goddess of revolution

Chapter 830 Li Qi and Teresia, pursuing an ideal country and an ideal country

Chapter 830 Li Qi and Teresia, pursuing an ideal country and an ideal country

In the Alpha District, although the Prell Castle still has this name, it has not changed from three years ago like the small temple on the ridge next to it, but it has been forgotten in the mind of the owner.Speaking of this place, he just oh, and said leisurely: "The concierge..."

This castle is indeed called "the porter" by the upper echelons of Fei Gong, and it is also the porter at the back door.

Colonel Finn, a member of the FCP Legion Committee and the commander of the Second Front Army, received Chavin Sebadian, the lord and deacon of Prell City, in the gatehouse.

The atmosphere of the meeting was a bit awkward. When Sebadian was the viscount butler in this castle, Finn was still in the crowd begging the Witch of Pain to whip his muddy legs.

So Finn dealt with it a few words and asked Sebadian to go to the communication room to talk to Li Qi, and he went down to the second floor of the castle to continue working on himself, which was already the headquarters of the Second Front Army.

The castle is very small, not even comparable to the tower of the cactus base, but the "Second Front Army", which looks scary, is actually very small.

The current ground forces of the PFC still only have five legions, and these five legions are all administrative and training units and do not undertake specific combat tasks.Including the First Front Army in the direction of Kester and the Second Front Army in the direction of Hadrang, they all mobilized troops in battalion units and reorganized them into brigade-level formations.

In the FCP's military development concept, in the near future, there will be revolutionary changes in the style of warfare, and at that time the army establishment will have to be adjusted, so this temporary system will be used for the transition.

The "Second Front Army" controlled by Finn consisted of ten squadrons of the Second Air Force belonging to three brigades, an artillery battalion equipped with square-level violent flames and catapult magic cannons, three armored combat vehicle battalions, Two armored infantry battalions, as well as corresponding military united, reconnaissance and assault units.

Four squadrons of sardine fighters, three squadrons of salmon attack aircraft, plus monkfish, devil ray, and salmon-modified rainbow trout small general-purpose transport aircraft, totaling close to [-] fighters.

120 Jackdaw armored chariots, 60 Titmouse infantry chariots, more than [-] self-propelled artillery vehicles and auxiliary vehicles such as parrots, swans, and shadow spiders, plus the chariots belonging to the headquarters, a total of [-] magical combat vehicles car.

Coupled with the artillery battalion's close to [-] square-level flame cannons and catapults, as well as the united circle of the five armies directly under it, this is the family property of the entire Second Front Army.Counting the gang of undisciplined sky prodigal sons in the air force, the total number of personnel is only in the early [-]s.

The above-mentioned troops are organized into the Air Force of the Front, the First Armored Brigade, the Independent Artillery Battalion, the Independent Armored Battalion, and the troops directly under the Front Army. Finn's headquarters does not need a large area, and it can be placed on a workbench.

Finn didn't worry less about the troops, but the orders issued by the legion committee made him restrained.The air team battle report he received before made him very unhappy, and it was no wonder that he couldn't show a good face to Sebadian.

"Deck, how dare you lose four fighter planes, is your ability only in your tongue?"

"Also, what happened to those sixteen slime safety balls? Do you think that thing is magic bread that can be conjured out of thin air? The internal settlement price of each is 380 points! Your monthly basic The post salary can only buy ten!"

Finn angrily reprimanded Deckard on the command channel of the front army. He indeed authorized Deckard to launch this air battle, but the answer sheet handed in by Deckard made him very dissatisfied.Deckard also used up sixteen slime safety balls to ensure that the pilot can land safely after jumping out of the plane, which is...inexplicable!
Parachutes are useless in Finn, because there is extraordinary power here, skydiving does not mean that the battle is over (a witch who likes high-altitude jumping gang battles has to bear a lot of responsibility), being hung in the sky by a slow parachute means Excellent target.

