goddess of revolution

Chapter 966 2 declarations and 1 determination, the human god Romulus

Chapter 966 Two Declarations and One Determination, the God of Man Romulus
"It's wonderful..."

"Does Your Majesty mean this battle?"

"No, I mean the speeches on both sides..."

In the Golden Tree Palace in Tros, the capital of the Holy Will Empire, Romulus looked at the light curtains on both sides, feeling so emotional.

On one side of the light curtain, the spokesperson of the Emperor's Citadel of the Dawn Empire is reading an editorial in a solemn tone...

"Ms. Scarlet and her followers plundered all kinds of resources in Purgatory and Abyss for their own selfishness, disregarding the public interests of mortals on the main plane, which eventually led to this war."

"This war destroyed the already fragile inner plane barrier, giving demons an excellent opportunity to invade the main plane, and the mortals on the main plane are facing terrible disasters."

"Only yesterday, there were more than 2000 demon invasions in the Dawn Empire, and tens of thousands of innocent people were killed or injured. The situation in other areas is even more serious."

"The Adventurer Commune of the Red Federation is still promoting their ability to destroy the invading demons, and they have an unshirkable responsibility for the demon invasion! Everyone will never forget that they were still complacently showing the captured demon king and demon king a few days ago .For those adventurers, the lives and property of the people are far less important than their battles."

"The Dawn Empire hereby announces that starting today, the Adventurer's Commune no longer enjoys legal status within the empire, and all activities will be banned. Imperial subjects who join the organization will be treated as criminals who endanger public safety and be punished severely! "

"The demonic invasion incident also exposed the evil nature of the Chilian's attempt to subvert the stable and peaceful situation of the Fein world. They declared that they would enter the bottom of purgatory and the abyss, and participate in the great project of repairing Mount Paradise. Now everyone should understand, When they appear at the bottom of purgatory and the abyss, it will announce that the Finn world is one step closer to destruction!"

"In addition to the demonic invasion incident, the so-called civilians from the Red Federation also created the rebellion of the Benuin sand people and the half-elf of the Forgotten Forest, as well as the murder of Leviit, the king of the sea beasts of the Storm Sea. Everyone knows the true identity of these people, The eyes of the people are discerning!"

"As we all know, from the initial Dawn War to the previous Holy War of Order, the Queen and Her Majesty the Goddess have been working hard for the stability and well-being of the people of Finn. Only by repairing Mount Paradise can the holy light of eternal order shine on the entire Finn, Finn Only then can the people survive the change of eras and return to a peaceful and happy life."

"Lady Scarlet and the mortal forces she has raised are still undermining the efforts of the Queen and the Goddess, hindering the coming of the eternal order. This is an evil act that the people of Fein will never allow!"

"His Majesty the Goddess is telling Ms. Scarlet and her party members that if she wants God's War, Her Majesty will give her the God's War together with all the gods of order and goodness, as well as all the neutral gods who support order and goodness!"

"The Dawn Empire is warning the Red Federation and its affiliated forces that the Holy War of Order is not over!"

"Her Majesty has ordered the Imperial Legion to enter the highest state of alert, and to respond to all provocative actions of the Red Federation at any time. Once the Red Federation's crime of subverting Fein's world is confirmed, the Empire has the determination and ability to wipe out the Red Federation and its affiliated forces in one fell swoop!"

Romulus sneered disdainfully: "It's so cruel, and you have to add a confirmation premise before you dare to do it? What kind of vassal forces look down on me like this?"

"What eternal order, isn't it just the old order in which gods enslave mortals and mortals enslave each other? To keep saying that in the name of the people, I think the goddess of order should have an additional priesthood, that is hypocrisy."

On the other side of the light curtain is the spokesperson of the Red Federation, Cardinal Li Qi of Fei Gong.

This is the third time that Li Qi's words have been replayed. Romulus feels that he has no support from the gods on the surface, so he has to rely on diligence and hard work to make up for it.The current situation is unprecedentedly tense, and where the Holy Will Empire will go, we must first understand the true intentions of both sides.

Compared with the high-pitched and powerful tone of the Dawn Empire spokesman, Li Qi's tone was much calmer, as if he was casually reading a manuscript.

"The evil consequences of the abyss and purgatory colliding and merging into hell have already been revealed. If it weren't for the mortals of our Red Federation to repel demons and devils, this time it would not be the invasion of demons, but the invasion of demons and devils. There will not be only low-level The demons entered the main plane scattered, but the demon army and the demon army brought by the demon king and the demon kings."

