goddess of revolution

Chapter 921 Contradiction Analysis of Forgotten Forest and Establishment of Liberated Areas

Chapter 921 Contradiction Analysis of Forgotten Forest and Establishment of Liberated Areas

When Tina and Qili were discussing the cost issue, the commandos also dropped their launchers and rushed towards the tree fort on their hoverbikes.

Just now, like Qili, they used shoulder-mounted launchers to shoot fishbone.The aiming and locking devices are all installed on the magic weapon, and can be operated by the personal assistant.Only one wire is connected to the transmitter, and the transmitter with storage function is discarded after use.

Some of the commandos cleaned up the wreckage in the gap of the tree wall to confirm the whereabouts of Skawan, and some of them went straight to the center of the tree fort.Although this is only the earl's territory, it is one of the only two earls in the Forgotten Forest. The accumulated wealth must be considerable, at least it can give a lot of support to the Forgotten Forest Rebel Army that is being organized.

Since he is one of the two earls, the guards who were reimbursed together with Skavan just now are just a drop in the bucket.The commandos who broke into the tree fort were immediately met with fierce counterattacks. Automatic magic guns, even machine guns, and small-caliber howitzers fired fiercely.

After losing several hoverbikes, the team members rushed into the main castle of the tree castle, and Qili asked Trizzet to bring the cardinal guard team to support.

If it weren't for the fear of accidentally injuring women, children and innocent servants, this well-defended and extremely strong tree fort would have been the result of two male sharks dropping four two-ton bombs.During this period of time, while the male shark force was expanding, it also launched ground attack training.Licking the ground has become an essential ability for the male shark crew.

From the sound of the gunshots, we can hear that our side is advancing steadily. The only thing that needs to be careful is the mechanism buried inside the tree fort. To the cardinal guards and the commandos of the Intelligence Bureau, it is a bear trap level threat. Qi Li's attention is no longer on the front. on the battle.

Pulling Hua Nen's pointed ears, she interrupted Tina, who was making an expense list and was about to start from the beginning. Qili said to her, "Okay, go join the bat and pull the team up."

Tina pouted unhappily: "I don't want to see them. I didn't take my father and me seriously when I was a child. When I was so poor that I lived on drinking dew and eating wild fruits, no one from my tribe helped me. Saving them was only out of The general sympathy of Datongist revolutionaries for the working people does not mean that they really want to treat them as relatives."

The bat took the Intelligence Bureau personnel to the Elvenwood Mine tens of kilometers away from here. At this time, the mine guards should have been killed, and the Mist Crow and other tribes had been rescued.

Qili stared at her without saying a word, Tina shook her pointed ears, turned her head and said, "But since it's my sister's request, of course I'll do it."

Looking at Tina who was speeding away on the hoverbike, recalling the "sister" just now, Qi Lixin said that this girl entered the show really quickly.

The battle lasted for more than half an hour, during which the Xixing family's flying troops and the Governor's Guard from the Forgotten Forest came to support, but Qili's "Forgotten Forest Special Operations Force" also arrived.The three complete companies drawn from the first front army, including the air defense company, the firepower company and the reconnaissance company, plus the four male sharks in charge of support, perfectly performed the "surrounding the spot" tactic, and thousands of enemy troops did not escape several.

As expected, it was right to be cautious. In order to receive the support army, Qili deliberately postponed the time to eliminate Skavan by a whole day.

Not only did they get the necessary reinforcements during this day, but they also established a forward base in the steep mountain forest at the junction of the Forgotten Forest and the Redstone Kingdom.

The Red Federation will use this forward base to send away half-elves who want to go to the Red Federation, and at the same time provide help to those who want to stay and fight.

Because Xiaohong is sleeping, the space lattice portal of the endless mage has too much disturbance to the subspace, and it is easy to be detected or even interfered, so it can only organize a transport fleet.

Now is the window period when the status of the airship has fallen from the peak to the bottom, and the air power of the Aurora Empire has not recovered, and the airspace of the transportation channel is just in the war zone under the responsibility of the two legion chiefs, Remaco and Kevin Twain. At the junction, coupled with the male shark force's raid on the fort prison, the Aurora Empire should be unable to threaten this air corridor for a while.

By the time the chiefs of the Misty Crow tribe and several other tribes arrived at Evening Star Tree Fort, the battle here had been over for a long time.The soldiers of the Red Federation are searching the properties of the Xixing family, screening the captives and the servants of the Xixing family.

"I am very grateful for the help of the Red Federation, but we will not join the Red Federation. This is our hometown, and we will not leave."

