Chapter 66 Teacher, hand in the paper

"Damn it, why is it so difficult?" In the corner of the auditorium, Bai Chong held his head in his hands, his face livid.

He answered the first question very smoothly, and it only took half an hour to solve the answer, but when he saw the second question, he was stunned.

What the hell is this?
Positive integer column (an)=1an+1=an-n1, an>n, and an+n, an≤n, find the minimum positive integer, so that an=2016.
Bai Chong was about to collapse.

He thought that the retest questions would be difficult, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

This is beyond the content of high school, okay?
Can a person do this kind of question?

Bai Chong looked up at Qin Luo, he wanted to see how much Qin Luo weighed.

However, the next moment, his eyes widened.

I saw Qin Luo holding a gel pen in his hand and writing vigorously.

"Damn it, it's impossible!" Bai Chong's eyes widened suddenly, full of disbelief, how could this guy Qin Luo draw a pen?

Bai Chong was completely stunned.

Originally, he was much more confident than Qin Luo, but now Qin Luo is writing furiously.

Impossible, he absolutely wrote it indiscriminately, he can't be right.

Bai Chong shook his head desperately, and refocused on the answer sheet.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, his eyes suddenly became clear, and he found a way to solve the problem.

Before he had time to think about it, he quickly picked up the pen and started writing.

In just half an hour, he had solved the answer.

Hmph, fight with me, you are still a little tender, Bai Chong raised his head, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In just one hour, he has already solved two problems, which can also be ranked first in the history of Shulian.

Unfortunately, the next moment, the smile on the corner of his mouth froze on his face.

"Teacher, hand in the paper." Qin Luo raised his hand and said.

It has to be said that this set of test papers is very good. Even though Qin Luo is now as high as LV4, it is still difficult to solve the questions.

It took Qin Luo nearly an hour to figure out the answer.

For other people, this is simply impossible.

But unfortunately, it met Qin Luo.

As for Qin Luo, Qin Luo is determined to win the gold medal this time!

carry out an assignment?

This sentence was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky that suddenly shocked everyone.

Such a difficult topic, to hand in the paper in just one hour?

All eyes were on Qin Luo for a while, brother, are we doing a set of test papers?Can everyone still have fun?

"Ding, I caught Bai Chong's resentful Xueba value +36"

"Ding, I caught Su Hui..."


You probably won't believe me when I tell you, I never thought of draining it. You...

Qin Luo looked at everyone, full of helplessness.

"Qin Luo, you have to think about it clearly. This is the provincial team. Everyone here is a master. Once you hand in the papers ahead of time, there is no chance to do it again." Feng Huadong smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"I've been able to check it twice, and it's completely fine." Qin Luo replied.

"Since you insist on this, then fine." Feng Huadong didn't insist.

He really has nothing to say about a young genius like Qin Luo who can prove Zhou's conjecture.

"Thank you Teacher Feng for understanding." Qin Luo got up and walked outside the examination room.

25-1 with 24 left.

For a moment, everyone became tense.

The question that could be completed in three hours was abruptly advanced by Qin Luo by two hours, which made them extremely nervous.

"Ma Dan, teach the army 2 hours in advance, pretending to be a prisoner." Another student bully from Chengyu No. [-] Middle School bit his pen cap and frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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