goddess of revolution

Chapter 928 Leia's Last Life and New Beginning

Chapter 928 Leia's Last Life and New Beginning

The morning light gradually dissipated, the winter sun lazily rose into the sky, and a light mist diffused from the central square of Epsilon Witch Town to the surroundings, carrying the hot and fragrant breakfast, and drifting into the red hall in the west of the town.

The huge circular arch building with a diameter of several hundred meters is only a very small part of the Scarlet Great Hall exposed to the ground. It used to be called the Rose Temple or the Great Temple.It was cleaned up three years ago, and the outer layer of obsidian was replaced with limestone before it was renamed the Crimson Great Hall.The obsidian minaret above the round arch was also replaced with white jade, and the red flag with the smiling sun shining on the five stars was flying on the top floor.

Some people came out of the escalator leading into the Great Hall one after another, mostly going to the academy town in the north. The smell made them smack their lips and swallow their saliva, and some people muttered, "Today is the breakfast competition of the Food for the Sky Commune!" .

Out of the long ladder, people took out hoverboards from the rows of lockers at the entrance and discussed lunch in yearning tones.Since the breakfast match is in Witch Town, the lunch match should be in Academy Town.

A small dazzled purple figure appeared from the long ladder, grabbing people's attention immediately.

This is a... oh, a little girl who is less than one meter long, with purple hair shining like stars, wearing a gorgeous lavender gown, and a small white jade porcelain face that is so pretty and cute.

"Hello, Xiaohongsu!"

"Your Majesty is always lovely!"

"Is the goddess coming to have breakfast in person?"

Endless Saintess Xiao Hongsu pursed her lips and put her hands behind her back, looking like an unusually serious adult, she nodded slightly to everyone.He came to the locker with short legs, jumped twice, couldn't reach the open locker, so he had to take the skateboard handed over by others.

"I haven't eaten breakfast yet, I can't float up..."

Xiao Hongsu explained seriously, stepped on the skateboard, and shot towards the Witch Town, leaving behind a bunch of sluts who were holding their hearts and said they were cute, and slutty men who were intoxicated.

In the central square of Witch Town, the dining car is surrounded by a large circle. All kinds of meals are laid out on the long table outside the dining car. Girls with pointed ears and round ears are eating around the long table. Very different brands are actually scoring meals.

"Little Hongsu—!"


"Your Majesty won't get up early until the breakfast match!"

Lolita and the girls greeted each other, and Xiao Hongsu said "how can it be", "I usually get up early", "at least I can catch lunch", "I have something to do today and come to have breakfast by the way", "I don't Know what breakfast game" and other words caused waves of laughter.

Having met the witches who were mainly Sisi, Xiao Hongsu came to the side of the square. A meal seems to be a more professional expert review session.

Behind the dining table is a little loli, a little younger than the six-year-old Xiao Hongsu, with bright golden hair tied into a ball on the top of her head, and her round face is as tender as a fresh peach , with delicate and beautiful facial features, Xiao Hongsu, who earns points from light pollution, can't suppress her brilliance.

Little Lolita has a pair of gray eyes, which are difficult to shine, but because of her focused attention on the meals delivered, they shone with a charming aura, making people wish they could become a meal. Get eaten by her.

She ate very seriously and hard, as if she was in a battle.

Clap, clap...haha...

Holding up the 5-point sign, Little Loli said in a crisp voice with a thick milky sound: "It's too sweet."

Click, click, click... Haah...

Holding up a 6-point sign, "Too sour."


5 points, "The bite is not strong enough."


5 points, "Too light."

This is a serious foodie, no meal scored more than a 7.The chefs from the various guilds of Shiweitian Commune rejoiced. For them, as long as they were rated by His Highness, it was a proof of their strength, and getting 5 points was a big victory!
Xiao Hongsu sat next to Little Lolita, patted the table and shouted: "Hey! Me!"

The chefs didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly shared a portion for Xiao Hongsu, but that was all.Even if she spread out a pile of 10-point signs on the table, none of the chefs were delighted by it. They still stared at the little Lolita's mouth, looked at the little Lolita's hands, and pricked up their ears to wait for her. assessment.

Xiao Hong Su Mao said: "I am also an honorary judge of the Food for the Sky Commune Tournament, please respect me anyway!"

A certain cook said with a smile, "Of course your Majesty should be respected, but His Majesty's tongue, which can't even tell the difference between goat candy and milk candy, is not respectable."

The other chefs giggled, Xiao Hongsu trembled with anger, pointed at the chefs and said: "My tongue is not very useful for eating, but it is very useful for scolding you guys who only know how to hang around Leia! "

The little loli said impatiently: "Food, holy! Eat it, don't talk!"

Xiao Hongsu stared at Little Lolita, her fingers trembled a few times, and then bent.

Sitting down angrily, eating in a hurry, Xiao Hongsu swept away the plate like a cow chewing grass, and brought over the meal that little Lolita had only eaten one mouthful of.After the chefs left, the two little girls rubbed their bulging stomachs, belched a little, and breathed out a long sigh of satisfaction.

