goddess of revolution

Chapter 839 The battle of Kester, the ending of failure is doomed

Chapter 839 The battle of Kester, the ending of failure is doomed
Each floating ship in Remark's fleet is equipped with several airships, and they are divided into two categories, one is unarmed transportation boats, and the other is modified combat airships.

The Dawn Empire did not give up the airship route. When Ted Workshop was in crisis, the Queen secretly supported other magic workshops and took over a large number of airship cores from Hathaway.

After that, the queen issued an order in the name of airship accessories to push these workshops to further improve the airship.From a technical point of view, this is also necessary. The magic aircraft cannot fly high enough to fight with the airship.

The new combat airship has enhanced protection and firepower, and lowers the user's strength level requirements, but the weight of up to two to three tons is inherently insufficient, so it can only be said to have improved.Also because of the sudden increase in weight, the speed is slow to the same level as the magic aircraft. Except for the advantages of maneuverability and ceiling, it is weaker than the magic aircraft in other aspects.

Fortunately, the empire also developed magic planes at the same time. There were magic planes in the middle and low altitudes, and combat airships in the high altitudes, which added a layer of protection to the floating warships.

Each airship released two combat airships, and forty airships organized a line of defense below the airship.

The empire has not yet developed the omnidirectional detection radar of the Red Federation. Remaco can only use the experience in Brad to form observations through superhumans who are good at a series of spells such as eagle eye, prophecy, and projection. The group, the cottage has a human flesh radar.The information from various channels is gathered on the information platform in front of him. Although there are delays and errors, the battle situation can still be seen at a glance.

Previously, the magical planes of the two sides had been fighting fiercely between [-] and [-] meters. Remaco dispatched nearly [-] fighters one after another, and the Chilian side had almost [-] fighters. The two sides have been fighting fiercely in the air for nearly half an hour. , the situation remains unclear.

The empire's attack plane dropped several bombs towards the mobile fortress below, indicating that the empire still had the strength to launch an attack in addition to air combat, which pleased Remaco.

The empire's current magic fighters are still copycats of the Red Alliance fighters. The officially finalized "berserker" is the salmon of the Red Alliance, and the "knight" is the sardine. In terms of performance, it can only be said to be close to the counterfeit.

However, the empire did not have the kind of early warning aircraft and command aircraft that can detect a wide range of airspace and effectively organize the various aircrafts of the Red Federation. Various workshops in the empire have proposed various plans, and there has been a lot of noise, and no conclusion has been reached.

What Remark can rely on is the advantage in numbers and the experience of the pilots.Compared with the former, Remark has more confidence in the latter.When he was in Brad, he not only commanded his own army, but also trained the magic aircraft and magic artillery units for Sylvie, so that the various simulated actual combat conducted by his subordinates should be effective.

However, when the Chilian group appeared, Remaco was still sweating.

The imperial intelligence department submitted a report, saying that a brand-new aircraft appeared on the Shenyun Plateau, the speed was so fast that the air was torn apart, and the vibration was like thunder.However, the specific details are vague. Some say it is a new type of magical aircraft, while others say it is a giant dragon.

Combined with the fact that the black dragon and white dragon on the Holy Will Empire began to equip a large number of flying suits provided by the Chilian, the dragon is more likely.Another piece of information shows that Chilian has received the help of blue dragons, and a considerable number of blue dragons have moved from Longyu to Shenyun Plateau.

Remaco is most worried about being attacked by the Blue Dragon Troops of the Red Alliance. His squadron does not have many legends in command, and he has no experience in how the floating ship will fight against the modified dragon.

After seeing the details of the fleet, Rimaco let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was just a sardine fighter.

After a while, his hands clenched again.

About fifty or sixty sardines of the other side confronted the same number of knight fighters on their own side at an altitude of [-] meters. In one encounter, their own side lost nearly [-] sardines, and the other side only dropped a few.

