Summon the Big Boss

Chapter 813 New World

Chapter 813 New World

One world after another, constantly flashing before his eyes.

Different worlds also have different time flow rates.

Then the rivers of time, large and small, converged again and flowed into the entire huge Chaos City.

Chaos City is like a boundless void, covering this majestic and vast material supremacy, overriding everything and dominating everything.

All the people watching were not in a hurry.

Except for very few interventions.

Most of the time, they let everything happen naturally.

There is nothing wrong with meddling, and nothing wrong with letting go.

Life itself will give you an unexpected interpretation.

Another brand new world.

Lin Xi is no longer clear, this is the number of worlds he has paid attention to.

Different worlds, different or similar settings.

But it is ever-changing.

Fortunately, he will not be confused.

If it's someone with a weak cultivation base and a low realm... it's inevitable that they will doubt whether there is any point in doing so.

But for Lin Xi, entanglement with the word 'meaning' is meaningless in itself.

What he is looking for is beyond the billions of time and space, something that can move him at the flick of a finger.

For that moment, he could spend millions of years in vain.

For him, this is meaning.

The level of life determines the attitude of life.

This is beyond comprehension by ordinary people.

But it was what Lin Xi had to do.

Bai Xuan, the half-sage of the Mu family, the demon-sage of the Qinglong, the sword master of the startling dream... all of them are like this.

In the world, Lin Xi still locked his perspective on a seemingly ordinary person.

Based on one person, the basic settings and rules of the whole world are guided.

Although it seems monotonous.

But it is also inevitable.

After all, it is not easy to write the whole world in one stroke, complete and complete.

The filth and stench of the sewers is beyond description.

But at this time... someone was hiding in the sewer to sharpen his knife, and he didn't notice the smell around him at all.

The knife in his hand is a black steel knife, the material is not good, it was originally a toy bought by his son secretly.But now it is Zhang Lu's last weapon.

The faint light emitted from the phone screen finally struggled a few times before completely dimming, and the entire sewer was plunged into darkness.Zhang Lu smashed the mobile phone with a knife, and let the broken mobile phone slide into the depths of the sewer.

The mobile phone originally stored many photos of his wife and son, but Zhang Lu knew that once he did that, the mobile phone would be his death talisman, so he had to destroy it.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Zhang Lu climbed out of the sewer with a sharpened iron knife. His body lacked exercise, and after the overloaded action, he took a few breaths.

It seems that he can still vaguely hear his wife nagging him to get up early to exercise.

Cross two roads and go east along the national highway. Behind the government unit is a high-end residential area, and Zhang Lu's enemy also lives there.

Qiao Jun, the biggest underworld boss in Shenlong City, is the largest local developer on the surface, but in fact, he is doing some shady things for the real real estate tycoons.

Zhang Lu's house was originally located in the east of the city, and it was the core area of ​​a large shopping mall planned by the real estate group behind Qiao Jun.Zhang Lu has made a plan. Use the demolition money to send his son to a better school to receive elite education. At the same time, he will also buy some better jewelry for his wife. His wife has suffered a lot with him for ten years, but she has nothing to do with it. What a blessing.

Their new home is planned to be in the north of the city. Although it is far away from the main city, the environment is better. If it is far away, you can buy a car, which is perfect....

But the reality gave him a fatal blow. When he came home from drinking with a group of old brothers in the middle of the night, he saw his whole house was on fire. When he broke into the third floor of the house, he saw his son and The wives had already been hacked to death with knives, and the raging flames wrapped their bodies, separated by a world.

After all... Zhang Lu's demand for demolition is too high, maybe the developer is unwilling to pay, or maybe Qiao Jun is motivated by the money.

The demands of the assholes have always been regarded as a...excessive.

Ten years ago, the truth was still very clear.

Today, more than ten years later, the truth is no longer clear.

Those who murder and set fire to occupy hundreds of millions of wealth are considered capable.Reasonable demand for demolition funds must be making trouble and raising prices on the ground.

However, in the final analysis, it may be wrong to ask for money, but human life should not be taken lightly.

In short, some people who despise human life and use money and power to trample on everything... responded to Zhang Lu's greed with the most drastic means.

If Zhang Lu was given another chance, he would definitely be willing to exchange everything he had for the lives of his wife and son.But now he has only one choice, and that is to avenge them.

At least they can't let them die in peace.

Lakeside Family is a villa community, the people who live in it are either rich or noble. This villa community was also developed by Qiao Jun. Qiao Jun secretly used some low-level methods to expropriate the land. Perhaps similar cruelty has happened before. .

