goddess of revolution

Chapter 995 The Battle of the God Emperor's Castle, this is the battle of the God Battle!

Chapter 995 The Battle of the God Emperor's Castle, this is the battle of the God Battle!
The strange power from the subspace is still boiling, and the souls of mortals are swaying, as if they are in the void vortex.

If this force is the tide of darkness, then the barrier of the subplane of the Emperor's Citadel is the lighthouse, and all the power is flowing towards the barrier.This is also the reason why the "First Sequence of the Red Alliance" can break through the barrier and teleport, and there are still living people on the scene.

The purpose of "Operation Detonator" is not only to destroy the Dawn Empire's research on the power of Dawn, but also to drop the "Detonator".

The "detonator" is actually a reversible portal. The control center plays a role similar to the Tektronix core, but it is more precise and controllable than the latter.

This portal is the highest achievement of that who and Xiaohong in subspace technology. It is not just a bomb, but also an absolutely stable subspace beacon, which can carry out safe and reliable large-scale group transmission.To prevent and destroy the teleportation, the subspace storm caused by the reversal of the portal must be solved, even the goddess of business who is best at subspace technology cannot do it.

Use the micro-magic signal that penetrates the plane to activate the portal, and then reverse it, just like the Tektronix core that Simbner brought to the Godfall Plateau.

After that, it was different. The power of the subspace poured in from the destroyed portal, breaking the barrier of the subplane, forming a stable subspace storm, and the center of the storm was a reliable transmission channel.

The control center can accurately measure and even control the transmission channel, and then connect to the channel through that one-way portal, and the first sequence entered the Emperor's Castle safely.

The cost of the "detonator" is not trivial. The control center alone costs 72 legendary soul crystals plus nine semi-spiritual soul crystals, consuming all the soul crystals produced by the adventurer commune, hunter commune, and hell commune.Several demi-soul crystals were the spoils of the Upsilon defense battle back then, and they were put at the bottom of the box by Xiaohong as a dowry.

With such a high cost, it seems that it is a disadvantage to send the first sequence. If some adjustments are made, it may be possible to directly blow up the Emperor's Citadel.But the god avatar is not so easy to finish, and there is no way to accurately evaluate the effect if it is only used as a bomb. It is also a necessary technical test.

If it is confirmed that there is no problem with this idea, the control center can be replaced with a superimposed low-level soul crystal array, and a teleportation technology that can penetrate any barrier and have fewer side effects can be obtained.

Along with the first sequence of transmissions were members of the "Technical Team of the Blasting Operation Headquarters", who were responsible for calculating data and sending reports to the rear.

Li Qi can't control these details, the cross-plane Sisi network formed by Sisi will coordinate in the rear, and now he is in a state of extreme tension.

Everyone was nervous, but he was different.What he has to face is not only a strong enemy, but also a voice and smile that is exactly the same as that of Theresia who has passed away, and he believes that he is the existence of Theresia.

Now the Queen of Dawn is actually a part of Theresia. Theresia once used this clone to handle many affairs in the outer plane, and left a direct soul trace in the clone, which was used by the Goddess of Order to replace the real one. Theresia manages the mortals enclosed by the Dawn Empire and the Holy See of Order.

Without this double, the Goddess of Order no longer has a clone that still bears traces of the soul of a mortal, and she will also lose her greatest reliance on surpassing the gods of the old age: the unity of man and god.

Even if a god could duplicate or even create a soul, such a soul would be fundamentally different from the real prototype.If you can't see it in one thing, if thousands of things accumulate, the error will be so large that it will be in a completely different direction from the prototype.

Strictly speaking, the goddess of order is also a part of Teresia, the sublimation of the pure divinity in her soul.But neither the Empress of Dawn nor the Goddess of Order is the mortal Theresia that he once owned and has always been attached to.

Also because he is also a mortal, he will always be shaken by the same appearance, voice, temperament, and personality, not to mention that the other party must have the memory of the mortal Theresia.

"Where? How is the defense?"

He asked in a slightly hoarse voice, and at the same time felt the small body in his arms shrank.

Leia is also very nervous...

"The detector has just been deployed, and it will take some time."

It was Kramer who answered him. The legendary temple that was born as a magic warrior has had a weak sense of existence in recent years.But he has grown from the head of the security department of the Cardinal Council to the top of the military department, presiding over the construction and development of the assault force in the legion committee.

Sensing the anxiety of the chief cardinal, Kramer responded in a calm tone.

As a close friend of the Chief Cardinal, he knew very well that this 24-year-old young man was not as great, glorious and correct as most people thought.When there is no pressure, this guy is just an ordinary person with no self-control.For example, they often drag Cardinal Aurora or Queen Catherine, and occasionally even the two stay in bed together until noon.