The slime safety ball has become the best protection method after jumping off the plane. It can not only land quickly, but also has a certain protective ability.This invention was not made by Fei Gong, but by the goblin engineer of the Dawn Empire.

Dyke seemed very aggrieved: "Commander, you want us to lead the war, but you are not allowed to shoot the first shot. It just so happens that something like this happened in the city of Pryor, so let's do it together. Those safety balls are also a necessary cost."

"As for the battle damage, three of them belonged to other squadrons. Without the coordination of early warning aircraft, our squadron's cooperation with other squadrons is very problematic. Two of them were accidentally injured by themselves. Commander, you know, I was born in a circus."

Finn's voice became louder: "Do you really think of yourself as a clown? I let Yeguang Annie deal with it. What can you do? If you are so unorganized and undisciplined, I will assign you to drive salmon or even rainbow trout!"

Then the tone softened: "I told you a long time ago that it's not that we don't have early warning aircraft, but that we don't have so many free men and victims. Except for the early warning aircraft concentrated in the first front army, the other early warning aircraft have to be used for homeland air defense. , to monitor possible teleportation attacks launched by the enemy."

Dyke let out a groan, and said sullenly: "I am also very upset about this loss, but if there is no early warning aircraft, we may have to get used to such a battle loss ratio after the empire adapts to air combat and the number of fighter planes continues to increase. "

Finn was silent for a while, and sighed: "Well, I also have arrogance. After all, the enemy is not a puppet, and we can't always expect to crush the opponent. But you still have merit in this battle, give me a share An [-]-word inspection, and another day of confinement."

Dyke shouted: "Eight thousand characters!? One day of confinement!? Should I say thank you Commander for giving me a light sentence?"

After threatening him to double his sentence for one more sentence, Dyke obediently accepted the punishment.

After the communication was terminated, Finn was very glad that he had chosen Eketia to lead the [-]st Armored Brigade instead of Yuskal. Compared with Yuskal, who was also bold and reckless, she was still a more obedient girl.

Of course, Yuskal should shine in the first front army, and he is doomed to only make small troubles on his side.

Just thinking about it, the communication came again, and it was Eketia.

When Finn was the commander of the [-]st Armored Brigade, Eketia was the commander of his [-]nd Armored Battalion. Now that he was promoted, he chose Eketia to take over.

Just as Finn, the commander of the Second Front Army, was only a colonel, Eketia, the brigade commander, was still a major.The PPC troops have few levels of organization, and commanders generally have low ranks and high positions, but this situation will soon change.

Aketya sent a video. She was standing on the jackdaw chariot with her legs wide open, observing the situation ahead with her binocular eagle glasses, and shouted: "Commander, the imperial army is advancing. It depends on the situation. To advance to the outskirts of Prior City, how about I take the brothers to fight them?"

Finn covered his face, forgetting about the compliment he had given Eketia just now.

He tried his best to say in a calm tone: "The situation in Prior City still has to wait for the Chief Cardinal to make a final decision, so don't worry about it, just keep your defenses!"

Ektya snorted: "Wait until they break into the city of Prell before we do it? Or even watch them break in? Brigadier... No, Commander, as long as we give the First Armored Brigade the necessary air cover, we will We can break into Iron Crown City the next day and capture Ariel alive."

Finn couldn't bear it anymore, and roared: "Then because there is no magic oil and the ammunition can't keep up, was it shot out by the imperial army?"

Aketya put down her eagle glasses and said in amazement, "Is our supplies so scarce?"

"Who told us to shift the focus of our work to the Kester transition zone just now, and all kinds of military supplies are still being upgraded, so we can't make adjustments in a hurry."

Finn said helplessly: "We can't launch a large-scale attack until the supplies are sufficient."

Aketya showed a triumphant expression of her successful plan: "Commander, you have finally confessed to me. But I didn't trick you, you leaked it yourself."

