Han Zuo Gaomen

Chapter 111

Chapter 111
At noon, the battle in the manor had ended, and even the sporadic killings had been completed.

Each group dismantled the fence and began to clean up from the outside to the inside.The corpses that fell on the ground were gathered up, and the surviving Yan family members were driven to a corner.

The members of the Shen family who entered the manor and fought Jiehu at close quarters also withdrew from the manor, and the head of the leader of Jiehu carried by Shen Mu was the most eye-catching.In this battle, he took the lead and killed several Jiehu people. When he exited the manor, he raised the Jiehu's head high, and opened his mouth to shout a few slogans, but his voice was dry and hoarse, and he only uttered a few low and strange screams.

However, others responded. Under the leadership of their protagonists, each trilogy lined the road to welcome them and shouted: "Be born as a hero! Shen Lang is mighty!"

In this battle, the performance of the Shen family is obvious to all. They rushed into the manor first, fought to the death with Jiehu, defeated the main force of Jiehu, and the subsequent culling went so smoothly.This battle once again demonstrated to the county people that Jiang Donghao deserves his title!
The corpses of Jiehu were carried out, and the people who still had their relatives killed jumped on the corpses, biting and venting.Quite a few of them were horribly dead, with scratches and bite marks all over their bodies, especially the throat, eye sockets and other weak spots, which turned into cruel, rotten blood holes!Although the ant people are weak, they can turn into murderous madmen when hostility breeds.

An hour later, the battle report was sorted out.In this battle, a total of three Jiehu 920 were killed, none of them survived, and nearly [-] people were killed or injured in each trilogy, which is a rare victory.However, besides this, nearly [-] people were killed or injured in the Yin family of the Yan family, more than a thousand of them were driven to death by Jiehu, and the rest were killed by desperate resistance to Jiehu in the manor!

The courtyard of the manor has almost become a Shura field, a large number of limbs and arms are scattered, blood plasma is nearly a foot thick, many corpses are entangled, and there is a dead body of Jiehu in the middle.Xiaomin is on the verge of desperation and the final outbreak, both the enemy and the enemy are dead, even if he is dead, he will eat a piece of Hulu meat!

In the military tent, Yu Tan holds the battle report in his hand and examines it for a moment, then writes out the number of Xiaomin's death, and then circulates it to everyone.Everyone passed it on and read it, and they all knew the profound meaning of this move and had no objection. Even Shen Zhezi only silently approved it.

If these dead and injured Yan family members are investigated carefully, they should be regarded as rebels. If they are reported, the results of the battle will undoubtedly be more brilliant.However, if some political opponents use this to attack Yutan County for being ineffective in governing the county, causing the people to follow the bandits and rebel, it will be an inexplicable saliva lawsuit.And these people in the field, seeing those people desperately fighting and resisting Jiehu, felt deeply, and couldn't bear to smear them with bad names, and burying them in their hometown was the best result.

Shen Zhezi wanted to fight for the glory that those people who died in the war deserved, but he also knew that doing so would do more harm than good.This big victory was not only needed by Yu Tan, but also by the Shen family, and even more so by the imperial court.There were less than [-] casualties, and more than [-] enemies were wiped out. Although the scale of this battle was not large, it took place in the heart of Wuzhong and could attract more attention. Such a disparity in battle losses will undoubtedly greatly boost the hearts of the people!

Jiehu is not a monster, but also a body of flesh and blood. Once he crosses the south of the Yangtze River, his claws and teeth are blunt, and even a mere villager can massacre it!

Compared with the hearts and minds of the entire Jiangdong people, the life and death honors and disgraces of these small people are naturally insignificant.

At the beginning of the new year, the victory of killing the enemy on the first day undoubtedly has a different meaning.Therefore, after sorting out the battle reports, Yu Tan immediately decided to cut off the heads of those Jiehus, and send the heads of Yan An and some of the Yan family's children to Jiankang.This big victory naturally required both rain and dew, and the team to transport Jiehu's head was quickly pieced together by various families.

