goddess of revolution

Chapter 803 Li Qi, You Are Really Heartless

Chapter 803 Li Qi, You Are Really Heartless

When it was still daylight, in the forest west of Bled, a huge rock rippled and two people pierced through.One was a dead man in tight soft armor, and the other wore the spellcaster's tunic popular under Fei Gong's regime.

The caster exhaled with relief, and said to the slender figure squeezed out of the air: "Your Highness Tina, it's done."

Tina took the recording chip from the spell caster, inserted it into her personal assistant, and said approvingly, "That's right, you wizards are becoming more and more powerful now."

The caster said modestly: "This is the technical progress made by Master Youzan, Madara, and Master Taha. The soul carving technology allows the wizard's mind weaving to go deep into the soul level, and the imitation created The soul world is too powerful. It can not only read memories that mortals do not realize, but also avoid various methods of memory manipulation, and what is even more valuable is that it will not damage the soul of mortals."

The bat next to it said: "Coupled with phantom recording technology, you don't have to go deep into the soul of others."

The caster nodded, looking very embarrassed: "In other places, this kind of thing may be banned as an evil technique."

Tina imitated Li Qi's tone, and said deeply: "The good or evil of technology is not determined by itself, but by why it was born and why it exists."

The bat patted the wizard on the shoulder: "It seems that you wizards will have a solid job in the Intelligence Bureau."

Even though Teresia accepted wizards with the "Oath of the Broken Tower", wizards are still an unpopular profession in the entire Finn world.

To be honest, there are many types of wizards. There are blood wizards who seek power in flesh and blood, soul wizards who go deep into the soul, and elixir wizards who study natural vegetation and creatures, and psychic wizards who cast spells through ancient spells and special catalysts, etc. wait.

The source of power for all wizards comes down to spiritual power. Unlike druids, rangers, and rangers, which manipulate natural spiritual power, it comes from the power of powerful creatures.Because there is no system at all, it seems very mysterious, and the casting of spells is not as "clean" as the spellcasters on the side of magic and divine power. The side effects are huge, and the effects are focused on the flesh and soul, so they are feared and hated by the world.

However, with the changing times, wizards are becoming more and more active in Fern, and this impression is gradually changing.

Compared with the wizards recruited by the Aurora Empire and the Holy Will Empire, the wizards under Fei Gong's rule have much less freedom in the direction of academic research and restrictions on the application of witchcraft.Because all their research and activities have a clear purpose, which is to serve mortals.

Guaranteeing the safety of mortals is also a kind of service. Interrogating mortals through soul witchcraft is already a standard technical means of the intelligence bureau and public security department of the Fei Communist Party.With the support of soul carving technology, this method is becoming more and more efficient and safe.Of course, there are restrictions on the use of this method by the public security department, but the intelligence department is much more free.

Tina activated the phantom reading mode of her personal assistant, and a slight phantom flashed in her eyes. She muttered, "Let's see what memory this Miss Oresa has been banned by Gloria..."

Last night they rescued the young girl paladin under Gloria. After she woke up, she knew that Tina and the others were from the Fei Gong. tens of thousands of civilians in the city.

However, when asked about the situation of Mother Earth, the wizards in Tina's team were keenly aware that Oresa seemed to have been affected by a memory blocking spell. true.

After the bat surveyed the scene, it was also determined that there was no need for Glonia to send someone to cut off the queen.

So a conclusion surfaced, that Oresa, and the other dead companions, were deliberately singled out by Gronia, and they were silenced by chasing soldiers.

An inference was extended from this determination. What Gloria wanted to cover up was not a secret to Sylvie.

Just as Sylvie's pursuers stopped in front, Tina decided to perform soul surgery on Oresa at night, bypassing the memory blocking spell, and dig out this secret.

The wizards in the team happened to have received training in soul carving techniques, but it took most of the night for the first actual combat, and finally fulfilled their mission.

"Oh... oh... ah..."

Tina's expression kept changing as the phantom played, which also made the bat and other victims feel itchy. She was seeing with enhanced vision, and no one else could see it.

In the end, Tina finished watching with a long breath of cool air, and her expression became extremely dignified.

She said indignantly: "Gronia, and Sylvie, these two bastards are gambling with tens of millions... no, tens of millions of mortal lives as chips!"

She took out the chip and handed it to the bat: "Look for yourself."

Then he frowned and said, "I have to tell Li Qi quickly, we can't just ignore this kind of thing, we can't do anything alone."

After watching it, the bat gritted his teeth and said, "Desperate!"

The wizard sighed on the side: "Maybe in the eyes of Sylvie and Gloria, what will be affected is just impurities in mortals, and it doesn't matter."


The bat said coldly: "Not only Brad people, but all mortals are related to Mother Earth. Who knows what will happen if you cut off the connection between mortals and spiritual power? This will not affect tens of millions of mortals, but all mortal!"

