complained. Instead, they were excited to have a companion to talk about their feelings.Li Qi, the witch, and the cardinals kept visiting and meeting the representatives from room to room. Although it was just to say hello and chat a few words, the representatives felt like a spring breeze.

If there were no nurses transferred from the hospital to supervise them to fall asleep like patients, even using the tranquility spell, almost everyone would stay up all night.

In the early morning of the next day, white lights flickered in the hotel. The representative of the thorn priest used spiritual thorns for himself and other representatives, and went to the conference in good spirits.

The content of today's meeting is very pragmatic, and it is to talk about the future development of Beta City and even the Godfall Plateau.

Li Qi first talked about the security situation on the Godfall Plateau. He reported the latest situation of the Kester Kingdom, and said with a very certain tone that there would be a war between the Godfall Plateau and the Kingdom of Kester in the future.For this reason, he announced that although the corps led by Fei Gong will not expand too much in size, the equipment, tactics, and ranks of officers and soldiers all need to be upgraded as soon as possible.

"Of course, our scientific research and engineering personnel will also develop more powerful technical equipment for us. Defending the safety of all the people on the Godfall Plateau is only our lowest military goal, and our eyes are on the Kester Kingdom."

Li Qi's words could not have been more obvious, and the representatives from the Legion raised their arms and cheered.

"Your chief cardinal didn't mention the Queen of Dawn, and didn't talk about a matter related to the empire. Obviously, Fei Gong is deliberately keeping a distance from that new empire. This must be related to the truth about the red lady and the truth about Fei Gong. Intent is related. If you pay attention to the empress's attitude later, you can see how much the empress knows about Fei Gong, or what kind of tacit understanding and agreement she has."

After Kane cheered, the Son of Lies quietly said that now it is very interested in all the details inside and outside the Fei Gong.

Kane ignored it, and now he has made up his mind, as long as he is not controlled or discovered, he will be completely loyal to himself and no longer hesitate.

After that, Stan talked about civil affairs and economic affairs. He reported the current situation of people's livelihood, and the conclusion made the representatives feel sorry for him, and gave birth to a sense of pride that looked down on the world.

"On our God's Fall Plateau, there are no poor mortals who can't eat enough, don't wear clothes, and have no place to live. No one dies of hunger and thirst, or dies of wind, snow and frost. Based on this alone, no matter which kingdom's capital, Even the former Valentine and Youxiang are inferior to us. For mortals, especially ordinary people, our place is a well-deserved paradise mountain!"

Then Stan said that this is not the goal of the FCP to govern the Shenyun Plateau. Afterwards, the FCP will continue to promote people's livelihood and economic construction through the city hall and related management organizations, not only to eliminate poverty, but also to meet the people's growing material and economic needs. cultural needs.

Then, when he talked about security issues, Mayne pricked up his ears.

"Yes! Municipal management regulations are not perfect!"

"Except for rough regulations like drunk driving, traffic management is almost blank!"

"Many decrees are copied from the kingdom's decrees! This is nothing new!"

"Yes, it's time to start such a large-scale investigation. There must be spies in the Central Street incident!"

Seeing how she clenched her fists and tensed her body, wishing to rush to the stage, Sam hurriedly made preparations to hug those long legs as soon as she jumped up.Although doing that would only add an extra pendant to those legs, but it would be good to hold her back for a while.

While staring at him, a trace of distracting thoughts slipped through his mind.Just left with Frodo, and Mayne had no one to take care of her. Her temper, sooner or later, something would happen again.This girl is careless. When she went to her place as a guest, she threw her bra and panties on the bed. It was really unsightly. How will she get married in the future?

For a moment, Frodo and Mayne were like two ends of the scale, and the pointer of him was shaking from side to side.

After that, most of the representatives did not listen carefully to Youzan's scientific research and engineering reports, as well as development plans.One is that the content is hard to understand. Youzan's wording is mixed with a lot of weird terms and nouns, which seems very obscure.The second is that the mechanical voice of the chubby puppet sounds unaccustomed, and the occasional scene of a few mechanical arms popping up to make gestures is also difficult for people to adapt to. Only technicians such as magicians, druids, and arcanists listen to it with gusto.

