goddess of revolution

Chapter 778 Li Qi, it's not over yet between us, it's time to settle the old score

Chapter 778 Li Qi, it's not over yet between us, it's time to settle the old score
"There is still something to do between us."


In the end, Li Qi still couldn't make it, and when he was about to step into the portal, the Skeleton King came to him.

In the previous battle of Returning to Team Fort, Fei Gong had already killed several demon kings, and the God of Reaper was still fighting Kaluza endlessly.Li Qi even suspected that the sound, light and color of the battle on both sides was actually using body language to communicate "why why", "I don't listen, I don't listen".In contrast, Skeletron's contribution is much stronger than his boss.

It wasn't until the Balrog King and the Rock Princess almost fought each other that the God of Death repelled Kaluza.But that guy didn't care about returning to the Fort, and went directly from the Blood River to the third floor of Purgatory!

Now the avatar of the god of death was probably calculated by Gorazk or even the will of purgatory, stuck on the third floor and unable to move, so he had to call the Skeleton King to rescue him, and also asked Alishan to help.

The Skeleton King left without saying a word, but before he left, he still wanted to complete the confession of the god of death, that is, to be a sharpening stone for Li Qi, and he was simply a model employee. Li Qi even started to poach corners.

However, the whetstone and the like are exempt, Li Qi has already been promoted to legend in terms of divine power of pain.

"That's your business, it has nothing to do with what I should do."

Outside the protective barrier of the Fortress, the Skeleton King was sitting on top of the bone horse, pointing his big sword at Li Qi: "Don't have a playful mind, I only swing the sword for the battle, not to train the disciples."

Li Qi said with a bitter face: "If you really stabbed me to death, how can you tell your boss and my boss? Could it be...manslaughter again?"

The Skeleton King's great sword, which was frozen in the air, trembled slightly, and the emerald green soul fire in his eye sockets burned like a candle.

Li Qi was stunned...

And said it wasn't you!Old Tarzan!
"No, it won't be a manslaughter." The Skeleton King dismounted and walked over, with the sword slowly holding the sword flower, bringing more and more intense power of death.

He said coldly: "Didn't I say that? I only swing my sword for battle, and there are only enemies under the sword, nothing else."

Li Qi retreated, golden light flashed, Hell armed his upper body, with the magic steel sword in his hand, he first counterattacked with his mouth: "Princess Irina is also an enemy?"

The soul fire exploded, and the Skeleton King roared: "That was stabbed! Not chopped!"

You admit it!Then what are you doing! ?

Li Qi was a little weak at the time, this is really old Taishan!

Skeleton King slashed the first sword, he fell to the ground and rolled, crawling away with hands and feet.

"Your Majesty! Why are you looking for me? I have no enmity with you!"

While tumbling, she pushed people away: "Letana, go back and leave me alone. No, this is just a sparring session, we just add a little drama to the atmosphere. What kind of princess is that? It's a fictional character, don't worry about it."

Leitana always knew that the Skeleton King and Li Qi would have a "discussion", she believed it, and turned around and left.

Then the two swords intersected, and Li Qi was smashed into the ground, buried up to his knees, and it would be embarrassing to call for help at this time.

Skeleton King said, "How am I revenge? I'm revenge, Richie Player."

Repay your favor?In the previous battle, the sword you ran towards Annie was actually aimed at me, right? ?

Li Qi struggled to lift the Skeleton King's great sword, jumped up, and wanted to run away.

Thinking about it again, Cardinal Fei Gong fled to the portal in a hurry, and the Skeleton King chased after him and shouted for his son-in-law to take my sword. The scene was so beautiful that he had to turn around and face it.

Calling Xiaohong for help, the guy said in a weird way: "Oh, this is a housework. How do you want me to take care of it? After all, it's your old Taishan, so I have to call Uncle."

She must have saved herself to be knocked down by the Skeleton King, and then jumped out to pretend to be aggressive!
"I'm not sure if I'm Tragdi. I didn't hide it from you at first."

The Skeleton King approached Li Qi, and said flatly: "At that time, I had no memory of Tragdi Hadron at all. As for why I remembered it now, it is thanks to you, Li Qi."

"The forbidden spell you cast when you were promoted to legend, like going upstream and downstream, made my soul suddenly have a memory. That forbidden spell contains real power. If my power is weaker, even if it is only slightly If you sweep it, your soul will be severely injured, you are really strange."

Wrapped in the power of death, the big sword slashed down again, followed by the Skeleton King's majestic shout: "As for why, do you need to ask? Do you think that you are invincible after being promoted to a legend? At the beginning, you are still so weak that it makes people laugh!"


The pale golden light collided with the gray-black smoke, creating a shock wave, scaring Leitana to quicken her pace, and jumped into the protective barrier to avoid it.

