The super scholar system becomes a scholar in one second

Chapter 693 International Spoken Language

Chapter 693 International Spoken Language
"...Wori!" Even Sarina couldn't help but swear at this moment even if she was of poor quality.

It's not that she doesn't believe in Qin Luo, she thinks Qin Luo is too daring to think.

The fifth generation of RISC!

This is a technical problem that the World Computing Association has been unable to break through for several years!
"Qin Luo, you must be joking, right?" Serena asked tentatively.

The question is very familiar. Qin Luo remembered that he had answered it before, so this time, Qin Luo was not going to answer it.

Open the ArduinoIDE software, Qin Luo began to write the program:



Qin Luo's fingertips danced quickly on the keyboard, and in an instant, a string of codes appeared on the screen.

One line, two lines, five lines, ten lines... In an instant, the code written by Qin Luo has filled the entire screen.

"Wori!" At this moment, Sarina swears again.

It's not that he wants to explode, but that he has to explode!
Looking at the lines of code, as a high-achieving student majoring in computer science at MIT, she felt a turmoil in her heart at this moment.

Qin Luo not only writes codes at an amazing speed, but so far there has not even been a single bug, and the whole process has been completed in one go.

Perfect, perfect of perfect.

For a while, Sarina couldn't find a single loophole.

"Sister, what's going on?" Seeing Sarina's bewildered expression, Caroline's eyes were full of doubts.

For her from the Department of Life Medicine of the Royal Academy of Sciences, coding is really too difficult.

"Huh..." Sarina took a deep breath and said, "Perfect!"


Do you mean code?
Caroline shook her head, expressing her incomprehension: "What's perfect?"

"Code! He didn't make any mistakes in the whole writing process." Sarina said slowly.

There is not a trace of error!
Now it was Caroline's turn to be confused.

Although he is not a student of the computer department, she also has some understanding of computers. Every new program comes out with constant updates and revisions.

When writing a new program, it has the most BUGs, and almost no one can do it without making mistakes in the process of writing!
But now Qin Luo actually did it?
how can that be!

"Sister, did you read it wrong, there shouldn't be any bugs, right?" Caroline asked tentatively.

Selina shook her head and said, "Maybe there will be, but I can't see it with my eyesight."

It was okay if Selina didn't say it, but Caroline was even more surprised when she said it.

No way, her words were too scary.

MIT is the best school for computer science in the world, and Sarina is the top student in the computer department of MIT.

Her computer skills are the top software engineers in any software company in the world, but now even she can't see the loopholes, what does this mean?
It means that Qin Luo's writing level is either extremely high, or he really doesn't have any bugs.

Whether it is the former or the latter, Qin Luo's strength is terrifying!
"Gulu..." Caroline swallowed carefully and said hesitantly, "He won't really upgrade RISC to the fifth generation?"

(End of this chapter)

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