Of course, the urgent issues it mentioned are still of great concern to everyone, such as stable, efficient, reliable and cheap energy.

Youzan briefly explained why energy is the core factor restricting the development of productivity. He explained that although there are extraordinary powers in the Finn world and they are extremely powerful, these powers are all used for destruction and change in a rapid manner.Only a controllable, stable and reliable force can become the energy source to support artifacts and magic tools.

Resources such as magic spar, divinity crystal, and origin stone are generally scarce. Relying directly on such resources cannot meet the needs of combat and production. This is the current number one topic in the field of scientific research.

You Zan envisages three types of energy sources, one is the new type of divine power wells and magic wells used for urban barriers and large-scale magic equipment, the other is the magic power furnace used for magic devices such as vehicles, ships, and airships, and the other is The class is a rechargeable battery used in small magic devices such as magic guns and even personal assistants.

After You Zan said "battery", he quickly changed his words, but the technical representative had already gotten used to it.

In the morning, there are three reports, and in the afternoon, there are group meetings. The three groups of Legion, Civil Affairs and Economics, Scientific Research and Engineering discuss specific affairs in each field in the side hall of the Great Hall.

Khrizar anxiously followed Artur into the side hall. Last night, he was going to ask for sick leave, and he was about to tell Artur. Can't pretend anymore.

More than 200 technicians from the research institute and the Magic Work Committee gathered in the side hall. When Li Qi, Xiao Hong and You Zan entered the arena together, everyone held their breath nervously.

The Chief Cardinal did not go to the other two group venues, but came here directly, indicating that he is most concerned about this aspect of affairs.Of course, this is mostly related to the rumored "Wonder Project".

For all technicians, participating in a large project feels like a soldier participating in a major battle. The name and history are all lies, and what is more important are those real things: budget, salary, qualifications, and growth.

If the rumors are correct, the so-called "Wonder Project" is a powerful weapon capable of changing the pattern of war and even the course of history, so it must not be something like a forbidden curse, but something beyond imagination, allowing the soul to undergo a baptism of great things.

Xiaohong complained to Li Qi: "Let's find out soon, even I was kept in the dark, and I have been fishing for several days, and I almost lost my appetite."

"Okay, now we're going to talk about actual work, so there's no need to waste time slumping on chairs." Li Qi greeted everyone: "Everyone gather around and treat it like you're in a laboratory or a construction site, You Zan."

You Zan received the instruction, waved the mechanical arm, and the white light flickered, and the workbench in the center of the side hall was lit up, projecting dots and planes, and quickly outlined a model.

"This is……"

Looking at the roughly formed three-dimensional perspective view, Hrizar, like other representatives, took a deep breath, and his heart couldn't help but jump wildly.

"That's right, this is the Tegjer Fortress." Arthur, who had known the inside story for a long time, said with a smile: "But it is obvious that if we build another Tegjer Fortress, even if it is much larger, it will not be a big deal. Wonder project."

The representatives nodded subconsciously. Indeed, when the Tegjaer Fortress was built, most of them were heroes, and even some low- and middle-level professionals who were strong had already regarded it as a miracle.

When your vision is higher, you will understand that compared with Valentine, Youxiang, and even the great temples of many churches, Tegjaer Fortress is actually not ranked, that is to say, the battle center arranged in the fortress is more powerful.

It would not be a spectacle at all if it was just recreating Tegjer.

Seeing the slightly flattened structure stretching out from under the fort that resembles a full peach pit, someone shouted: "Legs! You have long legs!"

"In our original conception, there were no such legs, it was supposed to fly in the sky..."

You Zan began to explain: "But the current floating technology is not enough to support such a huge thing to fly, so we have to add legs to make it walk on the ground first... Comrades!"

