goddess of revolution

Chapter 880 The old era is completely over, what will the future look like with Leia

Chapter 880 The old era is completely over, what will the future look like with Leia

"Is it the same as Catherine?"

The Skeleton King's voice sounded, it was no longer a vague overlapping sound, it was so clear that even a trace of the old king's original voice could be heard.

His figure stabilized, unchanged from before. He still had a skull face, and the soul fire in his eye sockets seemed to have a touch of humanity. Of course, this must be an illusion.


Catherine ran over and stood in front of the Skeleton King, first she was happy, and then shed tears for her father's skeleton face.

Catherine, who is surrounded by family affection, is weak, and she is completely two extremes with the cold-faced devil in the eyes of outsiders.

Li Qi came over with the light cocoon in his arms, and the Skeleton King subconsciously stretched out his hand, and retracted it halfway.

He shook his head like an ordinary grandfather and said, "No, I can't let Leia be hurt by my death air."

The heaviness in Li Qi's heart almost flew out of his throat, Lao Taishan, do you still treat Leia as an ordinary person?

Before she was born, she was a scarlet witch with the heart of Kaim and the sword of loyalty. Will she be hurt by your death breath?
The Skeleton King said regretfully: "Unfortunately, I have nothing to give her..."

"When she is born, come and meet her," Li Qi said, "Don't worry about your identity and appearance, we have living and dead people in the Chilian, angels and demons."

The Skeleton King nodded silently, and then patted Catherine on the shoulder: "Don't blame Li Qi, until just now, you were not sure who the Skeleton King in front of you is."

It seems that the Skeleton King squeezed out other afterimages of souls with the sword of truth, and condensed them more completely.Although he may still be just an afterimage of the soul, what is the difference between having the personality and memory of old Taishan and the real old Taishan.

"I have to go back. The space is filled with the breath of living people, which makes me very uncomfortable."

The Skeleton King waved his hand, and his figure turned into gray and black smoke, gradually drifting away.

A moment later, there was a crackling sound on the space barrier, and the Skeleton King shouted in embarrassment: "Your Majesty Alishan! Now you can remove the shield!"

The tall and strong Skeleton King with his cloak hanging around his limbs stretched out against the barrier, even Catherine burst out laughing.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I lost the barrier when it was raised, and I forgot that it's over now."

Alishan sticks out her tongue, and with a wave of her hand, the silver-gray light wandering outside the barrier dissipates.This is the anti-teleportation enchantment she woven with the power of the Styx, an additional layer of shielding beyond the Styx and the Chaos Sea.


Laughing in sadness here, and an embarrassing one over there.

In the distance, Romulus said timidly: "Is it over?"

A descendant of Tudor, the emperor of the Holy Will Empire felt that his resistance to fighting was about to be promoted to legend today, and he reluctantly joked: "After hearing so many secrets, I won't be silenced, right?"

To be honest, if you change someone, you will be silenced if you don't join the gang.

Knowing that the "marital theory" between Li Qi and Teresia is true, they even have a daughter...

Knowing that the Emperor of Order, who was one of man and god, no longer exists, and even Kailas Zhuo no longer exists, and now the one who dominates the priesthood of Order is the pure Goddess of Order Theresia...

Knowing how this process came about, and also knowing that the Dawn Empire is facing a huge crisis, the seat of the goddess of order has been damaged, and it must be quiet for a while to recuperate...

Of course, I also know that Teresia's daughter has become the Scarlet Witch...

What is even more embarrassing is knowing that Li Qi and Teresia have achieved good things on the seat of the god of death, which makes the current god of death very uncomfortable...

The information revealed by the Skeleton King, combined with the replacement of the God of Death earlier, can also be inferred that Li Qi has been the God of Death...

Li Qi sighed, handed Leia to Catherine, and walked towards Romulus.

He didn't forget Theresa's explanation, so he had to keep an eye on Romulus.

And no matter from the point of view of Red Alliance allies or personal friends, he still hopes to hold Romulus as much as possible.

"Yeah, we are also very embarrassed."

Li Qi said: "Why don't you bring the Holy Will Empire and join our Red Federation."

Walking in front of Romulus, the two looked at each other, and Romulus smiled and said, "If you can come to the empire to be emperor, I will step aside."

He said embarrassingly again: "But I have to kill all my subordinates, probably tens of thousands of people."

He held Li Qi's hand and sighed deeply: "My condolences..."

Of course, it is not Chinese, but the same meaning of the lingua franca.

Li Qi smiled and shook hands with him vigorously.

Then he showed his face and said, "Let's settle your matter now. Teresia told me to keep an eye on you. I guess she is afraid that you will be impregnated by the will of the gods."

Romulus said confidently: "I chose this path myself. I have no destiny. No god can influence my will."