"What a pity, there is no way to cheer for the chief cardinal at the scene," Leitana murmured angrily, and then thought of the clean defeat at Qili's hands yesterday, the arrogance in her heart disappeared.

She clenched her fist and swore secretly: "I'm so weak, it's a shame to talk about protecting others. Leitana, you have to work hard!"

Here, Li Qi's limbs were stuck on a huge boulder, and the stone cracked and disintegrated.

The Skeleton King snorted: "Look at what you have done, think about what you want to do, you are so weak, even with the protection of the goddess, it is impossible to go for a long time. It is better to kill you first, so that Catherine will not become a widow in the future!"

What kind of logic is this on you!
Li Qi spat out a mouthful of black blood, gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty, you are here to find Princess Irina, right? In other words, in your soul assembly, there is only a trace of obsession to find Irina. "

This obsession attributed the mistaken killing of his sister to the fact that he was not strong enough. After seeing what he had done, he decided that he was too weak to go far, so he killed himself first, so that no one would be sad.

Rigorous and meticulous, meticulous, perfect logic!

"I have no idea……"

The Skeleton King sneered: "But I'm just an undead gathered by countless afterimages of souls. Do you really want to follow me and ask why?"

It is so true, it seems that, as the Skeleton King said, the vision of truth has indeed awakened a trace of obsession mixed in the afterimage of the soul.

Then let more reality come out!

Li Qi's fighting spirit is high, Lao Taishan, although you are powerful, you are not a demigod after all, we are all legends.And how could Xiaohong just sit back and ignore it, she just felt that she could still stand still so she just watched the show.It's really a critical moment, why don't you jump out and block the knife for yourself?

Xiaohong murmured weakly: "I, I'm just protecting Xiaobai, don't be sentimental!"

Forget it, don't count on this guy, she is too abnormal now.

Li Qi gathered his strength and confronted the Skeleton King.

Outside the protective barrier, strands of mud and rocks rose, layers of smoke billowed, and the light golden light and gray-black smoke beat and bit like giant beasts, and it didn't stop for a long time. It was a fierce battle.

After fighting for a long time, Li Qi shouted: "True Sight!"

The Skeleton King's figure suddenly rose up, and a gray mist was scattered, and Li Qi's divine power rushed into the air.

The mist condensed into a huge figure, the big sword fell like a giant pillar, and Li Qi's scream was vaguely heard.

The pale golden light suddenly dissipated without even a single spot of light. Leitana, who was watching the battle from afar, felt her heart skip a beat, but she saw the crystal light flashing again, and Li Qi switched to the magic power of death.

Relying on being able to teleport invisibly, Li Qi and the Skeleton King began to deal with each other. The crystal and the gray and black streams of light were still shuttled in the distance, until Leitana yawned, and the two sides were still chasing each other.

Leitana stared at it for a long time, and suddenly realized: "The Chief Cardinal is messing around..."


To the west of Beta City, on the snow peak ridge near Big Tree Valley, the two were muttering together.

The little girl with long ice blue hair said unhappily: "The Chief Cardinal hasn't come back yet, we just made our first flight here just to show him."

The 1.4-meter light-blonde short hair, who was about the same height as her, hummed: "Momo, pound salt!"

With a pair of wings, the light gray dragon horse tilted its mouth and called, "Lulu..."

"Xiao Hui, you don't like succubus, they have tails, they will poke you very painful."

"Hey rake, pound salt!"

"Uh... Sister Ellie, I heard they are the three from Conrad City..."

"Li Qi, smash the salt!"

Seeing that Ellie pursed her mouth, tears glistened in her eyes, and looked so wronged, the little puppet dared not defend her boss anymore.

Looking at the people from the Aeronautical Engineering Bureau waving behind, the blue dragon Harigos sighed: "Sister Ellie, let's fly first."

Ellie turned around and left. Three aircraft of different styles were parked in Pingba not far away, and the propellers could not be seen.

The one in the middle looks like VF-1, but the lines are more rounded, and there is a pair of canards before the variable main wing.

The one on the left is a dragon armed with the dragon wings stretched to the extreme. It is covered by armor from head to tail, but it is not fully enclosed.There is a small streamlined cockpit on the back and two jet engines on the tail.

The silhouette on the right is much smaller, with only one engine, which seems to fit right on the body of Xiao Hui who has spread its wings.

Ellie climbed into the middle Shark fighter and sat in the front cabin, followed by her sister and old partner Del Rita in the back.

Harigos's small body stretched out into an ice-blue giant dragon, lying on the ground, and the "flying armament" was installed by the engineering bureau.

