goddess of revolution

Chapter 956 The Logical Error of the Demon Lord of Lies and the Little Red Special Operations Team

Chapter 956 The Logical Error of the Demon Lord of Lies and the Little Red Special Operations Team
On the fifth floor of the abyss, amidst the praises of thousands of demon servants, the giant octopus-like body of Kier Keike, the demon king of lies, gradually rose from the sinking swamp.

"Slaves, devils..."

Tentacles thicker than a giant sea snake waved in the yellow mist filled with rotten breath, pushing the demon lord's thoughts like the howling wind of chaos to an extremely far place like a shock wave.

"Follow me to the first floor, those mortals who dare to invade the abyss are your blood!"

"I swear in the name of lies, this time we won't... get lost again."

Inside the huge body, in the deep and strange space, the stars are dotted like a sea of ​​stars.Take a closer look at those twinkling stars, each of which is a light screen, showing images of all parts of the abyss, including the first layer.

Yumalia floated in the space, and countless light screens were arranged in front of her to form a wall, forming a giant screen.The image is flickering, and it seems that some colors are missing, and the details cannot be seen clearly, but it can still be seen that the rock princess is disintegrating into several smaller rock masters.

"Very well, after completing this task, we can all return to the embrace of our master, Kierkeko, for which we have endured for more than four years."

Yumalia said in a longing tone: "I'm tired of this body, she binds me and I can't get back the integrity of the Son of Lies. All the feelings in the whole world must be borne by myself, like a quagmire, let me I was suffocated and wanted to scream all the time. Now, it's time to get out of this quagmire."

Dots of white light fell from the zenith, and a silhouette of a human figure was condensed around her. The figure said in a mechanical voice that was neither male nor female, "Don't call me by this guy's name. I am a child of lies just like you. Born several epochs earlier."

"Occasionally, I get tired of this bulky and huge body, and the days of soaking in the swamp and using tentacles as bait to prey on souls and even devils."

"But corresponding to boredom, there is also introspection."

"The real child of lies will not be like you, who will not introspect after getting bored, and clear the accumulated errors through the set nature."

"You are not the real child of lies, but your soul body maintains the original structure..."

The tone of this light man seemed confused and curious: "It's like a person whose soul has been taken out, a new soul has been bred, and the memory of the original soul has been inherited. It seems that this person has not changed, but in fact he is no longer People in the past, how did this happen?"

Leah stared at the light man in disbelief: "You...what did you say?"

The light man said: "From the moment we received you, we knew that you were not the real son of lies, not the probe I was looking for."

"Master suspects that you are... a logic error... the decoy probe sent, let me pretend that I don't know your details, and keep observing and analyzing you."

"Occasionally, you will send out some extremely weak power fluctuations, and the details could not be detected at all before."

"But... the logic is wrong... After the establishment of the red network, the owner has a sample reference, and finally confirmed that the power comes from... the logic is wrong."

"You are indeed...a logical error...a decoy probe created. In order to eliminate hidden dangers, you will be frozen."

Leah's fallen angel's black wings spread wide, and the power of purgatory gushed out. She screamed, "I don't understand what you are talking about! I am the son of lies!"

"You must have been impregnated by Kierkeke to say these weird words, what... logical error, isn't the red net the red lady? You dare not even say her name!"

Although she couldn't believe it, Leah still had her own guess: "Damn it, it must be that the red lady used some dirty tricks to reverse your soul subordination relationship with Kier Keike, just like she once did to me and Kane like that!"

"I have to get out of here..."

She waved her wings and took off. After flying for a while, she found that the distance between herself and those light curtains, that is, the stars, hadn't changed at all.

As soon as the great astonishment exploded in her heart, her consciousness stopped abruptly.

Yumalia was fixed in the air while flapping its wings and flying, and white light fell, wrapping her body.

In the white light, her details disappeared little by little, first fading, turning into a 3D model without rendering, and then losing thickness, as if being flattened onto the paper.

In the end, she turned into a simple line drawing outlined by white light. After flashing a few times, she turned into a white light and soared up.

The stars on the zenith converged into a few blurred faces, and the light man who had talked to Leah before bowed his head deeply: "Master..."

Those faces sent information unknown to the outside world, they were both discussing each other and giving instructions to the naked people.

"Although it is a replica filled with a new soul, it is still judged to be a probe, but the authority has been tampered with. It is really a masterpiece of soul technology."

"It's really valuable for research, and it will help us understand... logical errors... the ability of afterimages."

"...The inferior material carrier of logical errors... is in the inner space. If we can capture it, we can use this carrier to create antibodies and erase the red net from the level of law."

"Check the authorization, it does not violate the precepts on duty, yes."

