goddess of revolution

Chapter 986 There is nothing new in the world and under the sea

Chapter 986 There is nothing new in the world and under the sea

Amidst the sound of the alarm bell, the pilots rushed to the cars of different shapes, and fighter planes were lifted out of the underground hangar by the lifting platform.

Ascending to the ground take-off area, the surface of the fighter plane opened a light curtain.The octagonal light block floating on the light curtain is composed of lavender skeleton and dark golden light pattern, and the dark golden block turns into crystal brilliance, making the fighter plane disappear into the air little by little, with only faint ripples.

In the center of the take-off area, a modified narwhal slowly lifted into the air. On the screen of the control console inside the narwhal, the barrier of source magic adjustment and balance unfolded, covering forty or fifty fighters, leaving them only in the magic field. Blurred traces.

Since the Red Federation and the Dawn Empire launched an air-sea race, fighter planes and airships have been flying higher and faster, and both sides have established their own air defense systems.

The Dawn Empire did not master the micro-magic technology and could not accurately monitor the changes in the magic field, but the magician's magic particle energy response detection technology can observe the existence of the magic engine, and the druid's spirit particle detection ability can also detect fast-flying targets. Invisibility based on a death spell doesn't completely ensure invisibility either.Relying on the air defense network composed of ground detection arrays, magic towers, and patrol aircraft, the Dawn Empire can grasp the abnormal conditions in the sky.

It is difficult for the red line group to fly directly to Valentine to escape the ground detection. In addition to being invisible, the fighter planes can also rely on "camouflage whales" to cover up changes in the magic field, but the "camouflage whales" themselves will be exposed.

Therefore, the detonator fleet flew eastward, covered by the "camouflage whale" over the Ocean of Storms, and then flew northward across the ocean until it reached Valentine.

The fighter plane can still communicate in the enchantment opened by the "camouflage whale", which can be regarded as a local area network.Before going to the ocean, you must follow the "camouflage whale" closely, and the speed can only be kept at about [-] kilometers per hour. This makes the pilots who usually fly at least Mach [-] per hour rather boring, and they all turn on the Void Spirit autopilot mode. Bragging.

"I heard it, old Qingteng, the tone of your greeting to your Void Spirit is really sweet, and it also has a fishy smell. If you continue like this, you will fall into evil ways."

"You guy who made the puppet's body for the master Void Spirit, you have the nerve to say me!"

"At least I won't regard Void Ling as my younger sister. Speaking of which, what's the relationship between Miriam and you now?"

"Nini is not Miriam! Didn't you see that the hair color is different? It's related... Huh, since I married that ranger dog, I don't think that my old brother exists anymore, and I don't have that sister!"

"Deke, just keep your mouth shut. Who came to see you yesterday? I still heard you laughing under the covers at night."

"She doesn't think of me as a brother! When we meet, she scolds me for not looking for a wife, and nagging like my mother! What's so good about a wife? Can it be like Nini...I mean can it compare to our plane? ?”

"That's right, even if we find the blue dragon and silver dragon sister, it's impossible to fly us ten times the speed of sound!"

"The life of a pilot shouldn't be all about flying. Speaking of which, His Royal Highness Aurora has included us and organizations like Zhaishenhui in the love-deficient group, and is promoting the Love Commune to solve our single problem."

"The most effective solution is to let the saintesses of love also become pilots..."

"Not to mention, after completing this task, I will..."

"To shut up!"



The channel was noisy, until the ethereals reported that they had entered the Hadrang airspace, and the "camouflage whale" was under the surveillance of the Dawn Empire, and the topic turned to serious matters.

"Is Ocean of Storms all right? Those hunters are really scary, Leviett can't escape their hunt."

"If our plane can dive, what's a mere Lewitt?"

"An airplane that can dive is not called an airplane, but a submarine!"

"Our plane can really dive, but we have to replace the jet engine with a water jet engine."

"Can it fly at ten times the speed of sound? If not, it's boring. It's dark and stuffy. I don't know what those guys who like to dive into the sea think."

"There are always monsters who like claustrophobic spaces. Think about the gray elves who don't like basking in the sun. Let's find out about the underground commune..."

"Have the gray elves gnawed on your bread machine? Professional discrimination is fine, but racial discrimination!"

"Ahem, sorry, I forgot that there are gray elf pilots among us..."

"Speaking of which, you are also a monster in the gray elves..."

Hearing that the topic was getting off topic, Dyke, one of the formation commanders, hurriedly took the rhythm: "Uh... do you feel that the Chief Cardinal seemed to have something to say before departure but didn't say it?"

It seemed that everyone was muttering about this matter. Deckard made a start, and everyone followed up.

