goddess of revolution

Chapter 888 War is a continuation of politics and Li Qi's face

Chapter 888 War is a continuation of politics and Li Qi's face
Li Qi's voice was like the wind calling to his hometown, affectionate and sincere, making everyone quiet and waiting quietly for the next article.

After holding back for a long time, Li Qi repeated: "Comrades, you can't fight..."

Some people coughed and others spouted tea, Aurora pretended to drop the pen and touched the ground sideways, and sent a private chat: "Forgot the words? Your level has dropped a bit."

Catherine also sent a private chat: "Don't be sad, tonight, Kesi."

It's still Catherine who is considerate, Li Qi's heart is warm, but Kesi's sister will be spared, and will be even more sad.

It's not that he forgot his words, it's that he didn't do his homework at all.

The information revealed by Meddy links the anomaly of Emperor Tudor, Ms. Ye's plan and Kaim's changes together. The core is Shuguang and the unknown power controlled by Shuguang.

This is beyond the level of mortals and even gods, the highest level of struggle in Finn's world.For Fei Gong, it is too early to intervene at this level, and this matter is indeed not suitable for ordinary people.

Looking at the war between Romulus and the Dawn Empire only at the mortal level, Li Qi also had some ideas, but they were fragmented and not organized systematically, so they got stuck.

With his mind spinning rapidly, Li Qi decided to defend and counterattack.

His tone changed: "Why do you think you can enter Valentine now?"

Stan has been in charge of civil affairs and is very sensitive to political trends. He said confidently: "Because the ruling class of the Dawn Empire is seriously unstable, it is not far from collapse."

Everyone echoed, and the round hook explained on the spot, and various video materials were projected on the table.

Stan's opinion is not unreasonable. The Propaganda Department of the Dawn Empire tried its best to block the news, preaching that Theresia's unity of man and god has not changed, but the mortal Theresia has not yet shown up.The general subjects of the empire were terrified by this, but the high-level officials more or less knew the truth because of their divine power, and they had their own thoughts.

There are indeed signs of instability in the Dawn Empire. First, the Prime Minister is under house arrest. The Prime Minister’s daughter, Theresia’s cousin Ariel, returned to Hadron to continue to be the regent princess, but she has the identity of the Holy Maiden of Order. .Judging from the intelligence, Ariel's temperament has changed drastically, and she must have been tampered with by the goddess of order. This made Theresia's direct descendant from Hadron in the military and political administration of the empire feel uneasy and dissatisfied.

Secondly, magicians were suppressed wantonly. The empire used unprecedented efforts to rectify the joint communication network on the grounds of leaking information. Up to now, hundreds of magic towers have been taken over, thousands of magicians have been arrested, and they have been charged with collaborating with the enemy.

The magicians had a strong reaction to this. Many magicians in the Chilian received secret messages inquiring about defection through private channels. Artur even received greetings from his mentor for the first time. The forever 25-year-old female legend beat around the bush. She revealed that she wanted to restore the old relationship with Li Qi.

More obvious is the movement of Norton Governor's District, where magicians have begun to form secret associations, and they have established an underground organization called "Zhentarim Society".Now there is only an alliance of suspects who communicate with each other and protect each other. In the future, it is very likely to inherit the revolutionary spirit of the Norton people and stand up again to raise the flag.

"The relationship between the Empire and the Temple of Commerce is also very tense..."

Nicole gained another level of understanding of the internal movements of the Dawn Empire through the underground trade channel.

"The Imperial Propaganda Department has obtained the supervisory power of the Tradewind Network, and is also hunting down people who publish 'harmful information' through the Tradewind Network. Some priests of the Goddess of Commerce have also been arrested, which makes the Temple of Commerce oppose the voice of the Dawn Empire Higher and higher."

"It was reported that Ginny, the saintess of the Temple of Commerce, went to Valentine to see the Queen yesterday, but of course she couldn't see her. Ginny was very angry and announced that the loan cooperation between the Temple of Commerce and the Dawn Empire would be temporarily suspended until the mortal Theresia came The identity of the Empress of the Empire has appeared, and the reconfirmation will continue."

When Nicole said this, the round hook projected another set of materials, which were the images of Yinlong Mirror Stone and Yinling being arrested in Hongshi Military Base and Valentine respectively.