The patriarch of the Mistcrow tribe is indeed a very stubborn and annoying half-elf old man, and the patriarchs or elders of other tribes have similar attitudes.Qili smelled something similar to Theresia in them, and of course the eternal order of Theresia now.

Although the gratitude of these patriarchs is sincere, their next plan is to stay away from the Red Federation, and even blame the Red Federation.

"How can you do this! This is treason! Earl Xixing is our lord, even if there is a mistake, it is not up to you outsiders to do it!"

"Are you trying to use us to disrupt the Forgotten Forest or even the Dawn Empire? We won't do that. We are half-elves in the Forgotten Forest. The inheritance of tens of thousands of years of glory will never be easily lost!"

"The things here have nothing to do with us! We were forced to come here by you, and we didn't ask for your help!"

Sure enough, they hope to return to the peaceful life that has remained unchanged for thousands of years in the past. Even if the reality has changed, they will turn a deaf ear to it.Even if dragging the entire tribe to perish, they are unwilling and afraid to face the changes.

"Very well, you just wait here, and when those who are as unwilling to face reality as you are here, we will give you freedom."

Qili made the announcement without even taking off her helmet. She didn't want to show up as an elf, let these old people bow down and bow down, and lead the revolutionary team in the Forgotten Forest with a different heart.

The obsolete forces in the Forgotten Forest are not only old nobles like Skavan, but also these tribal leaders. For the Red Federation, both of them must be eliminated.

After all, these people are still the leaders of the oppressed people. It is neither reasonable nor necessary to directly confront each other with knives, so let's first...isolate.

At the same time as these people were invited, the political workers drawn from the legion and other systems were doing ideological work among the rescued half-elven slaves, and they directly pulled up a team.

According to the information obtained by the Intelligence Agency, the internal conflicts in the Forgotten Forest have also reached a feverish level, almost sparking.

From a racial point of view, the half-elves in the Forgotten Forest have a fundamental conflict with the governor of the Dawn Empire. After all, half-elves are naturally different from humans.

But this contradiction is not the main contradiction in the Forgotten Forest. The half-elves do not have the power to integrate the various tribes and classes at the macro level. There are ethnic groups and conflicts of interests between Morning Song, Earl Evening Star and a large number of viscount barons. The Governor of the Empire The strength has become a weight they can use.

On the other hand, the "new nobles" formed by a large number of imperial knights who rose through the Dawn War also had profound contradictions that were difficult to reconcile with these old nobles.The new nobles strongly desire to use the power of the empire to redefine the power and interest structure of the Forgotten Forest, and seize the territory, citizens and various noble rights from the old nobles.

The governor of the empire is the backer of these new nobles, but the new nobles also don't want the empire to intervene too deeply in the internal affairs of the half-elves. Essentially, the new nobles also use the governor of the empire as a leverage.The problem is that these new nobles are in a state of disunity and cannot unite at all. Many of them have fallen to the old nobles and become vassals of the great nobles.

From the perspective of the locals of Finn's world, they can clearly see these contradictions in the Forgotten Forest, and the political index has already reached over [-].

But for political workers of the Red Federation who have mastered class theory, this kind of analysis is only an extremely superficial understanding.

While the patriarch and elders were filled with righteous indignation to declare their position to Qili, in the elfwood mine in the distance, thousands of half-elf slaves who had just eaten the Red Alliance army rations and received emergency treatment formed a large circle, listening to the Red Alliance Speeches by politicians.


The political workers who came were all half-elves, so that their words would not be ambiguous due to racial differences.

"The biggest and sharpest contradiction in the Forgotten Forest is that the old and new nobles, the Dawn Empire, and the merchants have colluded together through interests to cruelly oppress the people of the same race who account for the vast majority of the population! That's right, it's you!"

"This is a life-and-death conflict, and there is no room for compromise! They are like wolves eating sheep and dogs eating shit. They will unswervingly extract benefits from your flesh and blood. They will not let go until they are completely defeated!"

"This is not a racial conflict between humans and half-elves, but a crime committed by half-elf nobles and their running dogs colluding with evil forces among humans!"

"In the past, you had no strength and you couldn't resist, so this contradiction was covered up."

"It's different now, our Red Federation is here!"

"We brought bread, clean water, soft and close-fitting clothing, and light to illuminate the darkness, but these are all secondary, and these things can only keep you alive."

"More importantly, we have brought weapons! Not only physical weapons, but also spiritual weapons!"

"Material weapons can destroy the enemy and fight for freedom for oneself, but they cannot eliminate the contradictions in the Forgotten Forest, because you will eventually become like nobles and businessmen because of the pursuit of interests, you will betray your own class, you will betray people!"