In terms of personnel arrangement, Yu Tan also gave the Shen family great preferential treatment. The county government did not drive Shen Ke as the leader of the trip, and Shen Mu accompanied him as the righteous man who was brave in battle and killed the most enemies.

Of course, Yu Tan was not indifferent to fame and fortune. With a change of style in the memorial submitted to the imperial court, the credit for presiding over the operation and planning was attributed to him, and at the same time, more than a dozen of his subordinate officials were listed in the battle report.After finishing all this, he talked about the current aftermath: "The Yan family caused chaos, and there are still more than [-] remnants in the village. How to deal with these remnants, what do you think?"

"I don't agree with the envoy's words. The Yan family relies on their family power to coerce the small people from good families in the county. These small people have made countermeasures in the battle. They are righteous men and cannot be confused with the Yan family's rebels!"

As soon as Yu Tan finished speaking, Shen Zhezi stood up and expressed his opinion.

After Yu Tan heard this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help trembling slightly. He designated those survivors as remnants of the Yan family, and then charged them with crimes as servants of officials and households, so as to serve as the real status of the county government, which is logical.But I didn't expect this young man from the Shen family to have a firm attitude. Fame can be waived, but the actual battle results will never let go, classify those people as righteous men of good families, and never allow the county government to intervene in resettlement.

These so-called righteous men, who were not registered citizens, naturally turned around and belonged to the Shen family's shadow family.Although Yu Tan was a little bit unwilling in his heart, he was only a bicycle and had no position of supervising the military. The reason for this victory was that the rebels in the county were elected as the leader of the alliance. If he still insisted on his own ideas, the name of the leader might turn his back It will fall on someone else's name.At that time, not only will he be useless, but he will also commit a serious crime!
After pondering for a while, Yu Tan could only admit this fact, and said with a dry laugh: "What Mr. Xiaolang said is true, but this old man is a slip of the tongue. These righteous men are not the remnants of the Yan family, and they should be punished if they suffer from this difficulty without compromising their integrity. Commendation."

Although he kept the results that his family deserved, Shen Zhezi was not happy, just because the loss was too great.The Yan family lost more than half of the people mobilized to Shaobeizhuang.After these people are separated and resettled, they are all valuable manpower that can be quickly put into production, but now they are meaninglessly thrown into the wilderness.

The reason is that he misjudged the relationship between Yan Shi and Jie Hu.Shen Zhezi originally thought that even if the Yan family wanted to collude with Jiehu to invade the bandits, they would have to come from the sea. With the joint efforts of his father's Kuaiji County soldiers and Xu Mao, they could wipe out the enemy from the sea without any pressure.If it wasn't for Qian Feng's careful discovery of Jin Jin, Shen Zhezi would never have imagined that the Yan family is so bold that he would directly raise a Jiehu in Wuzhong territory!
After everything was agreed upon, Shen Zhezi immediately expressed to the Wucheng families that he wanted to buy grain.On the one hand, mobilize nearby to stabilize people's hearts in Shaobeizhuang. As long as there is food, people's hearts can be calmed down quickly no matter how big the disaster is.On the other hand, this method is also used to give feedback to each family. With such a large battle loss, it is absolutely impossible for Shen Zhezi to divide up the small number of people and give them to each family.

Right now, we can only hope that there will be no more accidents with Qian Feng and his father, and the expected goal will be achieved.

Because of the detailed arrangements, even though it was still Chinese New Year, the Shen family's manpower and material resources were quickly mobilized to start various aftermath.Not long after Shen Mu and others left for Health, Shen Zhezi stayed in Shaobeizhuang for another two days, and then the Longxi family sent someone to take over the aftermath, and Shen Zhezi led the group back to Longxi.

