goddess of revolution

Chapter 854 The battlefield is not only in the sky, but also the projections behind the air battle

Chapter 854 The battlefield is not only in the sky, but also the projections behind the air battle

The plane of hell, return to the fort.

The thin young man with disheveled gray hair walked heavily into the lounge of the Thunder Research Institute, and threw himself on the sofa.

He sighed heavily, embarrassed by the lack of response from the dozens of people gathered in the hall.

"What... are you looking at?"

Nickner, the director of the Lightning Research Institute of the Hell Commune, glanced at his subordinates. He had just completed an important experiment. Normally, these subordinates would have gathered around to ask about the situation.Not only did they ignore him now, but they all stared at the big screen on the wall, their necks stretched out as if being held by invisible hands.

He then looked at the screen, which was the blue sky and white clouds, but it was upside down, with the sea of ​​clouds below and the endless deep space above.

what is this?

A large group of men and women, staring at the blue sky and white clouds in a daze?

If it is said that they feel bored after staying in the hell plane for a long time, it is reasonable, but it is clear that after ten days and a half months, they can return to the Godfall Plateau to relax. If they don’t want to go to the hell commune, they have to take compulsory measures.
"Ah, director, don't you know?"

Priest Thorn, who is in charge of medical treatment in the research institute and also serves as the director of the Fei Gong branch, came to his senses and said solemnly: "We have discovered the main fleet of the Empire, and the exchange of fire should begin, but unfortunately the real-time video will be delayed by more than ten minutes. The image before encountering the enemy."


Nicner's heart was a little heavy. When the Red Federation was established, a grand celebration was held in the Fort of Return.Although there were demons attacking in the middle of the game, and many people entered the mecha wearing uniforms and other upper battle positions, but everyone got used to it, and came back after the game to continue the celebration.

He also sang and danced with everyone that night, very happy.He does not identify with extraordinary people or even gods, but he does identify with the new country of the Chilian.What Ms. Chi Hong said made him very encouraged. Chilian is a country where everyone can realize their ideals, and he came to the Godfall Plateau and then the hell plane just to pursue his ideals.

Now the Dawn Empire, the country where man and god are united, wants to eliminate the Chilian, of course he cannot accept it.

It is because he knows that the war is imminent that he works harder.

But today it failed again, how many times has this happened?

Only then did the pastor notice Nickner's expression: "Ah, Director, how's the situation? Failed again?"

Nicner sighed: "I can't figure it out, I did the experiment outside the protective barrier, and I also specially used the Forbidden Magic Circle to ensure that the extraordinary power will not interfere, but it still didn't work, and the battery pack almost exploded. "

He rubbed his brows and muttered, "Is the coil wrong, or is there a problem with the direction?"

Nickner got inspiration from the electric bearing and wanted to invent a weapon that could replace the dwarf gunpowder to launch projectiles, and was faster and more penetrating.He reported this idea to the Hell Commune to apply for materials, and when the approval came back, there was a handwritten letter from the Chief Cardinal: "Good idea, work hard!"

This greatly encouraged his enthusiasm, but there were always problems in experiments.After analysis, he confirmed that it was the extraordinary power that was affecting the "Natural Lightning" to take effect, so he used various methods to eliminate the interference, but it still didn't work.

The priest spread his hands: "As I said, extraordinary power and basic laws are fused together. It is impossible for you to completely eliminate the interference of extraordinary power."

"How is it impossible? I firmly believe that the basic law does not depend on the existence of extraordinary power!"

Nickner said seriously: "Look at our propeller plane, isn't it just stirring the air to move forward? This is the basic law!"

The pastor asked, "Do you... firmly believe?"

Nickner nodded subconsciously: "Yeah, what's the matter?"

The pastor looked at Nicner's shining pupils, and the corner of his mouth curved meaningfully: "Then you are the biggest source of disturbance."

Nickner thought for a while and was stunned.

After a while, he shook his head vigorously: "No, no! I don't have extraordinary power! Even if I have it, I don't know any kind of divine magic, how can it interfere with the operation of natural lightning?"