So in Finn's heart, Eketia's image was subverted again.

He smiled wryly and shook his head: "I didn't think this girl was scheming before."

If it was yesterday, he would indeed have leaked the secret, but today it is unnecessary.

The adjustment has been completed, and it will take a few days at most.

Of course... It still depends on how the central government decides, especially how the city of Prell will be dealt with. This will determine where the first battle will be fought.

In the communication room, Sebadian looked at Li Qi's image and said in astonishment: "Master, how could you do this!? You are a leader who betrayed himself!"

Li Qi shook his head and said, "I have given up the title of Duke of Pryor and severed ties with the Kingdom of Hadron. The city of Pryor is no longer my private property."

"I repeat again, we can accept the submission of Player City, but the condition is to accept the system of the Union of Players. Citizens of Player City should be very clear about the situation on our side."

"I believe that you alone cannot represent the voices of all citizens, so I suggest you go back and form a citizen council and let them make their own decisions."

"Before that, we will not send legions to the FCP, and we will prevent the Imperial Army from entering. But we hope that the City of Pryor will not take any action against the original property of the FCP, and it is best to keep everything in its current state."

Sebadian is not an idiot, he finally understood Li Qi's intention, he suddenly said: "Isn't the master planning to occupy..."

Li Qi is still very sincere to his housekeeper: "Hadran people are very stubborn. Even if they don't believe in Theresia, they will believe in the old order. We have more important things to do for the time being, and we don't have the energy to devote ourselves to letting In the grand project of converting millions of people to the faith. And if it goes too deep, it will turn Hadran into a bloody battlefield, and I will not be able to explain it to some... or a certain group of old and immortal guys."

Sebadian didn't fully understand, but these words did make him more aware of Fei Gong's attitude towards Player City.

He said eagerly: "Then master, what about me? Don't you have any arrangements for me?"

Li Qi looked at this middle-aged man who was much richer than three years ago, and sighed: "You know it well, you are very satisfied with your current life, if you are willing to continue on this path, how can I force you. "

Then his expression turned cold: "But you have to think clearly, this road is not the same as mine, or even parallel. If there are any changes in the future, you must have the awareness to bear the consequences yourself."

Sebadian was silent for a long time, and sighed helplessly: "Then thank you, master, I will help you take care of the city of Prell. I know that you no longer recognize me as your servant, but I still feel that way in my heart." Definitely. I will always be a servant of the Prior family, even if this family... only has a name."

Li Qi wanted to say something, but in the end he just shook his head. He didn't have the time to take care of the feelings of the old housekeeper.As for the loyalty that supports his feelings, that is what he wants to defeat.

The more important thing now is to create a country for all the people in Finn who believe in and agree with Datongism to pursue their ideals.


Valentine's Castle, in the Queen's study, the Prime Minister of the Empire, the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Minister of Finance, and the Northern Archbishop of the Church of Order stood in front of the Queen, watching the Queen rubbing her brows and sighing, and exchanging bad looks with each other .

"Okay, I know the situation, and I will try to solve it as soon as possible."

In the end, the queen only gave such a response, and the four important ministers felt a little relieved.

To be honest, the situation in the empire is a little bit bad, because of Brad's incident, the queen is going to launch a holy war for order, and all the construction work that has just been rolled out in the empire has come to a standstill.

The problem is not only because of funds, but more importantly, it is related to people.In addition to the three countries in the north, the reliable talents of other kingdoms, duchies and governorships, that is, the original priests of Kem and the current priests of order, either joined the government department or were selected into the legion.Now they are recruiting priests from government departments, and the aristocratic rebellion just suppressed by the empire shows signs of resurgence.

To make matters worse, something seems to be wrong with the Queen's magical mentor, Meddy.

On the night of the Yuanzu Disaster, the Medi Magic Tower near Valentine's Castle exploded. Amidst the extraordinary fluctuations in divine power, a goddess who couldn't see her face issued an oracle, saying that she was revenge. come.