"According to the chief cardinal, our detonator operation seems to be very controversial. Is there a different opinion from above?"

"If you really have opinions, how can you implement them? Besides, the witches have all run out to lead the revolution, and the red tide is surging on the main plane. This is paving the way for the detonator operation."

"I think so. Our detonator operation is followed by a series of actions. The ultimate goal is to prevent the Goddess of Order from repairing Mount Paradise. To other mortals, this is a completely evil act. If we really succeed, Lord Finn Any problems in the plane in the future will be blamed on us. The chief cardinal is afraid that our faith will be shaken by such pressure in the future, so he paved the way in advance."

"Girls are still delicate in mind. I think this explanation is the most reasonable."

"Deck, don't mess with the rhythm. Do you need to think more about what the chief cardinal said? Are there any mistakes in those words?"

"Yes, don't think too much, we are not omniscient and omnipotent gods, we are mortals, just do what mortals should do."

"Our actions have made the world better, which shows that the will of the world... If there is such a thing, it is changing to mortals. If there is something wrong with the world getting worse, then it means that the world is resisting mortals, resisting mortals' basic principles. Common sense and desired happiness, we have to try harder!"

"That's the truth!"

"It made my blood boil..."

Deke quickly covered himself up: "Look, isn't everyone's thinking unified? If you have any doubts in your heart, you should communicate them, and if you hold them back, something will go wrong!"

Amidst everyone's boos, Deckard forcibly changed the subject: "Well, the guys with the goods check it out, and there is nothing wrong with it."

He raised his voice: "Don't touch any switches! Don't just throw things down like you used to drop bombs!"

Speaking of the past, many veteran pilots of the aviation team laughed.The topic turned to anecdotes and embarrassments from the Fei Gong to the Red Federation, from the Queen's Wing to the circus.

Flying birds, giant dragons, iron ball aggregates or frogs, bats and other shapes, fighter planes with various coatings, are hidden in the air, and then covered by "camouflage whales". It flew over nearly a hundred kilometers above Lang, and flew towards the Ocean of Storms to the east.

The Dawn Empire's air defense network watched this small airship passing by as if it was going to the Ocean of Storms to perform some mission, but did not respond.The 530th Seventh Weeping Sand Sea Collider is in full swing, and almost all air defense forces are focused there.And the other party only had two male sharks escorting it, so it wasn't a big move.Similar actions happen every day. Combined with the changes in the Ocean of Storms, the Red Federation is obviously plotting Ocean of Storms, but this has nothing to do with the air defense department.


In Shandon Sea Valley, several machines that looked like giant crabs were parked in front of the mountain wall that blocked the front of the sea valley. Each machine was dilapidated, and technicians in diving suits were nervously repairing it.

In the Observer submarine, the chief committee member of the Infrastructure Commune yelled at Daniel and Karsus in a loud voice: "The seasoned endless mages are all busy at Yongli Jungle. Can't work!"

Daniel and Karsus don't care, only Changhammer, who wants to start the submarine infrastructure project as soon as possible, is impatient.

The original plan was that the Endless Mage would build a portal in the sea valley and directly transport construction machinery, personnel and materials.But the enchantment is an old thing from ten thousand years ago, and the teleportation is very unstable.With the efforts of Master Endless, three machines were transported, all of which were damaged and could only be transported by submarine.

The current situation is not only that the work cannot be started today, experts from the Micro-Magic Research Institute said that the seabed and the old enchantment are new things that have not been touched before. We must start with the most basic source magic field detection, and then go through calculations and experiments. Determine the balancing model.Then the Ethereal Commune will take over the production of the teleportation Ethereal that can use the new model to adjust and balance the force field, so that it can be directly teleported from the land to the Shandon Sea Valley.

Calculating the time of the whole process, it is about the same as the progress of the new submarine enchantment that Chilian is researching, so whether to transform the old enchantment in Shandon Sea Valley or directly install a new enchantment, the "Storm Ocean Sea Spirit Working Group" is still facing a choice .

It's a pity that the person who can make the decision is not there. Xia An went to drink with the Sea Snake King, and by the way, drunkenly in the designated area, preventing Hailing from sending other powerful beings to Valentine's Bay to interfere with the detonator operation.

Of course, this is just a precautionary measure. The death of Leviit has caused the upper-level organization of Storm Ocean Hailing to collapse, and the seabed is full of flames, and it is almost certain that they will be unable to respond.

"Do you really want those lowly sea spirits to live with us?"

In the cabin, a mermaid princess with two legs dressed like a commoner of the Red Federation said in a sullen voice: "It will be an endless conflict, and the end result will only be the death of one side. With your support, the mermaid will die."

