goddess of revolution

Chapter 844 The battle of Kester, the end of the unknown outcome

Chapter 844 The battle of Kester, the end of the unknown outcome

The old captain trembled and stood up from the captain's seat. The staff officers and crew members who were rescuing the materials thought he had just dozed off, and no one knew that he had finished negotiating the deal with the gods.

The God of War should be very disappointed. The old captain is unwilling to give up Ms. Ye's main belief, only willing to believe in the God of War.He probably felt that this was at least a good starting point, so he accepted it.As long as the old captain believes in the way of war and recites the name of the gods during the battle, he will be able to obtain divine arts such as war intuition.

"Don't waste time on me, go and treat other people, I'll look around."

The medical team wanted to examine the old captain, but the old captain refused, and walked out of the place called the command hall, which was actually a garbage dump, with his hands behind his back.

"That Huma..."

While patrolling, the old captain recalled the conversation with the God of War just now, and his expression gradually became dignified: "Speech and demeanor are just like my good friends, every sentence, every expression and every change of tone make me very happy, perfect to challenge No blemishes."

"It's because of perfection that this kind of humanity is not truly human. This military god has indeed lost the heart of a mortal. What he showed me is an empty shell, and it really makes people unable to think of worshiping him. "

The old captain gradually laughed: "Is this the way of the new god? It is integrated with the law of affairs, no church is required, and mortals are not forced. As long as mortals believe in such laws of affairs, they can gain the power of faith. Not bad."

"Compared with Randall's beliefs, the new gods are still superior, but at least they have made progress."

"In contrast, the Goddess of Order..."

The old captain shook his head with some pity: "Can the world go back? At least I don't want to go back."

The tragic traveler's battle in the wilderness ended like this. The vast field outside the fortress was in a mess, and so was the inside of the fortress.

The artillery fire from the imperial warships completely destroyed the outer area of ​​the fortress, and the floating ship inserted into the fortress was still embedded in the fortress.If the evacuation was not ordered in time, God knows that there would be heavy casualties.

Even so, the loss of personnel in the fortress was very serious.Hook walked from the command hall on the top outer layer to the gap where the first floating ship hit, and encountered dozens of medical teams along the way.

These medical teams are all wearing legionary armaments painted in white, with a red water pattern logo on the back of the chest, which is somewhat similar to the emblem of the goddess of life.Each group has wounded people who are being carried, carried and hugged. These are seriously wounded people who cannot be treated on the spot, and there are also quite a few corpses wrapped in body bags.

"Huma is here..."

Walking to the cabin in the gap, Hook felt something, and prayed to the God of War with the mentality that it would be okay to try: "Let the battle end when it should."

While praying, he stopped, and a golden arc of light suddenly struck from the side.

Hook waved his hand casually, and the phantom of black scales protected his body.The arc of light slashed on this layer of phantom, making a sizzling roar, and shattered into bright golden lights.

"Rest, boy..."

Hook's other hand grabbed out of thin air, and a phantom resembling a dragon's claw pressed down on the attacker, slapping the attacker down on his back.

"The battle is over, don't worry, we treat the prisoners preferentially."

Hook stepped on the opponent's chest, and popped out the magic steel long sword from his hand. The point of the sword was aimed at the center of the eyebrows, preventing the opponent from continuing to move.

This paladin with a maximum of three ranks should be the crew of the floating ship. When it hit the fort, it landed in the fortress and hid in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to sacrifice for the goddess of order.

Fortunately, the paladin met the supreme commander of the fortress.

But unfortunately, the commander is a sixth-level dark knight.

Hook said in a gentle tone chatting with his neighbors: "There are also some creeds about war in the Scarlet Faith. One of them is that war serves politics, and of course belief also belongs to politics."

"Wars fought for war like bloody battles should not exist in the world of mortals. Therefore, when the outcome of the war or battle is determined, neither side should have more unnecessary sacrifices."

He looked up at the sky beyond the gap: "Your Majesty Huma, what do you think?"

Sensing the slightly turbulent divine power in his soul, Hook smiled, and the God of War also recognized this creed.

The crew rushed up to restrain the paladin and asked for instructions on what to do.

Hook took a closer look at the huge gap tens of meters wide and high, the indifference on his face gradually disappeared, and his expression gradually became ferocious.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Let him mend Foty's wound! Then hand it over to the prisoner camp!"

In the depths of the soul, there was a vague question: "What kind of creed is this?"

"This has nothing to do with war!"

Hook responded angrily: "Forty is my daughter! This is my love for my daughter!"

The statue of the war god said to himself: "Is the captain's love for the battleship like a father's love for his daughter? This is a good creed of war. How can it have nothing to do with war?"

Hook returned with pity: "Unfortunately, the daughter of the ship has been contracted by two other gods. If you want the creed related to this, you have to go to those two."

The God of War and his newly recruited part-time believers were discussing whether the daughter of the ship belongs to the way of war, and the mobile fortress slowly descended.Her outer shell will be repaired, but the various facilities inside will be demolished, and then it will remain here forever as a war memorial.

Outside the mobile fortress, the wreckage of airships, airships, and planes are scattered everywhere on the huge battlefield. Medical vehicles, planes, and personnel painted with bright white red watermarks shuttle among them, searching for the wounded and the dead.

At the end of July 1228 of the Fourth Era, this era... Strictly speaking, from the second to the fourth era, the battle with the highest technical content so far ended.

Later, in the headquarters of the first side, Wilson held the statistical data and gritted his teeth with heartache.