Zai Rong said: "What I have seen and experienced today has strengthened my belief. Gods are untrustworthy and unreliable, and the fate of mortals must be determined by mortals themselves. In terms of the relationship between mortals and gods, the Empire of the Divine Will The position of your Red Federation is the same, and I believe that we, as close allies, can continue to walk hand in hand."

Li Qi hadn't spoken yet, and Xiao Hong, the phantom next to him, was furious: "Luo Luo, you have the nerve to talk about allies? Our people are still fighting fiercely outside! Also, what gods are untrustworthy and unreliable? Am I not a god? Did I not help you?"

Romulus hurriedly confessed: "I am indeed at fault for what happened to Youxiang! I will definitely make amends!"

He still insisted on his position: "As for the gods, I don't think you are a god, Your Majesty. It feels like you are more like a mortal who controls a god, which is actually greater than a god."

Xiaohong immediately became tolerant and generous: "It's not too bad, you and Old Man Meddy are really just a bystander."

Look at your virtue!Without me, you would have been sold into the abyss by whom!
Li Qi secretly smiled wryly. At this time, he didn't care about cooking Xiaohong, and said to Romulus very frankly: "Is your confidence so strong? Are you sure that there is no god manipulating behind you?"

Romulus smiled lightly and said, "Of course I know that there are gods behind the loyal court and the church of tyranny, especially the church of tyranny, the intention of the god of tyranny, how could I not be clear?"

"Don't worry, I'm just relying on the power of the tyrannical church, and the relationship with the god of tyranny is at most a cooperative relationship. Isn't it here to completely eliminate the hidden dangers that He may threaten me?"

"I'm still supporting the power of Arcanists, and you know that they don't believe in gods. Of course, they have serious problems in morality and ethics, and I'm also working hard to correct them."

"In short, don't treat me as another Theresia, thinking that I will walk on the path of Keira Theresia. You can feel my power, it is not the power of any faith, it is the power of Emperor Tudor The power of inheritance. It is somewhat similar to an alchemist. I have been researching this power, and although I have not made much progress, I can confirm that it is not the power of faith. Since it is not the power of faith, it will not be subject to the gods."

Li Qi sighed: "You have gone to the other extreme a little bit. The power of faith is just a tool. You can't reject it just because it will bring disaster."

Romulus shook his head: "I don't have any in-depth thinking on this. I just think that the road to order in the Dawn Empire is pedantic, but the red road of your Red Federation is a little...too radical."

"I don't reject the power of belief, but I just think that if mortals with various beliefs can live together in peace and power of various beliefs can coexist harmoniously, the power to preside over order can only come from mortals, pure power, It has nothing to do with any belief."

Li Qi felt that he should be clear and said: "Haven't you ever doubted that the current god of tyranny is actually Emperor Tudor?"

Romulus was stunned, and then smiled wryly: "If it were someone else, I would have to do my best. If it's your words, I can only bear to listen. Indeed, this possibility makes me more and more afraid."

He straightened his chest, exhaled, and said firmly: "If it comes true, it is a challenge I am destined to accept. And I believe that the emperor is not the real emperor anymore. Defeat him and let the bound It will be my mission to free the emperor's will."

Li Qi originally wanted to persuade him, but feeling the strong confidence in his words, he could only shut up.

Perhaps Romulus has a basis that he does not know, allowing him to be sure that he is not a puppet manipulated by various behind-the-scenes.Whether it is an ally or a friend, they are not qualified to let Romus tell all the secrets.

Romulus walked towards the half of the crystal prism in the center of the valley, where Buron's body was still frozen.Catherine's strike was extremely precise and did not damage this part.

Li Qi followed behind him to make sure that he could help in case of accident.

Looking back at Li Qi, Li Qi nodded, and Romulus turned his head to look at the blurred figure in the crystal, took a deep breath, and the flail named "Eternal Tranquility" in his hand overflowed with white light.


In the underground hall, Emily Baudouin was shaken awake by her teammates.

Spitting out blood, she asked with difficulty: "Are we in the Kingdom of God? Malhon?"

The only survivor of the other team, Marhon Bech, shook his head, his face full of confusion: "Your Majesty has sent down an army of angels, but it seems... nothing has changed."

"I've said it earlier, it's time for Grandpa to lead us, not Brintto! He has never touched our order before, and even treats us as a thorn in his side...cough cough..."

Another mouthful of blood spurted out, Emily struggled to give herself a healing spell, and then she froze.

The operation of the divine power seemed extremely sluggish. Could it be that he was downgraded, his faith was shaken, or...

"Your Majesty has something wrong." A tall priest said beside him, "Don't forget that heretics are backed by evil gods. There may be a terrible trap down there."

Baier Tirinders, the priest of another squad, was the only one who survived that squad.

They were all members of the Hand of Order arranged outside the Loyalty Sanctuary. After being defeated by the Red Alliance, they withdrew underground through the trail and met in this hall.

Originally, they wanted to meet the hand of order guarding the lifting platform and continue to block the enemy, but they didn't expect the enemy to advance too fast, and they didn't stop it at all.