The puppet popped out all six mechanical arms and made a high-pitched electronic sound: "Please allow me to introduce to you, the great spectacle of Fei Gong that is about to shock the world, Tegjeer Mobile Fortress!"

"Really good..."

Next to her, Xiaohong folded her arms and sent a message to Li Qi: "But even the floating fortress didn't exceed my expectations. You said mysteriously on the throne that day that this spectacle would definitely change the world, and it turned out to be such a thing ?”

"Don't be so ambitious!"

Li Qi replied: "Do you really think it's like hammering a big pyramid or a sky garden, just add two and three to everything?"

Xiaohong was obviously not very interested: "Actually, I thought it belonged to the oracle or the terracotta warriors. They either added cultural beliefs or military ranks."

Li Qi said seriously: "Civilization VII is scum and heresy, Civilization VI is orthodox!"

He smiled again: "This is not the real answer to the mystery."

Xiaohong stared: "Isn't this the Miracle Project?"

"Secret", Li Qi sent a silent emoji.

You Zan's electronic voice is echoing in the hall: "The diameter of the cross section is 300 meters, the height of the vertical section is 200 meters, and the total weight exceeds 60 tons!"

"The speed of movement is equivalent to the speed of human walking, and the fastest can reach ten kilometers per hour!"

"In addition to the terrain of mountains, hills, swamps, rivers, and lakes can all be adapted!"

"It has a protective barrier against the bombardment of forbidden curses, plus a magical metal armor shell, even if it is subjected to two successive rounds of seventh-level forbidden curses, it can still function normally!"

"Equipped with a powerful magic cannon, the goal is to destroy the existing military formation with one shot, and the protective barrier of a general city can collapse within an hour!"

"There is an improved combat situation center inside the fortress, with a detection radius of [-] kilometers and a command radius of [-] kilometers!"

"The interior of the fortress can carry legion-level combat units to perform various tasks!"

A series of indicators were reported, and the representatives depicted a huge war machine in their minds, slowly walking to the enemy's fortresses and cities, and the picture of the opponent's expression.

A mobile fortress is indeed a strategic weapon.The most important thing is that because of its appearance, the war between the enemy and us will revolve around destroying and defending it, and the style of warfare will indeed change.

Such a fortress can really be built, even if it is a legend, you dare not challenge it alone?
But is such a fortress really possible to become a reality?
All the representatives showed incredible expressions on their faces. Such a fortress may not be surprising in the era of the magic empire. After all, floating fortresses in floating cities were common at that time.But in the fourth era, those floating ships with hundreds of thousands of tons were rare items passed down from generation to generation. Just allowing this 60-ton big guy to move by himself has already surpassed the existing technical level .

"Indeed, there are so many things we need to study to make it a reality."

You Zan listed them one by one: "First of all, it is the floating system. It is unrealistic to support such a big and heavy guy by legs, so we have to use the floating system to reduce its weight as much as possible. Unfortunately, we don't have any extra The floating nuclei, and the stacking effect of the floating nuclei determines that we cannot use too many nuclei. The common airship technology of the Mage Union is still in the stage of strict lock-up. Even if there is, it cannot meet our needs. Therefore, We have to make breakthroughs in levitation technology ourselves."

"The second is energy. To drive such a fortress to walk and fight, we must have a powerful source of energy. The mobile fortress must be equipped with a magic power well equivalent to the level of Youxiang, and the volume must be as small as possible, not only can it be stuffed into the fortress , and have to make room for other equipment, supplies and personnel.”

"The third is the material. To make the fortress move, it obviously cannot be made of materials such as stone, wood, or copper. From the skeleton to the outer shell, at least it must be magic steel, and it is a special magic steel. A breakthrough has been made in conductive metal smelting technology.”

"The fourth is weapons. The fortress must be equipped with unprecedentedly powerful magical cannons. We already have some ideas in this regard. With previous experience, it is the easiest and fastest to realize."