The scrapping of the mobile fortress was scheduled, and together with the formation blocking the Remaco fleet, 122 magic planes were lost, and 57 ground combat vehicles and magic guns were lost. This is simply a disaster!
The equipment is second to none. After the domestic military production is adjusted, the equipment will be replenished in a few days, which makes Wilson a little afraid that the number reported is the number of casualties.

Mobile Fortress killed 67 people and seriously injured 35 people...

114 ground troops were killed and 68 seriously injured...

The Air Force killed 41 people and seriously injured 38 people...

Coupled with other accidents, the First Front Army suffered close to 500 casualties in this battle!
What made Wilson's heart twitch the most was the loss of personnel in the aviation team, and more than half of them were due to the desperate charge launched by the pilots at the last moment.

"I can't do such stupid things again in the future!"

Wilson muttered, tossing the other report aside.

That was the preliminary battle result report. The Remaco Floating Fleet dispatched a total of 20 floating ships, nearly 300 magic planes and 40 airships.

The wreckage left on the battlefield includes 9 floating ships, about 230 fighter planes and 20 airships, and some are completely disintegrated and difficult to count.

The corpses of imperial officers and soldiers that can be counted on the scene are close to 900, and half of the 400 prisoners are seriously wounded, which is less than 1500.

Even though Wilson valued Remaco as an enemy, since the time of Fei Gong, the battle loss ratio between the legion and the enemy has remained above 1:10. It is no wonder that he has difficulty accepting such a gap.

Wilson shook his head and sighed: "It really is a war of the same era. According to our own standards, this battle has not been won."

He said with anticipation: "In the next battle, we have to bring the situation back."

To the north of Red Eagle City, where the Remaco Legion was stationed, standing on the incomplete bow of the ship, Remaco delivered a passionate speech to the tens of thousands of officers and soldiers surrounding him: "We did not win this battle! But The Empire has won this war!"

The officers and soldiers raised their arms and cheered, shouting the slogan "Teresia's protection".

Although half of the fleet was lost and more than half of the fighter force was lost, this was just a frustrated attack.In contrast, the miracle of Her Majesty the Goddess opening the gate of the Kingdom of God on the battlefield and leading heroic souls into the Kingdom of God will surely inspire the soldiers and civilians of the entire empire.

"Another great victory is that we finally forced the enemy to show their evil face! They don't believe in gods! Then they are all unbelievers, and the god who supports them, the Scarlet Lady, must also be a false god!"

In the imperial official office on the side of Valentine's Castle, Imperial Propaganda Minister Mordwin gathered his subordinates and held a mobilization meeting on the public opinion front for this battle.

"In the empire, the focus of the propaganda work is on the direction of His Majesty the God Emperor's introduction of heroic souls. For the propaganda outside the empire, this direction is the focus!"

"Of course, it is equally important to strictly ban the live illusions of the battlefield! Except for the illusions released by the news agency directly under the Imperial Propaganda Department, all other illusions are ruled as illegal, and the spreaders are arrested, and the viewers and holders are punished!"

"All videos of live battle situations must be processed technically..."

Mordwin pointed to the images on the light curtains around him, and hundreds of propaganda workers solemnly recorded the key points he said.

"All images showing the heroism of the enemy must be erased!"

"To highlight the tragedy of the damage to that fortress!"

"This! This ball! It is used by the Red Federation pilots to jump out of the plane, zoom in! Focus! Let everyone see how cowardly the Red Federation soldiers are!"

"And this flag..."

Mordwin pointed to the national flag of the Red Federation that shot into the sky, which happened to be the scene of the smiling sun deforming.

"What a disgusting smile, just revealing their evil nature!"

Mordwin poked at the "funny" excitedly, spit flying all over the place: "Freeze the display! Keep it in the promotional illusion for at least three seconds!"

These words caused a slight change in the expression of the propagandists. Those who were older were nodding with serious beliefs, while those who were younger who often spent time on the United Communications Network due to work needs were a little hesitant.

But no one spoke up to protest...

Then there was the scene where the fortress's magic cannon bombarded the gate of the Kingdom of God. Everyone felt that it was extremely dazzling, and subconsciously turned their heads away.

"Delete! Delete all this part of the illusion!"

Mordwin gritted his teeth and said: "This is an illusion! The illusion created by the magician of the Red Federation! It is absolutely not real! Everyone must believe this from the soul!"

The head of the hall was dotted like a sparkling lake, and Mordwin's enthusiastic voice continued to echo: "The title of the first news bulletin is...Blessed by miracles, the Empire's Kester victory!"

In Red Eagle City, the original city lord's mansion, the legendary Druid Slukano asked Vic with a bitter face, "Which side won?"

"Most of the spies I sent to the battlefield to take pictures of the phantom scenes were killed, and the rest dared to watch from a distance, unable to see the details."

Vic spread his hands: "This battle is completely different from what we imagined. It was too brutal. The Traveler's Wilderness was completely changed, like two demigods throwing forbidden spells at each other."

Slukano said: "Only half of Remaco's airships have returned, and not even a quarter of the magic planes. I heard that the fortress is still in good condition. It should be that the Chilian won, right?"

Vic also seemed very anxious: "But the goddess of order showed miracles on the battlefield, but the Red Federation did not. In the old days, this was the proof of victory or defeat."

"The Red Federation advertises that they don't believe in gods, and even fired at the gate of the kingdom of God." Slukano shook his head: "Judging from the movements of the ground troops on both sides, at least it is a tie, which means there are still battles to be fought." , we still have to make two-handed preparations.”

Vic nodded: "I will prepare two teams of Red Federation spies and imperial spies. You can first use magic rubbings to print their appearances, and then..."

Slukano sighed a long time: "How long are we going to survive?"

(End of this chapter)

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