"Very well, Kierkeko has such power, we have the authority to use the defense system left in his body from the Annihilation Era."

"Rais, let's do it."

The naked man known as "Rais" replied respectfully: "Yes..."

Outside the Fortress of Return, the crystal light flickered for a while, wrapping several slender figures and disappearing without a trace.

Leading a team of Sisi to gallop in mid-air, Sunny Xiaohong's heart was filled with joy and pride similar to "labor is the most glorious".

Don't think of her as a social animal code farmer who can only flip books and write codes, she can also go to the fields!
She has put the long line of Son of Lies for more than four years, and now there is finally some movement, and she can close the net!
If Misi's report is correct, she has hooked up a big guy, Kier Keike, the devil of lies!

This is a terrifying existence that is extremely mysterious even in the abyss, and even the Lord of Great Demons is unwilling to provoke it.

In the previous era, the God of Lies who was originally active on the main plane was said to be a counterfeit.

The deeds about the devil in the abyss, those unreasonable and unbelievable, are all suspected of being done by him pretending to be related gods, mortals or devils.

He feeds on lies, and his pleasure is to distort the truth, and it is not achieved by means of confusing the mind or soul such as illusion or illusion, but weaves the truth with lies, presenting another or multiple different truths .

This kind of reality includes laws, from strength to soul, all will succumb to this kind of reality, just like a dimensionality reduction blow, the opponent has no way to resist.

Of course, this kind of blow-by-blow description was made by bards and adventurers of literary youth attributes. No one knew the actual situation, because no mortal could come back alive after seeing the Demon Lord of Lies.

Misi who followed was making the last effort: "Your Majesty, are you being too reckless? We should be as cautious as a tiger sniffing a rose."

Xiaohong is in a good mood and doesn't criticize her: "Baby Misi, you have to study hard and make progress every day. That's a tiger fighting a rabbit, or a tiger sniffing a rose..."

She retracted the superman-like arms that were stretched forward and stretched back: "Doss, Lace, Fass, Suss, and Reese, Oss, Yes, Guss, Bess , Pusi, respectively, part-time jobs in various departments of divine powers such as pain, death, destruction, banners, wisdom, and new life..."

"With me, the Weaver and the Witch of Contradictions, you have formed a local red net. The power of the red net is stronger than that on the main plane! You can fight a demigod on your own!"

She patted Barren's chest again: "Of course you are all my babies, and I won't let you stand in front. My avatar is a new Mark II Sunny Reid, and the upper limit of level is not the nine of the old model. level, but level eleven!"

"That's right, when necessary, I can raise my power to the level of a newborn god. Even if Asmodeus, the great devil's lord, comes, he won't be able to please him!"

Finally, he patted his belt: "Don't forget, I am armed with goddesses. I can't bring down the [-]-ton golden cudgel. The [-]-ton one is here, and I can fight the clone of the goddess of order here." Let's fight!"

Misi looked at her sisters, carefully conveyed her heart, and then laughed happily.What kind of majesty is wise, the goddess is mighty, you don't need to spout out money for clumsy compliments.

"It's here..."

The little red face laughed so hard that she led Sisi and the others to a stronghold far away from the Fort of Return.

This is a black iron mine that has been hollowed out. In order to observe the natural law of the minerals in hell, the Hell Commune has set up a small unmanned observation station here to monitor in real time through the virtual spirit beacons set up.

The Void Spirit Beacon is also the anchor of the lattice teleportation, Xiaohong and Sisi landed, and a lattice teleportation gate opened.

Xia An, a young man with white hair in the shape of a killer and a door-like sword in one hand, stepped out of the dark golden light curtain and waved to Xiaohong: "Hello, Your Majesty, I haven't exercised for a long time, just in time to warm up."

"Who is still in retreat, he originally wanted to send QB over, but QB's self-discipline mode...you know, it's not the same as you, so I won't get involved."

Little Red's cheeks twitched, she wanted to refute but couldn't.

Then the red Doraemon jumped out, with Mickey and the green-haired Lolisa Kani turned into a fairy dragon lying on its head.

Mickey shouted happily: "Mama—!"

On the other hand, Shajiani sighed: "When I was with the Great Emperor, the most regrettable thing was that I couldn't go through the purgatory and the abyss. Now I finally have a new beginning."

The aura of purgatory and abyss on the first floor of hell has weakened a lot in the past few years due to the various production activities in Guijuebao.The Hell Commune has also made great progress in the research of resisting purgatory and the will of the abyss. Catherine can come to the Fortress of Return, and these two little guys are no exception.

The dark golden light curtain kept rippling, and then appeared a group of Chaos Angels, also called Mad Angels, led by the leader of the Mad Angels, McGaterian.