"We admit that the battle on the first floor of hell has led to the instability of the plane barrier, but our strength cannot take care of the two tasks of repelling the enemy and stabilizing the barrier at the same time. After all, we are mortals."

"But we are still proud of this battle. For the first time in history, the mortals of the Fein world have taken the territory from demons and devils. For the first time in history, we have driven demons out of the first floor of purgatory, Out of the first layer of the abyss."

"We have invaded hell, captured their territory, and captured part of purgatory and the abyss. In the future, we will also transform purgatory and the abyss to make the barrier between the main plane and the inner plane more stable."

"We are keeping demons and devils completely away from mortals. With the Hell Commune, Adventurer Commune and Return Fort, demons and devils can no longer freely enter and leave the main plane as before, harming mortals wantonly."

"Things like that have been commonplace in the past tens of thousands of years. Countless mortals have been killed and seduced by demons. That is the eternal order that Goddess of Order wants."

"We learned more about the world in hell, and I also know what the world of Finn will look like when Heaven Mountain is repaired."

"Look at our current life, even if it is not in our Red Federation, but in other places, basic living materials such as food and clothing have become cheaper, transportation and information transmission have become faster and smoother, ordinary people are sending A wonderful new era strides forward."

"This is not a gift from the gods, but a victory of mortals. It is obtained by mortals who used blood and sweat to overthrow the reactionary forces like the loyal court, and it is obtained by mortals who use wisdom and hard work to continuously develop various technologies."

"It is the mortals themselves who are promoting the world to become a better place, rather than returning the world to the turbulent order of the past tens of thousands of years."

"This is indeed dangerous, because mortals are gaining more and more power, which was clearly seen by all mortals and all gods in the battle of hell. Feeling uneasy, they know very well that the majority of mortals become stronger, which means that they can no longer exploit and oppress mortals as in the past. They will not sit idly by, they will use words to confuse, there will be violent suppression, they will not allow Mortals attain true happiness."

"The storm is accumulating. It is not the turbulence inherent in the change of the era, nor the natural conflict between good and evil, order and chaos, but the oppression of the vast majority of mortals and working people by certain gods and agent classes."

"What does it mean to go back to the past? It means that we will lose everything we have gained before, everything we have won with our own blood and sweat, hard work and wisdom."

"Ordinary people living in other countries and regions may not have the courage to stand up, but we Red Federation have the courage to stand up and say no to such things that go against the trend."

"We will also mobilize more ordinary people to bravely stand up to meet the changes and participate in the construction of the new world in the new era."

Hearing this, Romulus nodded and shook his head again: "That's very good, but the tone is too soft. The root cause is still the bad image. It will be completely different if it is His Royal Highness Qili."

In the light curtain, Li Qi's tone lifted a little bit: "Our Red Federation no longer hides anything about our beliefs. What we pursue is a new order where everyone is for one and one is for everyone. For this reason, we have a clear-cut stand Completely abolish slavery, abolish aristocracy, and the souls of mortals should be independent! Any gods, mortals, and countries that regard mortal lives and souls as property and use various means to possess them are reactionary and evil!"

"This proposition does not change whether or not mortals have supernatural power. Supernatural power comes from everyone's soul. It is not a natural and unshakable boundary that distinguishes mortals!"

After listening to the last sentence, Romulus was deeply impressed after hearing it twice, so he subconsciously followed Li Qi and said, "Mortals, Finn's revolution has arrived!"

Li Qi's tone became passionate: "This is a revolution that touches the soul, and it determines whether mortals can completely own themselves from soul to body! As long as we agree that mortals should be independent, we are our friends! Those who disagree must be The private property of other mortals or gods, tools and properties without self, then you are our enemies!"

"Between the two, there is no neutrality!"

"This is also a revolution that does not distinguish between regions, countries, or races! The spirits of Finn are equal!"

"Plain people, Iceland people, Benuin people, mountain people, half-elves, half-lings, gray elves, half-bloods and even dragons, lizardmen, orcs, dwarves and goblins!"

"Everyone, unite and overthrow the rule of slave owners and nobles. They are the ones who have taken over your bodies!"

"Everyone, unite and break free from the shackles of the church and the gods. They are the ones who have taken over your soul!"

"All mortals who love freedom and yearn for happiness, unite! Fight for a better tomorrow!"

