goddess of revolution

Chapter 781 Alienated Labor Alienated People, Exploration of Fei Gong's Commune

Chapter 781 Alienated Labor Alienated People, Exploration of Fei Gong's Commune

The class theory, exploitation and oppression that Datongism talks about is because of the existence of alienation.Talking about liberation and public ownership is all about eliminating alienation.

It would take Li Qi a whole day to explain this clearly from beginning to end, and he just chose the key points for everyone to deepen their understanding.

People live for what?
Even if the result is just to live for the sake of living, there will be a kind of power in it.This force will push people to strive to show the movement of self-realization, and the occasional pain in the numb life is the proof of the existence of this force.

Self-realization is the instinctive pursuit of mortals, and it is the human instinct as the sum of social relations on top of the animal instinct of survival.

The so-called alienation is precisely the situation in which mortals lose this pursuit because they lose their freedom.

"Let's talk about freedom first, there have been many faiths that have talked about freedom in the past, present and future."

"Some equate freedom with doing whatever they want, including exploiting and enslaving other mortals. Some elevate trading to freedom, thinking that everything in the world, including souls, can be measured for trading, so that they can obey the principle of voluntary and equivalent exchange , freedom will come.”

"There are also those who equate freedom with resistance to all constraints, including morality, such as the behaviorists who are at every turn, and they regard clothes as constraints and oppression."

"These freedoms are clearly not real freedoms..."

"Man is the sum of social relations, and the freedom of Datongism directly points to this essence. From the inner soul to the outer behavior, including labor, all people truly and completely belong to themselves, rather than being distorted by external forces. Until alienation, this is freedom."

"This kind of freedom is not a movement at the individual level, but the evolution of the entire world. That's why we dare to say that a society of Datongism is the highest pursuit of ordinary people."

Knowing the opposite of alienation, freedom, and then looking at alienation, there is a basis for thinking.

"To talk about the alienation of mortals, we must start with the alienation of labor..."

"Looking back at the history of the past four eras of the Finn world, we can see that whether it is slaves, apprentices or hired workers, from the perspective of the entire class, the more wealth they produce, the poorer they are. The more energy they expend in labor The more you create, the stronger the power you create to oppress yourself."

"The magic empire is the most vivid example. When the magic emperors relied on magic technology to challenge the gods and showed the ultimate power of mortals, the mortals who worked in every link to create such power were also suffering to the extreme."

"We have seen from history that labor in class society has become an existence opposed to laborers, and its purpose is to make laborers lose themselves."

"What does unalienated labor look like?"

Li Qi then stopped repeating the theoretical works, and used simple and easy-to-understand language, which contained his own deep feelings, and everyone in the conference room felt the powerful power emanating from it.

Aurora covered her blushing face again, and stared straight at Li Qi, not hiding the rippling light in her eyes at all.

Xiaohong huddled in her seat, her sunglasses covered her eyes and even her expression, but the corners of her raised mouth revealed her pride.

This is naturally the power displayed after Li Qi's understanding of the crimson belief has been improved after the divine power of pain has been promoted to legend.

"I wanted to explore endless planes, so I became an endless mage and used portals to travel between planes."

"I like to have fun flying, so I became a pilot, an aircraft designer."

"I like to receive people from all over the world at the service center and hear their different stories, so I became a receptionist."

"I follow my most direct will and work to satisfy my own needs and desires. The purpose of labor is the fruit of the labor itself. This is the most natural, purest and most ideal labor."

"Because the interference of all other factors is discarded, this kind of labor efficiency is also the highest. Don't think that slave owners use whips to drive slaves to work efficiently. The slave owner's attention and whips are also costs."

"Without alienation of labor, the labor process, purpose, and labor results of the laborer are completely controlled by the laborer himself."

"But with the generation of class, labor is alienated."

"First of all, the purpose of labor has been alienated, because the means of production are owned by the slave owner or the capitalist. My labor process is designated by the master and the boss, and what I should do is designated by him. The purpose of my labor is no longer to directly satisfy my own wishes and needs. and lust, but a handout from the master, and a reward from the boss."