Yuangou said: "In order to cover up the failure of the Weeping Sand Sea Battle, the Dawn Empire not only blamed the magician who leaked the whereabouts of the main fleet, but also found a scapegoat. Silver Dragon has been labeled as a traitor for our Red Federation, It is said that the Goddess of Order agreed to the request of the God of Red Dragon, and if she wants to hand over the entire Silver Dragon clan to the Red Dragon, the Silver Dragon will definitely rebel!"

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became much happier. Judging from these signs, the Dawn Empire has indeed shown signs of collapse.

The goddess of order lost the mortal Theresia, and she also lost the political means to continue to integrate the various forces of the mortal.At the same time, he offended the mortal Theresia's descendants, magicians, commercial temples and silver dragons, and these forces are the foundation of maintaining the Dawn Empire.

Stan's conclusion is generous and enthusiastic: "The Goddess of Order also established the Vatican of Order, which is the reappearance of the Loyal Court, which has disappointed and even angered countless people who followed the mortal Theresia to fight the Loyal Court."

"The old nobles lost a lot of power under the religious revolution of the mortal Theresia, but they can still live and develop in the empire. Now that the goddess of order has restored theocratic rule, their situation is even more difficult."

"Those old aristocrats who rebelled because of Theresia's establishment of the empire and centralized power, now instead raised the banner of the mortal Theresia, claiming that Theresia's revolutionary achievements were usurped by the Goddess of Order, and they want to take back The fruits of victory for mortals."

"The trial court established by the God of Law under the Holy See took these nobles as the priority to eliminate them, and the paladins of order began to conflict with the old nobles."

"The Goddess of Order has offended all the foundations of the Aurora Empire. One day he doesn't let the mortal Theresia show up, and the empire will be restless. But we all know that the mortal Theresia is gone, and he can't take it." Out of the real mortal Theresia."

"As long as we join forces with Romulus and break into the Dawn Empire, if any of these forces cooperate with us, the building of the empire will collapse!"

Stan's speech won warm applause, and even Catherine cast expectant eyes on Li Qi.

It's not that the Witch of Destruction doesn't understand, but she still has a personal feud with the Goddess of Order.

Round Hook echoed: "If the Chief Cardinal releases the video of Erxiang's actions, it should further damage the prestige of the Goddess of Order, and make magicians, commercial temples, nobles, and forces loyal to mortal Theresia unite against her."

Li Qi pondered for a long time, and then opened his mouth after sorting out his thoughts.

"I think you have some problems in understanding..."

"We are not fighting against the Dawn Empire, but against the traditional order of gods ruling mortals. Yes, the current situation is a mixture of mortal revolutions and god revolutions, and the Dawn Empire is only a secondary issue .It is not the core focus of the whole struggle situation, and it does not carry all the contradictions and conflicts."

"In the eyes of the Goddess of Order, the Dawn Empire is just an intensive new type of faith rice field. If necessary, she can throw away the outer skin of the empire. The collapse and disintegration of the Dawn Empire is not a big failure for him. Now he wants Maintaining Theresia's state of unity between man and god is just to gather the power of faith faster and more efficiently to repair his throne."

"Just for such a goal, the Goddess of Order has a lot of bargaining chips to use. I don't see any strong core and stand to fight to the end for those forces that oppose her."

"The power of the old nobles is not worth mentioning..."

"Magicians... After losing the motherland of the Storm Islands, the integrity of magicians as a special ethnic group has disappeared. The newly-built Mage Union was just mixed with some sand by the empire before, and it became a fraternity. Magic The Patent Committee has become a vassal of the Ministry of Magic of the Empire, because magicians must rely on the administrative and legal power of the Empire to keep the business of magic patents going."

"Magicians are inherently weak. They hid in the Storm Islands in the first era to prove this. Now their main body has basically degenerated into a petty bourgeoisie, and it is even more impossible to fight resolutely with the Dawn Empire and the Goddess of Order. At least we Haven't seen the strength to keep them going."

"One more thing to note is that from the joint communication network, mirages, airships to airships, some magicians have transformed into capitalists in the magic industry. In terms of maintaining the Dawn Empire, their interests are the same as the goddess of order."

Then Li Qi talked about the Temple of Commerce...

"The Goddess of Commerce does have her own big plan. From the perspective of beliefs and interests, there is a fundamental conflict between her and the Goddess of Order. But at this stage, will they definitely have a decisive battle?"