The wizard smiled bitterly: "Gronia must feel that if Mother Earth can really strengthen the main plane and filter out the power of faith, the price is worth it. At least mortals can no longer be oppressed and enslaved by gods."

"I really don't know where her news and confidence come from." The bat spit: "Sylvie must also feel that it is just a good time to use this opportunity to clean up the mortals who are closely related to spiritual power. Get rid of Mother Earth, and the belief in order will have a purer and more stable foundation."

The wizard spread his hands and said: "I have to say that her confidence is much more reliable than Gloria. Queen Theresia is the embodiment of the goddess of order. She can get the support of the queen immediately. Before she eliminated three Sons of the Earth, the Empress is all around her within minutes with a squad of legends."

"This is not only known by Oresa and the others, but by the officers and soldiers of the Imperial Legion. Oresa and the others followed Gloria to check the remains of Mother Earth's activities in ancient times, and confirmed that Mother Earth would be awakened. Gathering the souls of the Brad people, the memory was sealed."

The wizard sighed leisurely: "If this mother of the earth is really going to be awakened, I don't know what effect it will have on ordinary people, but here with Brad, all wizards and druids who have strengthened the power of the ancestors must be the number one." The unlucky ghost who has finished criticizing."

"The power of the ancestor..."

Tina muttered, "It sounds like the power to turn mortals into vampires and werewolves."

"Vampires are the creations of bloodline wizards, and werewolves are the creations of wild druids," the wizard explained: "But if you go back to the source, it should be those who first used the power of the ancestors in ancient times."

Tina thought of something, and asked again: "Then is a guy who is a vampire, a werewolf and a druid, is it related to the power of the ancestor?"

The wizard nodded naturally: "Of course, and it must be very closely related. It should be the ancient manifestation of the power of the ancestor."

He scratched his head and said, "But this kind of existence is only theoretical, right? In reality, at least I have never seen such a strange thing."

Tina's eyes were wide open, and she took another deep and long breath: "I've seen such strange...things."

She rubbed the summons ring nervously: "I have to inform Li Qi immediately, Karin is going to die! Damn it! You need to recharge again!"

The magic communication ring on Tina's hand is self-charging, ensuring that it can be communicated several times a day.If you want to send additional messages, you must use external magic power to charge, and the team has a magic guide that is charged with magic spar.

Asking her subordinates to set up the charger, Tina reached into her pocket, with a painful expression on her face: "I can't save this magic spar today."

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, pretending not to hear what the boss said.

How could the BOSS embezzle the allotted magic spar?This must be an illusion!

Just as Tina took out a magic spar, a red light flashed in everyone's enhanced vision. This was the alarm sent by the dark whistle.

"Sylvie's team has appeared and is approaching us!"

The bat beckoned: "Retreat now!"

The rock rippled again, turning into a few magical metal pillars and a spider silk curtain.Tell the deceased to tear down the camouflage tent in twos and threes, revealing the girl paladin lying in it, sleeping soundly.

Pack your things, pack your paladins, and tell the dead to dive into the air.After a while, several light magic vehicles drove through the valley and continued westward.

On the side of the ridge several kilometers away from the valley, the dead were lurking in the shade of the trees, watching the long queue of magic motorcades and the magic planes circling in groups in the sky, all feeling powerless Feeling and resentment.

When the sun was bright, Tina's messenger ring was finally fully charged. She activated the ring and said in a low voice, "Sylvie is going to make a move. This is a terrible thing. Li Qi, listen to me slowly."


The sun shines on the bed through the blinds, but it still hasn't awakened the sleeping men and women.

A strange slight vibration caused the two of them to sit up suddenly from the bed.

Li Qi didn't even open his eyes, and shouted: "Damn, I'm going to be late! Today is the thesis defense!"

Teresia also said in a panic: "I'm going to host the student union's welcome ceremony..."

Mei Mei's upper body was exposed, but she didn't care, she reached out to find something beside the bed, and threw it to Li Qi: "Quickly help me wear it!"

The other hand touched for a while without touching anything, she closed her eyes and complained: "Oh, you made too much trouble, did you throw my underwear out of the window? Hey, when are we going to change the quilt and bed sheet?" ,This is……"

She touched Catherine who was squeezed between the two, and Li Qi also pushed Catherine in a daze: "Why are you still asleep..."

The strange vibration reappeared, and the two suddenly woke up.

Look at the ceiling, look at the bed, look at Catherine, look at each other, the two look at each other and smile, and the sense of reality returns like a tide.

The experience of the soul world still remains in the mind, so that it becomes such a natural dream.

When the vibration came at the same time for the third time, the smiles of the two gradually faded.

Teresia covered Catherine with a quilt, and a golden light appeared in her eyes: "I'll go out for a while."