Accompanying them were nearly a thousand Yin family members of the Yan family. In such a world, after the madness passed, they did not have much choice.After going south, they will be split up and placed in various manors of the Shen family, and they will quickly integrate into their new life. This may not be a good result.If wandering in the wild, without a fixed place to live, without food and clothing, very few people can survive in the end.

Back at Longxi Manor, Shen Zhezi found that Qian Feng had already returned first.The situation in Shaodongzhuang went extremely smoothly, and the clansmen and elites who stayed in the Yan family were quickly wiped out.In Shaodongzhuang, in addition to more than a thousand households, there are still huge reserves of materials.

There are already huge quantities of gold, silver, money and silk, tens of thousands of dendrobiums of food, and a huge number of armored soldiers, bows and arrows, and thousands of pieces can be armed at any time!These warehouses alone are already comparable to the supplies currently stored by the Shen family!
It can be seen that the Yan family already has the idea of ​​winning this time, and even has some preparations to move to Wukang. Unfortunately, they only made a transportation team to mobilize and transport the supplies to Wukang, so that it would be easier for the Shen family to take over.

With such a rich harvest, Shen Zhezi's somewhat depressed mood in Shaobeizhuang improved a lot.Although there is no specific news from Jiaxing, he has already made a plan with Qian Feng to make this huge harvest come into play.

Right now, there is no worry about wealth and goods, but the biggest problem is the shortage of manpower.Drawing on the concept of guarding the river and the Huai River, if you want to develop Kuaiji on a large scale, the Wukang clan north of the Qiantang River must make comprehensive arrangements.Different from the separatist thinking of Lao Die and Qian Feng, Shen Zhezi intends to use the huge potential of Kuaiji to leverage the three Wus, and even affect the front line of Jingkou and Jinling.

In his vision, from Taihu Lake and Songjiang to the south, all of them should be included in the scope of influence of the Shen family. This requires occupying various geographical locations, building strongholds, storage and transshipment centers, etc., to be able to quickly mobilize and invest manpower and material resources.

As a result, the entire Shen family's Longxi Village in the first month of the month was full of guests, and the farm land that was cherished by each family in the past was used as an ordinary bargaining chip.In order to achieve this kind of layout, the Shen family has paid a lot. In order to occupy a wharf where the two streams converge, it often takes hundreds of hectares of land to replace it.

When this network framework covering the entire Wu Xing was achieved, the Shen family lost more than half of the ten thousand hectares of land they originally had.But the gain in exchange for this is that the strength that the Shen family had gathered in Wukang in one place, was stretched into a spider web, covering the entire Wuxing.From this, nutrients from Wuzhong are transferred south to the Qiantang River, which can quickly nourish Kuaiji.After Kuaiji grows, it can be used as a base point to feed back the spider web and continue to spread outward.

The convenient water conservancy conditions in the south of the Yangtze River are the strong support for the realization of Shen Zhezi's concept.

Right now, he holds materials that can be called as rich as an enemy country. Once the energy is completely erupted, the impact in Wuzhong will not be inferior to the operation of the state machine. Concentrate strength and focus on operation.

With the massive wealth poured down, the entire Wuxing set off a wave of dredging rivers, water control and canal repairs before spring plowing.Wuzhong has manpower and material resources, but it is divided by various families and it is difficult to dispatch.

The benefits of the Shen family's influence throughout Wu Xing emerged at this time. They could directly talk to each family and pull people onto the boat. Regardless of coercion or temptation, they had to mobilize the human and material resources accumulated by the people and invest them in the repair of the river.

To achieve this strength, the protection of Yu Tan, the prefect of Wu Xing, is indispensable.Yu Tan suddenly discovered that the greatest significance of coming to Wuxing to serve as the prefect was to escort the Shen family to rectify the countryside.This feeling is very weird, but he does not resist it, because everything the Shen family does is to add glory to his political achievements!
 The results are getting better and better, thank you for your support. . .grateful. . .Really flattered. . .

(End of this chapter)

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