Then the group of sardines sprayed out visible white smoke from the tail, raised their heads and rushed straight towards the airship, and the Knight fighter was pulled behind in an instant.

Too sharp!This is definitely an elite team!

Remaco's heartbeat started to speed up, and he asked the adjutant, "If we continue to climb higher, how long can our magic oil last?"

The performance of the new warship is excellent in all aspects, but the problem that comes with it is that the magic power consumption doubles.The higher the airship flies, the more magic oil it consumes.

The adjutant's eyes flashed with blue light, which was calculated by divination. A few seconds later, the adjutant said: "If the altitude reaches 3 meters, it will be difficult for the magic plane to threaten us, but it can only last for less than three hours." After that, we can maintain a height of up to [-] meters."

Remaco immediately gave up the idea of ​​letting the fleet continue to climb. He panted slightly and said: "The airship descends to an altitude of [-] meters to intercept, and the airspace above is all handed over to the airship's anti-aircraft firepower! All warships keep a distance, Prepare for air defense!"

The warning echoed again from every corner of the warships, and the warships that were originally closely spaced spread out, at least two kilometers apart from each other.The protective barrier is propped up, beside the main turret that resembles a huge fisheye, and in the small turret on the top and bottom of the ship, various small-caliber magic cannons, ray cannons, and magic machine guns are rotating, ready to shoot.

Forty airships were pressed down from the top of the head, and there were almost the same number of fighter planes chasing them under the buttocks. In the sardine cockpit painted with the "11001" mark, Linde's voice echoed in the ears of all the pilots in the formation.

"Fly, fish!
The small jet booster at the tail of the sardine was running at full capacity, and the fighter planes rose almost vertically. After a few minutes, the originally neat fleet bloomed like a goddess, wrapping the flying boat that rushed down from the sky in the stamens, and then swallowed and chew.

The battle that broke out between the fighter plane and the flying boat was shorter than before, and the result did not overturn the flying boat's previous performance on the Shenyun Plateau. It can only be said that death looks a little better.

Although the forty airships were highly maneuverable, they were disorganized and extremely fragile. They were covered with various debris in a short while, and there was a continuous stream of human bodies falling to the ground screaming.

The blows these flying boats inflicted on the enemy were not much less than what they had endured, but the opponent's solid body was definitely not something that could be destroyed by a few fireballs or small-caliber magic machine guns.

The school of sardines seemed to be playing with a group of fry for a while, and after knocking down a third of the flying boat, they gathered together and continued to climb.Of the remaining flying boats, less than [-] chased after them, and the rest spun around or fell slowly. Their flying furnaces or demon offering systems were broken.

"The booster is only enough to support us to a height of [-] meters. If we fall down, it will be difficult to climb up again. We don't have much time."

Lin De commanded Shen Sheng to give the final instruction: "Up to three attacks, remember the principle of attack!"

The pilots read back in unison...

"From top to bottom"

"From bottom to top!"

"Don't avoid guns, don't be greedy for guns!"

"Put straight to the end and never waver!"

The lingering sound is still echoing, and the white figure of the floating ship above is clearly visible.Twenty airships lined up in four rows to cover each other, and the gunners of the several airships below panickedly fired several flames and freezing rays. At the end of the range, the magic power collapsed, and orange and cold white lights lit up.

The fighter planes penetrated the turbulent flow of magic power, dispersed into several teams, and rushed towards each floating ship.Dense ballistics were launched from the floating ship, and flames intertwined at an altitude of [-] meters, and the vibration continued.

A fighter plane entered from above or below the stern of the floating ship, penetrated the protective barrier, and poured rapid-fire artillery shells onto the battleship.

The imperial airship has tried its best to arrange anti-aircraft firepower on the spine of the hull, and even installed a lot of spell amplifiers that can lock the target, such as arcane missiles, which are controlled by magicians.

However, most of the anti-aircraft firepower does not have a good enough vision, and it cannot keep up with the target with a speed of [-] to [-] kilometers per hour even if it is operated by human flesh.Except for those spell amplifiers that can barely catch a target and shoot out a series of harmless arcane missiles, the whole situation can be said to be in a hurry.