Seeing her stepping out of the room without caring about her clothes, with calm and firm steps, the warmth in Li Qi's heart faded little by little.

He got through the magic message, it was Tina's message: "Sylvie is going to do something!"

While listening, Li Qi looked out the door. It must be Sylvie who will send a message to Theresia.

"I see, I will give you instructions later, pay attention to safety."

After a while, Li Qi finished the summons and his expression became cold.

Teresia entered the room, sat on the edge of the bed, and stroked Catherine's hair.

She just put on a nightdress casually, a large area of ​​fair skin was exposed, the hickey marks on the collarbone were still there, and the deep ravine extending below was charming and alluring.

But Li Qi's blood couldn't pump up. He sat on the other side of the bed, brushed Catherine's hair, and said in a low voice, "I came here yesterday for two things. The first one has been done, I almost forgot to mention the second one."

Teresia watched him calmly: "I'm listening."

Li Qi was straightforward: "You were talking to Sylvie just now, right? Do you really know what she's doing?"

Teresia pursed her lips, nodded and said, "Of course I know, and I also know that you sent people there. Sylvie told me that she found the unidentified watcher and guessed it was you, so she didn't embarrass those people."

Li Qi's heart trembled, and his attention almost turned to the safety of Tina and the others. He suppressed his worries and continued: "I don't know how Sylvie reported it to you, but what I know is this... "

He told the whole situation of Mother Earth reported by Tina, and finally stared at Theresia, and said sincerely: "This is like a repeat of the incident of Benuin's old god, no, once something goes wrong, it will be more harmful than Benuin The old gods are even more serious. I think we should work together to solve this problem, instead of letting Sylvie and that Gronia gamble with the lives of thousands of mortals."

Teresia slowly shook her head: "Sylvie won't lie to me, of course we will try our best to avoid harming mortals, even if things get to that point, it's because of Brad and that Gronia's stubborn resistance .”

She raised the corners of her mouth and showed a scrutinizing smile: "From the point of view of faith, you must support the Brad people and that Glonia. They represent the bottom mortals, while Sylvie and I are gods." The representative of the mighty, right?"

Teresia, who has experienced the soul world, does know Fei Gong's position well now.

Li Qi smiled bitterly: "So I'm trying to communicate with you, we promise not to interfere with Brad's affairs, and that Gloria, we can also ignore it. But we will not sit back and watch Mother Earth come out to harm mortals , so, I hope we can intervene in this conflict as observers and prevent things from turning into a huge disaster."

"Li Qi..."

A gleam of pity flashed in Teresia's eyes, and was covered by the slowly flowing golden light: "Look at you, you still don't give up your efforts to let the crimson light shine on Finn. Have you forgotten our agreement?"

"This is the order I'm weaving, and you Fei Gong can exist as an isolated and closed system in this order."

"Once you jump out of this limitation and interfere with the overall situation, you are making an enemy of my order."

"However, the goal of your Datongism belief is to liberate the whole of Fein, and even created a new theory of gods in order to defeat the gods. This is your survival instinct. You can barely suppress it, but you can't restrain it. .”

She smiled sweetly: "Look, just after waking up from a night of lingering, we had another conflict. It's really...absurd."

She said solemnly again: "Actually, there is a solution. In the era you lived in, didn't that banner develop a realistic line? Why don't we follow that model? If that's the case, we still Can get along very well."

The reason why there is a realistic route is to seek truth from facts.

In Fein's world revolution, it is not to be realistic for the sake of reality, but to seek truth from facts.

It is only meaningful to believe that under Fein's productivity, Datongism can be presented at a higher stage.

Li Qi didn't say these words, he just sighed: "So, you refuse to believe me, and no matter what Sylvie does, even if it destroys the world, you choose to support her to the end?"

"Assumptions don't make sense..."

The experience of the soul world has also greatly changed Teresia's way of thinking. Facing Li Qi, she is no longer the queen who has no idea and will be led by the nose.

She said solemnly: "I know much better than you what happened to Brad. Sylvie and I have dealt with the three sons of the earth one after another, treating us as sworn enemies. They are the ones buried with the world."

"Even if there are some things in the process, it looks like Sylvie is contributing to the flames, but that is just a strategy to deal with this group of people. Our goal is not to eliminate all Brad people, or even threaten all mortals."

"Sylvie is my sibling and my long sword. I don't trust her, so why should I trust you?"

She sighed deeply: "Remove your people, don't worry about this matter. Otherwise... the oath I just made will be invalid because of your offense."

"In that world, I know the power of your beliefs, especially the power of destruction. Although I don't think you are my enemy. But if there is a real threat to me, I will not show mercy."

Li Qi didn't speak, just looked at her quietly, and she also looked back at Li Qi.