But after all these years of getting along, Kramer's respect and admiration for the Chief Cardinal not only remained unchanged, but also increased day by day.

He clearly felt the growth of the Chief Cardinal over the years...

In the Storm Islands, the aura of the goddess' agent and revolutionary leader still covered up a lot of truth.Afterwards, the halo gradually faded, and he realized that this person was a mortal.In addition to the understanding of Datongism beliefs and high-level vision, they may not be as good as some grassroots fighters in many aspects such as willpower.

The Battle of Hell was a major milestone. Since then, the Chief Cardinal seems to have not changed much on the surface, and his dealings with people are the same as usual, but he has gradually revealed his leadership in handling affairs.

Kramer was not surprised by today's emergency dispatch, and even took it for granted.Only a leader like the Chief Cardinal can be so decisive.

The Chief Cardinal was obviously too nervous at this time. After all, he was a mortal. What he was going to face was a living person who was exactly like his wife who had passed away for more than three years. There was no emotional fluctuation, which would make Kramer worry about the mortal heart of the Chief Cardinal. Is it starting to drain.

At this time, he must fulfill his duties as a subordinate and even as a comrade to help the chief cardinal stabilize his mood.

The chief cardinal keenly sensed his thoughts and sent him a smiling emoji.

The vehicle-mounted detector sent along with it started to work, and sent the source magic field, distribution of spirit particles, and soul targets in the entire enchantment to the on-site commander, that is, Kramer.

No one helped Kramer stabilize his mood, so he yelled, "Little Red!"

Xiao Hongsu raised her hand: "I'm here!"

Xiaohong came here as Xiaohongsu, because she was worried that Vicky's intrusion into the barrier of Yongli Forest would activate the possible elf power, and QB also stayed there. Someone must be in charge of space affairs for the blasting operation, so she didn't Use another avatar.

Kramer continued to shout: "Detected..."

Xiao Hongsu also yelled: "The high-energy reaction ahead—!"

No need for her to shout, everyone sensed it.

A majestic force squeezed into the barrier and was still turbulent on the barrier. The power of subspace like a wildfire was rapidly weakened.

The oppression caused by those forces to the soul is different, some are squeezed like steel, some are squeezed like needles, and some are blown like cold wind.There are so many kinds, there are more than ten or twenty kinds!

Kramer swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and dutifully sent the full report.

"The existence of nineteen legendary peaks has been detected, and the fluctuation of the source magic field has exceeded the upper limit of the barrier of the main plane, and is suppressed by the barrier to a state close to that of a demigod."

"Analyzed by the characteristics of divine power fluctuations, it can be confirmed that there is a god of knights..."

Li Qi cried out in his heart: "This is a trap—!"

On the face, he chuckled: "It seems that we have hit seven inches on the goddess of order, forcing her to use the battle of gods to deal with us."

At the time when he just woke up, no, even three or four years ago, Li Qi would have been frightened stupid by such a battle.

Now, he is just yelling in his heart, and he is still playing tricks. Those who want to yell feel that it is too serious, so they get bored.

Xiao Hongsu yelled out, "This is a trap—!"

To be honest, to be entertained by the goddess of order with such a trap, as a mortal, I should die in peace.

Numanel, the god of knights, Lund, the god of law, Taoos, the god of storms...

God of Red Dragon, God of Silver Dragon...

The god of nobles, the lady of joy, the god of craftsmen...

The god of literature and music, the god of rivers and travelers, the god of trade winds...

These are all well-known gods, and their godheads are above the weak gods.Among them, Ms. Huanyue has been reborn, and the neutral god, the God of Craftsman, has switched camps and defected to the goddess of order.

The other gods are the Goddesses who have been "resurrected" and "promoted" by the Goddess of Order in the past three years, and they are basically newborn gods.All of them have vague faces and unclear god names. They should be heroic spirits selected by the Goddess of Order.

The Sprout Goddess of Life, Rebirth, and Healing...

Goddess of Harvest who presided over the priesthood of agriculture and happiness...

The Goddess of Mercy who holds the priesthood of benevolence and charity...

The lord of the castle in charge of city defense, fortress and building priesthood...

The Lord of Illumination with the priesthood of Light created by mortals...

The god of documents with the priesthood of knowledge and records...

The Lord of Travels with the priesthood of traffic and roads...

Possesses the priesthood of seals and seals, the god of seals representing the authority of the empire...

The avatars of the nineteen gods all descended and attached themselves to the sub-plane where the Emperor's Castle is located. This is a wonder that has never been seen on the main plane after the Dark Ages.

As Li Qi said, this is completely a battle of gods.The difference is that due to the limitation of the main plane, the power of the deities' avatars has been suppressed to the peak of legend, and each of them did not bring a large army of gods.