"So no matter what kind of labor I do, the process is not important. There is only one purpose, to get paid. This kind of reward is indirect, and I have to go through conversion again to meet my needs."

"The second is the alienation of the labor process. My labor process no longer belongs to me. I don't have to worry about what I do, why I do it, and how I do it. I just need to work according to the instructions."

"With the development of technology, society has become more complicated, and the division of labor will become more detailed. This has exacerbated the alienation of the labor process, making me, the worker himself, a tool of production."

"The last is the alienation of the fruits of labor. This is more clear to everyone. Under private ownership, the means of production are private, and what you sell is labor power, which has nothing to do with the fruits of labor. Not to mention obtaining the fruits of labor, you are not even eligible to participate in the distribution of the fruits of labor."

After a superficial explanation, Li Qi recounted the chapter on alienation in "Crimson God Code-Datongism Chapter".

"Alienated labor is something external to the laborer and does not belong to his essence. Therefore, in labor, he does not affirm himself, let alone realize his own value, but denies himself and loses himself."

"He will not feel happy, but unhappy. Instead of freely exerting his power, he allows his body to be tortured and his spirit to be destroyed."

"Therefore, a laborer can only feel comfortable and comfortable outside of labor. Labor makes him uncomfortable and uncomfortable."

"So, the labor of labor is not voluntary labor, but forced compulsory labor. The labor he performs is not the need for self-realization, but a last resort to satisfy survival and other needs."

Speaking of this, Li Qi expressed his feelings: "At some point, the exploiters will use various means to confuse the laborers, making them think that such labor will also satisfy their needs for self-realization."

"For example, if you don't work hard today, you will work hard to find a job tomorrow. Don't ask yourself what you have gained, but ask yourself what you have dedicated. [-] is to let you work hard with the company and other slogans..."

"What is the company? Uh... don't care about the details, it's a bit far away, but I believe it won't be long before we see it in the world of Finn."

Going back to the discussion in the chapter: "Workers are forced to work, both physically and spiritually. Once these compulsions stop, workers will avoid labor like the plague. Those temptations also Like the ebbing waves, the exploiters will be revealed in their hideous nature."

"Alienated labor is self-torture and abuse for the laborer. This labor does not belong to him, and the fruits of labor do not belong to him. He does not belong to himself in labor, but to someone else. Only when he uses his animal functions , For example, when eating, drinking and drinking, the laborer will feel that he is moving freely. When using human functions, such as skills and wisdom, he will feel that he is just an animal."

Li Qi paused, looked at Xiaohong and continued: "The alienation of people in labor can be attributed to the fact that animal things become human things, and human things become animal things. That's right, that's what social animals mean."

Xiaohong lowered her head, but she didn't dare to look at him, and she didn't know whether it was from shame or embarrassment...

After talking about the alienation of labor, and then the alienation of people, because capitalism has not been generally realized, Li Qi only briefly mentioned it.

"The alienation of labor makes people alienated from their own labor results, their own life movements, and even the essence of being human, which makes people alienated from each other."

"Class is the self-alienation of human beings. The slave owners and the bourgeoisie feel satisfied in self-alienation. In their view, this alienation is the proof of their own strength. The working class feels that it is destroyed in the alienation and cannot Seeing the reality of their own powerlessness and pain in it. Most of them will become numb, like walking dead, out of the need for self-preservation."

Whether it's in the meeting room or the images on the wall, many people are hesitant. They awakened from that numbness and then broke free.

Li Qi went a little further and talked about the relationship between alienation and the Datongist theory of revolutionary stages.

"Only when the pain caused by alienation is deep and pervasive in all corners of the world can communitarianism be successful on a worldwide scale."

"The alienation of slavery, feudalism, and theocratic society has not yet reached this level. Only capitalism can push alienation to the extreme. The reason is simple. Only after entering the capitalist society can there be socialized large-scale production, and alienation will follow. It plays a more profound role in a wide range of production links."

"From this point of view, the reason why our Datongism revolution around the world cannot develop by leaps and bounds is also related to this."

After briefly reviewing alienation, Li Qi talked about the commune.

"Datongism uses public ownership of the means of production to eliminate classes, and uses advanced productive forces to eliminate natural factors that lead to alienation. We have a clear enough understanding of these two aspects."