Outside the submarine, just outside the sea valley wall that is equivalent to a pass, a large group of low-level sea spirits such as murlocs and shrimp people are digging holes to build nests.They originally lived outside the maelstrom, suffered heavy losses in the invasion of other sea valleys, and were moved into the maelstrom by the working group.

Daniel looked at the pretty mermaid who was not much different from the girl from the Red Federation except for her temperament. He bumped Karsus with his elbow and sent a message, "I'm talking to you!"

Karsus glared at him, and said helplessly: "With us here, it won't happen. Of course, you still use low-level and high-level concepts to get along with each other. If there is any problem, it is your responsibility."

The mermaid princess who had already handed over control of the barrier snorted, "Let's see..."

Chang Hammer next to him laughed and said, "What is low or high is determined by the environment. As long as it is an intelligent creature, it can adapt to different environments. If you grow up in a good environment, no matter how low you are, you can become high."

He pointed to the busy murlocs outside, and said in an admiring tone: "Look at these murlocs, their technique of using sand and isinglass to build nests is really amazing! The temperature insulation, purification, and force bearing are exquisite. Just looking at this, their intelligence is extraordinary."

Although the mermaid princess disdained it, but this uncle who looked like a dwarf seemed to have a high status, so he had to speak up: "Our mermaid's shell palace, shell boat and other things are also built by the murlocs. They really do a good job of these rough jobs. .”

"Rough work?"

Long Hammer was dissatisfied: "Building houses is the foundation of civilization! Those who can't even build houses are the lower races! Fish make houses and boats, naga make weapons, armor and various metal products. What do you mermaids know?"

The mermaid princess said confidently: "We know how to use all kinds of magic items, we know how to control sea monsters, and we know all kinds of arts! In short, what we know are all more civilized and advanced things, of course the higher races!"

Karsus couldn't help but said: "Isn't it just a pet raised by a magician to help a little, and of course it's mainly to relieve boredom?"

The mermaid stared at him angrily, and he stared back, and the two fell in love again.

Chang Hammer shook his head: "As a result, you don't even know how to get more air, and you don't even think about improving and expanding your living environment."

The mermaid princess defended: "We still left a lot of air springs outside the maelstrom! Our Shandon sea valley is not other sea valleys, and we don't care about the low-level sea spirits at all."

"But the number of those gas springs is strictly controlled, right?" Karsus said.

The mermaid princess lowered her head and muttered: "How can I do without control? You must first ensure that there is enough margin in the sea valley..."

Daniel smiled and said, "You are just being a little bit kinder. For the whole sea spirit, as long as the ruling class composed of high-level sea spirits can survive, why should the low-level sea spirits care about it? Improve and expand the environment, let The low-level sea spirits have developed, and there are so few high-level sea spirits, how can they survive?"

Chang Hammer thought for a while, then laughed and said, "It's the same as the aristocratic rule in the old era on land. There is nothing new in the world, and it's the same at the bottom of the sea."


In the castle of the Emperor Valentine, the ground floor extends to the underground part of the bay. In the hall, men and women with shackled hands and feet are busy around several tables.

On the table are stones exuding a soft white luster, which are alchemy stones.These men and women performed various operations on the alchemy stone, some cast spells, and some used the alchemy stone to activate spells. Seeing them look haggard and dull, it was obviously not voluntary.

Around the hall stood a number of guards with the Hand of Order symbol on their chests, and many people patrolled with whips. The busy scene did not feel much vitality, only the heavy pressure that made people breathless.

"Sir Bishop..."

The gray-haired old man in a purple robe entered the hall, and the guards saluted one after another.

The Cardinal of the Church of Order and the Bishop of the Northern Diocese Baudouin hummed, and said to the leader of the guards: "Recently, the Red Federation has made troubles in various places. Your Majesty suspects that they have some plans. We need to strengthen our strength here."

"In addition to the imperial palace guards on the periphery, there are three squadrons of Hand of Order guarding the scene, and ten squadrons of the Royal Magician Corps are also on standby. Please... Bishop, don't worry!"

The leader was a young woman with a tall figure and a calm tone.

Baudouin nodded: "Do it well, Emily, Your Majesty is very optimistic about you. Your Majesty's major event will be completed soon, and by that time, the heavy responsibility of eradicating evil in the main plane will have to be entrusted to you people .”

Emily Baudouin, the leader of the "Arm of Loyalty" chapter of the Hand of Order, heard a lot from her grandfather's words, and a fiery light rose in her eyes.

She said forcefully: "If there are really crazy guys who are so arrogant to make trouble, they will regret being born in this world!"

(End of this chapter)

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