The following words made Romulus frowned tightly, and muttered in a low voice: "Is it a friend or an enemy? The drums of the Red Federation are beating really loudly."

"I also agree that mortals must break free from the shackles of gods. Slavery and aristocracy are indeed corrupt and should have been swept away as garbage."

"But what replaces these is not the idealism of playing house like your Chilian. Don't you also rely on the divine power of the Scarlet Lady and witches, and the power of the Red Net?"

"Other mortals, such as my empire, have no gods or red nets. Apart from authority and violence, what other power can bind everyone together?"

"As for the unity of various races, I'm not a radical racist like the Great Emperor, but if you don't talk about the supremacy of human beings, how can you suppress the racism of other races?"

Romulus sighed: "Li Qi, I don't want to be your enemy, but it's impossible for me to completely stand on your side."

Kneeling beside his leg, the white-haired dragon girl gently rubbed his leg and said with a low smile, "Your Majesty, if His Highness Qi Li came to ask you, would you answer the same?"

Romulus was at a loss for words, coughed and said, "Jara, don't always think that I can't hold my head up in front of His Highness Qili, I am no longer the brat I used to be."

Compared with more than three years ago, the White Dragon Princess Jia Laxien has faded away from the youthfulness of a girl, and has become a mature woman full of charm.

She looked up at Romulus, looked at the face with not much change in facial features, but with too much calm temperament, and said in an ambiguous tone with admiration: "Your Majesty has long been a man who stands up to heaven and earth. That’s what I feel the most about.”

Romulus looked at her and rubbed her head lovingly: "Jara, you are fine, I just like your cuteness."

Princess Bailong stuck out her pink tongue and licked her red lips lightly, and said with a blurred gaze: "Your Majesty, don't... just talk without practice."


As soon as Romulus said it, he corrected it immediately: "Oh, I have something tonight, let's do it tomorrow night."

Princess Bailong lowered her head to suppress the gloom on her face, and began to test: "If your majesty just wants to eat dessert, you can do it now."

Romulus smiled wryly and patted her hand away: "I'm not a fool, I'm going to talk to the ministers soon, don't you think the current situation is critical?"

Garathion took a breath, and said with some dissatisfaction: "I really don't think so..."

"The Dawn Empire is also in a dilemma. Listening to their announcement, you know that you don't have enough confidence, and you don't really want to fight."

"The Red Federation is making a lot of noise, but where do they have the power to deal with the Goddess of Order and the Dawn Empire on the inner and outer planes and the main plane at the same time?"

"Your Majesty, for our empire, the question now is not which side to turn to, but to wait for the two sides to come to negotiate the price."

Romulus slanted his body, changed to a position that would allow Jia Laxien to massage more comfortably, and said a little embarrassed: "The problem is, we are still allies with the Red Federation."

There was resentment and dissatisfaction in Jia Laxien's tone: "Those things that happened in Youxiang more than three years ago, His Majesty is really so generous, have you forgotten all of them?"

"The so-called ally relationship seems to be very close up to now, but for more than three years, you and the leader of the Red Federation, whether it is Li Qi or Qi Li, have never met again, and have not even had a few talks. time?"

"The cooperation between our two parties seems to be more extensive. In fact, the level of cooperation is constantly decreasing. Now it is just general daily necessities and cultural cooperation. The Red Federation no longer needs our magic materials, and we have also developed our own technical route. , no longer need their military assistance."

"The Red Federation really regards us as allies, so they should send high-level people to win us over before Li Qi speaks. What is it now? Does Li Qi expect to warn us through such a speech and let us send it to our door go?"

"He doesn't really look down on our empire, does he?"

Romulus shook his head: "You can't say these words, did Greta teach you?"

Jia Laxien hesitated and said: "W-Where is there? Don't let me think for myself?"

"Jara, your specialty is not here..."

The emperor smiled, and the arm with the sleeves exposed had a faint white jade luster, which was the power of dragon blood.

With the efforts of the Arcanist, he concluded the dragon knight contract with dragons such as Galathion and Mirabos, which is not simply a soul connection. These dragons also offered him the flesh and blood of the dragon. strength.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Galathion blushed, his eyes sparkled, and he shook his body and whispered: "You are right, Greta taught me, but I think so too."

"Of course you believe whatever she says..."

Romulus said, "Go back and lie down, that's your specialty."

After the meeting with the officials, there should still be some time for dessert, but I have to clean up, and Twins will be back in the afternoon.

