goddess of revolution

Chapter 549 Uncle Tom's Cabin

Chapter 549 Uncle Tom's Cabin

Rezlin pinched his nose and carefully climbed up the spiral staircase inside the castle. The floor, ceiling and walls were completely covered with sticky, snot-like things, and his feet would slip if he didn't pay attention. The disgusting smell made him suspect that he was Swallowed by a giant sandworm.

The destination was at the highest point of the castle, and he could use levitation to go up, but that would offend the count's dignity.As the earl's subordinate, it is in line with the identity settings of both parties to bend over and appear behind the scenes panting.

Go to the fucking identity setting!

Rezlin thought angrily, this guy named Slukano was only a fourth-level druid a month ago, and although he was only a third-level magician, the difference in status between them was obviously not as big as that from an earl to a knight.

When I was in Beta City, even if I saw City Lord Stan, I just greeted him casually like a neighbor.

Of course, he didn't regret it, but lamented his bad luck.Qidina was lucky enough to be next to a dragon vein warlock, but she was nesting in this remote mountain with this earl, who was not high in level but was very good at transforming monsters.He hasn't competed for other knights yet, and hasn't been assigned a fief for the time being, so he has become Slukano's servant on call.

"Patience...the days are not far away when I order other people like this." Rezlin cheered himself up and went up to the top floor of the castle.Bowing down, spreading his face and showing the most sincere smile, he shouted loudly, "Your Excellency, what are your orders?"

About 10 minutes later, Raizlin floated directly down the castle with the Feather Fall technique, and the smile on his face was even brighter than before, which was sincere.


He yelled in his heart, I finally have a territory!

Slukano said that the Arcanist Viscount in the south, which has nothing to do with mountains and valleys, was attacked by adventurers. Now the stronghold has been destroyed and people are missing.If Razlin had the guts to take over that territory.

As long as ten fighters equivalent to the first level are provided every month, whether it is a human, a golem, or even a lizardman, and they are obedient and durable enough to fight, that territory will be his, and he will be promoted to a baron .

With a territory, a magic tower, and a title, how could he not have the guts! ?

Rezlin agreed without hesitation. He knew that the Arcanist had just come from the west and knew nothing about the changes in the world.No one would believe that if he ran to take office alone, he would only know a little bit of superficial body modification, and any adventurer team could clean it up.

I am different, I came out of the Shenyun Plateau, what world has I not seen?

He hastily returned to the temporary stronghold he built outside the castle, kicked open the simple wooden house that looked like a stable, raised his staff and released a weak hurricane, and there was a sound of barking dogs inside.

"Idiots, pack your things and follow me on the road!"

Razlin also barked a few times, conveying the meaning, and a group of kobolds pushed and began to pack their luggage.

This is his share of capital. When they were young, their mentor gave each of the three siblings a precious wisdom stone, saying that they could use this stone to learn a language.The older sister Kidina learned Dragon language, and the older brother Katamon learned Dwarf language. He accidentally clicked on the wrong list and learned Kobold language.

Later, they wandered all over the world, and the language they learned was useless, so this matter was just a joke in their youth.When he left the Godfall Plateau with nothing but a few gold bushes, it was precisely this language that gave him the capital to stand up.

Now he has three kobold tribes under his command. Although there are only three priests and the rest are all warriors, more than half of them are at the first level.

Kobolds are dirty and smelly, and rely on their numbers to cause some headache-level troubles for humans.In the era of human prosperity, like ogres, trolls, lizardmen and other humanoid creatures, their living space has long been squeezed into the barren mountains.Even if they have extraordinary power, no one regards them as an intelligent race, let alone use their power.

Rezlin also relied on his dog-speak and had no choice, so he "convinced" the three tribes with his staff while pinching his nose.Since the sorcerer is willing to take them to find food, these kobolds have resigned themselves to their fate.

Of course, Rezlin's capital is not limited to this, otherwise he would not have won the knighthood.

The kobold was called, and he went to a slightly more decent wooden house opposite to do the same. This time, he responded with lazy human voices, both male and female.

After a while, a dozen or so humans came out of the house, all wearing tattered leather armor, but each of them carried a Finny magic gun on their backs. The short knife, long sword, and mace were also Mithril weapons.

These are the mercenaries he recruited. The Kester Kingdom is a country of mercenaries. After the Mad King came to power, the spring of the mercenaries also came, and they turned into lords one after another.But that was the treatment only the leader of a powerful mercenary group could enjoy. A small mercenary group or even a mercenary group with only a few people, and a three-legged cat with a level of only one or two, would have a miserable end, and defecting to others was the only way out.

