Chapter 484 Shield

Liu Laotou's house was originally relatively remote, and the neighbors around him were not famous people, they were just small businessmen. Even if they heard something happened in Liu Laotou's house, they didn't dare to come and have a look.But right now people from the rivers and lakes in the city appear from time to time, all of them are desperadoes, and no one wants to cause trouble.

The first person to rush into the door was the chief commander Li Sicheng, followed by the deputy commander Leng Xinggang and the cold-faced chief catcher Yan Luoxiong and others. Even Qinglong Lingyun, who hadn't seen him for a long time, also came. Liu Tong followed behind.

Zhang Wenjin hurriedly got up and came to the crowd, bowing and saluting: "I pay my respects to the commander-in-chief and deputy commander-in-chief."

The current Zhang Wenjin is also a third-rank general, the same rank as Li Sicheng, half a rank higher than Leng Xinggang, not to mention the four chief arresters and Qinglong.

Seeing Zhang Wenjin, the governor of the Southern Region of the Six Gates, even the chief arrester should be polite.Originally, based on Zhang Wenjin’s meritorious service, the emperor wanted to transfer him away from the six gates and arrange him to be a governor in another state. After all, the world is not good now, and people are needed everywhere. Take the Southern Region as an example. Until now, there are still some states without governors. , but the people below took charge of it, but the Ministry of Criminal Affairs and the top officials of the Six Doors were unwilling to let Zhang Wenjin go, and they were able to keep it after repeated pleading.

If Zhang Wenjin was allowed to know the emperor's thoughts, he probably would not agree. He is the king in the Six Gates Branch of the Southern Region, and the entire Southern Region belongs to him. How could he be rare for a position of governor.It's good to be an invisible rich man.

Li Sicheng nodded, Leng Xinggang looked at Zhang Wenjin with a strange look, and said with a smile: "You really have a lot of tricks, kid, you missed all this face!"

"I don't even think about it, but has this one caught up!" Zhang Wenjin said with a chuckle.

"Where are people?" Li Sicheng asked.

Zhang Wenjin pointed to the ground and said, "Here!"

"Dead?" Before Li Sicheng could speak, Leng Xinggang took a look and said.

"Yes, we took the task and arranged a man on duty near the palace. Tonight we saw a man in black entering the palace at night, so we rushed over after receiving the news. But it was still a step too late. We saw this guy at the time The assailant stabbed Concubine Li and a maid to death, and we followed him here.

After a great battle, we beheaded both of them, and one escaped. "Zhang Wenjin said briefly.

Li Sicheng looked at it, and beckoned someone to carry down the bodies of the horse-faced old man and the wine-nosed old man, and asked him for an examination.Then Li Sicheng came to Liu Laotou and said: "If I read correctly, you are Liu Laotou of Chang'an County Yamen Prison, right?"

"It's the little one." Liu Laotou looked very nervous.

"Okay, you all go out, I want to ask questions." Li Sicheng waved his hand.

Zhang Wenjin's heart skipped a beat, he took a sneak peek at Liu Laotou, and thought to himself, don't get caught!

After everyone left, Li Sicheng sat opposite Liu Laotou, and Leng Xinggang stood beside him, glaring at him.

"Master Zhang, do you know him?" Li Sicheng asked.

"I know, no, that's right. We both worked in the Chang'an County Government. I'm a little old man, incomparable to Mr. Zhang. I know him, but he doesn't know me.

Today they came to my house to fight, and they only met me. " Liu Lao said.

"Do you know the two people who were killed? Don't tell me they just met!" Li Sicheng said coldly.

"No, they are people from the Palace of Heavenly Kings. They came to see me before and knew that I had a grudge against Qianniuwei. They promised me that they could avenge me and let me be their internal response in the capital. If there is any news in the capital, they will inform them.

I am naturally timid and dare not agree to them. " Liu Lao said.

"The Palace of Heavenly Kings?" Li Sicheng knew that the Palace of Heavenly Kings was a traitor of the imperial court and was wanted, and that the Heavenly King of the Palace of Heavenly Kings had a grudge against Zhang Wenjin.

"Why didn't they go to other places, but came to your house? You couldn't have ordered it! They promised to avenge you, and this time they killed Concubine Li. Concubine Li is Li Xingguo's younger sister. This is equivalent to breaking Li Xingguo. The relationship with the emperor. You should be grateful to them!" Leng Xinggang interrupted.

"My lord was joking. As soon as they entered the house, Master Zhang rushed over with his men, fought hard with them, and took one of them away. I suspect that the people in the Palace of Heavenly Kings are trying to force me to submit by this method.

He wants to blame me for killing Concubine Li and let me take the blame.If it wasn't for what you said just now, I would still wonder why you came to my house and started killing people. " Liu Lao said.

"But you forgot one thing, how could you, a small cell boss, become the target of the Palace of Heavenly Kings' instigation? You are lying!" Leng Xinggang shouted loudly.

"No, no. I'm not lying. They did look for me before. It may be because I was in charge of the entire Chang'an County Prison after my recent promotion, or it may be because I have a grudge against Li Xingguo. They think it is more likely that I will join them. Go high. I really don't know why." Liu was about to pee out of fear.

Seeing that there was no useful information to be found, Li Sicheng asked people to enter the house to make notes for prison boss Liu, and then led them back.

Seeing the people from the six doors leave, Liu Lao collapsed on the ground with his head. At this time, the east has already dawned. He has experienced too much this night. The years before he entered him were so ordinary and beautiful. It was hatred that made him Step by step to today.

He dared to conclude that his life would be even more ups and downs from now on. The Palace of Heavenly Kings suffered such a big loss, and he was caught by Mr. Zhang from the Six Doors. Even if the Palace of Heavenly Kings did not come to him, he would Live in fear.

Qiu San and the others were also sweating, for fear that Liu Laotou might say something wrong.Seeing that the boss of the six doors came out without any accident, their hearts were a little more at ease.

Back at Zhang Wenjin's General's Mansion, Qiu San and Zhou Zhouwei asked Tian Sanshan, who was seriously injured after all, to settle down and went to Zhang Wenjin's study.

There were four dishes and a jug of wine on the table in the study. Just as Qiu San and Zhou Wei were in a daze, the back kitchen brought some more dishes, which quickly filled the small table.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Sit down and eat something together. It's time to relax after a night of fighting." Zhang Wenjin greeted the two.

"My lord, I admire you. You can afford such a big event. You are not afraid of Taoist Feiyun's betrayal?" Zhou Wei looked at Zhang Wenjin and said.

"Afraid? Those who make big things should not stick to trivial matters. If you are afraid of this, then we will stop doing anything. If you follow my time, you will not be afraid. If you don't believe me, ask Brother Qiu." Zhang Wenjin gave Wednesday a blank look. Sitting at the table, Queen Wei picked up chopsticks and started eating.

Qiu San also came to the table, sat down and had a drink with Zhang Wenjin, and said, "Brother Zhou, you are worrying too much, the sky is falling and there is a tall man to hold you back. What level are you and me? Master Zhang is with you What are you afraid of?"

On Wednesday, Weiyi stared at Qiu San and Zhang Wenjin with his eyes wide open, and opened his mouth not knowing what to say.Seeing the two eating so deliciously, the sound of gurgling could not help coming from the stomach.

"What? You'll use me as a shield! Fortunately, I've been kind to you." Zhang Wenjin muttered full of food.

(End of this chapter)

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