The pastor was only guiding him, and it wasn't like Nicner hadn't tested it with a divine power gauge, and it was zero praise just like ordinary people.

However, another possibility cannot be denied, that is, because Nicner firmly believes that he has no supernatural power, his soul has the power to restrain the supernatural power, making the detector invalid.

From this point of view, Nicner is really contradictory, a materialist who uses idealism to deny reality and it really works.

Nicner said again: "There is another possibility. The Forbidden Magic Circle cannot completely shield the extraordinary power, and there is still a very small amount of extraordinary power."

"The power of the electric bearing is not strong, so the interference is not serious. The electromagnetic gun I researched is too powerful, and the superposition of the interference is so great that it prevents the natural law of lightning from taking effect."

He rubbed between his brows and looked very distressed: "How can we observe and analyze such a subtle change?"

At this moment, cheers mixed with tension erupted in the hall, countless black dots appeared on the screen, and arrows shot out from the side of the image, pulling out countless white smoke with arcs.

"Let's fight, let's fight!"

The pastor didn't bother to comfort him anymore, and turned his head to stare at the screen.

Nicner also hung his heart, put his research aside, and started to pay attention to the battle situation.


In Epsilon, Witch Town is made up of delicate two-story stone buildings, and the crowded buildings on the edge of the cliff are the residences of the Chief Cardinal and the Witches.

In an empty room of a certain stone building, Vicky sat on the floor in a duck-sitting posture, with her eyes closed, her body trembling slightly, and she groaned strangely.

The room was filled with lavender light, which kept flickering, making everything seem like a dream.

Numerous phantoms that looked like playing cards swirled rapidly around her slender body, and regrouped from time to time.The door of the room was open, and there were many men and women standing in the hall outside, all of them were fate mages, and no one dared to stare carefully inside.It seems that those spinning and beating cards are affecting the truth of the world. Even if you just look at it, your soul will be pulled in and never come out again.

"No...not...not enough—!"


The speed of the spinning and beating of the cards suddenly accelerated, Vicky raised her head and screamed in pain, her eyes shot out bright purple light, and two lines of blood flowed from her nostrils, looking extremely horrified.

"Give it to me quickly! I want more!"

Wei Ji yelled, and there were her disciples and assistants outside the door. Hearing this, everyone shook their heads in horror and worry.

A female disciple was about to cry: "Your Highness, if you add more, even if your soul can bear it, your brain will explode!"

"I... I can still..."

Like a drug-addicted patient, Vicky shouted greedily: "Quick! Give me another set! I'm almost there! I feel like I'm about to touch the minimum amplitude of the micro-magic field!"

The disciples were at a loss. Fortunately, an older fate mage had a saying: "Your Highness, if you add another set of ethereal servers, you will spend more computing power on synchronization than you can get. The gain is not worth the loss!"

"Do not……"

Vicky cried out sadly: "Is this my destiny? I am destined to be one step away from success? I saw a huge shadow in front of me, who is that! Who is it!"

She swayed a few times and fell to the floor.

The Nista card box, the artifact of destiny, returned to its place, the purple light dissipated, and the Witch of Destiny walked down the street quietly, seemingly out of breath.

The disciples were so startled that they forgot to breathe for a moment, the female disciple timidly called out in a low voice, "Your Highness?"

Vicky's slender arms and legs twitched, turned her body, stared at the ceiling with blank eyes, and muttered, "Who is that?"

"Ah! It's a fight!"

A certain disciple yelled, and people turned their heads to look at the screen in the hall. The sea of ​​clouds was below, and the deep sky was above. little black dots.

The war that took place on the Sea of ​​Weeping Sands was being rebroadcasted across the Shenyun Plateau. Due to technical reasons, it was not real-time, but it was only delayed by more than ten minutes.

It seems that the Red Federation has no sense of secrecy, but this is the consistent tradition of the CPC Central Committee in information disclosure.Except for very necessary news, most of the time, the people of the Red Federation can always clearly understand what is happening in their own country and the whole world.

Up to Xiaohong, Li Qi and all the witches, down to the representatives of Fei Gong, for three reasons, always adhere to this principle.

