goddess of revolution

Chapter 820 The Suspected Change of Ms. Yue and Theresia

Chapter 820 The Suspected Change of Ms. Yue and Theresia

In the Kingdom of Hadron, in the remote countryside on the outskirts of Ironcrown City, the dilapidated temple was dimly lit.

Lady Ye's priests silently exited the main hall after praying as usual.

Still as usual, their prayers did not receive any response from Ms. Ye, and their divine powers did not change at all, continuing to decline slowly and unstoppably.

The clergy were already numb to such a result, and they filed out one by one with no expression on their faces.

Everyone knew that Ms. Ye had fallen asleep.

According to the former Kem Church and the current Church of Order, the dawn has come to the world, order is returning, and Ms. Ye had to retreat and even fall into a deep sleep.As long as the divine light of order shines, Ms. Ye will not be able to wake up for a day.

Lady Ye's priests scoffed at this statement, but they couldn't produce any evidence to refute the reality, so they kept silent, and comforted themselves by saying that the power of other shadow-type superhumans had not been affected, and that the goddess was just taking a short nap. That's all.

Of course, for mortals, this is the endless winter night.

The high-ranking clergymen walked in front and left on various monsters and even magic vehicles, leaving the low-level or even junior clergymen to take care of chores.

Although the Aurora Empire has a neutral attitude towards the Church of the Lady of the Night, and it can even be held openly in Hadron Kingdom, that was the era of the old king.Although the current king has not changed this policy, because of the spread of order and dawn belief, and the arrival of a new era, people are becoming more and more vigilant towards Lady Ye Church, and the church dare not make too much noise.

In the main hall, a short and thin girl who looked like she was dressed as a trainee gatekeeper was carrying a big broom and sweeping the dust hard.This Temple of the Lady of the Night has actually been abandoned, and no one is there permanently. The priests just gather here to pray regularly, and they must be kept clean before and after the ceremony.

In front of the window, where even the window frame has been removed, leaving only the stone frame, the girl's figure casts a long shadow under the moonlight.

When the girl turned around and wiped the window frame with a rag, the projection didn't move with her, but stood up from the ground like a paper doll, and submerged silently into her body.

The girl paused for a moment before continuing to wipe, but nothing seemed to happen.When he turned around again, the shadow returned to the ground.

After finishing all the cleaning, the girl left the main hall, closed the door with several holes, slapped her hands, and exhaled foul air.

She turned around and looked up at the night sky, her eyes cast on the crescent moon, the pupils of her eyes overflowed with a faint silver light, making the originally ordinary face beautiful and moving.

"Sure enough, you came back, but what did you bring?"

The girl's tone was full of pity, and she seemed very helpless.

She shook her head and said, "This is my last hope. I can't let you fool destroy it."

The girl patted the baggy robe and walked to her vehicle.According to memory, she rode this weird thing with two wheels from Iron Crown City, more than ten kilometers away, to here.

Of course, to the real "her", this thing can't be called weird.

He picked up his robe and got into the car, and after struggling a few steps, he found the correct control method from his memory.

With a buzz, the wheels turned by themselves, and she was caught off guard. Her leg was hit by the flying pedals, and the corner of her robe was also rolled up. Amidst the screams of wow, the car and the car fell into the water on the side of the road together. ditch.

After a while, the petite girl struggled to push the two-wheeler up the ditch, cursing.

"Fuck, there is a magic bicycle here?"

"I just fell asleep when I remember... less than three years!"

In the Kingdom of Sutton, in the Magic Tower of Duchess Ted's territory, in the messy laboratory, Hathaway was lying on the sofa with a book covering her face.

The inexplicable impact made Hathaway sit up, because it was too sudden, her black hair was flying, and her pajamas were all collapsed, revealing her infinitely beautiful upper body like a jade white sculpture.

She blinked her eyes, her face was full of blankness: "What's going on, it feels... What has changed in the world?"

Pulling up her pajamas to cover the benefits, she snapped her fingers, and an image appeared on the screen on the wall, muttering: "Don't say that Yuan Zu hasn't cleaned up yet, and started to harm the world? No, I made calculations, Yuan Zu At best it will cause some damage to Brad."