Then Xiao Hongsu shouted boldly: "You guys are finished!"

It turned out that her voice was called to the gods of order...

The floor under the feet, the surrounding walls, and even the ceiling above the head expanded rapidly until it was split into several parts, which were overflowed out of thin air, and the space filled with golden light continued to be pushed into the distance.

The 700 people in the first sequence were placed in the void of golden light. Seeing that they were about to be pulled away, Xiao Hongsu shouted: "Comrades, unite closely around the designers and guides!"

The purple light flickered, with Xiao Hongsu as the center, as if an invisible thread stretched out, not only holding everyone firmly, but also spreading a layer of purple light floor, allowing people to regain their sense of direction.

The biggest value of Xiaohongsu lies in this...

Empress Dawn has the highest authority over the subplane where the Emperor's Citadel is located, and can directly operate the space to solve the invading enemy.

Everyone in the first sequence has a lattice Rubik's cube, which can crack space attacks including various methods such as expulsion, restraint, and distortion.But that's just personal.To maintain a high degree of organization under space disturbance and conduct team battles, you have to rely on Xiao Hongsu's space magic.

Romulus led more than a dozen subordinates to stand still in a state of embarrassment, and Li Qi also gave them the Space Rubik's Cube, but they obviously couldn't "center on Xiao Hongsu" and were thrown a little far away.

The White Dragon Princess Jia Laxien said in horror: "It's a clone of a god, and there's more than one. Have we been plotted against?"

Romulus had already received the notification from Li Qi, and said with a wry smile: "Of course there are not only one, but nineteen. Including the Queen of Dawn, we are facing twenty clones of gods! If you knew this battle before, say I'm not coming for anything..."

The tone turned high-spirited: "But since we are here, let's fight! The emperor should have never faced such a battle back then. I will surpass him, and we will surpass him!"

Here Li Qi is also making emergency deployments with Xiao Hongsu and the witches. In addition, the battle of the twenty god clones of Empress Shuguang is indeed terrifying, but this is the main plane after all, and they are only facing twenty legends. Just the pinnacle.

The Adventurer's Commune and the Hunter's Commune both have the ability to use legendary pinnacles and even demigods as bosses in the outer plane, not to mention their Red Alliance First Sequence that has almost concentrated all high-end combat power?

The Goddess of Order is still repairing Heavenly Mountain, but she doesn't have the power to use the angel army to wipe them out like she did when she bombarded Youxiang back then.

"I know that everyone has their own goals, and the assigned team will try their best to take care of everyone. But everyone must remember that the premise of balancing public and private is that the public comes first and the private comes second..."

Li Qi said in a weak tone, he was the least qualified to say this, and the entire blasting operation was largely his personal business.

The advent of the god clones crowded the sub-plane of the Emperor's Castle to expand countless times. Each god clone has a unique god domain. If they are put together, it will seriously affect the display of divine power. Therefore, now the entire space, together with Xiao Hongsu's " Closely united around me" The divisions of the divine art, a total of 21 divisions were divided.

Among the twenty parts belonging to the order camp, the Queen of Dawn was guarded in the center part.Ignoring those weak gods, the front, rear, left, right, upper, lower, and six parts are each guarded by a powerful god.

The space is already crowded by God's Domain. If you only walk one way, the power of the first sequence will not be able to stretch. The most efficient way is to divide the team into six groups and attack from six directions at the same time.

"Karin, you and Leitana take the road where the God of Knights is..."

"Xia An, you don't mind reminiscing with Longde, do you? Bring Oresa..."

"Catherine and Fei Ni, the God of Storms has been entrusted to you!"

"Aurora and Tina, the god of nobles, Ms. Joy, will be entrusted to you."

"Me, Mickey, Sajani, and Timmy are going to deal with the two dragon gods, the red dragon and the silver dragon."

"Kremer and Kane, you take the commandos and barbarians in the direction of the Goddess of Art and Music. The God of Craftsmanship should be very difficult. You are responsible for holding him back, and we will solve it together after other routes are available!"

There is no need to scan the divine power fluctuations of all the gods with a monitor, Xiao Hongsu can sense it very clearly.Li Qi's distribution not only took care of their personal needs, but also distributed their strength reasonably, and even Xia An had no further opinions.

Remembering that there was still Romulus, Li Qi summoned him to go with him.Hearing that the main enemies he was facing were two dragon gods, Romulus also felt that the arrangement was very reasonable. He happened to have the special ability to suppress dragon souls.

"Take action--!"

Xiaohongsu screamed, and stretched out six purple light channels in the weird and incomprehensible space, allowing the first sequence to step on their respective battlefields.And she is like a lighthouse, providing everyone with a solid rear protection.