One is based on the fundamental creed of Datongism belief, knowing the world and seeing the truth clearly, which is the prerequisite for the freedom of the soul.

The second is the self-confidence that stems from the road of Datongism. People in Datongism society do not have the freedom to be stupid because they have an environment where they cannot be stupid. The Red Federation must build such an environment from all aspects. Knowing all aspects of the situation at any time is the most basic environment .

The third is the founding concept of the Red Federation. This country belongs to everyone, and everyone shares weal and woe.Take the war in the Weeping Sand Sea as an example. If you win the war, everyone celebrates together. If you lose, everyone should drill the hole and work hard. You don't have to wait for the mobilization of the command department at all levels.

Of course, the war at the level of Youxiang not only does not have the conditions for "live broadcast", but also because it is a duel at the level of gods, the general public does not need to worry about it for the time being.

Hearing the commotion in the hall, the corners of Vicky's mouth twitched, and she murmured, "That's not important, the important thing is the war on my side..."


Storm Islands, Teide Island Magic Tallinn Center, Hathaway blinked and turned off the illusion screen.

This air battle took place in the Weeping Sand Sea. Because the whole process was broadcast live in the territory of the Red Federation, the merchants in Pryor City only needed to wear the Red Federation version of the personal assistant, and ran to the place close to the Alpha area, and they could pass the Red Federation’s message. Watch live online.

As a result, mortals in the main plane of Fein World, as long as they can connect to the trade wind network and the joint communication network, can also see the live broadcast, but it is only ten minutes later than that of the Chilian.

The businessmen in Purell City made a fortune, and for various reasons, many people poured out a lot of gold bulls to book the broadcast rights of this air battle.They forwarded the live broadcast mirage obtained by the Red Union version of the personal assistant to the Trade Wind Network and the United Communication Network. Even though the Propaganda Department of the Dawn Empire blocked it everywhere, the dark net outside the empire and the United Communication Network were not within their control.

What's more terrible is that many broadcasters are business temples in various places, not only owning the nodes of the trade wind network, but also the communication towers of the United Communication Network. Let alone authority, the face of the Imperial Propaganda Department is useless there.

"Li Qi has come up with something new..."

"Using the cannonball that locks the spell..."

"The flying machine propelled by direct ejection of air is actually faster than the bullets of the magic gun, and can fly to the height of the floating ship..."

"With these two foundations, create more powerful shells and launch them with small airships that are bigger than airships and planes. Teresia's fleet is finished!"

After guessing the result, Hathaway didn't want to watch it anymore.

Although she didn't deal with Theresia, Hathaway didn't want to see Li Qi gain power, and that guy was still the culprit who forced her to laugh.Although the road was firmed up because of this, the face still hurt a lot.

"This is just a trivial matter, Li Qi..."

Hathaway raised her hand, holding something the size of a fist in her palm, which looked like a polyhedron of a giant diamond, and it was dusty and dull.

She whispered to herself: "You just developed these things on the basis of the existing divine arts and magic. When I crack the mystery of extraordinary power and grasp the ultimate truth of the world, your things will soon become obsolete. "

This huge "gray gem" is the inheritance passed down by the family.I didn't know what it was before, but later I found out that it was a strange item made by the magic emperor Tekeusch himself.

This is the Tekwush hub. According to the records of the ancestors of the Ted family, the magnificent floating cities in the magic empire are all supported by such a hub.

Not only can it provide an unimaginably powerful buoyant force, but the enchantment built by this pivot also allows the magic rules to be changed at will, and various unimaginable applications can be realized in the enchantment.

The enchantment membrane of the Storm Islands largely comes from the enchantment technology attached to this pivot core.

There is not only one such core. When the Magic Empire collapsed, the magicians who fled to the Storm Islands, that is, the ancestors of the Golden Family, took many away.

Attributing the collapse of the world to the excessive abuse of magic by the Magic Empire, the ancestors made a vow not to reproduce the technology of the Magic Empire.But the irony is that every gold family has such a pivot, and the research based on the pivot has never stopped.Otherwise, even with the newly born Goddess of Magic, the mages would not be able to create the barrier membrane of the Storm Islands.