The magic tower was blown up, and Meddy disappeared. The queen hurried back, but she didn't find Meddy's body or soul breath. It seems that Meddy is not dead, but I don't know if she was seriously injured or avoided the "Nemesis". disappeared.

Although the Imperial Propaganda Department covered up the matter, the Empress treated it as if it hadn't happened, and was focused on the holy war of order, but the sudden strengthening of the guards of the Emperor's Castle also showed that the Empress was quite afraid of the goddess.

It seems that the empire seems to have internal and external troubles, but the queen still insists on launching a holy war of order, which makes the officials worry that this new empire may not be able to withstand the toss.

But since the queen said so, everyone's confidence has been raised again. After all, the queen is still a goddess, the unparalleled Theresia.

The important ministers bowed and retreated, and the queen left Baudouin behind.

"It's not about the hand of order, Baudouin," the queen said quietly, "how is the situation of the magic metal smelting field in the north?"

Baudouin said respectfully: "More than 3000 extraordinary people have been gathered, presided over by the royal magician who is loyal to the empire. Now there are more than 200 tons of copper per day, and nearly ten tons of mithril and fine gold. Magic steel Still experimenting, the royal magicians are experimenting with various techniques, His Majesty knows that we have obtained a lot of techniques from the Storm Islands magician family, but good and bad coexist, and it takes time to identify them."

The queen asked: "Those extraordinary people are indeed heinous criminals, right?"

Baudouin bowed deeply: "Your Majesty is the lord of kindness and order in Finn. How dare the ministers do evil deeds that tarnish His Majesty's sacred brilliance? They are all heretics who believe in evil gods."

"But it doesn't mean that we have to learn from those evil gods and use the same methods to torture mortals. They are different from the Benuins and Brads, and the future order will tolerate them." The queen said: "We just let them use their extraordinary power to serve the empire. Service, the necessary treatment should not be less."

Baudouin nodded repeatedly, and the queen continued: "You have also seen the reports submitted by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance. To support our order jihad, the funds and resources needed are so huge that even I am surprised."

"If I were to find the Temple of Commerce, I would fall into Li Qi's trap. I told him... I understood his thoughts, and he pinned his hope on me drinking poison to quench my thirst... Well, this is a proverb from Estetheth, meaning It's drinking poisoned wine to quench your thirst."

"So, I thought of another way."

The queen's gray pupils shone with a deep brilliance: "What we need is not gold bushes, not resources, but every mortal, every mortal who believes in the eternal order. We must mobilize them to contribute. The jihad of order is a battle of faith , First of all, order must shine on the empire."

Baudouin thought for a while, and the extreme joy seeped into his body from his soul, and then overflowed outside, covering his whole body with a faint golden light.

He said in a slightly trembling voice: "Your Majesty...no, my lord, you are revealing the path of glory to humble servants!"

This is indeed worthy of the joy of priests like Baudouin, because it means that the Queen has made a decision to revive the church in an all-round way, and then vigorously develop the faith.

This is a... strategic decision, equivalent to making the Church of Order the state religion.This can not only obtain more human resources through the church, but also the believers of those evil churches are free and easy-to-use resources.

"It requires our people to make certain sacrifices, and it would be unfair to the people if others who benefit from order don't make the same sacrifices."

The queen said in a low voice: "The pious believers alone cannot win this war. We still need magicians and gold poultry, but I will not bow to them. I will force them to bow to me and take the initiative to bow to me." Consecrate."

"Among me, Li Qi and Romulus, they will know which one is the choice that is in their interests. In another world, I have already seen this truth clearly."

"Li Qi thought that I would bow to them. He thought that extraordinary power could build his Utopia, but he ignored another possibility."

The queen raised the corners of her mouth slightly, her smile was very cold: "That is, extraordinary power can also build my Utopia."

(End of this chapter)

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