"I said Leia..."

Opening the sound-forbidden enchantment casually, Xiao Hongsu talked about serious business with little loli: "Don't you really want to add the setting of foodie to yourself, so that you can enrich the personality of the witch?"


The three-and-a-half-year-old Leia grew up at a different speed than ordinary people because she was a witch, and she looked only a little younger than Xiao Hongsu.

She asked confusedly: "What is it? Can it be eaten?"

Xiao Hongsu rubbed her eyebrows: "Are you really good at disguising, or are you not awakened?"

Leia shook her head: "Puff, Dad, I'm not here, no... explanation."

"Don't talk like your mother Catherine!"

Xiao Hongsu stared: "I mean, do you know who you really are!?"

Leia stretched out her finger, pointed at the tip of her pink nose and said, "Me? Leia!"

The corners of Xiao Hongsu's mouth suddenly turned up, and she said with a sinister smile: "You haven't even greeted me yet, call me big mom!"

Leia shook her fingers seriously: "You, no. Dad, no, hey you. Big ones, small ones, none of them."

She blinked, and said again: "The big one, sex with Akuya, three years. The younger one, sex with a young girl, death penalty."

Xiao Hongsu thumped the table: "Don't imitate Fei Ni's dirty jokes! And why is Akua having sex for three years?"

"Wait, that's not the point, I'm not Aqua anymore!"

Panting for a while, Xiao Hongsu sighed: "Really, Leia, you are over three years old, and your mind is beginning to mirror your soul. You should start to remember the memories of your previous life, right?"

"Your father, Aurora, and Catherine's mother all went to the Scorched Stone Fields, and those aunts like Finitina were not there, so I just took this opportunity to come here to tell you about it. It's definitely not for the breakfast match. Declare!"

Xiao Hongsu said earnestly: "As for me, I don't have any prejudice against you now, and I'm even very happy. After all, you are my witch of hope."

"But from now on, you should remember the memories of your previous life bit by bit. If you reveal it, it will cause great trouble to everyone."

"I won't talk about that idiot of your father. I believe he doesn't dote on you so much because he knows your situation. Others, especially your mother Catherine, will find it difficult to do so if they know."

"I'm here to warn you, Leia. If you focus on your current identity, then be a Witch of Hope. Don't just eat and eat. Now you haven't even created a magic spell of hope!"

Xiao Hongsu's tone became weak: "If you have other ideas, it will be very...difficult. Our Datongism cause is not a degenerate path where all ethics and morality should be thrown away. You let What about your father and other mothers?"

"Of course there are ways. For example, we can snatch the body of Valentine's false queen, but it depends on your wishes."

Xiao Hongsu covered her face: "But if you really want to do that, let alone the almost impossible difficulty, even if it is realized, I will lose hope, the witch, and your father will also lose your daughter, hey... You said that Meddy What kind of evil did you do!"

Leya was at a loss when she heard it, and finally digested what Xiao Hongsu could understand in the previous few sentences, looked up at the sky, and became dazed.

"In my previous life..."

She murmured, tears gradually lit up in her pupils.

Xiao Hongsu shivered in fright: "Ah! I really remember!?"

Tears pulled two wet marks on her pink cheeks, and Leia sniffled and said, "In my previous life, I starved to death, for sure."

Next to her, Xiao Hongsu slapped her face on the table...

Rubbing her red nose, Xiao Hongsu sighed: "Okay, it seems that you haven't awakened yet, you just forget what the eldest mother said just now, remember, and you must never mention it to your father."

Leia's focus is not here. Hearing that she was still saying "Big Mom", she was anxious: "You are not! Dad, the death penalty!"

"I am not this one, I am that one!"

Xiao Hongsu rubbed Leya's head domineeringly, and squeezed the bright gold balls on her head flat: "In short, I am your eldest mother! If your father is going to die, he must die!"

Smiling arrogantly, Xiao Hongsu jumped on the skateboard and roared away.

Leia rested her chin on her fingers and tried her best to think: "In my previous life..."

Then she burped heavily, and her swollen belly suddenly deflated.

Rubbing her belly and sniffling her nose, Leia looked at the dining car in the center of the square, and another round of meals was ready.

She licked her lips and sat upright, ready for another round of "grading".

I love to eat so much, I must have starved to death in my previous life!

The ignorant Leia, at this moment, has such a deep and firm concept about her previous life.

Because that's what Dad said!


In the northwest of Beta City, at the Cactus Base, a shrill siren sounded.At the same time, the same important news was being broadcast on the big screens in the base and in the personal assistants of all members of the Pilot Commune.

"The 520th second warning in the eastern part of the Weeping Sand Sea. The Dawn Empire Zhentarim will dispatch airship troops. It is expected to approach the border in 10 minutes. The scale is about sixty."

"The daily expulsion mission of the Flying Home Commune, the conditions are as usual..."

"Double three-level single-person aircraft, No. [-] ethereal data link..."

"The human, the ethereal, and the aircraft are in good condition, and they all have the third-level certification qualifications for military missions..."