Hathaway wanted to build the magic ship Phantom to rush out of the empty sea and fly into the astral world to find the dawn. A large part of her support was this core.

"That Sibner guy probably got this core from the destroyed Golden Family, and then weaponized it."

Hathaway shook her head contemptuously, what a recklessness.This pivot condensed the magic empire's achievements in exploring the truth of the world, but that guy used it as a curse bomb.

"Magic particles..."

She was a little annoyed, if she hadn't refined her grandmother's body into a god-killing arrow before, then it should be possible to touch the tiniest existence of magic power through the body.

Who made her too greedy at that time?
Her vision was right. Li Qi possessed a very unique wisdom. If it belonged to her, her path would be much smoother.

But at that time, she didn't have a clear enough understanding of the relationship between Ms. Red and Li Qi. She only thought that Li Qi was a voter, and she just passively obeyed Ms. Red's will.

Who would have thought that Li Qi was more like the owner of Ms. Scarlet Red? The relationship between this pair is really complicated. No wonder Ms. Red Red wanted to save Li Qi at the expense of herself.It's so hard to die, at that time Teresia also ran to join in the fun.

Teresia should have also tried to snatch Li Qi away from Lady Scarlet. What happened?
Hathaway is very happy when she thinks of the disaster of Yuanzu before and the battle now.

You have today too, Teresia!

Don't think about it, anyway, when the time comes, with the power from the ultimate truth, grind the house-playing games played by Li Qi and Xiaohong into powder, and let the couple kneel down and lick their shoes!
The corners of Hathaway's mouth curled up slightly, she put aside distracting thoughts, and sank into the Tekeusch core in her hand.

At this time, there is still a ray of miscellaneous thoughts slipping through...

The invention of Artur's law, the utilization of basic natural laws, the superposition of low-level spells is better than high-level spells... It is Li Qi's various ideas in magic technology, as well as various quantitative and accurate analysis methods, that make She has the premise of in-depth research on the Tekoush Hub.

She thought pitifully, when the time comes, be kinder, Xiao Hong can only lick her shoes, Li Qi can lick her toes.

While Hathaway was devoting herself to the research with great anticipation, a magical sailing ship had just struggled out of the stormy sea at an unknown distance from Ted Island.

The captain hesitated for a long time in front of the highest and most luxurious cabin door on the ship, then mustered up the courage to knock on the door and asked loudly: "Your Excellency, are you all right?"

A cold voice came from inside: "It's okay, I need to rest, don't bother me."

The voice is very crisp and tender, it sounds like an underage girl.

The captain trembled and apologized repeatedly, and left quickly.

Don't look at this girl who is petite and small, and looks very ordinary, but the captain absolutely dare not treat her like a little girl.This is at least a middle-level magician, and the huge sail is full with a wave of his hand, and he probably doesn't even need to look at civilians like them to deal with them.

Thanks to the presence of the "Ship Magician", otherwise the ship would have been overturned by the previous huge waves.

What made the captain even more happy was that the young magician didn't want to be paid, but only wanted him to be her guide to take her to Teide Island.

Aside from the rejoicing and joy, the captain was also a little puzzled.

Since it is such a powerful magician, it can be teleported there, why is it so troublesome to take a boat?
Forget it, ordinary people don't understand the world of extraordinary people...

In the cabin, it was confirmed that the captain had gone far away, and the petite girl was holding a spittoon, vomiting.

After vomiting, she collapsed on the bed, rubbed her forehead and sighed: "This body is really too weak, it can't even withstand teleportation, and it's seasick."

"In the past, a thought could come, but now Hathaway's belief is not so pure, and it can only come when she gets close to a certain distance with her body. If I don't catch her as soon as possible, I will lose her."

"I hope she has enough faith in me..."

The girl's mind was full of distracting thoughts, and then she was overwhelmed by the overwhelming feeling of vomiting in her chest.

She rushed out of bed again, holding the spittoon and continuing to spit.

(End of this chapter)

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