Relying on Shenyun Plateau's knowledge, Leizlin's own cultivation, and of course his sister's relationship and business channels, he recruited more than a dozen mercenaries.The loyalty of these people is difficult to guarantee, but as long as the guaranteed salary can be fulfilled in time, the professional ethics of Kester's mercenaries is still higher than that of other places.

He contacted the businessman and agreed on various supplies. Although most of Kim Poore was gone in an instant, Rezlin was full of joy.

I can finally get rid of the days of being dependent on others and live a free life as a lord.

Magic Tower, here I come!
He didn't take the threat of adventurers lightly, but wealth and wealth are in danger, that's how the world is real.

Two days later, the convoy pulled by the dromedary camels and oxen entered Wuwu Valley in Wuwu Mountain.This place name is everywhere on the map, because the mappers racked their brains and couldn't think of such place names, and these places are irrelevant, so I was lazy and gave an "irrelevant" label, and everyone called it that.

Looking at the half-built castle from a distance, Rezlin was overjoyed. Half of the time and materials were left, and the adventurers did not use this place as a stronghold to become a den of bandits.

As soon as the whistle sounded, light and shadow flickered, and the violent impact of force was pressed down like a vortex. When Razlin woke up, he found that he had been tightly bound by the restraining rope, and two fine gold spikes were resting on his neck. .

The familiar sounds of whistles, gunshots, footsteps, and the tacit cooperation of the attackers, of course, the most important thing is the crystal, cold white, or light golden light of divine power, which almost made Rezlin's eyeballs pop out of their sockets. Shouted in horror: "You are not adventurers—! You are..."

The head was hit hard, and Rezlin rolled his eyes and passed out. The last thought that flashed in his mind was that these people were sent by Fei Gong to arrest him.

The tingling pain in his heart made Rezlin wake up, and he found himself in the unfinished castle, and when he saw who was standing in front of him, he rolled his eyes and was about to faint again.

Cardinal Li Qi Player!
The white light flashed, and another sharp pain made him more awake. He stammered, "Your Excellency, Your Excellency... No, Chief Cardinal."

"It's true that I'm not the Duke anymore, but I'm not your chief cardinal either."

Li Qi looked at this skinny young magician with great interest. The things he found just now showed that this guy was originally from the Shenyun Plateau.After checking his appearance through the Sisi radio station, he actually stayed in the city hall to send the mage group and the supercomputer office, and now he went to the Kester Kingdom to seek wealth.

"Besides, I'm not here for you, Razlin Magiline."

Li Qi revealed Raizlin's identity, making his face even paler.

Thinking of Katamon, who stayed in Beta City and lived a stable life, and Qidina, who was soaring to the sky next to the Dragon Vein Warlock, a strong bitterness filled Raizlin's heart.

I have worked very hard, why is the result so different from others?This is definitely not my fault!
Rezlin drooped his head, and said in a deadpan tone, "I'm at my mercy. Anyway, I'm an unlucky guy who is favored by Ms. Fortune."

Yo, this guy is kind of funny.

Li Qi said with a smile: "Why did you have to deal with you? Since you were not stopped before, there is nothing wrong with you leaving. Now that you are the lord of the Kester Kingdom, there is no conflict with us, at least not now."

Raizlin looked up in astonishment, then why...

"As I said, I'm neither the Duke of Prell nor Cardinal Fei. You can call me... Uncle Tom." Li Qi said, "As for my identity, I'm just a kind adventurer."

Razlin had a question mark on his face, Uncle Tom?

Li Qi still maintained a faint smile, and what he said made Razlin tremble: "Now you have a choice, if you are willing to help Uncle Tom, you can stay here. If you don't want to...ah, forget it, I don't So much time, besides, changing another person may not necessarily communicate smoothly, so you have to be willing if you don’t want to.”

A few minutes later, Razlin kept yelling yes, which confirmed that he still had a minimum intelligence.

Li Qi went out of the house, told the deceased White Mouse to greet him and said, "Do you still want to use this person? I don't think it's very reliable."

"It's okay, I have to leave now, and the plan has to be launched as soon as possible." Li Qi patted the white mouse on the shoulder: "Besides, aren't you watching? If you need any assistance, Bosi is here, and she will directly follow the Headquarters liaison. This is only a part of the whole plan, and all parties, including the legion, will cooperate."

The white mouse was relieved, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect such a big plan before."

This is indeed a big plan. After Li Qi made up his mind, he discussed with the rear through the Sisi radio station, and finally decided to implement the plan named "Uncle Tom's Cabin".

The core of the plan is to establish an escape channel from the Kester Kingdom to the Godfall Plateau. On the Godfall Plateau, a secret base to receive teleportation will be built on the northwest border.All those who escaped from Kester will be housed there first, undergoing screening and initial education.