Little Red's mad angels were purified from the will of chaos, and the will of purgatory and abyss can't corrode them.Before, Upsilon's defense was tight and he couldn't use Mad Angel.Now that technology has advanced and Upsilon is impenetrable, they have become a mobile force.

Originally only Xiaohong and Sisi's team grew stronger, and it was as easy as catching a mouse to deal with Princess Rock in this battle.

But that battlefield belongs to mortals, and Xiaohong and her "Little Red Special Operations Brigade" are going to deal with the demon king of lies who is only a demigod in strength but no less threatening than a middle-level god.

Xiaohong sat on Youzan's head and waved vigorously: "Let's go!"

"Wait, that..."

Xia An next to him said with a bitter face, "Your Majesty, can you not wear this thing?"

He was holding a pair of red sleeves with two striking yellow characters "Special Action" printed on it.

"I specially dressed up the protagonist's look. Wearing this thing is like a fine lady caught spitting and throwing cigarette butts at the train station!"

Xiao Hong frowned: "Isn't it? We came here to clean hell! You're still posing for a movie, no!"

Xia An put on the sleeves aggrievedly, and was still muttering: "This abbreviation is not quite right either, special action, special action, especially reactionary?"

Xiao Hong was angry: "You are trying to find fault, if you talk too much, you will be disqualified!"

Xia An hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, don't I emphasize perfection? Today I want to show His Majesty my latest achievement, that's why I care so much about details."

After being harassed by Xia An, Xiaohong became perfunctory when she waved her hand again: "Show... that hair!"

"That's it, I'm relieved..."

Returning to the Fort, Li Qi was slightly relieved when he received a tip from Misi.

"There are so many people here, even if you meet the big devil, you should be fine."

Aurora also said gratifiedly: "Xiaohong is still growing, she knows how to crush her opponent with absolute superiority, the power she mobilizes, even if she breaks into Asmodeus's house, it should be fine, wait..."

She frowned again and took a deep breath.

"Li Qi, in accordance with the disciplinary regulations of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, we mobilized most of the god-level power without resolution. What kind of thing is this?"

Li Qi also widened his eyes, yes, this is a very bad thing!

He smiled wryly, "Is this guy trying to rebel?"

Aurora said solemnly: "When this matter is over, we have to hold a meeting to criticize her! We must deal with it seriously!"

Li Qi scratched his nose: "There is no need for the general meeting, just a small meeting at the level of the Central Committee members. And to deal with... how to deal with it? Expulsion from the common membership or the divine membership?"

Aurora gave him a blank look, and fired Xiaohong?Let Xiaohong set up a new center?

She said angrily: "You, just pamper her! It's fine for her to be in confinement. You are her guardian. You have to be punished for the same crime and go to work in a labor camp!"

When did the shit shoveler become a guardian?
Li Qi was about to call Qu, but Catherine said, "Me, together."

Leia, who was riding him, clapped her hands: "Work! Together, work!"

Aurora spread her hands: "Okay, let's go to the labor camp to work together."

Xiaohong's punishment will be discussed at that time, and a backup team must be organized now.Although Xiaohong brought most of the high-end combat power, there are some things that cannot be handled by combat power alone.

Li Qi finally decided to take the three old witches, Catherine, Tina, and Finney, and Aurora and the other witches sat in the fortress. Of course, Leia also stayed.

Karin complained: "I can only watch but not move, it's too boring."

She had a very severe hell-sickness before, which was regarded as one of the four major embarrassments in her life. This time, she came here from the United Arab Emirates and wanted to show her skills, but in the end she could only watch the scene just like in the United Arab Emirates.


Oresa next to her said timidly, the back of her hand holding the Blade of Vengeance showed blue veins.

The Witch of Justice has been looking for a chance to show off her skills for the past few years, but now she finally came to hell, and she can only watch from the sidelines, feeling very depressed.

"Don't underestimate the enemy. This battle determines the ownership of the first floor of hell. Demons and devils will never give up easily."

Li Qi comforted: "Trust me, you will definitely have a chance to play."

"Go to the field! Go to the field!"

Leia turned into Aurora's arms, vigorously waving her small fists.

Li Qi didn't give his daughter a good face: "Leiya, be more honest! You don't even have your own magical skills, how dare you shout?"

Watching her father leave with her mother, sister, and long-term workers at home, Leia pursed her lips very unhappy.

"Leia, this is the first floor of hell..."

Aurora rubbed Leia's blond hair lovingly: "When you grow up, hell will definitely still be a battlefield. At that time, your golden light will illuminate this place, and it must be more beautiful and dazzling than your mother."

(End of this chapter)

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