The two looked at each other silently, time and even the world seemed to be out of place at this moment.Endless thoughts and memories turned into invisible torrents, interweaving and colliding between sightlines, like a battlefield for the soul.Crimson and gold shone on the battlefield, neither of them wavering at all.

What movement quietly dissipated the increasingly hot flames of war? It was Catherine, she woke up.

She rubbed her eyes, then reached out and embraced the two of them one by one.

"Fight? Want more?"

Catherine misunderstood the situation of the two of them, Hongxia muttered all over her face.

Li Qi rubbed her head with a smile, leaned forward and kissed Teresia.

The time was short, but the kiss was deep, and then Li Qi whispered: "I have to go back right away, you can talk to Catherine again."

Teresia kissed him back affectionately, didn't say anything, just nodded.

After Li Qi left, Teresia hugged Catherine and said, "Can you stay here? At least for a while, don't be in a hurry to go back with Li Qi."

Catherine shook her head: "Li Qi... urgent, this matter... is important, we must... go back!"

The resoluteness in her tone made Theresia lower her eyes.

After only a brief change, she cheered up again, and said with a smile: "You were really useless last night, you fell asleep after only three times."

"elder sister--!"

Catherine was so ashamed that she pulled up the quilt to cover her face, and shouted unwillingly: "Next time, continue, fight!"

"Well, continue next time..."

Teresia stroked her younger sister's hair, her eyes shone with golden light, and her expression turned cold: "Fight."

After that, the two sisters didn't talk any more. Although Catherine was unwell, she hurried back with Li Qi, gritted her teeth and packed up, and boarded the plane with Li Qi.

Watching the burgundy sardine plane sink into the sky, Teresia returned to the castle and activated the book of trade winds in the communication room.

The image of Sylvie appeared and bowed respectfully: "Your Majesty..."

Teresia said with a sullen face: "Tell me the situation of Mother Earth without reservation!"

Sylvie was stunned, then smiled and said, "Okay, Your Majesty."

Following Sylvie's narration, the blood on Theresia's face disappeared little by little, and finally she gritted her teeth and said, "Sylvie! How can you hide such an important matter from me!? You are holding me to do it What do you think is the right thing!?"

Sylvie's expression remained unchanged: "Your Majesty, I have never had my own thoughts, and everything is based on yours. I swear in the name of Theresia, if these words are false, let my soul fall into purgatory , can never be detached!"

Teresia was taken aback, and her expression softened a bit: "But it's still a concealment, even...a deception!"

Sylvie said calmly: "Your Majesty, I admit that there are some things that are hidden from you, but this is necessary. After all, you are the unity of man and god. If you know some things in advance, it will be a disaster instead."

"Besides, don't you think this is the most ideal disposition?"

Teresia shook her head subconsciously and said, "How could that be ideal...that's tens of millions of mortals, or even all..."

As soon as she said this, golden light burst out from her eyes, and light dust also overflowed from her body, making her lose her mortal color immediately.

After pondering for a long time, she nodded slowly: "Indeed, it is the same when measured by the standards of that world. As long as we grasp the overall situation, everything is a necessary sacrifice and a price we have to pay."

Then she said to Sylvie, "Be prepared to summon me from your side, there will definitely be disruptors."

Sylvie asked curiously: "Who else?"

The corners of Teresia's mouth slowly curled up, and she smiled lightly, "My...husband."

On the plane, Xiaohong seemed to have just woken up, and Li Qi's heart fluctuated lazily: "Why are you in such a hurry to go back? I thought you would continue to spend the day with the sisters."

Li Qi was not in the mood to joke with her, and relayed to her what Tina had reported.

"Ouch, this is a repeat of the Benoin incident... No, an upgrade!"

Xiaohong exclaimed: "What should we do? It stands to reason that we have to take care of it, but last time we had the military god Huma to help out, and that Numanel sacrificed himself, this time we have no help at all."

"Our Fei Gong is not the Fei Gong of that time," Li Qi said, "And why is there no helper? We still have allies, although they are not reliable."

Li Qi's words made Xiaohong even more emboldened, she said timidly: "Why don't we back down this time and forget about our business? This is a full-scale conflict with Theresia, our efforts yesterday were all in vain. "

What have you been working on?Whether it's negotiating or having sex, I'm doing it all!
You're even doing your throat a disservice!

Li Qi sighed: "How can we back down? There is no room for back down. Even if we can sit back and watch thousands of people die, we can't just watch Karin die."

Xiaohong hurt him: "So you are willing to go to war with your new wife for Karin?"


Li Qi actually didn't deny it: "Otherwise I'd be a traitor, do you really want that?"

Xiaohong was silent for a while, then said quietly: "Li Qi, you are really ruthless."

 Some content in this chapter is repeated due to technical adjustments. This is due to helplessness, because the description of that night has been deleted in the operation of cleaning the net. Details can be added to the group...

(End of this chapter)

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