Six groups of people were thrown into the tunnel, and they were about to contact the god clones stretched out from the God Realm. Xiao Hongsu was still shouting: "This is the largest and highest-level dungeon group so far, everyone must work hard... ah!"

The latter one is a scream, right in the gap where the 21 interspatial bubbles are pushing each other, a soft white light suddenly shoots out, hitting the defenseless Xiao Hongsu.

Looking down at the big hole in the chest that can be stuffed into the head, the familiar scene made Xiao Hongsu shout in horror and anger: "Dawn mouse! It's you again!"

Her small body suddenly rose to a height of [-] meters, and she took out a [-]-meter-long giant stick from her waist. It was her [-]-ton crystal titanium golden cudgel.

Xiao Hongsu, who was still starry and purple-haired, raised the golden cudgel and wanted to smash it towards the place where the white light came from. When the stick was raised above her head, it began to flicker like a light stick without batteries.

She panicked and shouted: "No, my avatar can't lift this thing!"

Did you remember this after you pulled out your stick? ?

Li Qi cursed secretly in pain, turned around and shot at Xiao Hongsu.


Xiao Hongsu wailed: "I have finally realized what it's like to be so pampered..."

You, stop being so dramatic!

Xiao Hongsu's body swayed under the pressure of the golden cudgel, and when she saw that she was about to fall, Li Qi cursed in his heart, and at the same time secretly thought that it was terrible.

The Goddess of Order and Dawn join forces! ?
There was another white light in the distance, and Li Qi's heart felt cold.

Just now he was walking in front, far away from Xiao Hongsu, now even if he used the aid to shoot him, it would be too late!

Someone jumped in front of Li Qi, it was Catherine!

Her body was also raised to hundreds of meters, protecting Xiao Hongsu in front of her, helping her withstand the golden cudgel.

The thick white light penetrated Catherine's back, shot out from her abdomen, then shot into Xiaohong's belly, and shot out from her back again.

Xiao Hongsu groaned at the same time as Catherine, her body shrunk rapidly and fell limp, and the huge golden cudgel crashed down.

"Little Red! Catherine!"

Before Li Qiren arrived, he shot out huge pieces of metal from his waist, stretching them into an octagonal dark golden light shield, covering them.

These shields are special crystal titanium plus colloidal composite armor, combined with the bunker composed of lattice armor, after adjusting the micro-magic parameters, they are quite protective against the power of dawn.After facing the Liar Lord, Chilian made some emergency preparations to deal with the power of the dawn, and only rushed out a set.

Originally, he wanted to wait for the research on the power of the dawn to make a test, but Li Qi hastily decided to launch an explosion operation. He also took it with the idea of ​​being prepared, but he was not sure whether it would be Xia An or Xiao Hongsu.

After entering the Emperor's Castle, the Goddess of Order's response to sending down twenty god clones was so amazing that Li Qi didn't think about it for a moment, and it was only annoyed to use it at this time.

Mickey and Sajani, who were originally walking behind Li Qi, became closer, and they arrived first.Mickey turned into a giant snake and rolled up the golden cudgel with his tail, while Sajani turned into a phantom, hiding the space they were in.

Before they disappeared, Li Qi took a glimpse and saw Xiao Hongsu hugging and moaning with Catherine who had turned into Ellie. He felt a little relieved, thinking that they had been smashed into flesh.

Then he yelled, "Sajani you bastard—!"

Sajani's vision didn't take him with him...

The space vibrated again, a strange tide swept down, and the force full of ice-cold and death impacted his perception into chaos.

This is... the power of the void!
Sure enough, the Void Dragon God is also there!

In the chaos, Leia who was in her arms suddenly disappeared, and the shouts quickly moved away, scaring Li Qi's liver and gallbladder.

"T... Leia——!"

He yelled loudly and rushed into the turbulence of the void, forgetting everything else, thinking only about getting Leia back.

At the same time, the six purple light passages built by Xiao Hongsu exploded into purple awns all over the sky, and the people of the first sequence and Romulus fell into the void-like chaotic space, scattered in a mess.

In the center of the space, on the high platform of the palace, the Empress Dawn sitting on the throne said coldly: "Taksis, you actually broke your promise to me!?"

The gloomy stream of light rolled under the throne, and a triumphant and gloomy laugh came out: "Sorry, the opportunity was so rare just now, I couldn't bear it."

"Isn't this bad? They can't fight your followers step by step, and failure is inevitable."

The golden light shot out from the queen's body, covering the gray stream of light, and a cry of pain came from inside.

"This is my punishment, don't think that I dare not attack you!"

The empress... No, it should be the goddess who said at this time: "I hate all uncertain things!"

(End of this chapter)

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