goddess of revolution

Chapter 641 Flying boat and plane, duel in the night

Chapter 641 Flying boat and plane, duel in the night
It was another moonless night, but the sky was incomparably gorgeous.Beams of various colors intertwined, exploding groups of flames from time to time, illuminating the figures flying in the night sky.

These figures shuttled between light and shadow at an extremely fast speed, flying up and down and circling, and they were as flexible as birds.

In comparison, those slender, cone-like figures are superior in speed and maneuverability, but they can only shoot a beam of light, and they don't get close enough to a certain distance to have no aim at all.

The flying fishes they were fighting with seemed clumsy and dull, but each flying fish could shoot out at least two dense and blazing orange ballistics at the same time, covering the opponent from a distance, so they were not at a disadvantage.

The well-matched duel caused victims to keep appearing. Broken spikes and broken flying fish fell to the ground from time to time, staining the dark ground with light and shadow.

"517, seven o'clock direction!"

"Plane 222 crashed! Plane 222 crashed! There are dissociation rays! Pay attention to the one that shoots green light!"

"Maneuver more! Don't compete with the enemy's speed!"

"I'm 500, and I was hit by an arcane missile! At least level 501, too ruthless! The back seat... was sacrificed, and [-] took over the command of the squadron!"

"Cao Temo's enemies are all at the hero level!"

"This shows that we are strong enough. Twenty or thirty heroes beat us over 100 weak chickens, and we haven't been dealt with until now."

"233, what kind of frustrating words are you talking about! You should be annoyed why we haven't cleaned them up until now! The sky is ours!"

"Face the reality, the enemy also has brains. This kind of flying boat appeared last time, and there are more of them this time."

"I think they have no brains. They insist on fighting with us. If they attack monkfish, we will cry to death."

"It's really troublesome at night. I can't use the eagle glasses and spider eye glasses at the same time."

"Reinforcements are coming soon, everyone hold on!"

The salmon fighter planes of the two squadrons broke through the darkness with the spider eye mirror, closely coordinated through the wind language radio station, and were on par with the twenty or thirty fighter planes that were obviously transformed from the magic airships of the Storm Islands.A large number of monkfish transport planes were covered by another squadron of salmon, safely away from the battlefield.

A flying boat skimmed over a salmon, and successfully hit the opponent with a dissociation ray, blowing the nose of the aircraft into pieces, and the blazing ballistic jets there were instantly extinguished.The airship also shook in many places, and in the small cockpit, the shields on the occupants twisted and flickered, almost extinguishing.

"It seems that I made a wrong choice..."

The fifth-level magician Diotto swallowed back the blood gushing up his throat, feeling very annoyed.

Two days ago, he had a small test of skill and beat the opponent's guard to the ground.Taking advantage of the night to raid today, I thought I could get rid of these guards first, and then treat those cumbersome transport planes as desserts, and eat them up one by one with ease.

That's what bandits do to rob caravans. It's been effective for thousands of years. Why doesn't it work?
A battle mage born in the Isles of Storms, Diotto originally served a certain Golden Family.After the end of the Golden Family's rule, he luckily escaped to the mainland through underground channels, and regained his magical ability by relying on his tenacious will.

He doesn't understand magic techniques, he doesn't know much magic, and it's all related to battle. He doesn't fit in with wild mages, court magicians, or orthodox magicians, and has been wandering in East Fern.I joined the Queen of Dawn as a mercenary... At that time, it was only the queen's army. After the Battle of Valentine began, I was afraid of being rushed to the front and desperately became a deserter.

Afterwards, he lived a mercenary life. Half a month ago, a family of magicians contacted him through an outside line, asking him to lead a mercenary team to Kester to serve Mirhos.

To be honest, he looked down on that halfling warlock, but with two commissions, his contempt could still be suppressed.

The more important reason is that he can and must pilot a magic flying boat to fight, and he was once the champion of several magic flying boat races in the Storm Islands.

He also knew that the Crimson Church created an "airplane" with a propeller on the Shenyun Plateau, and he was very disdainful at the time.If the secondary mask of the Storm Islands hadn't been destroyed, they wouldn't even be able to eat the soil raised by the flying boat.

Now the flying boat he is driving is much clumsier and heavier than the previous flying boat. After all, it has to be equipped with a complete flying magic circle, but compared with the Crimson Church's plane, it is still the difference between a swift and a duck.

Diotto patted his chest in front of Mirhos and boasted that in less than a month, he would be able to wipe out all the rags of the Scarlet Church and take the entire sky for him!