"I don't think so. The historical tide driven by the mortal Theresia has not yet come to an end. Both of them have what they need in this trend. Compared with the goddess of order, the goddess of business should be more patient. And business The goddess also lacks strong allies, which represent goodness and justice, and a belief in order that is more advanced than the feudal order. Without such beliefs, business beliefs will never be independent and can only be attached to the powerful order."

"And just like magicians, when did the Temple of Commerce stand up against whom? When they encountered a problem, their first thought was how much money could be spent to solve it, or to initiate a deal that was difficult for the opponent to refuse to settle the trouble. The business saint Female Ginny, don't look at her as if she is very tough, but she is just taking advantage of the fire."

In the end, Li Qi concluded: "In the whole struggle, we should not only look at the overall situation, but also look at it from the perspective of development."

"You only see what the Goddess of Order is losing after losing the mortal Theresia. But have you ever thought about what the Goddess of Order will gain because of the loss of the mortal Theresia?"

"When the mortal Theresia was here, she was unwilling to do many things because of her position and various scruples. If it were the goddess of order, what scruples would she have?"

"You only see that other powers are opposing the Goddess of Order, but you don't see that the Holy See of Order is gathering the power of faith of mortals. Although such power is first used to repair the throne, when necessary, the Goddess of Order can also be used to eliminate hostility strength."

"Don't forget, the Goddess of Order is Teresia's pure divinity. She has all of Teresia's memories and wisdom. She knows how to avoid repeating the mistakes of the loyal court. The emblem of order that directly communicates with him means that he will inherit the achievements of mortal Theresia and avoid his will being distorted."

"The reason why we don't want to release the images of Youxiang's actions is because although those images will make the forces against him even more against him, the forces that support him will also support him more. We will only help him to promote that he is a A pure, no longer weak, will not be distorted by the church, representing the powerful deity of the good and order camp of Finn's world."

These words made people look awe-inspiring, and some even wiped their sweat.

Aurora's eyes flickered again, and she sent him a kissing expression in the private chat channel.

But he said sourly: "Yes, this is also the credit of our Chief Cardinal."

These words made everyone look different. Although they didn't understand that Aurora was actually talking about the soul world, the relationship between Li Qi and Theresia was enough to explain everything.

Li Qi rubbed his forehead, Aurora, you are so elegant at the scene.

The "political faction" was persuaded by Li Qi's far-sighted and incisive discourse, but it does not mean that the "military faction" died down.

Gambit stated the current trend of war and the balance of military power...

Judging from the books, the Dawn Empire is already an empty shelf.

The main floating fleet is finished, and now there are only three armies that can be brought to the table.

One is Tang En's Imperial Southern Army Group. Although it can't even defeat the Second Front Army of the Red Federation, it can still be extremely useful against Romulus.It's a pity that this army cannot be dispatched on a large scale. Tang En must also sit in Hadron to ensure that at least someone in the Dawn Empire will take on the responsibility of monitoring the Red Federation in this direction.

The other is the Western Territory Army Group led by Remaco, which is incomparable to the Red Army Army, but in the eyes of Constantine, the former head of the Aid Luo Advisory Group, this army is still better than the Holy Will Empire.

The third is the northern army group that is carrying out the task of "suppressing heresy" in Bled. This force is also an old acquaintance of the Red Alliance. It was the Northern Alliance Army that Li Qi defeated on the plain outside the Lion King City.

"Twain has nothing to say..."

Wilson analyzed the three armies one by one: "Many of the officers and soldiers under Remaco's command are veterans who followed Mortal Theresia very early. Mortal Theresia's death has hit them hard, and now their morale is very low. Dawn Empire As soon as I started making substitutions, I was held back by Romulus' attack."

"Not to mention the northern army group. Those Yankees were taught a lesson in Lion King City. Even if they work hard, their efforts to catch up with modern warfare are doomed to fail, because the style of warfare has changed again."

"The biggest problem for the Dawn Empire's army is the loss of the floating fleet. They can no longer rule the sky. Romulus not only has the production line of propeller fighters we assisted, but also vigorously improves the giant dragon and flying monsters. They have absolute control in the sky. Advantage!"

Constantine has returned from the aid to Romania advisory group. He is currently in charge of the staff affairs under the Red Federation Army Committee. He knows the situation on Romulus very well and mentioned an important trend.