When the torrent of angels of order descended, they were extremely joyful and excited, but when the torrent stopped abruptly and countless angels fell, they fell into great panic again.

"what should we do!?"

Becky and dozens of other Hands of Order looked at Emily. After all, she is the granddaughter of Cardinal Baudouin, who is in charge of Hands of Order.Everyone thought she became Hand of Order only because of this relationship, but she proved herself with piety, bravery, wisdom, and strength.

"We have to go to the lifting platform, go to the place where His Majesty went down, and confirm what happened!"

Emily said firmly: "Even if something happens to His Majesty, it will only be a temporary dark cloud. The holy light of order will shine on Finn! But it cannot be achieved by waiting. We must be firm and fearless, not afraid of sacrifice, and... ..."

She glanced at everyone, and said solemnly: "We must make sacrifices worthwhile."

Including Tilinders, they all nodded deeply in agreement.

These dozens of priests and paladins of the Hand of Order supported each other and stood up, taking unsteady steps.

Before they walked out of the hall, a voice echoed in the depths of their hearts, making them weep with joy.

It's His Majesty the God Emperor!
"The mission of Erxiang's trip has been successfully completed. All believers return to the station and wait for my oracle."

Although the words and tone were different from before, no one had any doubts that Teresia was still with Order!

In the hall in front of the lifting platform, Brintto led more than 200 Hands of Order, and confronted the Red Federation soldiers led by Leitana.Both sides were scarred and bloodstained, and they were extremely wary of each other.

The torrent of angels just now destroyed all the forbidden magic devices, even the Rubik's Cube was destroyed, and the bound members of the Hand of Order were able to escape.

Brintto, who was injured, also gained some strength in the angel torrent. He did not launch a counterattack after gathering his men. It seemed that he had received some orders. He just gathered his subordinates, collected the corpses, and confronted the unwilling Red Federation fighters.

After confirming that life and death were taken, Brintto withdrew from the hall with the hand of order, and the silver dragon that had been captured without a fight also slipped away quietly, and Leitana could only stare blankly.

The Chilian's side is also at the end of its battle. Originally, they fought more with less, and then they were washed away by the torrent of angels, and they were injured a lot. It would be good if they could not be surrounded by the opponent.

With Hammer Commandos trying to catch up, Retana yelled, "Stop!"

She let out a long breath: "It's over, I just received an order from the Chief Cardinal forwarded by His Majesty Xiao Hong, the battle is over, we are here to stand by, waiting to join the Chief Cardinal."

Everyone sat down on the ground, too tired to care about the result of the battle below.

Not all the battles are over, there are still booming noises on the other side of the hall, and occasionally the roar of a giant dragon, which turns into a woman's scream in an instant.

The battle between Bailong and Sardar is not over yet, the two... no, one dragon and the other seem to have completely fallen into a state of madness, entangled together, rolling and biting.

Leitana had tried her best, but she still couldn't separate them. Seeing that the two of them had no strength, they were just messing around, and she didn't bother to care about it.

The wall of light that sealed the lifting platform had long since disappeared, and it was just a blurred light curtain. A figure appeared through the light curtain.

It was Romulus, and he scanned the hall to see his valet still fighting.

"Garathion! Stop...no, shut up!"

Seeing that Bailong was fighting head to toe with a Red Federation soldier, even biting his calf, Romulus tried hard to suppress the urge to cover his face, coughed and said: "The task is completed, we can gone back."

Bai Long's voice was squeezed out from between his teeth: "Answer ~ ringworm ~ counsel ~ dog! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Then Bailong shouted with straight eyes: "Yigan~yao~wo~pitu!?"

Romulus wanted to do something but was afraid of hurting the middle-aged man who was biting the white dragon's ass, so his eyes fell on Leitana, and he smiled wryly, "They...what the hell is going on?"

Leitana panted, and glanced at him blankly: "Oh, Your Majesty the Emperor."

She patted the floor: "Take a rest, they should be almost done."

Romulus thought for a while, and felt that he really needed to take a breath at this time.

He sat next to Leitana, exhaling a long foul breath like an ordinary soldier.

The emperor of the Holy Will Empire felt infinitely emotional, this day is really frightening.

In the space deep in the Styx River, after confirming that there was no abnormality left, Li Qi said wearily: "Let's... retreat..."

Xiaohong is still very energetic, with phantoms dangling above his head, talking about various plans.

She said, "Shall we erect a statue for Theresia? Leia will be... happy to see it."

Li Qi pulled the corners of his mouth reluctantly, then looked up at the sky, and had an idea.

"No, let's erect a statue for Kailaszhuo first to commemorate her persistence and sacrifice."

Meddy said with deep emotion: "Yes, her disappearance means that the old era has come to an end."

The witches also looked up to the sky. This sentence made them feel heavy pressure, but it also made them full of expectations.

Just like the light cocoon in Aurora's arms, what will Leia look like in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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