It's just that at the had nothing to do with him, and Zhang Lu just took it as a casual chat with friends and family.

People's luck will paralyze some practical problems.

For example... In fact, the darkness is around, and the cruelty has not gone away, but... the prey is not oneself for the time being.

Zhang Lu didn't go through the main entrance of the community, but climbed over the courtyard wall and fell under a cherry blossom tree. The splashed petals sprinkled on him, covering him lightly.

A beam of light came and hit Zhang Lu's grinning face.

Zhang Lu froze, and then he was about to swing the iron knife in his hand.

"Old Zhang! Don't do anything, it's me!" The voice was low, but familiar.

Following the light, Zhang Lu saw who was coming.

"Liu Wei!"

"It's me! Why did you come here and die?" Liu Wei whispered and helped Zhang Lu up on the ground.

Zhang Lu kept his face sullen, not to let this guy be petty, seeing his own emotions... Although in the eyes of others, he was like a bomb that was about to explode: "I'm here to kill you." Zhang Lu said Said indifferently.

There was still a tremor in the voice.

Liu Wei was taken aback, and then pulled Zhang Lu into the depths of the woods: "Go quickly! Leave Shenlong City, don't call the police, don't go to crowded places, run as far as you can hide."

Zhang Lu stubbornly said: "I want revenge! Qiao Jun killed my whole family."

Liu Wei quickly opened the phone and put the earphone on Zhang Lu's ear.

Today's news popped up on the screen.

"A major criminal case occurred in Shenlong City, Shanghezhou, my country. The suspect Zhang Lu..."

Zhang Lu's enlarged profile picture appeared next to the female anchor.

"Zhang Lu, male, 31 years old, had an argument with his wife on the evening of March [-]th due to the uneven distribution of compensation for demolition, and then aggressively hacked his wife and ten-year-old son to death with a knife. Now he is absconding, I hope someone knows Anyone with clues should call the local police..."

Zhang Lu could no longer listen to the next words, his head buzzed, leaving only a long ending sound, blank.

A terrifying roar came from Zhang Lu's heart, but he opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

The inner anger, grief, and despair are mixed together, which is complicated and unspeakable.

As soon as the voice picked up a tune from his throat, Liu Wei already pressed Zhang Lu's head with his hands quickly, and pinned Zhang Lu's head firmly to the ground.

Zhang Lu struggled and twisted his body, clasping his hands to the ground, biting the mud with his mouth, tears mixed with mud all over his face.

"Xiao Liu! What's going on here?" A beam of light came over.

Liu Wei patted Zhang Lu on the shoulder, let go of him, and said loudly: "It's okay, old man! I stepped on a rope when I peed just now, and thought it was a snake. Damn it... cleaning is shit-eating... With so much salary a month, it can’t be cleaned up.”

"Hey! You kid, you're just timid. You're still an undergraduate... There's an egg for you." The light shifted amidst the laughter.

Liu Wei took out his wallet from his arms and stuffed all the more than 600 yuan in the wallet into Zhang Lu's arms.

"You are also clear about the situation now. The crime has fallen on your head. You can only hide and wait until the rumors die down in a few years, and then change your face and get a new identity."

"Qiao Jun, don't look for him, he won't live at home. Apart from his yellow-faced woman, there is only the invited aunt at home."

Zhang Lu struggled on the ground, clung to the ground firmly, and hammered hard with his fist: "Why? Why? Why? I know, many people know, that night... that night we had a party together."

Liu Wei sneered and said, "What's the use of knowing? Do you really know which direction the yamen gate is facing? What's more, this matter has been reported all over the country, and it has already been determined. Rushan, those officials and gentlemen will only put you in prison and send you to die."

Zhang Lu gritted his teeth and said, "I don't believe it! Is there no justice and justice in this world?"

Liu Wei said: "Maybe there is! But it's not in Shenlong City, not with you and me. Qiao Jun here is justice and axiom, let's go! Don't come back! Hide well, you still have decades, you can't just waste it like this."

"Xiao Liu! You've been urinating for so long? You've lost your kidneys!" There was laughter from afar, and a few beams of light shone on.

"Xiao Liu doesn't have a girlfriend, right? How could he have a kidney deficiency?" Another voice said.

"That's what you'll lose your kidneys if you don't have a girlfriend, but if you have a can take care of it!" Another voice laughed.