The teleportation entrance will naturally be built in Kest, but where to build it and how to keep it hidden requires careful consideration.

In the end, everyone felt that it would be safer to build the entrance at the place where the Arcanist Baron was killed.This is the remote mountain range in the southwestern part of the kingdom. The mad king's rule is very weak here, the entrance will not be easily detected, and the risk of people moving here is much lower than moving directly to other places.

As for how to cover it up, it is of course "instigating rebellion"... To put it bluntly, it is to control a new nobleman.If this method is effective, it means that the Mad King's control over the grassroots is not strict, then the experience can be copied and extended to the depths of Kester.

After confirming the plan, Li Qi asked the mountain people to spread the news that Unrelated Valley was attacked by adventurers and the arcanist was missing, to see who the earl who ruled this mountainous area would send to take over this mess. "The magician.

"The earl must have ordered the regular supply of soldiers here, just like the order given to the arcanist." The white mouse said worriedly again: "Do we also have to..."

"You can make golems, but pure battle golems are too expensive, and they don't meet the abilities of Rezlin's level." Li Qi looked at the situation outside when he was speaking, and all of Razlin's mercenaries were tied up. To send them back to the Godfall Plateau, there will be agents from the Intelligence Bureau acting as Raizlin's subordinates. As for the group of kobolds, they haven't figured out how to deal with them yet.

A thought flashed in his mind, and Li Qi smiled and said, "That fellow Rezlin is also playing with the kobold's idea, so let's help him make this matter better."

The white mouse also looked at the kobold, first he couldn't bear it, and then he was relieved: "That's right, the kobolds can't be regarded as human beings yet."

At this moment, Lavelle also came up to meet him. After a few days of recuperation, his complexion improved a lot. Li Qi said to him, "Then I will leave this place to you and the white mouse."

The two stood up and saluted at the same time: "Yes!"

Ripples swayed in the valley, and a floating ship descended from the sky. Karin went to lead a group of horses and waved to Li Qi from a distance: "Here we come! Our mounts are here!"

Afterwards, the floating ship had to work on the "Uncle Tom's Cabin" project. Although Captain Elon was dissatisfied, this matter was as urgent as saving the slaves of Fort Holy Light, and he could only obey orders.

Li Qi, Karin and the others had to move on. Considering that the branch of the Temple of Commerce in Sifein was not reliable, teleportation was still an unsafe option, so they chose to ride a dragon horse.

With the dragon horse's speed, endurance and ability to climb mountains and mountains, he can reach the Golden Oak Leaf Kingdom in about ten days.Romulus' army appeared outside Golden Tree City, the royal capital. Golden Tree City was the place where Emperor Tudor was born. Romulus obviously wanted to take it down and make it the capital of the second Tudor Empire in the future.

Karin handed the bridle of the silver-gray dragon horse to Li Qi: "This is Little Hui, you can ride her."

Small gray?Isn't this the dragon horse brought back by Xiaohong?
I heard Xiao Hong triumphantly say that she infused Xiao Hui with divine power, as long as she continues to grow, she might become a silver dragon in the future.

Li Qi looked at Xiao Hui, and the other party also tilted his head, looking at him cautiously, lightly scratching the ground with his hooves, showing a trace of uneasiness.

"Don't the Chief Cardinal even know him?"

Karin stroked Xiaohui's head and said, "The goddess calls him Xiaobai, you are on the same level."

Li Qi was furious: "When did you know this name! You even took it out and said, have you become the same eighth woman as that guy?"

Xiao Hui's eyes immediately changed when he looked at Li Qi, it turned out that Xiao Bai that the master often talked about was you.

She grinned and cried out, we are on the same level, why do you ride me?

Karin comforted: "Okay, okay, revolutionary comrades don't care about rank, they only look at the division of labor. If you are a horse, you have to be ridden."

Xiao Hui was taken aback, she was right...

Karin said again: "Xiao Hui is a girl, you should be gentle with her, don't hold her too tightly. Just touch it a little if you want, Xiao Hui is very sensitive."

Li Qi fixed his eyes on her, and said in his heart that you have seized the opportunity to tell dirty jokes.

At this time, Xiao Hui cried out again, and Karin hurriedly said: "That's for sure, you are a girl, how can you let him ride naked. You must wear a condom... no, you must wear a saddle."

Xiaohui was still a little uneasy, Karin sighed: "I think it's a good choice for you to become Qili."


"Your taste is really strange. I'll show you later. Of course, you have to take care of the bamboo shoots."

(End of this chapter)

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