"Romulus sent Curtins instead of Callahan to take charge of the attack in the direction of Kester. This person can see Romulus' plan. Curtins is a very stable general, which shows that Romulus' main attack direction is not Kester."

"I guess Romulus will launch the main attack from the direction of Bled, led by the brave Earl Callaghan. He also realized that it would be very difficult to attack Remark, so he chose the weakest northern army group to attack."

"We all know that the Bled people are suffering from being brutally ravaged by the empire. Romulus can use the posture of a liberator to win the support of the local people. And when we received the Bled immigrants on this route, we already Help him out."

"Once Romulus has a firm foothold in Brad, he can head east to Valentine, or he can go north to take Dalmant, San Canos and Sivenhall."

"Although these three countries were liberated from the orc invasion by the Dawn Empire, Sylvie's methods at that time were very cruel, causing them to sacrifice too many people. Obtain the allegiance of these three nations."

"I think that even if Romulus' attack fails to achieve the desired effect, the Dawn Empire must use all its strength to deal with it, and this is our great opportunity."

The opinions of these three military bosses turned the situation back. Everyone felt that the opportunity was so good, how could they be worthy of their conscience if they didn't take advantage of it?How to explain to the people of the Red Federation?
"The chief cardinal has nothing to say, and it's hard to say." Kane Art said to Kane darkly: "The situation is so clear, and there is a reason why he still insists on not doing anything."

Kane originally wanted to speak in agreement, but when he heard this, he closed his mouth and asked Art: "You know?"

Art made an arm-folding expression in his field of vision: "Of course I don't know..."

Kane was about to lecture him, Art said again: "But I know that compared with the overall situation of Finn's world, the Dawn Empire is indeed only a very small level. War is a continuation of politics, and this basic understanding can be had at any time. "

"Let's just say that our efforts in the plane of hell have involved a level beyond the Dawn Empire. And... I have been thinking, my master... cough cough, the master of lies, why hasn't he shown up yet? Said Maybe he has already shown up, but is only active with our familiar face and identity, so what is his purpose, and where does he stand?"

Speaking of the Lord of Lies, Kane felt that the seemingly bright situation in the Dawn Empire was indeed just a wave in the tide.

At this time, Li Qi also spoke: "I'm not too deep in the military level, maybe I don't have enough qualifications to judge. But I think the most important task for Romulus now should be to clean up the surrounding areas that hinder him from unifying West Fei." En's stone, instead of thinking that the Dawn Empire has an opportunity to take the step of fighting for the dominion of the entire Fein at once, it will be a mess."

"Yeah, I think he's a little dizzy..."

"War is a continuation of politics. The outcome of a war is more determined by factors other than the battlefield."

"We can't just look at the comparison on paper. In the dark age, many countries used to think that the outcome of a war only depends on the comparison on paper, or even the comparison of military strength on paper."

"As a result, they did achieve a brilliant victory in the early stage. But they were quickly held back by other factors."

"On the contrary, some of them reunited the enemy countries that were on the verge of splitting, and then exerted strong productivity, piled up like dumplings, and piled up an army that was much stronger than when the war started."

"There are also those who abandoned altars and pots in the enemy's country and took a big step back. They used the power of the winter storm to plunge their troops into the ice and snow swamp. As a result, they lost their vitality and reversed their offensive and defensive momentum."

"The changes in the enemy countries are different, but the changes in these countries are the same, that is, when they are protracted for a long time and suffer serious losses, they also have internal divisions, which seriously weaken their strength. This forms a vicious circle again. Failure is inevitable."

Seeing that everyone was listening carefully, but some people still showed doubtful expressions of "Is this scaremongering?" Li Qi said again: "I'm not saying that Romulus is doomed to fail, but I think this kind of speculation and blindness , the risk is too high."

There was silence in the conference room for a while, and Finn, the commander of the Second Front Army, couldn't help but said, "There should be no problem in liberating Hadran, right? This way we can have at least 1000 million more people, and there is still a lot of room for maneuver."

At this time, Tarrence finally stood on Li Qi's side: "A population of 1000 million...we are just starting to digest the three to four million people of Kester. This will affect our development."

"The founding philosophy of our Red Federation is to enable everyone to realize their ideals. Although this is just an idea, the actual situation cannot be worse than it is now."