"The last item is the walking device, that is, these legs. Fortunately, we have a wealth of knowledge about bionic golems. Although this kind of multi-legged golem is rare, it is not without it. As long as the nucleus of that kind of golem Crystal makes corresponding modifications and adjustments, and it should be able to achieve control.”

The five topics were presented, and the representatives buzzed about them. They felt that apart from the floating system and energy technology, the other three topics were not absolutely impossible tasks.

You Zan continued: "If we have major breakthroughs in material technology and walking equipment, the tasks undertaken by the floating system will be greatly reduced. After all, its function is only to reduce the weight of the fortress. As long as we get dozens of floating cores Jing, let’s study how to balance it. So the difficulty is only in obtaining nuclear crystals, not in technology.”

"As for energy, we now have some directions to explore. Even if there is no strong enough power in the early stage, the fortress can move, support the protective barrier, and use magic cannons. Even if you can only walk two kilometers in an hour It doesn't matter, fifty kilometers a day, it takes less than two months to cross into the Kester Kingdom."

The heartbeats of the delegates continued to accelerate. Indeed, the indicators mentioned at the beginning were idealized, or in a perfect state.Even if those targets are not met, as long as the mobile fortress can move, block and fight, it will be considered a success!

As soon as the indicators were reduced, the mobile fortress, which was originally a fantasy, was actually possible. Everyone blushed, and began to think about which sub-projects they could join.

Hrizar gradually broke free from the dazzled state. He was indeed shocked by the mobile fortress just now.If such a fortress appeared on the battlefield, how many legions would be unable to stop it!

He almost shouted, what project can I be in charge of?
After thinking about it again, he can't be responsible for anything. As the director of the magic gun research institute, he has been tinkering with magic guns throughout the undead war.For the mobile fortress, the role of the magic gun is completely negligible.

Forget it, I'm leaving anyway...

Hrizar was extremely regretful, and looked at the three-dimensional perspective view floating in the air with great reluctance.He knew very well that even if he opened up a new world with Rowena, he would never have anything to do with such a grand project in his life.The desire to seek knowledge that belonged to a magician in his heart made him twitch the corners of his mouth in pain.

You Zan added: "I would like to personally take charge of this project, but I still manage the affairs of the entire research institute and the Magic Work Committee, so I can only hand it over to Artur."

Everyone applauded and congratulated Artur. Artur is the veteran of the magical technical affairs of the Fei Gong, and his work in the Magic Work Committee is obvious to all. He presided over it.Even Khrizar cheered up and applauded. He suppressed the pain in his heart and prepared himself to leave here.

Artur nodded his thanks to everyone with a smile on his face, and then said: "I am not only in charge of the entire project, but also personally in charge of the magic cannon sub-project, and now there is still a lack of a person in charge of the overall integration."

He looked at Hrizar and greeted him with his nickname: "Herlin, help me, I just need a deputy."

Hrizar continued to applaud as if he didn't hear it.

The slaps of other representatives fell on his shoulders and back one after another, and Hrizar almost jumped into the air: "What? What's wrong!?"

Meeting Artur's eyes, he stared wide-eyed: "I, I will be in charge of the overall integration?"

"That's right, don't look at the mobile fortress as a big thing, but it needs to be as delicate as designing a magic gun, and you need patience beyond ordinary people." Artur nodded and said, "You are very suitable, and we used to be brothers, The communication was smooth, which is key as a second-in-command."

Hrizar muttered: "Communication...smooth..."

At this moment, he felt a little out of breath, and his brain seemed to be exploding. He could really be the number two person in the project, or the person in charge of the overall integration, to participate in this miracle project! ?

"Hrizar was too happy to speak," Youzan poked him with a mechanical arm, and a cool breath penetrated into his heart, making him feel much better.

Youzan yelled, beeping the lamp: "So, leave it to your fellow apprentices!"

When Hrizar came back to his senses, Youzan, Li Qixiaohong and other high-level executives had already left, and only Artur and other representatives were present.

"Why did you choose me?"

He asked Artur difficultly, and he still didn't quite understand this matter.