Xiao Hui was the easiest, he got under the aircraft with his head down, and then the people from the Engineering Bureau fixed it in place and put on his helmet.

When the sound of the Didi sounded, Xiaohui flapped its wings first and took off into the sky, followed by Harry, who made the snowflakes dance wildly on the ridge before catching up with Xiaohui.

After Ellie made a series of operations, the fighter plane buzzed and lifted off with great difficulty.

Ascending to an altitude of 300 meters, the three of them all made a violent roar, which also made the air flow whistling.

"I'm about to shake into parts—!"

"Law, law, law..."

Both the blue dragon and the dragon horse screamed in a panic. When the engine lit up with orange flames and spewed out scorching air, the screams elongated into mournful pitches as the figures elongated, and shot into the distance rapidly.


The blue dragon seemed to be gasping for breath, opened its mouth to breathe, and a strong gust of air flowed into its mouth, its eyes turned white immediately, its loose-leaf wings closed, and the whole dragon whirled in mid-air.But because the engine on the tail continued to increase its power, it made him churn like an invisible washing machine.


Long Mala let out a sharp wail, and rushed straight into the sky, crashing into the clouds in an instant, and disappeared.

The replica Tomcat's male shark fighter speeded up steadily, passed the blue dragon gracefully, rolled, and continued to accelerate after leveling off.

A thunderous roar shook the sky, and a white vortex could be clearly seen on the folded wings of the fighter plane.

"The sound barrier is just over..."

On the observation vehicle on the ridge, Help, the director of the Aeronautical Engineering Bureau, kept a record, not surprised by such a result.

"One thousand two... one thousand three... one thousand four..."

Catamon next to him stared at his personal assistant, showing the excitement he should have: "Director, it looks like it can reach [-]!"

"It's almost the limit." Help nodded, "Let's see if Her Highness Catherine can fly out."

Only then did he notice Lan Long and Long Ma: "Those two fellows who join in the fun, don't be so miserable, otherwise it's not easy to explain to the Chief Cardinal."

As soon as the words fell, Lan Long finally broke free from the washing machine and began to get familiar with the feeling of flying at a speed of thousands of kilometers per hour.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon horse rushed straight down from the clouds, almost hitting the blue dragon, and the two beasts roared in circles in the air, probably arguing.

After arguing for a while, it was probably decided to use racing to resolve the dispute. The giant dragon and the dragon horse straightened up, folded their wings, fully powered, and entered the high-speed sprint mode.

There was also thunder in the air, and the blue dragon and the dragon horse were a little flustered. In the end, the blue dragon adjusted and successfully broke through the sound barrier, but the dragon horse was too timid to fight against the invisible wall of air, so it flew to the low altitude with its tail between its legs.

The male shark flew back, with its main wings wide open, circling around the dragon horse, as if to comfort it.The fighter plane and the dragon horse climbed and dived in circles together, showing excellent low-altitude and low-speed performance.

Help let out a long breath: "Great, we finally let the Magic Aircraft enter the jet age, and we can hand over to the Chief Cardinal."

Catamon sighed: "It's a pity that the Chief Cardinal doesn't know what he's busy with. He originally agreed to watch the first flight."

Help said indifferently: "There must be more important things."

The two fell into silence again, and just stared blankly at the plane, dragon and dragon horse flying freely in the sky.

After a long time, Catamon frowned and said, "Such a fast plane, if I still use the old weapons, I feel that it is not suitable for it."

Help smiled mysteriously: "There will be new weapons, just wait."

Catamon asked: "What is that... a weapon?"

Help's trick: "A weapon that would surprise even the Chief Cardinal."

They didn't know that at this time Li Qi was already full and startled, his limbs were stretched wide open, he was lying on the ground panting violently, and he couldn't even move his fingers.

The Skeleton King stood beside him and said, "It's strange why I still retain the ability of the Dark Knight, right?"

If the Skeleton King hadn't lost two arms and one leg, Li Qi would be waiting to have his head chopped off.

As a result, in the battle just now, the Skeleton King didn't use any ultimate moves, just forcing him to use all his strength.

Of course, such a battle would not allow Li Qi to be promoted to legend in terms of death-killing divine power, but it did make his mastery of divine power a step further.

Li Qi managed to muster up some strength and asked, "W-why?"


The Skeleton King paused, his tone became confused: "Because of what?"

Li Qi coughed violently, since he knew that Lao Taishan was abnormal, why did he talk to him?
The Skeleton King snorted, and suddenly said: "Because... a part of my soul is Tragdi Hadron."

The original dark and messy emerald soul fire condensed into substance, becoming calm and steady.

The Skeleton King looked at Li Qi and sighed quietly after seeing Li Qi, "Li Qi, you let me down, you didn't save Theresia."

(End of this chapter)

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