Romulus thought so, and watched Princess White Dragon walk out of the palace, feeling a trace of regret involuntarily in his heart.

Since getting into Jialaxien, he is not so resistant to this aspect, and has tasted all kinds of things.

Of course, he was very restrained, never interfered with government affairs, and tried his best to keep it from Thewins.At least on the surface, he respected and cherished her as always, and there was no bad influence.

Of course, there will be some guilt in his heart, but to be honest, it's just that Twins can't handle his body now.Twins herself probably knew very well that even if she showed some clues, she would turn a blind eye to it, and she didn't feel that she was the queen in name and just monopolized the palace.

The only regret is...

You can't find that kind of feeling in other half-elf beauties.

Romulus suppressed distracting thoughts and began to access the communication of his ministers.

Looking at the projections of each of the ministers, the faces were either nervous or excited, and Romulus sighed that the peaceful days of more than three years may be gone forever.

"Everyone, don't be in a hurry to express your opinion on the current situation. First, report to me how much capital the empire has now. I mean... the capital related to the war."

The emperor asked a question, and the person in charge of the relevant field quickly gave a brief report.

The legendary arcanist Borkman, who is in charge of the Floating Fleet, reported: "The three fleets of the new Dragon Soul Ship have been formed, and the 130 warships of two fleets have undergone large-scale formation combat training for half a year. The dragon crystal arrays of these warships have been proven to be mature, after all, the underlying technology comes from the Chilian's ethereal array technology, and the sacrifice of hundreds of our spies is not worthless."

"The determination-class battleship built with a complete dragon soul and dragon rider has completed the air test, with a speed of [-] kilometers per hour and a ceiling of [-] kilometers. It is no less than the earl-class battleship of the Dawn Empire, and it is also enough to withstand the attack of the Chilian horned whale group. attack."

"All technologies are the result of our independence. Once a war breaks out, we will not be limited by any one side."

The vice-chairman of the God Puppet Society, also a legendary arcanist, Durux reported: "So far, 54 legions of soul-like fighters have been formed and have completed initial training."

"The soul image weapons they use are completely different from the magical weapons of the Dawn Empire and the Red Alliance. Although they are somewhat lacking in power and flexibility, the huge number can make up for this gap. However, high-level soul imagers are enough to compare with the Red Alliance's The commandos are fighting against the Hand of Order of the Dawn Empire, plus the Dragon Soul Cannon and Soul Image Cannon, we will not suffer too much in the field of ground warfare."

"The only problem now is that we have to rely on giant dragons and high-level soul imagers to undertake the transmission of war information, which is greatly lacking in reliability, accuracy, and continuity. The ability of information warfare is not as good as that of the other two parties." There's a big gap."

Compared with more than three years ago, Callahan, who has become extremely calm, said: "What kind of information war, why do you have to learn from the Chilian, the Legion of the Dawn Empire was led astray by them."

"The kind of battle where even the little soldiers can shout is as ridiculous as adventurers visiting the dungeon. We just need to ensure that the core of the commander can grasp all the situations, and the soldiers can receive orders accurately at any time."

"If the commander can't command the overall situation, order and prohibit, and control every detail, but rely on the officers below to act on their own. Such an army is fine when it encounters a weak enemy. When it encounters a strong enemy, I am afraid it will become a mess in an instant."

Curtins, who was originally equal to Callahan, was not present, and now Curtins is no longer able to participate in meetings of this level.

The bishops from the Church of Will then reported various situations in other fields. After listening, Romulus said in a low voice: "Then, do you think that if the two parties are going to fight to the death, do we have the power to be completely neutral?"

The officials were silent, and at this time another light curtain unfolded, revealing Greta's face.

This female magician, who was also promoted to Legend, now has a much warmer temperament, which also makes her look more beautiful. Only the tall eyebrows still retain the aloofness of the past.

"Your Majesty, can we be completely neutral? The current power of the empire is only a small part. The real power comes from your determination."

She said in a tone of fact rather than flattery: "Our soul warriors, our soul cannons all come from your strength. We have as much strength as you are determined, and now you are no longer a mortal. ..."

Romulus shook his head slowly: "No, I am still a mortal."

He then added: "Of course, in a sense, I am indeed a god, a living god who can move freely on the main plane. From this point of view, I should be called... a human god."

 I went to see a movie today, and I forgot to explain that there is only this update in the afternoon~~
  sorry sorry~~
(End of this chapter)

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