The image flickered for a while without focus, Hathaway sighed: "It's really troublesome that Misia is not here, no one can tell me right now..."

The words stopped here, and the image on the screen made her eyes widen, as if she saw the strangest and funniest thing in the world.

After a while, she burst out laughing: "Sylvie... Poor Sylvie, no, poor Theresia..."

When Gronia's body was strung up high, Hathaway shook her head and sighed: "They are all women, this is insulting myself."

Then I saw a huge eyeball covering the sky. This is the "best submission" selected by Trade Wind Network. To be able to lurk in that environment and obtain first-hand information safely must be a legendary "phantom anchor".

"Sure enough, it hasn't been cleaned up, but as recorded in the data, there is only one eyeball and a part of the incomplete body left, and there is not much movement. Since the clone of Kaila Teresia is there, it can be destroyed at will."

Hathaway shrugged and was about to turn off the screen, but the blurred words in the image and the phantom made her startled in horror.

"That is……"

She whispered in horror: "Ms. Ye?"

She shook her head vigorously: "No, no, Ms. Ye is still sleeping, what's going on with her, how can she hide it from me, the Holy Lady of the Night?"

Her straight willow eyebrows frowned, and Hathaway even bit her nails: "Who could that be? It feels like Ms. Ye, but she's not the real Nemesis."

She froze suddenly, and her beautiful silver pupils expanded: "Ms. Yue!? This is too...absurd!"


"That's not Nemesis, and I can't recognize it. The divine power left behind when she left is a bit familiar, like Ms. Yue, but it won't be her."

"Cam told me... No, I was originally a part of Kaim. My memory is very clear. It is absolutely impossible for Ms. Yue to return!"

In the sky northwest of Brad, Keira urged Teresia: "The focus now is not the god, but the ancestor in front of me."

"The original ancestor is only a part of the remains of Gaia, the mother of the earth. Roland and I have already suppressed it once. I didn't expect Sylvie... and that Glonia to find it together."

"When Sylvie said that the Brad people summoned the afterimage of the Witch King, I didn't pay attention. I didn't expect them to use the summoning of the Witch King as a cover to cultivate the children of the earth. This is also my fault."

"It was the goddess who stimulated Yuanzu just now, and used it to absorb the souls of the Brad people and extract the blood memory in them. At least 30 to [-] people were killed."

"But it's okay, if we weren't here, she might gather the souls of all Brad people, and by then there would be 2000 million mortals."

"Although Yuan Zu has lost its activity, keeping it will still endanger the mortal world, so act quickly."

Teresia was silent for a while, and rejected Keira's proposal: "There are more important things to do than Yuanzu."

While speaking, she looked down at Qili and the others.


Kaila sighed leisurely: "Even if you insist on going down this road, don't fall into the obsession with the heart of the gods. The biggest shortcoming of the heart of the gods is arrogance...arrogance, any offense to the gods will be pursued to the end, You are in this state right now."

"Look at what's going on in the trade wind network and the magic network now, and see how shaky the fire on the throne is. The foundation of order and belief is in turmoil. This is the more important thing for you!"

"Show righteousness with your actions, Teresia, kill Yuan Zu, and prove that you are still the guardian of this world!"

Teresia responded with an unusually cold thought: "Even my intended voters have fallen, which proves that there is something wrong with my previous path!"

"I do want to protect the world, but not the filth and evil!"

"Don't Li Qi and Xiaohong want to liberate the world? Don't they also claim to be the guardians of the world? Leave it to them."

She looked at the ground in the distance, the barrier of purgatory had been destroyed, and "Li Qi" was surrounded by his subordinates, also appearing panicked.

"Li Qi—!"

Teresia shouted: "After all, you still dare not face me!"

On the other side, Qili tilted her head while Aurora covered her face.

"We have indeed made a lot of efforts, but we have failed. Our paths are opposite after all."

"From now on, we are enemies, complete enemies! We are cut off as mortals!"

"I will take you back from Xiaohong, and put you in my divine kingdom like Gloria! Don't worry, I will be gentle with you."