Li Qi hurriedly struck while the iron was hot... No, stamped: "Yes, it is already August, and the half-year plan we made before has been ruined. Combining the half-year plan with the one-year plan in 1229, there is still a possibility of realization .”

"When the goal of the one-year plan is achieved, our Red Federation will only take a small step in realizing the productivity, and it is still too far away from the goal. When Datongism has not achieved initial success in the initial stage, we should not attack the city .”

Hearing this, Nicole murmured: "Then what is the initial success?"

When it comes to this, Li Qi has a lot in mind: "First of all, your Planning and Development Committee can come up with a clear concept, that is, what principles should be followed by the market, business and even the economy under Datongism, and what it roughly looks like. .”

"Secondly, our extraordinary strength education should be fully developed and stable. It can combine mortal knowledge education and extraordinary strength cultivation, so as to achieve the goal that ordinary people can obtain extraordinary strength when they grow up."

"In terms of people's livelihood guarantee and science and technology, we should also ensure that we have a crushing advantage over other forces that transcends one or even two eras."

"Of course, the most important thing is to make our crimson belief system more complete, and the understanding and mastery of extraordinary power also touches the essence of the world."

These points were listed, and everyone lamented.

Indeed, construction is the most important thing, and these goals make everyone very enthusiastic.But seeing a big lump of fat right in front of his eyes... No, it's really uncomfortable to be unable to open his mouth.

Talens also agreed: "Think about it, everyone. If we make a move, we will even just occupy Hadran. Not only does it mean that we have to fight to the death with the working people who have been bewitched by the goddess of order, but we also have to play a role in the rule. The role of the reactionaries, fighting against the belief in order in Hadrang."

"If we can't bring a better life and a better faith to these working people, then we are doing them a disservice. Ten million people... Our basic security has to retreat to the line of magic bread and shacks, And how many dark and sinful things have to breed, we can't control it."

"The bad signs that have appeared in Gamma City are proof that we can only set up a transition zone first to separate the working people from those urban people."

Everyone was actually convinced, but Catherine was not.

"What, sign, specifically?"

She interpreted Li Qi's words as taking ten or eight years, or even half a lifetime, before she could take revenge.


Li Qi sighed: "Let me be more specific, Nicole, what share of our production is the production of magic oil now?"

Nicole opened her mouth and came: "Counting all the links in the entire production chain, the population spent on magic oil production is [-]%, and the resources are, especially magic spar. It’s not enough, it has to be imported.”

"The power stations on the hell plane can't supply energy to the main plane. If the main plane wants to improve people's living standards, it has to rely on magic power transfer. The more safeguards and power applications, the more magic oil will be consumed."

"In addition, the development of military, transportation and production technology has also led to a rapid increase in the consumption of magic oil. The magic oil consumption of male sharks is six times that of sardines, not to mention airships such as narwhals."

Seeing Nicole projecting a large stack of forms to make a report, Li Qi quickly waved his hands: "Okay, just have a general idea."

He smiled bitterly and spread his hands to everyone: "Did you see? If the spread is spread out, we will not be able to carry it just by producing energy."

"Where is the fundamental problem? We haven't tapped enough in the development of productivity, and we can only rely on the old-fashioned style of energy. Magic oil is just a breakthrough in our energy utilization methods, and it is not a breakthrough. A revolutionary breakthrough."

"And this requires us to have a deeper understanding of the truth of the world and the nature of extraordinary power, and we need to reach a deeper level. This will take time."

Li Qi said heavily: "I think we will have a major breakthrough in this area when Leia is three or four years old."

These words were indeed too heavy, and the conference room fell silent again.

"Okay, let's vote..."

Feeling that the timing is right, Li Qi proposed.

At this time, a witch's projection appeared in an empty space on the wall. It was Vicky. She was supposed to come to the meeting, but she was busy so she didn't bother her.

"a ha ha ha--!"

Vicki let out a maniacal laugh, and shouted: "Li Qi! Everyone! I have discovered another layer of truth in the world! I have dug into a deeper level of the essence of extraordinary power!"

Laughter echoed in the meeting room, like a heat wave rolling, but also like a cold wind howling, making everyone in a state of confusion.

Li Qi's heart is also filled with ice and fire...

It's great that Vicky has a breakthrough!

This girl is deliberately slapping her in the face, she really wants to grab her and beat her to death on the spot!

 It was restored today...a big chapter to make up for yesterday's.

  There is a second update tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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