The Shadowless God of the Six Doors

Chapter 300 Kill Chapter Go!

Chapter 300 Kill back!

"I'm low in cultivation, so I'm always talking about my low cultivation. Isn't it just that I'm low in cultivation? What about it?" Zhang Wenjin was dissatisfied, but there was nothing he could do.

Suddenly there was a loud bang, and the rock on the top of the cave was shattered by the flames of the fire phoenix. It could no longer withstand the pressure from above and began to collapse in large pieces.

"Fire Phoenix missed me!"

Looking at the entire roof of the cave that had collapsed, Zhang Wenjin wanted to curse in his heart.You have been reborn from the ashes of the phoenix, it would be good to leave us an exit, but it is good that you escaped by flying into the sky, there are still two living people here.We don't know how to fly out!
As the roof of the cave continued to collapse, the sky was exposed.

Zhang Wenjin hurriedly woke up Qiu San beside him.Qiu San looked confused and said, "What's going on? Are we in the underworld?"

"Hell? If we don't leave, we will really go to hell!" Zhang Wenjin shouted, "Escape!"

Qiu San was also dumbfounded looking at the scene in front of him, and followed Zhang Wenjin to show his lightness and ran towards a gap in a landslide.Stones and large clods of soil continued to collapse beside the two of them, which was extremely dangerous, and they were about to be buried underground if they took a slow step.

At this time, there was an old monk in a Buddhist pagoda in the King Kong Temple in the Northern Territory, who was thin and meditating cross-legged. His body was covered with dust. He had been in seclusion for many years, so that most of the disciples of the King Kong Temple did not know that there was such a person.

The old monk suddenly opened his eyes, shot out a bright light, and pinched his fingers and said: "It finally escaped, and luck and destiny. Huh? There is a little guy who got its benefits. Cause and effect, cause and effect, What kind of cause will have what kind of effect. This son is also very lucky!"

Just when the old monk was feeling emotional, in the Xiaoyao Island deep in the East China Sea, the ancestor Xiaoyao sighed: "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, those who have to go will always go."

With the shaking of the earth, the ground continued to collapse, and finally formed a large pit fifty feet square.

Zhang Wenjin and Qiu San escaped from the cave through the gap created by the ground's collapse.

"Let's go, Nan Pluto will soon send experts to check." Zhang Wenjin pulled Qiu San and the two disappeared into the woods on the side.

"My lord, there is a big landslide outside the city, do we need to send someone to check it?" A confidant walked into the flower hall and bowed to salute.

"Don't worry, the landslide outside the city is determined to be related to Daoist Feng, and you will know when Daoist Feng comes back later." Xiao Yingquan, the King of the Underworld, said casually.

After less than a cup of tea, the crippled Taoist Feng Zhen brought people back to the palace.

"My lord, it's done!" Feng Zhen said with a happy smile as soon as he entered the flower hall.

"Okay, I will give you everything I promised you, don't worry!" Nan Ming Wang stood up and laughed, "The landslide outside the city is related to this matter?"

"Don't worry, my lord, I have sent people outside the city, and there will be results soon."

Feng Zhen didn't say whether it was related, but obviously apart from the earthquake, only Feng Zhen could make such a big movement.

At this time, there was a team of more than 200 people standing beside the collapsed pit outside the city, all of them were subordinates of Nan Pluto. The government reported.

"Report to the lord, there is a person from the palace, who claims to be Zhang Dongyun." A sergeant ran into the flower hall and knelt down on one knee.

Nan Pluto's face changed, and he looked at the lame Taoist Feng Zhen and Panshan Patriarch beside him.

Patriarch Panshan was startled, why did he come here.In the shadow of the famous tree of people, the name of Zhang Dongyun is very loud in the whole martial arts, unlike the Panshan ancestor who is only famous in the southern region.

"My lord, good luck! We have invited so many masters who have been unable to come, and today they come to the door on their own initiative. What a good thing!" Feng Zhen laughed.

"Oh? Please come in quickly, no, I will greet you at the door in person." Nan Ming Wang Xiao Yingquan walked out of the flower hall quickly after speaking.

Zhang Wenjin and Zhang Wenjin fled for more than ten miles, and they couldn't tell the direction in the woods, as long as they could stay away from Jinfeng City.After running around in the mountains for three days, Zhang Wenjin suddenly saw a light in front of him at dusk.

"Brother Qiu, look ahead, there is someone in front." Zhang Wenjin shouted excitedly.

Qiu San climbed to the top of the tree, looked into the distance, and said, "Really, but the distance is not close. Go! Go and have a look."

Zhang Wenjin and Qiu San performed lightness kung fu and ran towards the place with lights without hesitating to expend their internal energy.They don't want to hunt wild game every day.

As the saying goes, Wangshan ran a dead horse, looked at the light not far away, but let the two of them run for more than an hour.

"It's just ahead, it should be here soon." Qiu San said while running.

Just as Zhang Wenjin was about to speak, he heard the strong wind "whoosh" and "whoosh", and hurriedly dodged to dodge, shouting: "Be careful!"

Qiu San drew his sword and swung it in one go, knocking down the flying object with two sounds of "Dang" and "Dang", stopped his body, and shouted vigilantly around: "Who is it? Who shot the arrow? Stand up if you have the guts."

Zhang Wenjin also drew out the treasured sword Wuying, secretly on guard.

Hearing the sound of "click" and "click" from the front, more than ten people gradually appeared.

"Who are you?" Zhang Wenjin shouted.

"Who are you two?" asked the leader, a middle-aged man, and the people behind him were staring at Zhang Wenjin and Zhang Wenjin.

Zhang Wenjin looked at the dozen or so people in front of him up and down, and saw that each of them was wearing a standard military uniform and light armor. There were bloodstains on the light armor. It was the standard military uniform used by the imperial court to guard the border. .

"Are you from the imperial court?" Zhang Wenjin whispered.

The crowd didn't answer, but quietly surrounded them from both sides, surrounding Qiu San and Zhang Wenjin in the middle.

The leading middle-aged man asked in a low voice, "Who are you? People from the Southern Pluto?"

As soon as Zhang Wenjin stretched out his hand, he escaped a sign from his arms and threw it over.The leading middle-aged man reached out to take the sign, looked at it under the moonlight, and hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "So it's the arrester from Six Doors. Who is it?"

"Next, Zhang Wenjin, the six-door arrester, the third-rank loyal and brave general personally appointed by the emperor." Zhang Wenjin pointed to Qiu San beside him: "This is the six-door arrester Qiu San. He is with me."

Qiu San also took out the token of the six doors and handed it over.

"Finally, I saw my own people."

"Are you sent by the general to support us?"

"How many of you are here?"

Seeing that they were from the six doors, the people on the side asked questions in one go.

Zhang Wenjin was taken aback, and said in a low voice: "We are not sent by the general. We came from the capital, but we were intercepted and killed by the Mountain Sect on the way and got separated. Later, we strayed into Jinfeng City and escaped here to see you. What happened? thing?"

When everyone heard it, they all looked like deflated balls, some leaned against the tree, and some sat on the ground.

"Brother Zhao, let's run back and report to the general. If we go back, we will die." One said to the leading middle-aged man.

"I don't agree. So many brothers have died in battle. I'm afraid we won't be left behind when we go back. I'm going to kill you. If you don't go, forget it!" A big man said with a big knife in his hand.

Zhang Wenjin heard some eyebrows, turned to the leading middle-aged man and said, "What's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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