Teresia has no qualms about the speculation that this statement will cause, and it is obvious that she doesn't care about mortal comments at all.

Then her tone became high and fiery: "Little Red! Ms. Scarlet! In the name of the goddess of order Kaila Theresia, I rule you and your church as enemies of order, effective immediately!"

At this time, Theresia was the goddess of order, and her ruling caused a strange wave of fluctuations, rapidly spreading to the entire world.

This is faction hostile, meaning Clerics of Order will deal double damage to Clerics of Crimson.

After the announcement was made, the golden light in the sky dissipated, and Teresia left.

"No way—!"

Qi Li's eyes widened. To be honest, compared with declaring war, Teresia's abandonment of the Yuan Patriarch shocked him more.

This means that Teresia has abandoned her original position of defending the world and protecting mortals!

In fact, she has already agreed with Sylvie's proposition, and she doesn't want this dilapidated old world anymore.

The CPP doesn't want this old world either, but the CCP's path is to liberate the suffering mortals and build a new world on the ruins of the oppressors.

Teresia's thoughts are at the other extreme. She wants to clean up the old world and let mortals start over.

"No, she's not that radical yet, she just thinks that the Brad people are not worth her efforts to save, and leave it to us to solve."

Xiaohong made another decision: "Now she has to stabilize her belief foundation first. What Glonia did to Sylvie has too much influence, she has to go to put out the fire quickly. I am watching the trade wind network and the magic network in Beta City As for the headlines, there are problems with the beliefs of believers in the world order."

Indeed, the Marshal of the Dawn Empire, the Queen's close friend, and even the chosen ones who were predestined by the Goddess suffered such a tragic end, and it was done in front of the Goddess.Even if Teresia immediately made a remedy and made Glonia unable to stand up forever, the bad influence has already spread, and it is impossible to completely restore it.

Qi Li sighed: "Okay, then let's see how to deal with this guy."

Xiaohong said in a competent tone: "I'm drawing up a plan, you can do some probing attacks first."

"and many more!"

Qili felt that it was very strange that the one connected to her soul was really that funny little red, instead of the suddenly...serious and capable red lady?

Xiaohong could be heard grinding her teeth: "What do you mean by deliberately adding capable?"

Then her tone became puzzled: "When you say that, I also feel that something is wrong. Now my mind is quick and energetic, as if I have taken off the speed limiter of thinking that made me funny in the past. How is this? What's going on?"

Qili thought for a while, then said timidly: "Didn't you notice that the label you pasted on the desk was torn off by me, and the batch startup program of the virtual computer has also changed?"

Xiao Hong was stunned, and yelled loudly: "You are dead, Qili... No, Li Qi! I will light the sky lantern for you when you come back!"

Qi Li breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, it was still Xiao Hong.

She put on a serious tone: "Stop making trouble! Find a way to solve Yuan Zu while your brain is good!"

Xiaohong let out an embarrassing oh, and hurried to think about it, not noticing that she was being tempted just now.

On the ground, three succubi squeezed onto a scavenger platform, took off their helmets, and sighed while looking at the giant star-like eyes.

Annie was very regretful: "I thought we could at least rush up to Sylvie, spit at her, and say a few lines."

Mary pushed her glasses, although she is not wearing them now: "Sister, what you actually think is that we jumped out to scare Sylvie, and then she yelled in horror, how could you be still alive, and then we all have one tail and one tail stab her through?"

Mina giggled and said, "Don't forget to shout, Sylvie, you deserve what you did, go to purgatory!"

Annie continued: "But after seeing what Glonia did to her corpse, and seeing Teresia torturing Glonia, I suddenly felt that the crimes we have suffered are actually nothing."

Mary and Mina were silent for a moment, and then Mary said, "Why do mortals hurt each other? When is the time for revenge? Why can't there be an end to suffering?"

Mina clenched her fists and cheered up: "Because mortals have not been liberated! Civilization has not progressed! The world has not sublimated!"

 This volume has the last chapter, and after that is... Zhan Zhan Zhan!

(End of this chapter)

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