"But will alienation be eliminated in this way? No, we still lack a very important link, and that is labor organization."

"We all know that one of the signs of the development of productive forces is the socialization of production, and the final socialized large-scale production is self-organized. In capitalist society, the driving force of self-organization comes from capital. In Datongist society, self-organization The impetus comes from the labor of men to realize themselves, the association of free men."

"We, the Communist Party of China, have now realized the primary stage of Datongism, where survival is distributed according to needs, and life is distributed according to work. Although a considerable part of our labor is attributed to the struggle against backward society and reactionary forces, only a small part of our labor belongs to the free world. But even with that struggle, we combined it with self-actualization."

"So we have the qualifications and need to explore how the free people should unite together. Karin, it's not about you..."

Li Qibai glanced at Karin, who was happy to make a statement when he heard the "free man", and continued: "Our initial exploration was to establish a guild, but in actual operation, we found that there are many problems, and it is difficult to undertake the corresponding tasks of a Datongist society. socialized mass production."

"In the final analysis, the reason is that the society we have built is still small, and we are still facing a long and arduous struggle with the external environment. This determines that we must concentrate our efforts on solving more specific and practical problems, and the mission of the Commonwealth of Free Men It is to realize the comprehensive and free development of mortals, and there is a contradiction between the two.”

"After all, we are fighting for the realization of Datongism, rather than having fully entered into Datongism society, so we must take targeted measures and take the initiative to organize production."

"We regard the guild as the most basic association of free people, and the commune is a layer of organization built on top of the guild in response to the external environment and the needs of struggle. Its mission is not to fully serve the comprehensive and free development of mortals, but to It is to guide and organize the individual development corresponding to each guild under the commune to the mission undertaken by the commune. There will be some trade-offs between them, so it is only a union of semi-free people.”

"We are sure that communes will exist for a considerable period of time before patriarchy is fully realized."

Speaking of this, Li Qi sighed: "I know, what I have said so far is still some theoretical stuff, and it is difficult to combine it with reality. That's how exploration is. We don't even have to touch stones."

"The biggest difficulty lies in the fact that the original power of capitalist society is capital, which is visible and measurable. The nature of capital is to pursue profits, so production is organized by capital. The original power of patriarchal society is the comprehensive and free development of mortals. That is self-realization, which is difficult to measure. Based on the pursuit of self-realization, mortal self-organized production, there is no such thing as profit to measure and examine, which makes it difficult for us to grasp the direction.”

At this time, Xiaohong finally interjected: "Comrade Chief Cardinal, you don't have to worry about this issue. Let's observe it in practice. Otherwise, why is it called a pilot project? And there is a principle that must be established. How to measure the self-realization of replacing capital to organize production?" It is certainly not very abstruse, something that requires some metaphysical thinking and logical deduction to understand, it must be understood by ordinary people following common sense, if not, it is wrong."

Li Qi smiled and said, "The designer... the assistant comrade said very well, then I will stop wasting everyone's time and turn the meeting into a study, and then I will talk about the operation of the Hell Commune."

In fact, he talked about a short period of theory before turning to practical issues.

The commune established by the Fei Gong has several characteristics that make it very different from the communes that have appeared in the earth world.

First of all, it is non-regional. The Hell Commune organizes all scientific research and production that serve the cause of hell liberation, but it does not mean that participating in the Hell Commune means that you have to live and work in hell.

As a matter of fact, the FCP has already begun to strip away the regional restrictions on production and life, and weaken or even cancel the geographical restrictions on production and life through convenient means of transportation and even portals, which will further develop socialized mass production.

The towns and villages under the FCP's current rule (excluding the Kester transition zone for the time being) are just life organizations.Production is connected as a large whole through service centers and service stations, regardless of the region.The reason why Xiaohong always uses games as an example is because the structure is exactly the same as games.

The most serious natural factor that hinders large-scale social production is the region. Without geographical restrictions, people can interact and collaborate on information anytime and anywhere. Naturally, production will be further developed, and socialization will be further deepened. The Internet revolution in the earth world Everyone knows.