Two days ago, he led a small team to conduct a test attack, and the result of losing one ship and shooting down eight caught him a little by surprise.Surprisingly, the enemy was not as weak as expected, but it only changed from a duck to a turtledove. At that time, he still had no doubt that he could fulfill his promise.

Now, Diotto feels that the prospects are not so bright.

In just two days, the other party seemed to have figured out the origin and characteristics of the "Blade" flying boat.After being attacked, they did not panic, and spread out in the sky, echoing and supporting each other.Even though the speed and maneuverability were not as good as the flying boats, their fighters had fierce firepower and a solid structure. It seemed that their side had entered a firepower net, and they would fall into the intertwined rain of bullets if they didn't pay attention.

The opponent's magic machine gun is no longer a wind arrow technique, but a fire arrow technique, carrying magic metal projectiles, which is as powerful as a four-level fire arrow.In order to reduce weight, the sharp blade flying boat on my side is made of the lightest materials, only the flying magic circle and the magic spar circle have some protection, and the rest is carried by the pilot himself with shields and armor.

If my side is not at the hero level of all members, I am afraid that I will be completely at a disadvantage.

Such thoughts slipped through Diotto's mind, and he cheered up.

Even if you are not a hero, you can't fly the flying boat, and from the perspective of the scene, your side still takes the initiative.The Crimson Church wants to use magic tools to narrow the gap in combat power between superhumans. It's a good idea, but the reality is still cruel, and they can only do so much.

Dioto's fighting spirit rekindled in his heart, it doesn't matter if he failed to eat the transport plane, let's kill these fighter jets first.This can at least prove that your first employer is correct, and you can also hand over the job to the second employer.

At this time, it is too late to change the strategy to chase the transport fleet, and the magic spar can't last that long.The flying boat directly uses the fourth-level magic spar. Even if the mining volume has increased sharply and the price has plummeted, each one still costs several hundred gold bushels.At the same time, including him, most of the magic power was consumed.There are only simple magic amplifiers on the airship, and they have to cast their own spells to attack.

"Everyone, don't shrink back and fight with each other at a distance, rush up and circle them! Although they can have night vision, they are definitely not as clear as we are!"

Dioto issued orders through the magic communicator installed on his airship, but there was no response after calling, which is normal, the communicator is very expensive and only his airship is equipped with it, and the other airships are equipped with cheap receivers.

However, the messy sound of snoring and snoring was not normal. Diotto threw away the microphone irritably. The communicator must have been smashed by the opponent's machine gun.

"After all, I still have to rely on myself. Before exhaustion, I can kill at least a few fights!"

Diotto maneuvered the airship to an emergency stop and overturned, dodging two blazing pincer attacks, turned back with an unimaginable maneuver, and rushed towards the flying fish-shaped fighter two or three kilometers away.

The airship has both a floating circle and a flying circle, the Crimson Church's aircraft only has a floating circle, and the magic airship only has a flying circle.

In contrast, the flying magic circle that can make all kinds of dexterous maneuvers is the kingly way of small magical flying machines. It can allow powerful extraordinary people to fully exert their power in the sky, and the magic craftsmen of the Scarlet Church are completely gone. evil ways.

Dioto is so convinced that...

He was fully focused, and seemed to be at his peak at this moment. Under his control, the conical flying boat seemed to be able to predict the danger. It dodged left and right, avoiding the increasingly dense bullets, and rushed to a flying fish in a moment. The shaped fighter was less than [-] meters away, and blasted a dissociation technique onto the cockpit protruding from the opponent's body.

"233! Alive 233!?"

In the communication of the escort fleet, the atmosphere became tense and depressing.

"The one who cast the dissociation technique must be their leader, everyone be careful!"

"If you are chased by him, get close to your teammates, don't be afraid of accidental injury!"

"516! Damn it! 516 is over!"

Just as panting gradually replaced words, a crisp and tough voice appeared.

"Slag, go home!"

There was a moment of silence on the channel, and then cheers erupted.

A new fleet appeared, the No. [-] Squadron led by Catherine, and she acted as a covering force for this transportation.

The two squadrons, which had been fighting fiercely for a long time, were divided into two groups like fish schools, climbing to high altitude and diving to low altitude respectively.Pulling the enemy, creating a wide field of vision and shooting range for the first squadron.