"It is forbidden to mount weapons, and it is forbidden to drink and drive..."

"The air force has rushed to the airspace where it is scheduled to be contacted to perform surveillance missions. Aircraft with insufficient supplies can receive support from fin whales in the designated airspace."

"The task scale is fifty, and the progress is 37...38..."

The cactus base is very different from the past. The original runway and large hangars are gone, replaced by take-off and landing platforms stretching out like lotus leaves.In the center of the take-off and landing platform, the elevator lifts up magical planes. These planes have different shapes and fancy paintwork, and they are not military equipment at all.

"Why is my Dark Bat God unqualified!"

In the huge hangar below the base, someone is yelling at someone through his personal assistant.Next to him squatted a magic plane that looked like a bat.It is painted in pitch black, and a pair of blood-red eyes are painted on the nose, which looks extraordinarily pervasive.

Several golems that looked like spider octopuses were lying on the plane, shining with lavender light, as if they were checking the status of the plane. It was probably because of this check that this burly middle-aged man was arguing with someone.

"Yeah, Void Spirit has been modified. Wasn't that changed after performing other tasks a while ago?"

"That won't work!? Hey, I'm Deckard, Deckard-Ivy, the circus... No, the ones from the Fourth Squadron, can't even use my reputation as a guarantee?"

"Full? No—!"

After a few words of quarrel, today's daily deportation tasks were snatched up.Deke slapped the body in frustration, the crystal titanium skin made a rattling sound, a palm print was dented, and then slowly recovered.


A soldier wearing a light blue uniform of the aviation team walked into the hangar and said in surprise: "This kind of deportation mission happens every day, what are you in a hurry for?"


Deke recognized this person at a glance, screamed out loud, quickly stood up and saluted, and changed his words: "General!"

"It's not like you're on active duty and you're still following me, Old Qingteng..."

Major General Larch, the commander of the Fourth Air Force of the Red Federation Air Force, smiled and shook hands with Dyke, and then asked: "I remember you are a sixth-level pilot, right? Why are you still robbing such a third-level mission?"

Deke smiled wryly and said, "I messed up the mission on the wild plane last time, and the level of the pilot dropped by three levels. Now I have to save up again."

Lalci let out a drawn-out sound: "The guy who took the Hearnte giant snake for Shi Linxiu's flying skills is you, you woke up the giant snake, almost finished it, and almost made the entire plane expedition team return. I can't go home, and it was Her Royal Highness Catherine who rushed over to solve the problem..."

Deckard coughed repeatedly: "It happened a year and a half ago. I spent more than a year building planes in the Machinery Commune to pay off my crimes. Now, don't I just want to save points to go back as soon as possible?"


Lalci laughed and said, "As expected of a circus troupe, the chief cardinal even called your name, saying that people like you should be thrown to other planes to make trouble."

Deckard rubbed his hands and said, "Since it's an old man... Hehe, you understand."

Lalci folded his arms and said, "Since you're an old man, you should understand."

Deke's face stinks, of course he understands, military discipline is as strong as iron, and military law as mountainous, it will not work to let Larch open the back door.

Looking at the disgruntled Deckard, Lalci smiled again, patted Deckard's shoulder and said, "I came down here to see who else is a senior pilot who hasn't been on a mission, Old Ivy, you're in luck."

Hearing what Larch said, Deckard's eyes widened: "Attack Valentine!? Are you kidding me?"

"Yeah, it sounds like a joke," Larch said, "and it's not about the difficulty, it's about the situation. The main plane of Fein has been peaceful for more than three years. No large-scale conflict broke out, just rubbing against each other in the name of non-governmental organizations and competing for technology..."

Dyke nodded repeatedly: "The Goddess of Order is repairing Heavenly Mountain and resisting Hell's invasion of Heavenly Mountain. She occupies the righteous name of order and goodness. We can't be so stupid as to turn against her directly."

Laerqi shook his head again: "But there are some things, our patience is limited, even if we want to go against such a righteous name, we will not hesitate..."

Following Larch's narration, Deckard's expression kept changing, and finally stopped at awe-inspiring and solemn.

"I would like to..."

Deckard said in an extremely serious tone: "No, I request to participate in this operation!"

Lalci nodded, patted the black bat next to him, and said seriously: "I believe in you, and you can do it, Old Ivy!"

The blood-eyed black bat slowly lifted into the sky, and Dyke looked at the gradually shrinking land, and said with a sigh: "Yes, it has been peaceful for three and a half years, it should be time..."

He patted his cheeks, and a beautiful girl's head jumped into view, shouting happily: "Brother!"


Dyke called out affectionately: "We are about to act!"

The girl's head turned into a bust, she clenched her fists, and said forcefully, "No problem brother! I'm the strongest pilot Void Spirit!"

The pitch-black fighter trembled in the air, pulled out a phantom, and sank into the clouds in a moment, and the air that was suddenly torn apart gave out a sharp roar, like the sound of a loud horn.

 Returning to Chengdu from my hometown today, I have to sort out the ideas for the new volume. Today is just this small chapter, I am really sorry.

  Updates will start tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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