"You're talking about you, right? Two days ago, I saw you come out of Jinxiu Huadu and go up to the fourth floor! It's just a few money a month, and it's wasted on a few women." The person in front said.

"I am willing, regardless of whether it is true or not. I have fair skin, beautiful long legs, big breasts, round buttocks and a good attitude. We will never be able to marry someone like this for the rest of our lives. Now it takes half a month's salary to enjoy it. After enjoying it...others in the coming year Spend tens of millions to marry and go home, just think about it!" said the previous voice.

Liu Wei answered those people's ridicule perfunctorily, while pulling Zhang Lu and pushing him over the wall.

"That's right... When will you take me to open my eyes? I don't ask much, I just want to know what is trapeze and roaming the world." Liu Wei said with a smile, hiding his true emotions.

"Okay! It's not easy! I recommend you to find [-], or else [-] is fine, that kind of place... red cards are good numbers, auspicious!" The teasing laughter gradually faded away.

Zhang Lu lay behind the wall, listening to the footsteps gradually receding, looking at the black sky, shed tears.

Struggling to stand up, wielding an iron knife, he walked step by step along the path to the lower township attached to Shenlong City.

He didn't know where he was going, but he remembered Liu Wei's words and walked to a place where there were few people.

Maybe it was the strong smell in the sewer that covered up the smell on his body, or maybe he didn't want to make troubles. Although there was a wanted man, there were not many police forces who really hunted him down.

As for those black hands in charge of 'cleaning'... after all, they are not professional policemen, they are just stuck at some intersections and passes, waiting to open their way.

There is no manpower and strength to conduct a large-scale investigation.

All in all, Zhang Lu narrowly escaped a catastrophe.

The longer this matter is delayed... the more unfavorable it will be for Zhang Lu.

Now because of a flare up.

The event itself has a certain degree of heat.

If you are lucky, you can use Zhang Lu to make a fuss if you meet Qiao Jun's opponent and want to get him.

Wait until it drags on for a year and a half before it loses popularity.

No matter what kind of connections Zhang Lu found, he could only take the blame and die unjustly.

However... that small hope and probability are so weak.

How can Zhang Lu have any more expectations?
After escaping this incident, Zhang Lu is no longer an upright commoner, he is a criminal through and through, a villain who everyone shouts and beats, a scum who is at large and must be sentenced to death or indefinitely.

All equality and kindness in the world are no longer applicable to him.He had to hide himself carefully, and endured the white eyes, spats and even verbal insults from others.

Hiding day and night, heading north all the way, the more desolate you go.

But Zhang Lu felt more and more at ease.

Only those who can't see the light will know the value of the sun.

Six months!
Zhang Lu struggled on the long, numb, confused and dangerous road and walked alone for six months. In six months, he traveled through three states, walked thousands of kilometers, and entered the northernmost border of the country. Xinmozhou.

The land here is vast and sparsely populated, adjacent to the powerful Beixuancha Kingdom, and there are many small countries mixed between the two big countries, filled with a large number of ethnic minorities, and confused with many strange beliefs.

This is the strongest and weakest place in Xuanguo.

It is strong because the most powerful infantry regiment in the Xuan Kingdom is stationed here, and it is weak because there is almost no local administrative management, and officials have extremely limited restraint on the local area.

Many cities and towns even have a set of unique management theories and systems, which do not follow external laws and theorems at all.

Adan Sur is one such city.

The reason why Zhang Lu chose to come here is not only because it does not respect the laws of the empire, it is almost isolated from the world, and many forces are mixed, but also because there is one of his college classmates here.

He used to be a close buddy in the same dormitory, but he hadn't contacted him for almost ten years, and he didn't know if others still recognized him as a brother.

But Zhang Lu was desperate.

Liu Weisai spent more than 600 yuan in his arms more than two months ago. No matter how frugal he is, it is extremely difficult to support more than 600 yuan for four months.

In the next two months, Zhang Lu survived by rummaging through trash cans, but there were also many homeless people competing in rummaging through trash cans. He barely survived by relying on his son's toy iron knife and his ferocity.

On the way, he almost killed him because he ate expired food and did not have a well-tested intestine.

Fortunately, I met a little girl and gave him a box of ibuprofen.

Relying on the painkillers, Zhang Lu survived, but a small half of his body was also disabled.

Homeless people are like wild dogs.

People only know that there are many wild dogs on the roadside.

But they don't know at all that more wild dogs died inexplicably due to various simple and funny reasons.

(End of this chapter)

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