Catherine wears a weird helmet on the salmon fighter plane painted 11101.The eye patch under the helmet has eagle glasses on one eye, and dense green light spots on the other eye, like compound eyes of a spider. These are night vision glasses jointly invented by wizards and magic craftsmen. The material is the eyeballs of corpse spiders.

Extraordinary people have their own night vision spells, and night vision is not a problem at the hero level or above, but using this kind of spider eye lens not only expands the range of night vision several times, but also greatly reduces power consumption, and the effect lasts longer.

11101 took the lead and rushed to the front, and even turned on the lights of the cockpit and fuselage, becoming the most dazzling target in the night sky, instantly attracting several airships to rush towards her.

The weapon on the nose did not fire, but opened a shield composed of multiple octagonal light shields, blocking the flames, frost rays, and arcane missiles.A wine-red light beam spewed out from the fuselage under the cockpit, and just brushed against the side of a spaceship. The shell, which should be some kind of wood, exploded into sawdust, and the spaceship suddenly looked like a fire that had been peeled off. The chicken, revealing its twisted and deformed skeleton, headed toward the ground.

The other flying boats stopped abruptly at the same time, and then reversed and retreated.

Diotto clearly saw this scene, and shouted angrily: "These bastards are more cowardly than kobolds!"

The opponent is indeed very strong, he should be at the hero level, and he must be the leader of this flying army. Isn't this a godsend?
It's a pity that my subordinates are all mercenaries recruited from all over the world, and it is impossible for mercenaries to risk their lives and rush to a strong enemy.

Speaking of which, these guys still haven't mastered the use of the flying boat. Relying on their speed and flexibility, Diotto doesn't think that the flying boat has an opponent.

Diotto activated the flying circle, and the airship rushed towards the bright plane at an unprecedented speed.

The flying boat and the plane are facing each other, like two knights approaching rapidly on the plain.A knight's horse is light, dexterous and elegant, and a knight is dressed all over, with heavy steps.

In a short while, the distance between the two sides was close to within one or two kilometers. Straight green rays and intermittent pulses of wine red interlaced. The former shattered the light shield like glass, and the latter was suddenly blown apart Absorbed by the transparent barrier, it exploded into flying spots of light.

Before the two planes staggered, the airship sank abruptly, turning to the bottom of the plane with a series of dizzying rolling movements.

The moment the spaceship sank, Catherine in the cockpit also completed several actions.

She turned the fighter plane with the joystick in one hand, took off the helmet with the other hand, and pushed the canopy with both hands, rushing out of the cockpit like a swift falling into the forest.

Dioto was panting, trying to squeeze out the magic power to activate the magic amplifier, and the tip of the spaceship flashed a faint green light again.

At this time, a red light bloomed above, and the wings of light lit up the night sky, and a huge three-story figure swooped down.

A raging wave of power enveloped the entire airship, the green light at the tip of the airship went out, and Diotto screamed out of his wits: "Legend—!"

While screaming, he was also roaring in his heart, this is an air battle, throw away the vehicle and hit people, cheating!

The figure like a huge angel pulled out a long sword and slashed down in the air. Diotto vaguely heard "X - the sword of liberation!"

The thick red light poured down, engulfing the rear half of the airship.Whether it was the flying magic circle or the skeleton of the flying boat, the sound of the shell cracking made Dioto almost out of his body.He activated all the necklaces, rings, and other magic tools that could be used on his body completely without thinking.

The flying boat exploded, and a bloody figure fell from the debris in the sky. Catherine waved her light wings slightly, trying to chase after that figure twisted a few times, turning into a phantom and disappearing.

She spat bitterly, returned to her normal figure, and turned to look for her landline.

In the distant sky, No. 11101 salmon is flying with its belly up.

The machine gunner and communicator in the back seat and the nose machine gunner were muttering, listening to their indifferent tone, they were obviously used to this situation.

"You or I?"

"I'll come, I'll pick up His Highness later, you can't go back."

"Actually, you don't want to squeeze in with me."

"Yes, if it's His Highness Si Si, I'd be honored, but a guy like you is fine."

"Aren't we all holy churches? You still despise me?"

"You still have the nerve to say, what are you doing in the back seat instead of staying in the nose of the Holy Church? Don't you vomit when flying backwards?"

"Alright, alright, His Highness is looking for us, hurry up."

When the red-winged angel appeared in the sky, the other flying boats retreated wisely.

These flying boats pulled out extremely fast dim shadows in the night, which made everyone heave a sigh of relief and frowned deeply.

The enemy is stronger...

(End of this chapter)

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