Compared with anti-aircraft firepower, the more effective defense of the floating ship is to maintain full speed and continuous maneuvering. Although it cannot avoid being strafed by fighter jets, it can avoid being bombed by fighter jets.

On the bridge of the "Kulin Angu", Remako's body swayed violently from side to side as the battleship maneuvered. He squeezed his hands to prevent himself from being thrown out, and at the same time silently prayed to his goddess and Her Majesty the Queen.

Very good, although the anti-aircraft firepower is not very effective, but the opponents are all fighter jets, and it seems that they have no bombs.After all, the imperial battleship is not a floating ship with a speed of less than [-] kilometers per hour and no mobility. That kind of attack is difficult to be effective, and it will also reduce the speed of the fighter.

Then they can only use the machine guns on the fighter planes to attack. Although they can shoot through the outer shell of the floating ship, they cannot cause more serious damage.

Just as he was thinking about it, a red dot lit up on the information desk, and Remaco leaned forward and looked down through the porthole of the bridge. A magic cannon on the port side of an Earl-class battleship was blown out and was burning violently. , the hull sank at a clearly visible speed.

The adjutant reported: "Their noses have more powerful magic cannons!"

A sardine painted in light gray skimmed through the porthole, approaching the tail of an earl-class warship on the side in front of it, climbed suddenly and then swooped down, throwing off the dense ballistic trajectory, penetrating the protective barrier, and adhering to the battleship less than [-] meters away. The top of the [-] meters passed quickly.

In the short two to three seconds of passing, the wings ejected four ballistics, and the nose simultaneously ejected an almost imperceptible ripple.

The four ballistic trajectories splashed sparks on the surface of the battleship, while the ripple trailed behind, blasting a ball of flames on the top of the battleship bridge.

Rimaco and the adjutant, as well as everyone on the bridge, were startled, it was...

"They had small catapults in the nose that fired explosive shells."

Remark said calmly: "Isn't the nose a propeller? I really don't know how they put it in.

After the plane succeeded, it pulled up high in front of the battleship. From the angle of view, it wanted to do a somersault and turn over the Rimaco ship.

The captain, the adjutant, and others were all shocked when a freezing ray just hit the nose of the fighter plane, the propeller stopped, debris flew, and the opponent headed straight for the boundless land.

There were cheers from the bridge, and even Remaco was slightly relieved.

At this time, the battleship on the side suddenly trembled, and a thick azure beam of light pierced through the bridge, shooting from top to bottom toward the sky and the earth, reflecting the surroundings in a brilliant blue.

Then the battleship disintegrated piece by piece, and the fragments scattered on the ground one after another, mixed with countless dancing human bodies, and disappeared into the clouds below in a moment.

In the flagship's bridge, everyone's face was pale. That was the sound of the explosion of the floating furnace, and the location of the floating furnace was just under the bridge.


Both the captain and the adjutant looked eagerly at Rimako, surely trying to persuade him to sink into the clouds temporarily to avoid the enemy's attack.

"Don't rush..."

Remaco sat back on the command seat, raised his chin towards the porthole, "It was just that the goddess of luck favored them a little, but now our majesty is favoring us."

The battle outside was still fierce, and the Red Alliance fighters kept blasting huge wounds on the battleship, and even blew up the magic cannon, but the direct hit on the floating furnace as before did not happen again.

On the contrary, the anti-aircraft firepower of the warships gradually adapted, and the Red Federation fighters fell one by one, or disintegrated directly in the air.

The flagship was also trembling constantly, obviously being hit. Remaco's expression and tone were extremely calm, which ignited a flame called confidence in the hearts of everyone in the bridge.

"If this is how Chilian deals with airships..."

There was even a touch of pity on Rimako's face: "Even if we lose the battle in front of us, their failure is already doomed."

(End of this chapter)

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