If you go one step further, there are no geographical restrictions on logistics, which is even more terrifying.Of course, it is impossible in the earth world, and it can only be realized in a high-magic world where everyone can open a portal.

With such a foundation, people do not need to live together for production, and at the same time, they can organize larger and more flexible mass production.More people can participate in a production, no matter where it is.

Only by understanding this point can we understand the relationship between the Fortress of Return and the Hell Commune. The two are not subordinate, but parallel.Returning Fort is now a military special zone under the jurisdiction of the Legion Committee of the Fei Communist Party. In the future, it will be assigned to the Civil Affairs Committee as the administrative area of ​​the Fei Communist Party. The Hell Commune will correspond to the current pilot commune management group.

Second, the commune is both closed and open.

The closedness lies in the fact that the commune is exclusive. If you participate in this commune, you cannot participate in other communes. This ensures that the operation of the commune and the development of individuals can be relatively stable.Of course, it is not ruled out that this point will change after the commune system is further developed.But at present, the core mission of the commune is to concentrate its efforts on major tasks, and this closedness will definitely last for a long time.

As for the openness, needless to say, the commune is free to come and go.Another mission of the commune is to promote the comprehensive and free development of ordinary people. If it is still forced, it will violate the fundamental meaning of the commune.

The third point is that the commune does not have any assessment system for production indicators, and it is still task-driven at present.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Regional Plane Team of the Red Covenant Organization, the Hell Plane Army, and the commune themselves put forward their needs, and then released and implemented them through the service center in a commissioned manner.

In terms of assessment, the technology researched and products produced by the regional communes are converted into contribution points, or the wealth converted through the Red Covenant Organization is an indicator.

Another indicator should be the freedom and development of members of regional communes. Freedom can be vaguely measured by satisfaction, and development can be accurately measured by strength growth.

Finally, in terms of commune management, as a union of semi-free people, the working group of Fei Gong only monitors the general direction, and production is driven by tasks. Other affairs of the commune, such as personnel management of members, contribution statistics, rewards and punishments, etc. Communal Management Committee undertakes.

At this point, Li Qi's explanation of the commune came to an end, and then he mentioned the next phase of the pilot commune plan.

"The Hell Commune is too unique. It is difficult to form experience that can be generalized only by relying on this pilot project. Therefore, we decided to start preparations for the other seven commune pilot projects from now on."

"The first is the Flying Commune. Our Pilots' Guild has grown to a very large scale. We need to organize everyone so that we can better serve the cause of Datongism and the whole society while pursuing the career of flying."

"The second is the automated production commune. We need to hand over more basic and repetitive labor to golems and magical machines for automated production. Therefore, we will concentrate the corresponding power in this commune, which will carry all basic labor The mission of automation."

"The third commune is the slime commune. Our use of slimes is becoming more and more complex and sophisticated. I think it's time to bring all slime-related research and production into a larger union. "

"The fourth commune is the construction commune. The infrastructure committee and engineering team led by Longhammer have developed a group that regards architecture as self-realization. We need to make this road wider."

"The fifth commune is the Eternal Food Commune. Its name is that everything can be eaten. Don't laugh at me. Its mission is to ensure that food is distributed according to the needs of mortals. Therefore, the goal of this commune is to produce basic food on the one hand. The other side is constantly turning other foods into basics."

"The sixth is the Space Commune, and the seventh is the Art Commune. I won't go into details about these two."

QB and Xia An protested in unison: "Why don't you go into details? Gods have no human rights!?"

Li Qi ignored them and continued: "These seven communes are distributed in different fields and in different dimensions. We hope to gain more experience through the trials of these communes. refer to."

Everyone was silent for a moment. After fully understanding the commune, two of the seven pilot communes mentioned by Li Qi were more directly related to the belief of gods, which made people feel a certain subtlety.

"How do I feel..."

Nicole, a business expert and paladin, muttered, shaking her ponytail: "Is every commune like a path of faith?"

People suddenly realized, yes, that's it!

Li Qi smiled mysteriously: "It's just a trial now, don't think too much."

 This chapter can't help but talk about theory again, if someone treats it as "private goods", please go back and read the works of Marx and Engels.

(End of this chapter)

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