"Only by mastering the spiritual weapon can you completely change yourself, and then completely change the fate of the Forgotten Forest and even all the half-elves!"

"This spiritual weapon is the faith of Datongism, the crimson belief that advocates the independence of the soul and the freedom of everyone!"

"Folks and compatriots, you may not be able to fully understand what I said now, so I will repeat it in simpler words!"

The spiritual impact swayed from the body of the political commissar of the legion, stinging the souls of all the half-elf slaves, and the words containing the painful divine power washed away the dirt covering their souls like a torrent.

"All creatures, whether they are half-elves or humans, are not born to be oppressed and enslaved!"

"We must smash the shackles on us, and double the suffering we inflict on ourselves and return to those who oppress us!"

Finally, the political commissar raised his arms and shouted: "Liberation——!"

The soldiers of the Red Federation headed by Tina responded enthusiastically, awakening the numb souls on the scene one by one, and joined the ranks of enthusiastic shouts. The cry of "liberation" resounded through the mountains and forests.

The atmosphere has been paved, and the next thing is familiar to the political workers.

Choose those typical people who bear the ultimate suffering to go on stage to tell...

Let the mine guards confess their crimes, and how they and their superiors treat slaves like ants...

Financial personnel such as the secretary of the mine explain how much benefit the slave owners can earn from each of them...

Then choose the seedlings who have been enlightened by the divine power of pain to confirm that they have the potential to accept the crimson belief, and enlighten them through questions and answers...

After two or three hours of the "Liberation Conference", a group of seedlings came to the fore, and they will form base teams and armed forces together with the working group sent by the Red Federation.

Wearing a helmet, Tina, who concealed her beautiful face, was a little unwilling. Now, Fei Ni, who is sitting on the crimson throne, is complacently accepting the hot and painful divine power?
She muttered in a low voice: "Actually, let me come on stage to show the power of the elves' inheritance and the Red Federation, and I can still inspire them without so much effort."

"This deviates from the path of patriarchalism," said the bat next to it, "and it's not that there is no chance of developing the dead. I have seen many good seedlings."

Tina's mood suddenly improved a lot: "Well, that means that Fei Ni is actually helping me with... rough processing?"

Bat is in a better mood: "According to the central government's plan, after forming a local team with firm beliefs and a strong core, we can start the work of the united front."

"Those new half-elven nobles who are mainly composed of imperial knights are the targets we are fighting for. Through the changes of the Queen of Dawn and the Goddess of Order, we can combine the class conflicts and interest flows of the Forgotten Forest to inspire those new nobles who still have conscience."

"Winning a group of new nobles and clearing out the old nobles by force at the same time, the situation in the Forgotten Forest will undergo earth-shaking changes."

"In the judgment of the central government, the Dawn Empire will not be too sensitive to changes in the Forgotten Forest. In the early stage, it should only intervene with pure force through the governor. Therefore, in the future, as long as the rhythm is controlled, the foundation is consolidated, and the strength is developed, The Forgotten Forest can successfully become a liberated area for our Red Federation to enter the Dawn Empire."

Tina was a little surprised: "Since when did our intelligence agency even... clear up these things?"

The bat sent out a silly smiley emoji on the channel: "No matter which world's intelligence agency it is, weakening or even subverting the internal order of the enemy, and turning some of the enemy into our own is a basic skill."

He added: "This is what the Chief Cardinal said. I didn't understand it before, just like you, Your Highness, but now I have a lot of experience."

Tina said blankly: "I, why don't I know? I am the official director of the Intelligence Bureau!"

The bat was silent, he didn't dare to say "you are just the mascot of the Intelligence Bureau".

In the evening of that day, the Red Federation's "Forgotten Forest Special Operation" was in full swing, and it was in full swing. In the south of the Forgotten Forest, at the junction with Norton, stood against a mountain. -Qing Yu knelt in the deep communication room, listening to the instruction of the blurred golden light in the crystal ball.

"The ten legions mobilized to seal off the periphery, don't rush into it, and give the necessary support to the half-elf nobles. They bear the brunt of this war, and they will definitely go all out and use their strength as much as possible."

"The new nobles headed by the empire, promoted by me, can be your core strength, but don't waste it on the battlefield, but use it to appease the hearts of the half-elves."

"Try to contain and delay the changes in the Forgotten Forest..."

The voice was the Empress of Dawn, Theresia. Compared with when she reappeared, her tone was not so rigid, and every word contained due emotion.

"How long? Siddhi, do you think the empire has no power to fight against the Red Federation?"

She smiled coldly: "The turning point will come soon, and they won't be rampant for long."

(End of this chapter)

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