"I used to think that you were very dissatisfied with me," Artur sighed: "But when the Central Committee was elected, no one raised objections, including you, which shows that you have a clear distinction between public and private. In contrast , my air is too small, so..."

Artur coughed and said solemnly: "More importantly, you can do it, and I know you well. I'm very relieved to leave things like overall integration to you, and we will cooperate very well!"

Artur put his arms around Hrizar's shoulders: "Let's work together as brothers and sisters. After this project is completed, we will face Mentor Rowena again. We can proudly stand up in front of her!"

"Rowena...the mentor..."

Hrizar felt a surge in his heart that he didn't know what it was. He sniffled and said, "Yeah, we can..."

On the top floor of the great hall, in the private reception room used to discuss important matters with VIPs, Xiao Hong frowned and said: "I always feel that this mobile fortress is not worth much, and there are too many ways to deal with this weapon. If you want to Using this as a cover to mislead the Kester Kingdom and even other potential enemies, just launch a propaganda offensive, there is no need to be so serious technically."

"Your intuition as a woman has worked correctly for the first time," Li Qi said, "Tigger Mobile Fortress is a cover, but this cover must be set up seriously, whether it is against the enemy or ourselves , are all valuable."

Xiaohong patted the coffee table: "Still whetting my appetite, tell me about the real miracle project! I'm going back to the sky soon, and there are [-] heroic spirits waiting for me to hatch... No, hatching!"

Li Qi smiled and said: "Oh, you are really hardworking, you don't hesitate to be an old hen for the revolution, okay, I say!"

Xiaohong is already passing through the main body, and he has read the "Ruoparamita Heart Sutra" in his mind.

"Tegjaer Fortress is indeed a miracle project, and behind this project, there is a real miracle project," Li Qi waved at Youzan: "I named this project, Project [-]. "

"Five nine six..."

Xiaohong stared: "Don't tell me you found uranium mines here and are going to let the magician rub nuclear bombs!"

Li Qi said leisurely: "It's just a metaphor..."

At this time, Youzan has already projected an image into the air with his eyes, which is Youzan is talking with a disgusting monster.

No, that's not Youzan, it's Madara with only a red stripe around her head.And that monster is the spirit sucker Maiend who has been locked in the depths of Rose's Great Temple.

Between Madara and Maiend, there is another thing like a ghost crystal, which is flickering slightly, and the rhythm is as soothing as human breathing.

Xiaohong said impatiently: "Why is it related to spirit suckers again, stop being mysterious!"

"Don't worry, the matter has to start with Tegjeer Mobile Fortress." It was rare for Xiaohong to get her appetite. Of course, Li Qi was reluctant to vent: "Mobile Fortress is such a big project that we need to bring together most of our scientific research personnel. They They must cooperate with each other, and they must also share the knowledge they have had in the past and the latest progress..."

Xiaohong shrugged: "ERP..."

Li Qi said: "What if it is something that goes further than project management? It can bring together the knowledge of all people. Even a newcomer who has just joined the project can immediately obtain all the knowledge he needs to enter the working state. The wisdom of everyone is integrated. As one, everyone can step on everyone's shoulders to climb up, and our scientific research progress, including the progress of research and development and construction of mobile fortresses, will definitely be greatly accelerated."

Xiaohong was taken aback, then took a sudden breath: "You mean... Web-4.0?"

"Don't be limited by the buzzwords invented by commercial capital in the earth world", Li Qi is really like a simple and seductive mentor at this time: "What streamlined manufacturing, industry 4.0, are concepts that have existed throughout the ages, It was just packaged by those commercial capitals to coax investment and speculate in stock prices."

"Project [-] is actually a pilot project to realize public ownership in terms of wisdom and knowledge. On the surface, it seems to serve the Tegjaer Mobile Fortress Project, but in fact the Mobile Fortress Project serves it."

Xiaohong rubbed her forehead and shouted: "Oh, oh, oh...slow down! You push the frame so high all of a sudden, my brain can't keep up!"

(End of this chapter)

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